Dust was flying all over the sky, and was blown away by the sea breeze. Qiyana - a backflip fell outside the deep pit, and looked at the dead Indigo and pouted.

Scum, research SIQ potion, right? Like to create monsters, don’t you? Like to experiment with the lives of ordinary people, right? When you reincarnate, I will ask my elder sister to reincarnate you into a pig. now that

Then Qiyana seemed to be relieved, turned her head to look at the self-propelled phone bug in the forest in the distance, stretched out her right hand in an international gesture, raised her middle finger to express her respect for the golden lion, Qiyana Yana then turned and left, using the moon steps to return to the Hyperion.

Now she has to leave immediately, pretending to be aggressive and running, it's really exciting, you come and chase me, you chase me, if you catch me, I'll... I'll just use the trial card.

My old lady is also a person with a temper, so come here when you have something to do.

Kiyana secretly thought, but thinking about it, Kiyana still doesn't want to be caught by the Golden Lion, after all, she still has to keep her trial card on the top, and saving Ace is what Kiyana is currently doing. What I want to do the most, the main task can be slowed down a little bit.

When Qiyana returned to the boat, Mia finally came out of the room. She was rubbing her eyes sleepily, standing at the door of the room and asking: "Fu Hua, what happened? Why do you hear gunshots?"

It's okay, you can continue to sleep, we'll be sailing right away.

Inside a huge pirate ship floating in the air, Shi Ke looked gloomyly at the Hyperion, which had gradually faded away on the screen, and all the men he sent were wiped out, leaving no one behind.

Including Indigo, the ship doctor who studied with him for |Q20 years, also died at the hands of that woman, and this feud was settled.

A group of meteorologists in white coats stood in the distance and looked at Shi Ke with a gloomy expression and shivered. It had been a long time since they had seen Shi Ke look so angry.

"I'll give you three days to find that woman, if you can't find her, just jump off the boat.

Shiji was silent for a long time, leaving only this sentence and left the hall. After Shiji left, everyone was also relieved. Shiji's sense of oppression was so strong that they couldn't breathe. Turned the direction of the spaceship and headed towards Siru Island.

At the same time, they also took out nautical charts to predict the islands that the opponent might go to, and tried to find each other within the three-day deadline given by Shiji, otherwise they would jump off the ship. People will die if they jump into the sea water at the bottom, their bodies are very fragile.


Chapter 11 Comparison

(PS: Some people complain about how the protagonist's "Don't Forget" came about. I just want to say that please go back and read it - read Chapter 4 of the seventh volume. In addition, by the way, make a statistics of the armor owned by the protagonist, and do it every other volume in the future. - times, in case anyone forgets.)

(The armors owned by the protagonist are as follows, Kiana Series Moonlight S, Ranger A, Bailian A, Saint A, Mei Series Shadow Dance S, Scarlet A, Ghost Armor S, Assault S, Bronya Yamabuki A, Silver Wolf A, Chariot A, Himeko Hayate B, Deli Silly Oath A, Fuhua Shangxian Baiye S, Wife Yae Sakura Don't Forget S, Karen and Rita have none yet.

Admiralty, Marin Vandeau.

The Marshal of the Warring States Period was sitting in his office reading documents at this time. After he read them, he also handed some documents to the goat lying next to him for destruction. The goat grabbed the document paper with its mouth and began Chew up.


Zhan Guo leaned back on the chair, took off his glasses and put them on the table, then pressed the acupoints on his eyes with his hands. He used his eyes too much for a long time and felt a little sore. It was time to take a break.

Sometimes he is really envious of his good friend Karp, but unfortunately he is the admiral of the navy, and the burden on his shoulders is much heavier than that of Garp. .

And there are a lot of things to be busy recently, especially about the execution of Ace, the son of the previous One Piece Roger.

Although this matter has not been announced yet, the navy has already begun to fully mobilize its personnel, preparing for a major battle. Not only the Ministry of the Navy, but also many personnel from other branches have been dispatched.


Suddenly the phone buzzer on the desk rang, and seeing this, Zhan Guo also picked up the microphone and put it to his mouth.

"What's up?"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I am a ghost spider.

The voice of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider came from the other end of the phone, and Zhan Guo then asked: "Tell me, what's the matter, I still have a lot of things to do.

