"Cheek, we can't delay any longer, let's do our best."

Harvey also saw that the current situation is not good for them. If it continues like this, the situation will only get worse. If they don't make changes now, there will be nothing but disastrous defeat waiting for their ending.

....I see.

Check looked back at Harvey, then nodded. It seemed that he couldn't catch him without trying his best.

Burst mode on!

In an instant, the armor on Chek and Harvey turned dark red, a large amount of white steam emitted from the vent, all energy restrictions were lifted, and they tried their best to defeat Enel.

Enilu was also a little surprised to see such a change in the enemy, and he couldn't help but be on guard. He won't be careless anymore, and it's enough to suffer a little bit once.Bang

Chuck shattered the ground under his feet with a kick, and the hard ground split into several pieces. The fumaroles all over his body emitted a large amount of steam, pushing Chuck's body forward.

This speed was several times faster than before. Enilu was a little surprised, but with the blessing of knowledge and domineering, he was still able to react in time.

The body became elementalized again, turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly flew away from the original place, like a nimble little snake, meandering in the original place and disappearing in a flash.

Check missed again, but then he backhanded and blasted a laser towards the direction where the lightning left.

The laser, which was not inferior to the speed of Enil, caught up and directly penetrated the chest of Enil, who had just turned into a human form. However, this laser did not cause any damage to Enil, but just passed through his body It blasted into the distance and landed deep in the woods.Bang

A powerful explosion exploded, and the red flame swept everything around, and the strong wind blew away a lot of thick smoke.

At this time, Harvey appeared behind Anilu, and his fist was aimed at the back of Anilu. Anilu couldn't dodge and hit the punch. The powerful force seemed to shatter Anilu Like the internal organs of the body, Anilu only felt a rusty taste in his mouth, and the whole person flew out directly.

The speed of the enemy suddenly increased several times, and Enilu was a little slow to adapt, and the rhythm of change was a little too fast.

Anilu resisted the pain and got up quickly. A large amount of electric current burst out from his right hand again, absorbing the swords scattered on the ground in the distance.

At this moment, Harvey and Cheek arrived together, and attacked Enel from front to back. Facing the pincer attack of the two, even though Enel could foresee the opponent's actions, his body couldn't keep up. In the first reaction, although his speed is already very fast, his fists are hard to beat with four hands, so he can only resist with a very difficult wave of the weapon in his hand, bang bang!

The powerful fist and spear collided with each other, and they were bent directly. The series of offensive and defensive actions of both sides was so fast that ordinary people couldn't see clearly, only an afterimage could be seen.

Soon Harvey found the slightest flaw in Enilo, and a large amount of steam erupted instantly from the jet hole on his left hand, and he punched Enilo's chest heavily.


Enilu spat out a mouthful of blood, but he withstood the opponent's attack and gave a strong counterattack. The spear in his hand also stabbed towards the opponent's chest. The sharp point of the spear penetrated the protection of Harvey's chest. Seeing that it was about to completely pierce Harvey's defense.

Check also grabbed the spear in Enilo's hand, making it impossible for the spear to penetrate an inch.

"go to hell!"

Chuck yelled angrily, and grabbed Anilu's shoulder with his left hand, which immediately weakened Enilu's strength, and let go of the arm holding the spear weakly.

Then Chek let go of the hand holding the spear, and raised his right hand high, a sharp blade popped out from his arm, with a cold light flashing on the tip of the knife, it was extremely sharp, and it aimed at Enilo's chest fiercely. To stab.

At the moment of death, Anilu's heart was extremely peaceful, was he going to die?

At this moment, a figure quickly came to the field from a distance, and the speed even produced a sonic boom. I saw that figure directly knocked Enilo away, replacing Enilo's position, Cheek's The attack also fell on the figure immediately.Flutter D

The blade pierced through that figure in an instant, pierced into the heart, pierced through the chest, and a lot of blood~splashed out.

After being knocked into the air, Enilo finally saw the identity of the person who knocked him into the air and saved him just now after he fell to the ground.

Ai Nilu was shocked, he never thought that when he was in danger, Fu Hua would appear and save him.

Qiyana felt the pain caused by the Hailoushi blade that pierced her heart. She only felt that all the strength in her body was disappearing, a cold feeling surrounded herself, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"Tsk, damn it, why are you making trouble out of this woman? I can kill this guy right away, damn it!"

