-One or two forget their jobs when they see beautiful women? Quickly see if she is on the wanted list!"

- A soldier with the rank of second lieutenant knocked on the heads of the other soldiers one by one. The soldier who was knocked got serious immediately, and then checked the wanted warrant in his hand. After confirming that there was no one, he would no longer care about Qiyana.

Kiyana withdrew her eyes from the navy. It seemed that the navy was also protecting the safety of the hotel street here, if the pirates came from here.If they go ashore, it is estimated that the navy will be dispatched.

This is the advantage of having an absolutely safe identity, Qiyana sighed, if she went ashore as a wanted person, I am afraid that the Ministry of the Navy will send generals to guard it.

Sure enough, a peaceful life is better, long live peace!

After I turn back into a man, I won't make trouble anymore, um, it's decided like this, Kiyana thought secretly.

After leaving the port, there is a long street, most of which are gourmet shops. After smelling the smell, Kiyana's stomach also let out a lovely cry.

Have a meal first before renting a house, oh, yes, the heads in the material space can also be exchanged.

Qiyana suddenly remembered that there are still a lot of pirate heads in the material space since 2, and if all of these are exchanged for bounties, they can also draw supplies one at a time.

Of course, Kiyana will not - - change it all at once. After all, Kiyana has accumulated a considerable number of heads, and taking them all out is bound to attract the attention of others. Na didn't dare to be too arrogant, it would be difficult to get the attention of that guy from Casa.

Qiyana, who decided on the next course of action, first came to a small street stall. The fragrance here could be smelled even dozens of miles away, and there was a long queue. It seemed that the food in this store Very welcome.

Qiyana came to the back of the line and lined up, and people began to comment on Qiyana who came. After all, she is a beauty, and she is the focus of everyone's attention no matter where she goes.

Qiyana is also used to this kind of gaze, and it's funny to say, she has already felt that the men around her take the explicit lustful eyes cast on her as a matter of course, anyway, what these gentlemen must be thinking now Dirty idea of ​​tricking her into bed?

Really, come here if you have something to do, and watch how I kick the two balls below you!

Gradually, fewer and fewer people lined up in front of Qiyana, and Qiyana finally saw what kind of food everyone was queuing to buy.

Takoyaki? I haven't eaten it much, so try it.

Soon, it was Qiyana's turn. The owner of the shop was an uncle with a friendly smile, wearing a white chef's coat and apron.

"Yo, it's a beauty I've never seen before.

CCtz ten thousand

After seeing Qiyana, the shop owner's eyes flashed, and then he winked at a few men with fierce looks sitting on the side of his booth in the distance, and then greeted Qiyana enthusiastically.

"How do you sell this?

Kiyana pretended not to notice the store owner's wink, lowered her head and looked at the iron plate in front of the store owner and said.

"Ten Baileys, but for the sake of being a beauty, I can give you a discount. I'll charge you five Baileys."

"Thank you so much, give me ten.

Then the shop owner began to prepare takoyaki for Kiana, and at the same time pretended to chat enthusiastically: "Did you come here alone, beauty?"

No, you should pay more attention to your own safety in Chambord Islands, especially for a beautiful woman like you.

"Oh yes? Thanks for the advice.'

"Here, take your takoyaki, please.

Kiana reached out to take it, and she didn't ask the shop owner what special seasoning she added to her takoyaki. She picked up the bag and used a toothpick to feed one into her mouth, and then walked towards the alley on the side street .

"Well, you seem to have forgotten to pay?"

"Pay? Oh, I'm so cute, are you willing to accept money?"

..That's right, so I won't charge you any money. '

The corner of the shop owner's mouth twitched slightly, a woman who is greedy for petty gain, huh, cute? Cute is useless, money is real.

Then the shop owner winked at the strong men who had already prepared, signaling that it was time for them to do something, and at the same time made a gesture with his hand that only they knew.

