Seeing this, Usopp hurriedly said to Sanji, but Sanji just stood there and took a puff of cigarette silently, didn't speak, and didn't have any intention to step forward to help, Usopp+ very anxious.

"Don't interfere, the other party named me, didn't you hear? I took this fight, I don't need help, don't embarrass me.

Sauron directly interrupted Usopp, and the other party named him by name. Even if he died, he would not let others intervene.

or Mu novel

Usopp froze in place, isn't that weird? He still cares about this kind of thing at this time? Even Sanji, why bother him so much? Go up and help.

"36 Troubled Phoenix!

Zoro swung another slash, and the swirling slash was aimed straight at the bear's head, but this time the bear didn't choose to dodge, but raised his right hand to aim at the attacking slash Go, actually directly slapped the slash away.

I saw that the slash changed its original angle, flew sideways to the side, fell into the crowd of the Victims Association and exploded, immediately blasting several people into the air, but fortunately, it didn't hit anyone head-on , at most only minor injuries.

"How could you change the trajectory of Sauron's slash with just the palm of your hand? Can such a thing be done?"

Chopper was also taken aback when he saw this scene, is there such a thing?

"Is this what you are capable of?"

Sauron took a slight breath and asked, "Xiong Wenyan was also silent for a moment. Generally speaking, ability users will not expose their fruit abilities to the enemy. Such a move is undoubtedly stupid.

But right now, I'm taking advantage of others, it's really a bit despicable, even though the pirates are not righteous people, let's tell them.

"The power to bounce-cut, I am the meatball man of the meatball fruit, attack, fatigue, injury, there is nothing I can't bounce back

Everyone couldn't help being silent, Meatball? Uh, listen. It seems that this fruit is harmless to humans and animals, and even a little bit cute, but they are very clear that this meatball fruit is definitely not as cute as it appears on the surface. On the contrary, this ability is very horrifying.

Let’s not talk about the ability to bounce off attacks that are close to bugs. Fatigue? Pain? Can this kind of thing be bounced off? .

In this way, wouldn’t he be tired? He wouldn’t be injured? Unless the blow kills him completely, he will be immortal? Isn’t this too scary^?


Chapter 54

After Xiong revealed his ability, Zoro and the others were astonished. They have never heard of such an almost invincible ability, the ability to bounce-cut, it is too terrifying .

Injury, fatigue, as long as he can't die in an instant, he can eject the injury in his body. In terms of endurance, because he can eject fatigue, he will not feel tired. How to deal with an enemy who is not tired and is not afraid of injury?

The Straw Hats and their party have never faced such a difficult enemy, and their current state is not good. If they don't make it right, they are very likely to be wiped out here today.

"Bounce everything?

Sauron muttered softly, stood up slowly, and clenched the blade with both hands. The opponent's abilities seemed to come from the meat ball in his hand. It seems that the rebound ability cannot be activated without the meat ball? If that is the case , just pay attention to his palm

Sauron secretly thought, but he was not sure what he guessed in his heart. Maybe the other party could use the ability all over his body. It is better to be careful. He is very tired now. If he wants to defeat the enemy in front of him, he can only Fight hard and do your best to make it possible.

It is best to cut off the opponent's head directly, this is the best result, although it is a pop-up injury, but to put it bluntly, it is only very similar to Qiyana's healing ability, and it is not even as good as Qiyana's ability, because Qiyana Na can regenerate a broken arm, but the opponent's ability can't do this, a broken arm is broken.

Reason, once the head is cut off, the opponent has nothing to do, not to mention that after the head is cut off, he can no longer control his body, even if his body can move independently, this is irreversible damage, no matter how the injury pops up Useless.


Sauron jumped up, and his figure quickly disappeared on the spot. The violent action involved his injuries, and the corner of Sauron's mouth couldn't help overflowing - a trace of blood, but with his strong willpower, he forcibly suppressed the severe pain that was enough to make him unconscious. ignore.