"I found the traces of the Flying Pirates and predicted that they will most likely go to the Chambord Islands next. I am worried that they will have an impact on our upcoming operations.

0F SF light novel

Flying Pirates? What a familiar name. How long has it been since I heard the name of this pirate?

The Warring States period can't help falling into the memory. In the battle that year, he and Garp joined forces to fight against Shiji. Although he was finally taken down and sent to the city of advance, the department was also severely damaged. Most of the buildings in the department were destroyed. were severely damaged, and the sailors suffered numerous casualties.

It can be said that it was a disastrous victory, the loss was too great, and the enemy was only Shiji.

"Golden Lion? At this special time, I really don't want to hear about him.

Sengoku sighed and said that their navy is about to use Ace to launch a battle plan against the Whitebeard Pirates. At this critical juncture, the powerful enemy of the Golden Lion suddenly appeared, and it would be a lie to say that they are not worried.

But why did he go to the Chambord Islands? Could it be that he knew about the Navy’s upcoming operation against the Whitebeard Pirates? But this is impossible. The Navy has not released news about Ace’s execution. How could the outside world know about this? thing?

Could it be that someone inside the navy tipped off the news? Sengoku thought with some doubts.

No, no, maybe I was thinking too much. Most of the navy didn’t know about the execution of Ace. Only officers above the major general knew some details. It should not be passed on by my family.

It’s just that the golden lion popped out suddenly at this time, and Sengoku had to be more careful. Back then Shi Ke was very loyal when he was arrested because of Roger. What to do.

Back then, the three of Skeleton, Roger Newgate, were all great pirates with the same reputation, and they were sympathetic to each other.

The Admiralty is not confident that it can fight against the combination of White Beard and Golden Lion at the same time.

"Keep an eye on him and see what he wants to do, I will send the yellow ape to support you.


After all, Sengoku also hung up the phone bug, sat on the chair and remained silent for a long time, guessing Shiji's intentions, but after thinking for a long time, he still didn't know that Shiji came to the Chambord Islands near the Admiralty at this time What do you want to do.

I hope he can leave as soon as possible, there is no extra manpower to deal with him now.

Chambord Islands, a special island composed of the world's largest mangrove, the giant tree roots of the Alchiman mangrove, consists of a total of 79 tree roots, each of which has its own number. Since the body is actually a tree, it is not considered a It is a real island, so the record pointer will not point to the Chambord Islands, but only to the Murloc Island deep under the sea.

As the terminus of the first half of the great route, pirates from the seven main routes gathered here, including fish and dragons, bounty hunters, slave traders, merchants and so on.

Here, slave trade is legal by default, an extremely dark lawless zone. Due to the existence of the Tianlong people, even the navy turns a blind eye to the various slave traders on the island, ignoring their violations of the law.

The biggest feature of the Chambord Islands is the special natural resin secreted by the roots of the Alchiman mangrove tree due to respiration. The resin expands with air to form bubbles of different sizes, and then flies into the sky.

This special secretion is also what every thief needs most, because with it, they can coat the ship, go to Murloc Island and reach the new world in the second half of the great route.

After all, there are only two ways to go to the new world - to apply to the world government, and to go to the new world through the holy land of Mary Joa, but to the fishman island.

And the pirates undoubtedly can only choose the second way, no matter how powerful the pirates are, there is basically only this one option, except of course the pirates with special abilities, such as Shiji, who has the fluttering fruit ability .

But this is also a very rare phenomenon. The rest of the pirates can fly there if they want to go like Shiji. Stace Kidd.

Under the root of the tree numbered 24, the Kidd Pirates went ashore here. A man wearing goggles, a dark red coat, and red hedgehog hair stood on the shore, looking coldly at- numbered giant tree roots.

His appearance is not friendly, but he has a stern temperament. As the crew members of the Kidd Pirates, they all know that their captain Kidd is a powerful but cruel person. He often gets angry over little things. Accidentally provoked him, and he would kill him even if he chased him for miles.

Even though they were Kidd's crew, they didn't dare to talk casually, for fear that they would accidentally offend Kidd. You must know that they had the same blanket before

"Is this the Chambord Islands? It's really interesting.

Kidd looked at the bubbles emerging from the ground and said with a sneer.

"I don't know which of the coaters here is the best. If the technique is poor, it will be difficult to dive until half of the membrane is broken.

