In comparison, it is normal for the Bryce Pirates to have more deaths. Bryce couldn't help sighing. His arm was injured and the crew members almost died. If Fu Hua can't be the queen, He couldn't swallow the breath in his heart.

"Why hasn't it arrived yet? Fu Hua should have sneaked in successfully, right?"

Bryce got a little impatient, and Bonnie looked at the sea level in the distance and responded: "How do I know?

"Tch, I should have known that woman would not be trustworthy. How could anyone be so kind to help this guy? She probably left in that alien spaceship. Selling it on the black market will definitely bring a lot of money."

Bryce glanced at Meen, and then said angrily.

Bonnie opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she didn't know where to start. Fu Hua gave her the impression that she wasn't that kind of person, but she and Fu Hua were only meeting for the first time. Who can guarantee the first time? Can you see the other person's character clearly after meeting?


At this moment, a dazzling thunder light flew from a distance and landed on the edge of the cliff, and everyone's attention was immediately shifted to this side.

I saw a man with extremely exaggeratedly long earlobes hugging Qiyana with the princess, his face was flushed, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

Seeing that she had arrived at her destination, Qiyana also pushed Anilu away, stood on the ground with her own feet, then turned her head and looked at Anilu with a strange look.

"Why are you blushing?"

Enilu turned his head, looked aside and did not reply, the feeling of Kiyana's body being next to his body just now still persisted in his mind.

Seeing Enilu's strange reaction, Qiyana instantly felt the creeps on her back, as if a chill enveloped her, what the fuck? No, no, it's impossible, it should be because she was thinking too much.


Chapter 33

Qiyana didn't look at Enilu anymore, it was definitely her own illusion just now, don't think about it any more.

The sudden arrival of Qiyana and Anilu also surprised everyone present. They didn't react, and the two had already arrived here.

"Fu Hua, aren't you on the spaceship? And who is this guy?"

Bonnie got up and came to Kiana's side to inquire, and at the same time looked at Enilo with a curious look.

"I met this guy on the spaceship. His name is Anilu. He is a user of the thunder fruit of the natural system. He was captured by the killers before, and I saved him by the way.

Kiyana said calmly, but she never thought that her words made all the pirates present stare at Enilo with a dumbfounded look. Natural? Thunder fruit?

The strongest natural element among the three major elements of Devil Fruit, and it is also Thunder and Lightning? This is not too awesome, such a powerful character will appear here?

Speaking of which, they only realized now that they had indeed seen the thunder just now, and they were still wondering why there was thunder on a sunny day. After a long time, it turned out that it was because of the thunder fruit.

Speaking of thunder, it is really a powerful ability combining speed and destructive power. Many people's eyes when looking at Enilu changed instantly.

..... where is the spaceship?

Shocked, Bonnie also remembered their purpose, and then asked.

...The mission failed, I can't control the spaceship, and I'm afraid I can only fight the enemy head-on. "

Qiyana shook her head and said, everyone's complexion has become unsightly after hearing the words, what are you kidding? After the chase just now, most of the pirates have already been scared out of their wits.

I used to think that it would be all right to just board the spaceship and leave, but now you tell me to go back and continue fighting with those whose combat power is so strong that they are beyond the scale?

They have all seen how those people chased and killed their companions. Many people who wanted to resist had almost no strength to fight back, and were directly killed in seconds. How could such an enemy be beaten?

Many pirates retreated on the spot, showing hesitation. They really wanted to leave here, but their own captains hadn't spoken yet, and they were not very good at expressing their opinions.

I can only look helplessly at the two captains, Bryce and Bonnie, and hope that they will not get involved in this matter anymore. Many of their companions who have been together day and night have already died.

Bonnie and Bryce looked at their subordinates and couldn't help but hesitate. The enemy's strength is beyond imagination. If they help Fu Hua and others, their injuries will definitely be heavy.

"I don't care anymore. The killers of the Yar Empire and the descendants of the royal family have nothing to do with me. I have to get involved. Little ones, let's go."

Bryce hesitated for a long time, finally sighed and chose to leave.

