A huge red tree with a height of hundreds of meters flew straight towards Qiyana, and the diameter of the trunk was nearly a hundred meters.

Qiyana didn't even evade, she just raised her hand and slashed over with the knife, splitting the huge red tree into two, cutting from the root to the top. -flash!

Qiyana appeared next to Shi Ji in an instant. At this time, the red tree fell to the ground after being cut off, and two huge deep pits were smashed into the ground. The ground trembled, and countless fallen leaves "flyed" to on the ground.

After successive attacks, Shiji's body has been marked with a layer of scarlet cherry by Qiyana. Kiyana once again used a flash to pass by Shiji's side, sheathing the knife.

Shi Ji's right hand was directly cut off by Qiyana, and a lot of blood sprayed out from the cut.

Shi Ji groaned, and held back the pain very stubbornly, her face was covered with cold sweat, she was able to break through her own defense? She was obviously not as aggressive as herself, but she used strength to make up for it , what a monster.

"This is the price you paid for cutting off Mia's arm; the next thing to settle is Laila's."

Kiyana turned around, looked at Shi Ji with cold eyes and said.


Chapter 38

Shi Ji looked down at the arm whose eye had been severed and fell to the ground, Qi's body was trembling, his own hand.

Both feet were already broken, and I used my previous favorite knives, Yingju and Muku, to replace them, but now even the right arm was cut off, and only the left arm was left intact. .

If even his left arm was broken, wouldn't he be... Shiji forced himself not to think about it.

This woman's strength is too terrifying, not inferior to his peak state when he was young, Shi Ji knew that if he continued to fight here, he would definitely lose.

You must know that there is not only one thousand changes here, but also the admiral here. Although Lei Li is now entangled with the yellow ape, it is not impossible to say when the yellow ape will suddenly launch a light wave towards him of.

After all, just now Shi Ji took advantage of the gap between him and Rayleigh to find an opportunity to attack him, so it's not surprising that the yellow ape attacked him instead.

Don't think that only pirates can do such a despicable thing as a sneak attack, and the navy can do it too. Shiji is not so naive as to think that the righteous navy will not sneak attack on him.

Sometimes in order to eliminate pirates, the navy uses even worse methods than pirates.

In this case, Kiana doesn't need to do anything, just shoot a beam of light from time to time to hinder him, even if it doesn't need to hit, Kiyana will help him get rid of Shiji.

It is not difficult for Shiji to avoid the light wave of the yellow monkey, but the difficulty is to avoid the attack of Qiyana, a woman with terrifying strength like a monster, while avoiding the light wave.

In short, Shi Ji does not intend to stay on the Chambord Islands anymore, but this does not mean that he has conceded defeat, he just does not want to continue fighting with Qiyana in a situation where people may interfere.

He wants to go back to his floating island, where he can display his full strength.

As an ability user who ate the fluttering fruit, Shiji can free himself or other objects from the control of gravity, float in the air and control those touched objects to attack the enemy, but Shiji cannot let him Other living entities besides oneself are floating in the air.

Shiki can't control things he hasn't touched, so it is extremely disadvantageous to fight Kiana on the Chambord Islands, and Kiyana is unlikely to give him the opportunity to touch the Chambord Islands all over.Work J excellent

So Shiji quickly decided to go back to the floating island, where everything is under his control, as long as he is on the floating island, Shiji is equivalent to a god, which belongs to his domain .

In his domain, Shi Ke is confident that he will control the initiative in this battle, even if Roger is still in this world and comes to his domain, he has to surrender.

Thinking of this, Shi Ji also endured the pain from the broken right arm, sneered, made a provocative gesture at Kiyana, and then went straight towards the floating sky above the Chambord Islands island fly away.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana was slightly stunned, and ran away? Is Shiji the one who would run away? Kiyana didn't think so.

Back then, Shiji dared to go to the Navy headquarters alone, which showed that Shiji was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, and he didn't seem like he would do such a move.

If it wasn’t about running away, why did he leave? Soon Kiyana understood Shiji’s thoughts. The provocative action before he left was obviously to make himself follow. He wanted to keep himself in his domain fighting.

"Do you think I'm afraid?"

Kiyana kicked her feet on the ground suddenly, and the ground collapsed several meters in an instant. Kiyana shot out like a cannonball, chased Shiji, and at the same time flew to Shiji's side with a flash, - the knife Cut to maintain their own combos.

Shiji-While flying, he used Yingda and Muku to resist Qiyana's attack. He kept flying around. In the air, Shiji, a person with fluttering fruit ability, seemed very flexible.

