Mia said silently in her heart, if she was the only one here, she would not betray Fuhua even if she died, but Lila is also here, she really doesn't want to see her sister die, - - the savior , On one side is her own sister, she has no choice.



Seeing that Mia was finally willing to speak, Shi Ji's frowning brows also relaxed. Obviously, if she said it earlier, she wouldn't have to suffer. It took so much effort, but in the end, didn't she have to say it?

"Sister Mia, don't say it, cough cough.

At this time, Laila who was lying under the mast also came to life, and when she heard Mia want to tell the whereabouts of Fu Hua's sister, she hurriedly stopped her while spitting blood from her mouth.

"Tsk, what a talker, she's about to say it."

Shi Ji, who was interrupted, was very upset, and kicked out the sword energy directly, and the sword energy flew out quickly, and the extremely overbearing sword energy instantly cut in half, splitting Laila in two from the abdomen, and then the sword energy did not stop, and the The boat was cut in two.

Laila's eyes widened slightly, the look in her eyes gradually disappeared, her upper body was completely disconnected from her lower body, and there was no possibility of her surviving.

".Chicken, don't, Laila!"

Mia cried bitterly, tears flowed uncontrollably, scenes of the past flashed in her mind.

"Sister Mia, it's better not to go to sea. Sister Kiyana also said that being a bounty hunter is very dangerous."

"I've already decided, don't stop me.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll go with you, and I can't leave you, idiot sister, alone.

Under the setting sun, Mia, who was standing at the port ready to go out to sea, was silent, then nodded.

For some reason, Mia recalled the scene when she went to sea. At this time, she regretted extremely, regretting why she didn't reject Laila at that time. If she insisted not to let Laila come with her, she would not now. problem occurs.

"Okay, the guy who got in the way has been removed, you can continue to talk

Mia lay on the ground, clenched her left hand angrily, her nails were deeply embedded in the flesh, piercing the skin, and the blood from the cut of her right arm flowed to the ground.

"Say? Hehe, go to hell."

Mia got up, picked up the dagger that Laila dropped on the deck just now, and attacked Shiji. Although she knew that this was no different from suicide, she didn't want to live anymore at this time. Laila's death was right. She deals + points heavy blows.

At this moment, she just wanted to make the damn bastard in front of her pay the price.

Tsk, I made a mistake, I didn’t expect that girl to be so important to her, I should have saved her life earlier, Shi Ji secretly regretted it

Shi Ji grabbed Mia's wrist with great effort, squeezed it hard, crushed her wrist bone, and with a ding sound, the dagger fell to the deck

However, Mia only frowned slightly, then opened her mouth and bit Shiji's arm, biting his right hand fiercely.


Shi Ji didn't expect Mia to be so crazy, and then he covered his arm with armed domineering, and his arm was as hard as steel in an instant, and Mia couldn't bite anymore.

At the same time, Shi Ke stretched out his left hand and grabbed Mia's neck, causing her to let go of her mouth, and then lifted her up high.

Mia only felt that she couldn't breathe, her neck was firmly stuck, getting tighter and tighter, her eyes almost turned white, and she was about to lose consciousness.

Shi Ji was silent, thought for a while, and finally chose to let go, and put Mia down.

"Cough cough!

Mia coughed with a distressed expression. Shi Ji looked at the ropes used to fix the sails on the mast, and then kicked out a sword energy to cut them off, then walked over to touch those ropes, and then used his ability to control them. Mia who was lying on the ground was tied up with a rope.

He decided not to kill this woman now. From their performance just now, it can be seen that the relationship between the gray-haired woman and them should be good, otherwise it is absolutely impossible not to tell him the whereabouts of the gray-haired woman. .

So he decided to use this woman to find the gray-haired woman. As long as he spread the news, he didn't believe that the gray-haired woman would sit idly by. At that time, he might not have to look for her, and the other party would come to her door on her own initiative.