Beside Kidd, a man wearing a blue and white striped mask said.

"Ask around and you'll find out, let's go, Kira.

Kidd walked in front, and his deputy Kira followed closely behind him. Except for a few people who stayed to watch the ship, more than ten people from the Kidd Pirates went to the depths of the island to coat the ship. And to supplement the supplies needed for sea voyages.

The arrival of Kidd and the others naturally attracted the attention of the local people. You must know that the people here are not good people. A large number of bounty people from the past gathered in the Chambord Islands. After all, this is the only way to go to the new world. On the ground, a large number of pirates arrive every day, and the bounty hunters only need to wait again to find suitable targets, which is very easy.

Passers-by looked at the Kidd pirates, and at the same time, the bounty hunters hiding in the dark alleys also began to turn over the wanted warrants, wanting to see how much Kidd's reward was.

"What? Three hundred and fifty million Baileys?

"real or fake?"

"Nonsense, don't you know that guy is the third on the supernova list? I recognized it right away.

After the bounty hunters figured out Kidd's identity, they could only give up the idea of ​​attacking Kidd. The pirates with a bounty of more than 300 million were no longer something they could win, and it was wise to give up as soon as possible.

After all, there are so many pirates here, they are just a group of people who want to make money, why bother to gnaw on Kidd? Isn’t this just asking for guilt?

However, having entered their biography, most passers-by also know that these people are actually one of the supernovas of the extremely evil generation, and they are still ranked third on the ranking list. Suddenly, the eyes of each of them looking at the Kidd Pirates changed. It's different.

Looking at the fearful eyes of passers-by, Kidd's mouth also slightly raised, showing a smug smile. He enjoyed the feeling of being noticed by people.

To put it bluntly, SE here along

"C'mon, look at his smug face, why is the third place so arrogant? The bounty for the third place is 1.8 billion yuan!"

Kidd stopped in his tracks, the smile on his face disappeared, and the atmosphere on the street became tense in an instant. Kidd looked at the passer-by who had spoken just now, and his indifferent gaze made the other party flustered.

"Forget it, Kidd, don't make a fuss. This place is very close to the Admiralty. Let's find a membrane craftsman."

Kira, who was standing beside Kidd, quickly grabbed Kidd's arm, for fear that he would cause trouble if he was impulsive. The Chambord Islands are very close to the Admiralty.

Kidd snorted coldly, then left the spot and continued to walk forward. The people around were also relieved when they saw this, especially the passer-by who spoke just now, who was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

After walking far away, Kidd finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and kicked the stones on the side of the road away.

"Thousands of changes, everyone is talking about her, just a woman is really irritating.

"Well, since they are both supernovas, they will naturally be compared, which is normal.

Kira comforted, but Kidd still couldn't let go.

"Although I don't know why the Navy gave her such a high reward, I dare say that if she can do it, I can do it too. It's really uncomfortable to be suppressed by others.

"No, although I don't want to hit you, but you really may not be able to do what she can do. It's not without reason that the navy will offer a reward of 1.8 billion.

"...Of course I know, I don't need you to remind me.

Kidd said angrily, and at the same time, he was more and more dissatisfied with Qianbian, Qianbian? If I meet you, I would like to see how strong you are, worthy of the Navy's 1.8 billion arrest warrant.


Chapter 12 Stealing the Ship

On the calm sea, the Hyperion is slowly moving forward, and directly behind it, a pirate ship with an unnamed pirate flag is approaching rapidly, and it looks like it is not much bigger than the Hyperion .


Following the order of a man wearing a green leather hat, the pirates on the pirate ship also ignited the cannons on the deck, and several shells flew out from the muzzle at high speed with the rumbling sound of the cannon. It landed on the surrounding waters of the Hyperion and exploded.

When the shell hit the water, all the people could see and hear was the huge spray it splashed and the loud noise, followed by huge waves from the sea.

Huge waves slapped the side of the Hyperion, pushing it out, and Lyra, who was standing on the deck, couldn't stand still for a moment - she sat on the deck with her buttocks.

Mia, who was still recuperating in the room, came out after hearing the movement, opened the door and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's a pirate, it looks like they want to attack us."

Kiyana responded very flatly, as if she didn't panic at all, but Lila next to her was in a panic, holding on to the mast of the ship, which was in stark contrast.

"Is it a pirate?

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