He didn't intend to get involved in the next thing. Although he hated those killers deeply in his heart and wished they would all die, his crew suffered heavy casualties, and there were only a dozen or so left.

Bryce is not well-known, and there are very few pirates who are willing to follow him, so he also values ​​these crew members very much, and he is not willing to be a bare-bones commander.

Bryce is sure that if he continues to get involved in this matter, those crew members may just say goodbye to him as the captain. Now the arm is not important anymore, since Zi 2 is still alive anyway.

So what if an arm is lost? Didn’t the Four Emperor Shanks also lose an arm? Isn’t he still the emperor of the sea? Bryce can only comfort himself like this, even if he knows that he It can't be as powerful as Shanks.

Everyone in the Bryce Pirates heard what their captain said, and they were immediately relieved. They were afraid that Bryce would have a headache and insisted on fighting those alien killers. If things really developed like that, they It is estimated that the captain can only be abandoned.

Fortunately, Bryce's final choice did not disappoint them.

Everyone in the Bryce Pirates immediately cheered and was about to leave here. Kiyana stood by and watched them silently, and had no intention of keeping them.

Everyone is afraid of death, and it is impossible for Qiyana to force them to continue fighting, and they have no reason to help her.

"And you?

Kiyana turned her head and glanced at Bonnie and asked, Bryce chose to leave, what is Bonnie's plan? To leave, or to stay and help herself.

...Sorry, Fu Hua, the enemy's strength is too strong. As the captain, I have to be responsible for the lives of my crew.

Bonnie said with an apologetic face that she chose the same as Bryce, but she personally wanted to help Fu Hua very much.

Qiyana didn't have too many accidents. Pirates are not friendly to each other. It is not surprising that the alliance falls apart in an instant. Only interests can make pirates value it.

The enemy's strength is too strong, Bonnie and the others feel that the harm outweighs the benefit, so naturally they will not choose to help.

Only in this way, Qiyana can only fight against the killer sent by Gene with Enilo. Without the help of people like Bonnie, the battle will inevitably be more difficult.

After hearing what Bonnie said, the crew members of the Bonnie Pirates also showed a relaxed look on their faces. They were very happy that they no longer had to face those powerful enemies, but what Bonnie said next made them feel relieved. stunned.

"Because I am the captain, I must be responsible for their lives, so I have decided, those who do not want to participate in this battle, you should leave here, I will not force you to fight.

"Captain Bonnie

The pirates of the Bonnie Pirates looked at their captain in surprise. They didn't expect that Bonnie planned to stay and fight.

Kiyana was also very surprised. She thought that Bonnie didn't intend to help herself, but she didn't expect her to think so.

"Those who don't want to be involved in the next battle, leave as soon as possible.

Bonnie said to her crew, her attitude was very firm. The crew looked at each other, and they could see the shock on each other's faces. Obviously, none of them thought that their captain would do this.

Bonnie said that those who don't want to continue fighting will leave directly. Although they didn't say it clearly, most people know another meaning of this sentence. Those who don't want to stay should leave the Bonnie Pirates.

I saw those pirates showed hesitation on their faces. They didn't know what to do. Should they choose to save their lives and leave here? Or stay and follow Captain Bonnie to make a gamble? If they win, they will be the future queen of the Yar Empire Guards, riches and honor have everything that one expects to find. If they lose, they can only be turned into fertilizer for the land and buried in the soil.

This is a very difficult choice. Bonnie is now a member of the Supernova Pirates. To be honest, they really don’t want to leave the Bonnie Pirates. Follow Bonnie, a potential supernova pirate. It can be mixed with wind and water.

Soon, someone made a decision K saw a thin man came to Bonnie, bowed his head and said: "I'm sorry, Captain Bonnie, I still have family members, so I can't die here.

After saying that, he turned around and left here. Bonnie didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. With the first one, there will be the second one. Soon, several people bid farewell to Bonnie and left here.

After those people left, Bonnie said to the others: "Anyone else want to leave?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

"If you want to leave as soon as possible, it will be too late to regret later.

Bonnie said with a blank face, but this time, the expressions on the faces of the crew members were much firmer, and no one expressed any intention of leaving.

"Captain Bonnie, we will always be after you.