Kiyana is not as comfortable as Shiji when using moon steps, but it is not a big problem to catch up with Shiji.

In this way, the two of them approached the floating island while flying, and Qiyana continued to attack Shiji to maintain the combo, and soon the combo had reached [-] combos. At this time, Qiyana's damage increased Cheng has reached an extremely terrifying level.

"Lion. Dry Cut Valley!"

Shi Ji kicked out dozens of sword qi one after another, and each sword qi was powerful enough to cut through the Arqiman mangrove tree easily, but facing Qiyana at this time, it was not enough.

I saw that Qiyana easily used the knife in her hand to split all the incoming sword energy, and the rest of the sword energy flew to the distant sea.Boom!

The surface of the sea seemed to be cut by sword energy, splitting into two, and a huge deep ditch with a length of over a thousand meters appeared, but soon the sea water returned to its original shape, and the separated sea water reunited, stirring up tens of thousands of waves. The water splash several meters high left behind only a huge, white and dazzling water trail.

A sword qi alone is so powerful, and Kiyana split it so easily, Kidd, who has been watching the battle between Kiyana and Shiji, has slightly widened his eyes.

The huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the people in the Chambord Islands, and the people in the Chambord Islands looked up at the sky one after another. Whether it was a pirate, a navy, or a commoner, there was nothing but a conflict between the two of them. That thrilling battle exclaimed.

The journalists who returned to Area 72 saw this scene, and immediately recognized that one of them was Shi Ji, the golden lion who had captured them just now. Fighting? My God, you know Shiji is the legendary big pirate.

What is the origin of this woman? She was able to fight against a big pirate like Shiji the Golden Lion? And it seemed that Shiji was injured and was running away?

"Isn't that Skee?

"Yeah, it's really him!"

"Who is that woman? She was able to injure the golden lion Shiji?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of her.

Just when everyone was shocked by the devastating battle above their heads, a news reporter also raised the camera on his chest to take a quick photo of the two people who were fighting in the sky, and a white flash It kept flashing.

This move of his also reminded those colleagues around him, and everyone who was stunned quickly raised their cameras and pointed them at the sky - snapping snaps.

"Take a picture, this is big news!

Golden Lion Shiji, a legendary pirate who was famous in the sea 20 years ago, is being chased and killed by a mysterious strongman. If this kind of news is published in tomorrow's newspaper, it will definitely shock the whole world .Boom!

light novel

After the blow, Qiyana and Shiji temporarily separated. Shiji panted slightly, his forehead was covered with sweat. The pressure that Qiyana put on him was too great, and he dared not relax at all.

Just defending against her attack has consumed a lot of his physical strength.


Shi Ji raised his hand to aim at the floating island above his head, with his palm facing up, and then swung vigorously towards the ground to press it.

Immediately, several huge floating islands turned 180 degrees in place, and the huge beasts on the islands also began to fall because of the flipping of the islands.

Suddenly, countless huge black shadows fell from the floating island to the Chambord Islands, and a large number of ferocious beasts strengthened by SIQ also started killing wildly after landing on the Chambord Islands.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, Qiyana's eyes widened slightly. Shiji actually released all the beasts on the floating island to the Chambord Islands? Those beasts are not something ordinary people can deal with.

Kiyana, who has watched the movie version, naturally knows how powerful those beasts are. Among them, there are many violent beasts that Luffy needs to use the third gear to defeat them. Even Luffy needs to use the third gear to deal with them. And know how many casualties these beasts will cause to the civilians on the Chambord Islands.

"Jee ha ha ha, your companion is still down there, right? Can you guess if she can survive in this environment?"

Kiyana couldn't help being furious when she heard the words, Shiji actually wanted to use those beasts to attack Mia? If Mia was in her prime, Kiyana believed that she should have a certain ability to protect herself, but just now Qiyana When Yana rescued her, she was already weak and had a broken arm.

In this case, Qiyana didn't think Mia would be able to protect herself.

Kiyana turned around and prepared to return to the Chambord Islands, and waited until Mia was transferred to a safe place first, but how could Shiji give her this chance?

"Anxious to save her? Do you think I'll let you do that?

Shiji kicked out a sword aura and blocked Kiyana's way. The reason why he threw all the beasts on the island to the Chambord Islands was to make Kiyana impatient, reveal her flaws, and play a psychological tactic, so Shiji It is impossible for Qiyana to save people.