And to spread the news, the Chambord Islands in the nearby waters is a very good choice. First of all, the Chambord Islands are the end of the first half, and the pirates of the seven routes will go there.

The speed of spreading news is naturally faster than other islands.

Moreover, there are many news media reporters in the Chambord Islands. He only needs to speak to those reporters, and the news bird will spread the newspapers recording the news to the whole world the next day.

Although the Chambord Islands are very close to the Admiralty and are full of the Navy's eyeliner, as long as they see him appear, the Admiralty will definitely take action, but who is Shiji? He is a legendary pirate, famous Golden Lion, since when was he afraid of the navy?

Was he ever persuaded when he came to the Admiralty by himself and challenged the two powerful naval powers of China and Karp? What's more, this time it was only the Chambord Islands, not the Admiralty.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Mia was tightly bound by ropes and floated in mid-air. The cut of her right arm still had blood, and Mia's face turned extremely pale after losing too much blood.

"Kill you? No, no, no, you will only come if you keep that guy."


Mia immediately understood what Shi Ji meant, and after a cold snort, she decided to bite her tongue and commit suicide. As long as she died, there was no need for Fu Hua to save her

Shi Ji reacted very quickly, directly controlling the rope and stuffing it into Mia's mouth, making it impossible for Mia to bite her tongue and kill herself.

"No no no!"

Mia's eyes widened, and she stared at the other party.

"It's a pity, it's only - - you will die, baby sauce."

Shi Ke said with a mocking face, killing the gray-haired woman's companion made Shi Ke very happy, but this was not enough, he was not satisfied until the gray-haired woman died.

"Let's go, you still have to deal with your arm.

After Shi Ji finished speaking, he controlled the rope and took Mia to fly to the floating island hovering in the air.

Mia looked down at the broken boat floating in the sea. Laila was lying quietly on the deck of the boat. Mia's tears rolled down her cheeks and fell into the sea with the wind.


Chapter 18

In the No. [-]+- area, in front of the gate of the naval station, Qiyana was holding a black bag, which faintly exuded a strong smell of blood.

Kiyana looked at the environment of the naval station. It looked similar to the architectural style of the Admiralty, but it was a size smaller. There were two naval soldiers standing guard at the door.

Kiyana walked over with the bag, which contained the heads of Tamir and other pirates that Kiyana got when she was at sea, and the total value was 90 million Baileys.

Of course, this is not all of Kiyana's inventory, there are still some that Kiyana hasn't brought out, she doesn't want to exchange too many rewards at once, so it will be too conspicuous.

"Stop, this is the naval station, please state your purpose.

When the naval soldiers on guard saw Qiyana approaching from a distance, they hurriedly stepped forward and stopped Qiyana.

"I'm a bounty hunter, and I want to exchange a bounty.

Kiyana raised the black bag in her hand. It was heavy and seemed to contain a lot. The two sailors looked at each other and then nodded.

There are a large number of pirates gathered in the Chambord Islands, and there are also a large number of bounty hunters. Every day, bounty hunters come to collect the rewards with heads, and they have long been used to it. After taking out a phone bug from his pocket and saying a few words, he let Kiana go.

Kiyana walked through the gate and came to the interior of the naval station. As soon as she entered the gate, there was a huge playground. Many naval soldiers were doing daily training tasks, sweating profusely.

Naturally, they also noticed the gray-haired beauty Qiyana, but they only took a second look, and then concentrated on training

Seeing this, Qiyana couldn't help sighing, she really deserves to be a naval soldier of the Great Route, especially the garrison of the Chambord Islands near the front, the quality of these soldiers is different.

Is it like the navy in Rogge Town in the East China Sea? I can't walk when I see beautiful women.

It's just that, as a pirate, I walked into the naval station like this, and even received a bounty. It's really a strange feeling. I don't know if those naval soldiers who are training know that she is the famous Qianbianqi how would yanna feel

I'm afraid I'm going to pick up a weapon and attack her right away?

Kiyana stood on the edge of the playground, looking at the surrounding buildings, not knowing where to go next, and the two soldiers at the door did not tell her where to go to collect the bounty after entering.