Seeing this, the strong men sneered ten times, and then with slightly wretched smiles, they followed Qiyana from a distance and walked into the dark alley.


Chapter 14

In the Chambord Islands, because of the connivance of the Tianlong people, the slave trade is particularly rampant. Even the navy turns a blind eye.

Young and beautiful beauties and mermaids are the most popular products. Every time, a large number of people come to bid for them. With the huge profits, slave merchants have become more courageous. It is not uncommon for tourists to attack them. Things are right, after all, with the backing of Tianlong people, the connivance of the navy also makes them unscrupulous.

This island is decayed and extremely dark, even its beautiful scenery cannot conceal the dark side of the island itself

The store owner looked at the strong men who followed Qiyana into the alley, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a sneer, and the original kind face became ferocious.

If such a beauty of this level can be caught and sent to the auction, it will definitely be a lot of money. After this lot is done, it can at least match his annual income. It seems that he can also rest for a while up.

He has been in this business for some years, pretending to be a friendly food stand owner, looking for targets that can be used. Those tourists also relax their guard because of the nearby naval station, and are deceived by the superficial calm and prosperity.

Over the years, he has sold at least hundreds of slaves, and many of them are beautiful, but he has never seen one as beautiful and temperamental as this gray-haired girl.

"I hope she is a chick, so the price can be higher.

The shop owner murmured in a low voice, virgin slaves can often be sold for a very high price, and this time the goods are also top-quality, simply beautiful.

But he also has some small selfishness. It would be nice if the woman is not a chick, because in that case, they can enjoy it first, and then sell it.

According to the rules, if it is a chick, they can only enjoy it for their eyes. If not, they can also enjoy it first. Anyway, it is not anymore, and they can do whatever they want. He still remembers a time before, they were in front of a In front of the woman's boyfriend, he roughly pressed her to the ground, and he and his men pressed her down again. Xiaozhi of E

That poor man could only cry and watch his girlfriend being bullied and humiliated, and finally ran away without any backbone, and the woman was so heartbroken because of this, she didn't even have the movement to resist, and her expression was numb. Accept this dark world's malice towards her.

But this time was different, he suddenly felt that even if the gray-haired woman was a chick, he still had a strong urge to take her back and vent his desire.

Even if her price would be lowered because of this, he would not regret it. Although it was only for a short time, he had to say that the gray-haired girl was as deadly as an intoxicating poison, which made his heart itch and yearn for her.

It's better to say that deep down in his heart he actually longed for her to be a chick, such a beautiful woman. If a woman were not in a jade body, he would feel very uncomfortable in his heart, just like pure white paper stained with stains, not The fairy who cannibalizes fireworks falls into the mortal world.

But speaking of it, this woman is quite greedy, and she doesn't want to pay for it? Even though it was a food with special seasonings, as long as she ate it, she would become weak all over, like fish on a chopping board at the mercy of others.

But you can't not pay? I'm serious business. Hey.

Well, no matter, after you are sold, money will definitely be indispensable, the shop owner thought secretly.

He even hummed a little tune proudly, looking very happy.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the alley, and at the same time the ground was shaking slightly. Seeing this, the people around turned their heads and looked at the alley.

"You fool, don't make such a fuss.'

The corner of the shop owner’s mouth twitched slightly. Although the navy opened and closed one eye, you can’t make too much trouble. If the news of them attacking tourists gets out, then no one will come to travel. ?

He will stop doing business in the future? What a bunch of idiots, do they even know who their boss is? Besides, he is already drugged, why is there such a big commotion? What are you guys doing?

The shop owner looked at the exit of the alley in bewilderment, and the passers-by around him also looked there curiously, but no one dared to approach it, because the movement just now was too loud. or Mu J play


A shrill man's scream came from the alley, and the echo echoed for a long time. It sounded very painful, but then it stopped abruptly and was very abrupt.