Kiyana stomped on the Moon Step and flew upwards, avoiding Shiji's sword energy blocking her way, and then looked at Shiji coldly.

In the future trajectory that Kiyana sees, if she goes on forcibly, Shiji will even throw the floating island directly on the Chambord Islands in the end. If that is the case, let alone Mia, a large number of civilians on the island There will be countless casualties.

The reason why Shiji didn't throw the floating island down now was purely because he wanted to use Mia's life to distract himself, showing his determination. If he threw it down and killed Mia directly, then he wanted to distract himself. The purpose of the heart will not be achieved, but it will irritate yourself.

Kiyana quickly understood Shiji's thoughts, and had to sigh - Shiji was really despicable and shameless.

Even if I don't go down, but choose to stay in the sky and fight with Shiji, I don't dare to kill Shiji, once I kill Shiji, then those islands that rely on Shiji's ability to float in the air will also go to the sky. drop down.

Kiyana is unable to prevent these huge islands from falling, and countless civilians who are too late to evacuate, as well as Mia, may die on the islands.

Originally, it would be okay if it was on the ground. Kiyana is confident that she can protect Mia from death after killing Shiji. As for the others, Kiyana can only barely save a few or a few, and she can't really save them. , Qiyana has no choice.

But now in the sky, once Kiyana kills Shiji, Kiyana can't guarantee that she can protect Mia in time.

Shiji is destined to decide the outcome with her today. If the island does not fall, it can only be achieved by losing to Shiji. She sacrificed her own life for another's, she couldn't do it.

No matter what the other circumstances, even if Kiyana threatened him with a knife on Shiji's neck, Shiji's character is very likely to control the island to fall, Shiji is not afraid of death, and he also knows that if he follows Qi According to Yana's words, after removing the floating island from above the Chambord Islands--you will die, it is better to simply kill Mia and make Qiyana uncomfortable.

Many people are destined to die today, and Qiyana has already prepared for it, but she doesn't want to see Mia die here too. important.


Chapter 39 The Legend Ends

"You are really mean.

"Wow, for a pirate, this is a compliment? Baby sauce."

Shi Ji sneered, presumably Kiyana already knew the current situation very well, but just to be on the safe side, he still wanted to say it again.

"Let's keep fighting. Before defeating the old man, you don't want to save your companion... After you kill me, it's too late to save her. Imagine, several thousand-meter-diameter islands from-thousand Falling from a height of meters, how much damage will the force of the fall cause?"

Kiyana remained silent. Even though Kiyana's physics in her previous life was poor or even failed, she also knew the damage these islands would cause if they landed on the Chambord Islands.

I am afraid that the people on the island, except for a few people such as Leili Huangyuan, will not be able to survive this disaster, even the supernova pirates.

"Do you think that if you threaten me like this, I won't dare to do it?"

"No, I don't think you would be willing to sacrifice yourself to lose to me for the sake of others, but even if I lose this battle, it would be nice to have your companion buried with me, I just have this idea.

"You are very strong. You really don't look like a rookie. I have no certainty of winning. It is very likely that I will die in your hands today as you said. But you think I will let you go Such an easy win and a happy ending? No, no... That's too bad, I have to make you lose something."

This bastard, did you think so? Kiyana was a little angry.

After Mia and Laila were captured by Shiji, Laila didn't reveal their whereabouts until they died. Although the time they spent together was not too long, Kiana really felt that Mia and Laila were together. Is a friend, enough loyalty.

It doesn't matter to Kiyana that the floating island goes down. Kiyana doesn't care how many civilians on the island will die. Kiyana is only worried about Mia's safety, because Mia would rather die than tell her the news. Shiki, this is a rare + point.

For Shi Ji, the current situation is a situation where he doesn't make much money if he wins, but he doesn't lose much money if he loses.

He wins, Kiyana dies, he loses, and he is able to drag Kiyana's companions to be buried with him, which makes Qiyana feel uncomfortable.

While the two were talking, Kiyana's combo count had also been cut off, and all damage bonuses from skill effects had disappeared. No matter what Kiyana thought, she couldn't find it. way of life.

Not to mention that it took only a few seconds for these islands to fall, at most a dozen seconds to reach the sky, and Qiyana was so powerful that she was able to move several islands away from the Chambord Islands in such a short period of time. Above? Impossible, at least not for Kiyana.

Kiyana finally sighed and thought, forget it, it's useless to think so much, anyway, no matter what the situation is, the floating island will definitely fall, and she has no other choice except to fight Shiji.

Even if she knew that Mia might die after solving Shiji, she had no choice.

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