Swallowing the blood in his mouth, Zoro swung the knife in his hand and aimed it at the bear's neck to wipe it off, but at this time his physical condition caused the speed to be too slow, and the bear easily raised his arm and opened his palm to aim at it. The incoming blade blocked it.

The sharp blade landed on the soft meat ball, but it couldn't penetrate an inch. A strong impact force was transmitted along the blade back to the arm, and then back to the body, sending Sauron flying out.Mu Xiaowan


Sauron drew a Daomi arc in the air and then fell heavily to the ground, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and his body was hit again even if the impact was not strong this time, it was still a very heavy burden for Sauron.

"Mr. Zoro!"

Chopper and Brook immediately exclaimed when they saw this, and wanted to run over to help him up, but Sauron just waved his hands and shouted: "Don't come here, it's too dangerous."

Chopper and Brook stopped and froze in place, not knowing what to do.


Sauron pressed his chest, vomiting blood non-stop. After flying Sauron, the bear didn't stop. He patted his body with his backhand, and appeared behind Sauron as if teleporting. He stretched out his palm towards Press down and aim at the back of Sauron's head.

Under the huge height difference, Sauron is like an adult and a baby in front of the bear.

"Zoro, behind you!

Usopp shouted nervously, Sauron's face changed slightly, the bear's speed was too fast, and his body couldn't keep up with the reaction, Sauron had seen how powerful the bear's shock wave was just now; In his current state, hitting is absolutely unbearable.

Damn it, move me!

Sauron desperately drove his body, but it was too late, the bear's palm was already aimed at his back, about to launch a charge

Just at this critical moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a black figure quickly came to the field, jumped high and kicked out a heavy kick quickly and powerfully.


"That's it, rough!

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth, said with a blank face, and kicked the bear's head fiercely with his right foot, although this was a single battle between Zoro and the bear.

But seeing that Zoro was about to die, Sanji finally destroyed the duel and intervened in the battle between the two. If Kiyana was here at this time, he would definitely complain that this is true love.

"Don't meddle in your own business, Smelly Chef

Zoro was obviously dissatisfied with Sanji's meddling, and turned his head to shout angrily, but before he could say anything, he looked at Sanji in astonishment.

I saw Sanji hugging the foot that kicked the bear's head just now with a painful face, and fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

Oh oh oh!

What's going on here? That perverted cook kicking someone hurts him? This is the first time Zoro has seen this kind of situation. As for Sanji's strength, he is definitely the one in the Straw Hats who knows best, because the two People often don't like it, and small quarrels often turn into fights without knowing it. The two sides are very clear about their respective strengths.

Seeing that Sanji kicked the enemy head-on, but he was shocked by the reaction force and cried out in pain, Zoro was very surprised, because he knew it, so he was even more surprised.

Is this guy's head made of steel? Is it so hard? Sanji thought to himself while hugging his painful foot.

"Received Sanji's blow head-on, and was unscathed?"

Usopp's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his eyes. You must know that even Oz, a giant warrior with the shadow of Luffy, couldn't be so calm when he was hit by Sanji's kick.

This guy is simply a monster, can they really defeat it?

"Sure enough, it's no fun to kill you who are so weak, although the government's special order is to kill you"

Xiong-- said,-- stretched out his hands, palms facing the sky, trembling slightly, and at the same time, a huge almost transparent meat ball-shaped air film appeared in the air.

Everyone stared blankly at Xiong's actions, and soon they realized that he was gathering the atmosphere in the shape of a meat ball? Can his ability still do this kind of thing?

"He's compressing the atmosphere?"

Nami couldn't help covering her small mouth, and Robin quickly thought of what the bear was trying to do. Such a huge atmosphere is compressed to such an extent, as long as it is released, it will produce a very huge shock wave, which is a bomb .

Robin told everyone about this, and everyone was shocked. Is he actually making an air bomb?

Soon, the bear gathered a large amount of air and compressed it into a small ball, as if the size of a baseball was crushed by the bear in his hands.