What's going on? Why is it a man's scream? And why does it sound so familiar? The shop owner noticed that the situation didn't seem to be developing as he expected, so he couldn't help frowning slightly.

He put down the kitchen utensils in his hands, untied his waistband, and then rushed towards the entrance of the alley at a fast pace. The passers-by outside the alley were also pushed away by him roughly. Soon, he came to the alley. Alley entrance.

When he saw the scene inside, he immediately felt a chill run down his back, and a chill came up, his forehead was covered with frightened cold F.

The shop owner couldn't help swallowing. It was really difficult for him to describe the scene in the alley with words. It was like hell, something only demons could do.

In the dark corner where the sun can't reach, all his subordinates had their limbs broken, and their limbs were unnaturally twisted. A lot of blood left their lower bodies, and their pants were even torn apart.

All men will only feel a dull pain in their lower body when they see this scene, and empathize with it. The exaggerated tearing wound can no longer stop the blood from flowing out.

And the devil-like gray-haired woman threw the takoyaki he just made into their genitals with a smile on her face.

"Sorry, just use this thing instead of your two balls, - : two three four five, just right, no more, no less.

The burly men who were already powerless to resist lay on the ground, looking at the gray-haired girl with horror on their faces. Just now they thought that the woman in front of them was just a commodity that could be sold, a commodity that could be used for them to vent their emotions. The ultimate in desire.

But in the blink of an eye, she reversed the positions of both parties, and she became the one who dominated their lives.

"Ah. You're here? Thank you for reminding me that the people on this island are really dangerous.

At this time, Qiyana also noticed the shop owner at the entrance of the alley looking at him in a daze, and greeted him with a smile.

The shop owner stood there, speechless with fright. When did he encounter such a thing?

Kiana threw the bag used to hold the takoyaki on the ground, and then walked out of the alley slowly. The shop owner just stood there in a daze. He wanted to escape, but found that his body couldn't control it at all.

Soon Qiyana came to his side, and when she was about to walk past him, the smile on Qiyana's face disappeared instantly and said in a cold tone: "Although you have no experience and no reward, you You kind of scum, I'll kill - a hundred is not too much, now I'll save your life, go find me all the arrest warrants on the island, the more the better


The shop owner nodded desperately, making one wonder if he would shake his head off.

"I warn you, don't try to play tricks, I'm far scarier than you think, don't challenge my bottom line, do what I say honestly, I believe you have seen their end, don't want to be with them If they're the same, don't think about it."

Kiyana warned the other party, how dare the shop owner not listen to Kiyana at this time? He could only nod his head and turn around to get the arrest warrant for Kiyana.

Soon, the shop owner ran away. He crossed several streets and came to the No. 72 area. He was finally relieved when he was sure that Qiyana hadn't followed, and sat down on the side of the street. bench.

"Damn, damned woman, dare all my subordinates

The store owner showed a vicious expression, and she dared to threaten herself, she couldn't bear it.

The furious store owner immediately took out the phone bug; dialed a number, and after a few rings, the other person picked up the phone, and the phone bug imitated the other party's expression very vividly;

Mouth F Mu Xiaowan

"Hey, is that Brother Tamir? I'm in trouble, little brother.

"Oh? What's the trouble? Tell me and I'll help you settle it.

"Brother Tamir is righteous, I knew it would be okay to ask you for help.

Then the store owner told the other end of the phone everything that happened just now.

"It's just that there was a woman who got rid of your little brother and then threatened you, right? Okay, I'll help you with this kind of trivial matter, but

"I understand, three slaves, what do you think, big brother?"

"Hey, do we still need to be so polite? See what you said, hahaha, where is that woman now?"

"Area 73, you can come here as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, it's just a woman. Are you afraid that I can't handle it? Just wait.

"Then thank you big brother, little brother, I will wait for you in area 72.

Afterwards, the other end of the phone also hung up the phone, and the shop owner sneered ferociously, hum, just wait, stinky woman, when my big brother Tamir comes, you will die.

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