"Yes, no matter how strong the enemy is, we will fight with them."

Seeing this, Bonnie nodded in satisfaction. She never thought that there would be so many people willing to stay and follow her. These people are real companions.

The enemies in the new world in the second half of the great voyage are stronger than these people, and those who would retreat from even this difficulty are not worthy of being her companions, because they may betray at any time and their will is not strong enough.

Bonnie is quite satisfied with being able to screen out some unqualified people before entering the new world.

- Enilu, who was standing by the side and observing, looked at Bonnie a little more. This woman is unexpectedly very courageous. He thought that this woman would be swayed by the crew's thoughts. It's interesting.

Qiyana's eyes were fixed on Anilu, and Anilu naturally noticed that Qiyana was looking at him, and quickly turned his head away.

"I'm not peeking at that woman.

Anilu defended in a low voice, his face was reddish, what's the matter with this feeling? It's like the scene when he was caught peeking at other women by his real girlfriend, eh? Why did he have such an idea? Enilu Can't help but feel a little strange.

"Well, I understand, no need to explain."

Kiyana smiled slightly, and at the same time felt relieved- -0 gas, hoo, so that's the case, I said just now why Enilo blushed, it turned out that it was because he saw Bonnie, I really didn't expect it Well, it turns out that this guy likes the type of Bonnie.

Qiyana was secretly happy. She almost misunderstood just now. She thought that Enilu was interested in her. Fortunately, she noticed the small detail of Enilu peeking at Bonnie.

Now Qiyana is relieved, she must not be liked by a man, one Casa is enough for her, and another Enilo will not work.

While Qiyana breathed a sigh of relief, she also let go of her guard against Anilu. After all, she is a Shenzhou tablet now. If she is not in good shape, how could Anilu fall in love with her? I was still misunderstood for a long time. There is enough self-indulgent sentimentality, thinking of this, Qiyana can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

(PS: I will go out for a few days tomorrow; the update may not be stable enough in other places.. It is not very stable, lol, I will try my best to ensure the update, even if I am ashamed of the PLAY code in the Internet cafe, I will update it. I will have a lot of it when I come back. The time can be updated, and the number of updates will be a little more in the future.)


Chapter 34

Bryce and the others who hadn't left yet saw that Bonnie planned to stay and help Fu Hua and Mi En. They were also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Bonnie was not afraid that her crew would abandon her and leave here. It's really annoying to compare people. , he - a little pirate with no guts like Bonnie

His own people very much hope to take revenge on those who ruined his pirate career, his arm has been severely injured, and he will definitely not be able to become a guest change-

5's pirate, but it's a pity that he finally lost to the pressure put on him by his crew and chose the final one, but Lai Suo could only sigh, maybe this is the relationship between him and Chao Xin Zhong Haibin. Let's run left, 800

Pirates can surpass themselves with so many achievements and fame?

In [-], why was a newcomer relying on this courage, Bryce had already lost to Bonnie, he chose to compromise with the crew, and Bonnie made a firm decision.

Like the two real captains, that is also the captain. No matter whether the decision she makes is right or wrong, it is her pirate crew members who must abide by E.

unwilling to comply

Bryce sighed, like a decadent old man, his ambitions have been wiped out, and his steps are heavy like 5

Heavy.Go to the far coast.

Like a heavy object, the hard way is followed by those crew members who are secretly happy because they don't have to face a strong enemy anymore, everyone's face.

Huo is out of the high class and is ashamed of running away like a coward - they only care about whether they can survive.

Because everyone has their own way of survival, in the face of difficulties, some choose to escape, some choose to face it bravely,

A person

Naturally, Bonnie silently watched those people leave. She was not at all surprised by their departure.

It's normal to choose to leave, "I'm not peeking at that woman. Suddenly, Bonnie seemed to hear a voice behind her, and then turned her head to look behind her, only to see Enil Yue and Fu Hua looking like She has an expression like she knows everything, and the corners of her mouth are upturned, as if she is smiling and looking at the horizon in the distance, look? Bonnie frowned slightly, besides herself and Fu Hua, there are other people here. Woman? Bonnie Ring 1

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