Xiong slowly opened his mouth and said, everyone couldn't help showing surprise when the words came out, and many people were relieved that such a good thing still happened? That's great. =

"In exchange, give me the head of Straw Hat Luffy.

Knowing that there must be no such good thing, Sauron's face turned dark immediately, and the faces of Usopp Nami and others also changed. Hand over Luffy in exchange for his own life? How could such a thing be possible?

"As long as he has his head, the government will not complain.

The arena fell into silence, and many people looked at Luffy who was lying on the ground and fell into a coma. As long as he was handed over, would everyone present survive?

Usopp gritted his teeth and whispered, the rest of the people also turned pale, and looked at the bear one after another.

"Here, give me the head of Straw Hat Luffy.

Xiong said with a blank face, his face without any expression changes, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

"I reject! !"

Everyone shouted in unison, and even the members of the Victims Association on the side glared at Xiong. Although they and the Straw Hats only met today, the Straw Hat Pirates are also the benefactors who helped them regain their shadows. Want us to betray our benefactor? Forgive our refusal.

"Really? What a pity.

Xiong was stunned for a while before speaking, and at the same time he was relieved, Luffy, you have a group of good companions.

Xiong slowly stretched out his hands. Although they have passed their own test, they still have to perform a full set of acting. As an undercover agent of the revolutionary army lurking in the world government, he can't reveal even a single flaw, even if the opponent is the revolutionary army. The same goes for the son of the chief dragon.

"Hey, let me say, some things can be done in moderation.

The bear's hand stretched out, and when he was about to send out the compressed air bomb in his hand, a female voice with a silver bell sounded

Everyone followed the prestige, and finally fell into the phone bug that Nami was holding on to. Nami herself was stunned - did you get through?

From the moment the bear appeared just now, Nami tried to use the phone bug to contact Qiyana, telling her what happened here, but she didn't know if she could get through, after all, the signal coverage of the phone bug is not very good. It is wide, and at most it includes the distance of about four or five nearby islands.

If it is other types of phone bugs, the signal coverage will be wider, but the portable mobile phone bug in Nami's hand is only the lowest level. I didn't expect her to get through it.

You are? "

Xiong was silent for a while, the voice from the phone bug seemed to be a woman, and which woman would the Straw Hat Pirates use the phone bug to contact at this time? The result was obvious, but he still asked.

"Me? Thousand Changes Qiyana."

When Sanji heard the voice from the phone bug, he also showed a happy look on his face. The World Government didn't want to offend Kiyana, so they could only obliterate them secretly, and then put all the responsibility on Moria. Now Kiyana knows this, what will the bear do? What will it choose?

"Stop it, how about giving me some face? I will thank you very much.


Chapter 56 Pain

"Give me some face, Shichibukai, the tyrant bear.

The phone worm imitated Kiyana's facial expressions, and the imitation was so vivid that it looked very delicate and cute. The phone worm was a +very magical creature, it could imitate the caller's facial expressions, somewhat resembling a human.

Even the face imitated by the phone bug is so cute, it's hard to imagine how beautiful she is, - - the people from the Victims' Association next to them looked at the phone bug and couldn't help thinking about it, and began to imagine Chia in their minds Na's appearance, coupled with her beautiful voice, is even more intoxicating.

Xiong stood there silently, without saying a word, holding the compressed air bomb awkwardly in his hand.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates also looked at the bear nervously, depending on whether the bear would show face or not, Usopp couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, his forehead was covered with sweat.

They have also heard the communication between Xiong and the world government before. The world government is worried that Qi Wuhai's reputation will be trampled and broken by the Straw Hat Pirates, which will cause Qi Wuhai to have no deterrent power against ordinary pirates. It will be very troublesome, so they want to get rid of it. drop them.

However, the existence of Kiyana caused the world government a headache. They were afraid of offending the ever-changing world government and asked Xiong to secretly obliterate the existence of their group, and then put all the responsibility on Moria, who had just been defeated by them. In this way- People in the future will only think that the Straw Hats and Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Wuhais, died together, and they will not think of the world government at all.

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