Seeing that his attack was blocked by this woman and failed to solve the huge trouble of Anel, Chuck immediately became angry, swung his right hand again, and pulled the blade out of Kiyana's body, and then slammed into her body A supplementary blow was made on the neck, and a knife was wiped across Kiyana's neck, a deep wound appeared, and the warm blood splashed out again, staining the armor on Chek's body.

Po) p QE's Xiaozhi

Cheke kicked Kiana's lower abdomen and sent her flying. Anilu quickly turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed over to catch her, and then the two of them fell to the ground together.Gliding up a few meters.

Anilu used his body as a pad to protect Kiyana's body, and did not let Kiyana get hurt again.

Enilu hurriedly checked Kiyana's injuries. When he saw the shocking wound on Kiyana's chest, his heart suddenly turned cold. Kiyana's body was hugged in her arms, unable to say 5.

"Oh? It seems that you care about that woman very much?"

Seeing this, Harvey also had a feeling of revenge.

"I feel the same way you do now, when you killed Kylie.

Harvey said angrily, Enilo didn't answer, but just silently looked at Kiyana, who was bleeding in her arms, the wound on her neck seemed to have cut off Kiyana's trachea, making her speechless .

Enilu stared into Kiyana's eyes, feeling very complicated in his heart. Although the injured person was Kiyana, he felt as if the knife had been stabbed into his heart, which was very painful and painful. can not breath.

Gradually, Kiyana's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and they might close at any time. Enilo could only weakly press the wound on Kiyana's neck, and before he knew it, tears flowed from his eye sockets. .

Enilu whispered Kiyana's name, he didn't expect the development of things to turn out like this, as if something broke in his heart.

At this moment, he finally understood what his previous feeling towards Qiyana was, but it was a pity that he understood it too late, and he couldn't say what he should say, and he couldn't help regretting it.

"Is it hard? Me too."

Looking at Enilu, who was holding Qiyana's body and weeping silently, Harvey said with a cold face, "It's God's will, I didn't expect him to be able to let his enemies also taste the loss of a loved one." This taste is more relieved than directly killing the other party

"...Are you prepared to die?

Enilu's tone became colder than ever before, and his heart was ashamed. At this moment, there was only a cavity of anger left in his heart, waiting to vent it.


Chapter 45 Pushing the Limits

Countless electric currents erupted around Enilo, and strong anger rose in his heart. At this moment, he wished to tear the two people in front of him to pieces.

Thunder and lightning intersected, and the strong wind poured down with rain, and the lightning flashed like silver snakes in the black clouds. The heavy rain wet the clothes of everyone present, and the rain mixed with the blood on Qiyana's body. shed.

He pressed his hand on the wound on Kiyana's neck. Although he knew it was useless, he still didn't want Kiyana to bleed any more, even though his hands had been covered by the blood from Kiyana's body. stained red.

Why? Why did you come out to save me? At this time, Anilu really wanted to ask Qiyana like this. There is no need for her to do this. She is not an important person to her. Why is she willing to sacrifice for herself? Ai Nilu couldn't figure it out, but there was no doubt that Kiana's actions had completely captured his heart.

He really wanted to ask, but he knew that he could no longer get an answer from Qiyana.

I have never felt so uncomfortable before. This heart-piercing feeling made Anilu unable to control his emotions. The energy in his body was constantly surging, and the power of thunder and lightning radiated from the inside out, but he suppressed it very well Stay, it won't hurt Kiyana.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, with flashes of dazzling light from time to time, a rumbling sound, and a silver snake swimming in the clouds. At this time, the sky seemed to be changing because of Enilo's mood at this time, and dark clouds enveloped everyone. Above the head, the atmosphere is dignified, and the people who are under pressure can't breathe.

You should hurry up and fight them, I can't hold on anymore, bastard!

Kiyana closed her eyes, she's going crazy, how long are you going to hold her? Hurry up and fight with them? I'm bleeding out now, bastard!

And why are you shedding tears? I'm not dead yet, although I know you're very touched by saving you, but please go fight the enemy now to attract their attention?

Under Qiyana's line of sight, the blood tank only has one-tenth of the blood volume left, and there is still a bleeding dibuff, and the blood volume keeps flowing. If it continues like this, Kiyana will die due to bleeding, Bai Ye's armor will also enter the trimming state, which is not what Qiyana wants to see.

