Kiyana pulled the knife out of the scabbard, turned around and said provocatively to Akainu, Akainu put a cold face, and said it as if you have a dick.

The anger of Akainu, an enemy who is not afraid of getting hurt, is still so powerful, if he is not careful, he can kill him with a sword, this ability is too shameless

Garp on the side looked very anxious, because of Akainu's ability, he couldn't get close to the two of them, the thick magma was not a joke, it was funny to say, he was unable to help because of the team's ability to him.

Garp didn't dare to make such a crazy move like Kiyana, and he couldn't recover from his injuries.

"Is that part of your plan?"

Garp muttered in a low voice, among the three, Kiyana didn't choose herself or Kizaru, but she was the first one to challenge Akainu, which reduced the number of enemies she had to face. I have to say that her brain is very flexible , the best attack target was picked at the first time.

If she chooses herself, then both Kizuru and Akainu can attack her. The same is true for choosing Kizuki. Only when she chooses Akainu as the target, will she not dare to approach because of the magma of Akainu.

After chasing the red dog and slashing twice, Qiyana also glimpsed out of the corner of her eye that her blood gauge had decreased a lot, and she couldn't continue to wave.

"There's no blood again" Spray 5

Kiyana clicked her tongue, then turned her head to look at Akainu and said: "I'm going to kill two beasts, you stay here, don't move around, wait until I come back?"

After that, Kiyana didn't wait for Akainu's response, and ran away into the distance.

Akainu looked at Kiyana's back, panting with a big D, his chest heaved violently, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. Although he really wanted to sit on the ground with his buttocks to rest, the current situation does not allow him to do so, Chia Na was obviously looking for other wild beasts to absorb their blood to restore her state, so he couldn't just stay here in a daze.

Otherwise, when Qiyana recovers and comes back, his situation will be even more difficult. Qiyana obviously intends to get rid of herself first.

He has already seen the situation clearly. Through the desperate play just now, the opponent has successfully caused serious injuries to Zi 2. If she recovers to her best condition, he may not last long this time.

So Akainu understands that he absolutely cannot let Kiyana absorb the blood of those beasts, and he will definitely lose if he does it again!

"Don't try to run, I won't let you do that!

Akainu followed closely behind Kiyana, and chased her, but he couldn't run fast because he was injured.

"Stop her, she's going to absorb the blood of those beasts again." Mu Xiao

Akainu also yelled at Karp anxiously, without Akainu reminding, Karp had already followed.

Seeing Garp chasing after him, Kiyana also speeded up again. Not long after, Kiyana saw a huge beast that was constantly demolishing buildings, and there were many corpses of civilians lying around. Killed by this beast.

"Tsk tsk, what a sin!

Kiyana raised the knife and rushed towards it quickly, the beast naturally heard the movement here, stopped the movement of demolishing the house, turned to look at Kiyana, and then let out a deafening sound roar.

"I won't let you succeed!"

Akainu threw out a ball of magma and flew into the sky, then fell, aiming at the beast. If this ball of magma fell, the terrifying temperature would evaporate the blood on the beast's body in an instant.


Before the magma fell on the beast with one step, Qiyana, the terrifying temperature made the beast howl and howl in pain.

Immediately afterwards, Qiyana slashed, and the head of the beast was chopped off. The roar stopped abruptly, and the two blood packs fell down and were picked up by Qiyana, and then submerged into her body.

However, because of the magma, the flesh on the beast's body was burned through, and the blood was directly evaporated without splashing too much blood.

"Well, she wasn't exposed to blood and couldn't recover?"

Seeing that Kiyana hadn't touched the blood, Akainu thought he had succeeded, and immediately waved his fist excitedly, but before he could say anything, he found that the wound on Kiyana's body was recovering rapidly, and it would be as good as before. Yes, I was dumbfounded immediately.

"Wait, isn't she not exposed to blood?"

Akainu was stunned for a moment, and then roared angrily.

Kiyana snickered secretly, but her face was expressionless. Fortunately, Akainu didn't succeed in killing the beast in seconds, and was made up by herself, otherwise it would be a bit dangerous.


Chapter 52

Seeing that Qiyana's injuries recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, Akainu was stunned. He didn't know what was going on. Didn't he successfully prevent her from absorbing the blood of those beasts? Why did she Can you recover from the injury?

Could it be that their deduction is wrong? This woman didn't recover from her injuries by absorbing blood at all?

"Karp, I'm afraid we guessed wrong, she shouldn't recover from her injuries simply by absorbing blood, there must be other reasons, but we don't know yet.

Garp nodded slightly, and he also realized that their previous speculation was wrong, but she didn't recover from the injury by absorbing blood, so what did she rely on?