Kiyana could only stand where she was, and waited for a while. After waiting for a minute or so, Kiyana couldn't bear it anymore and planned to find a - -person to ask for directions. A black-haired man in a navy uniform walked towards her as soon as he saw Kiana.

"Are you the bounty hunter who wants to claim the bounty?"

"I am Captain Coroll of the Admiralty, please follow me.

After Koroll finished speaking, he turned around and began to lead the way for Kiyana, who followed behind him.

"Looking at the color of your hair, you must be the one who killed the pirate Tamir in Area 72 just now?"

Ke Luoer - - led the way = while talking to Kiyana, Kiyana nodded calmly.

"Thank you very much for getting rid of that guy. Although I am a navy, sometimes I can't help myself. I am really ashamed.

Kiyana didn't speak, the navy is corrupt, they are not so much the army of justice, it is better to say that they are just a tool used by the Tianlong people to maintain their supreme rights, the Tianlong people acquiesce in the existence of slave traders, what can they do?

Wouldn't the navy know that there is an illegal slave auction in the Chambord Islands? The answer is definitely known, so why didn't the navy get rid of these people? That is because of the existence of the Tianlong people.

Thinking of this, Qiyana couldn't help but feel disgusted by the existence of Tianlongren, a race of close relatives, and freaks with deformed appearance are not only ugly in appearance, but also filthy in heart.

Although Kasa's appearance is good-looking, he is no different from other Tianlong people after all, which still makes Qiyana feel sick.

Forget it, is it useful to think so much? Let the revolutionary army take care of the Celestial Dragon World Government, and just be a spectator. After all, changing back to a man is what Kiyana wants most.

Soon, Koror led Kiyana through several buildings to the vault deep in the resident, and asked Kiyana to take out the head to check the authenticity.

Kiyana took all the heads out of the black bag, there were four in total, one of them belonged to Tamir, and the names of the rest Kiyana forgot, the pirates that were dealt with long ago, Anyway, the bounty added up is exactly 90 million Bailey.

Seeing this, Koroll also took out a stack of wanted warrants and searched for them. Except for Tamir, who he already knew, he was mainly looking for the wanted warrants for several other heads.

"-A total of 90 million Pele, you see if there is anything wrong.

Soon Koroll found four wanted warrants and handed them to Kiyana to check. After a cursory glance, Kiyana clicked

"Then I'll give you 90 million Pele.

"Okay, by the way, by the way, can I trouble you to give me a wanted notice about the pirates on the island? The more the better

Yes, but I want to tell you - one thing, there are a few pirates you can't touch them, they are thugs in the slave auction, if you get rid of them, things will become very troublesome.

Korol thought about it for a while—afterwards, he also warned that the forces behind the slave auction are extremely complicated. Although Kiyana's removal of Tamir proved that she has a certain strength, but if she offends those big shots, she This strength is not enough.

Qiyana naturally understood what the other party was worried about, so she just nodded, but didn't speak.

Although Kiyana couldn't see the existence of the slave auction, she had no intention of doing anything to them. She sympathized with those slaves, but now she had to hide her identity and wait for Ace's execution to begin.

The dark side of the world, Kiyana can't cover everything, just protecting the people around her is already difficult enough, for those slaves, Kiyana can only say sorry. or Mu Xiaobi

Then Koroll asked Kiyana to wait outside, and he turned around and walked into the vault to communicate with the soldiers guarding the perimeter of the vault, and soon he brought it for Kiyana - a 90 million Bailey The black suitcase and the wanted notice about the pirates on the island that Kiana needs.

"These pirates are the thugs of the auction, I advise you not to attack them.

Koroll took out a few wanted warrants and showed them to Qiyana. After remembering their appearance, Kiyana also nodded to indicate that she already knew.

Then Qiyana took it over, felt the weight, felt that there was no problem, opened it and counted it, and after making sure it was not fake money, she also planned to leave

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