Once she enters the trimming state, she will spend crystals to revive her. 25 crystals are all money. Of course, Kiyana can save as much as she can. It's all there for a little money.

Of course, it’s fine if Kiyana doesn’t revive, but that means that Kiyana will switch to other armors. Now Kiyana’s armor with Fuhua appearance is only one and one Bai Ye. If Bai Ye enters the trimming state, switching is inevitable. It's armor with other appearances, so her identity will be exposed. Qiyana doesn't want Fu Hua's identity to be on the wanted warrant!

Now Qiyana only hoped that Anilu would fight with the opponent as soon as possible, and then she took the opportunity to slip away, ran to a safe place, and then used the holy maiden's special attack to restore her blood volume.

In this way - she will not reveal her identity, and then she can continue to use the White Night Armor to help Enel fight.

It's just that now that Anilu is hugging himself, Kiyana can't move at all, please hurry up and fight with them, please, I beg you, the blood volume will be lost soon!

"Wait a minute, I'll get rid of them right away.

Enilu said in a very gentle tone, and gently put Kiyana on the ground slowly, watching Kiyana's body affectionately.

Kiyana squinted slightly, peeking at the situation on the field through the small slits. When she saw Enilu's gentle expression, she suddenly felt her whole body trembling. What the hell is that expression on your face? What do you mean? Why are you so gentle? I just saved you once, so you don’t have to be so moved, right?

You look at me like that, I'm scared, you know that?

put kiana


Enilu also stood up, stretched out his hands in front of him and took a look, it was covered with the blood from Kiyana, it was so bright.

Enilu slowly clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his arms bulged, his gentle expression instantly became as cold as ice, and he glared at Harvey and Cheek who were not far away.

"I'm going to tear your corpses into ten thousand pieces, so make up your mind.

After Harvey heard this sentence, he didn't take it seriously, and said indifferently: "Come here if you have something to do, I will definitely avenge Kyle's revenge."


Pack F SF Light Novel

There seemed to be lightning flashing at the intersection of the two people's eyes. The two who had formed a bloody feud would not let anyone else go. They fought for the person they valued the most. Before this battle began, they had already lost the most important person. Whatever the outcome, it is destined to be a battle with no real winner.


The dense dark clouds in the sky suddenly dropped a bucket-like thick bolt of lightning, violently bombarding the ground, blasting that area apart, splashing the scorched soil, and blasting out a huge crater more than three meters deep.

Immediately after that, they fell one after another and bombarded the ground continuously. These were not caused by Ainil's body's ability, but the power of nature. Ainil was just pulling it a little.

The original windy and sunny weather turned into a torrential rain in a blink of an eye, with thunder and lightning. In this kind of weather, Enilo's already extremely powerful thunder and lightning power has been strengthened a lot.

No matter how strong Enilo is, it is far from being as powerful as the power of nature itself. After all, there is still a limit to what people can do, and the power of nature is always beyond human imagination.


Enilu's indifferent voice sounded, and then dazzling electric lights continued to emerge from his body, gradually growing and solidifying, converging into a huge Thor statue.

There was a constant crackling sound between every gesture, and thousands of volts of electric current flashed through even waving a hand, and there was powerful energy in the air.

Seeing this, Cheke couldn't help but feel a little confused. Is this guy stupid after the woman died? They are very short of energy now. Are you replenishing our energy by doing this?

Chek, who had seen Enilu's move, was fearless, and came whenever he had something to do, just to replenish his energy.


Another bolt of lightning fell in the air, and this time it directly hit the Thunder God incarnated by Enilo. The statue of Thor became more and more solid, with a clear expression like a real person. , SF lost novels


Didn't this guy want to attack us with lightning, but to absorb it? Seeing this, Cheke finally figured out Enel's purpose.

Enilo felt the powerful energy pouring into his body. At this moment, he actually broke through his limit. The power he possessed far exceeded his usual limit and became even stronger.

Lightning fell one after another, but all of them were well drawn to him by Anilu and gathered together.

In the end, the Thor statue, which was only more than ten meters high, has grown to a height of one hundred meters. Compared with the original size, it is almost like a huge gap between a baby and an adult. It is daunting when viewed from a distance.

Harvey and Check could only see Enilu's entire body by looking up. In front of the huge Thor statue, they were like tiny ants+, as if they could be crushed to death by lifting their feet.

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