The ability of the thousand-change devil fruit has never been seen before, and it is not recorded in the devil fruit illustrated book. You must know that although the devil fruit illustrated book does not include all devil fruits in the illustrated book, it also includes most of the extremely rare abilities. up.

And like Qianbian, who can change his appearance at will, even change his age, and can restore the ability of the devil fruit from injury, he has never seen it before, and he has never even heard of it, so it stands to reason It should be famous for its powerful and weird ability.

But it happened that there was no rumor at all, which is really strange.

"Before figuring out how she recovered, she must first lure away all the wild beasts around her. The best way is not to let her come into contact with it.

Akainu forcibly calmed himself down. After seeing Kiyana regained his state just now, he lost his composure. He had to admit that this woman put him under a lot of pressure.

"I'm going to lure those beasts away, but you have to be careful yourself"

Karp nodded and agreed, the main target of Qianbian is the red dog, he can't help much if he stays, he can only watch from the side and worry, so it's better to lure all the beasts around open it.

At present, distracting the beasts is the best way. After all, no one knows exactly how Qianbian uses these beasts to restore his state, and he is not like Sakasky who can burn through all the bones of the beasts without leaving anything behind. .

Kill those wild beasts directly, and the corpses will remain, so it is best to lure them away. :

It would be great if she could know how she used these beasts to restore her state, so that she could prescribe the right medicine and solve the problem from the root.

Garp ran to one side, and disappeared after a while, preparing to lure all the nearby beasts away.

Seeing this, Kiyana naturally understood their plan, but she didn't panic, there were so many wild beasts on the island, and she didn't have to worry about finding them, and now that there was one Karp missing, Kiyana didn't have to be wary of the other party.


At this moment, a stream of light flew from a distance and landed beside Chiquan. It was the yellow ape that was kicked away by Qiyana earlier. He pressed his chest, his face was a little pale, The wound on the lower abdomen that was attacked by Shi Jiyu has also opened.

The wound that had just been stitched opened again, and blood continued to flow from the wound, soaking his yellow suit.

The yellow ape who had lost too much blood felt that his reaction had slowed down a lot at this time, but he could not let Sakaski face this powerful enemy alone. Judging from Sakaski's performance just now, he was completely Not this woman's match.

This woman is a lunatic, no matter what she doesn't care, she rushes forward to fight in the face of Sakalski's attack, she is not afraid at all.

"Is the wound open? No problem?"

Seeing that the wound on the yellow monkey's lower abdomen was open, the red dog also asked.

Although Huang Yuan answered very easily, it can be seen from the expression on his face that he is lying, which is not all right.

Akainu was silent for a while, then stared at Qiyana closely, and treated her strictly.

"Do you still want to fight? You haven't suffered enough, have you?

Kiyana is a little annoyed. I didn't expect it to be like this. Akainu hasn't given up on chasing him. It's almost time to let yourself go, isn't it? I have to push you to the ground and rub it, right? Hit your limbs Can't continue to chase after all breaks?

Qiyana really wanted to complain, did I dig your ancestral grave? It was so hot pursuit.out

Look at how smart Aokiji is, he stopped at about the same time, and he was able to talk a little bit when we met later, are you begging for a fight?

However, the thoughts in Kiyana's heart probably cannot be heard by Chicanu. As the most righteous navy in the navy, Chicanu can be said to be jealous of evil. - There is a trace of "evil".

If you want to stop this kind of person, unless Kiyana calls Shanks over now and lets him use the ability of the fruit of face, but think about it and know that Kiyana can't do this, so this battle still has to be done. continue to fight -


Qiyana stopped talking nonsense, since you have no intention of stopping, then I will not be polite, just hit until you can't catch up with me.

In an instant, Kiyana came to Akakenu's side, and the knife in his hand aimed straight at Akakenu's heart, and Akainu stepped back a few steps, his arms turned into magma and grabbed Kiyana.


The yellow ape next to him also gestured for a pistol, pointed his index finger at Qiyana, and there was a dazzling light between his fingers, ready to launch the laser

Dodge, slash!

The crimson cherry-colored sword energy erupted from Kiyana's body, and the sword energy directly split the surrounding magma, and at the same time, Kiyana also avoided the laser from the yellow monkey.

The sword qi slashed at the two of them, leaving two scarlet marks, and Qiyana quickly launched a flash.

After two quick shuttles in succession, Qiyana appeared behind them + meters away, holding the knife in her right hand and sheathing it.

Two muffled groans sounded, and the yellow monkey and the red dog had injuries of varying degrees on their bodies, and blood spattered out.

Excessive injuries caused both of them to react much slower, and their bodies couldn't keep up. However, Qiyana had just slaughtered two beasts and was in excellent condition.

In such a state, playing two is also very easy, so easy that Qiyana can't believe that she seriously injured two admirals so easily.

"Slow down

The corner of Kiyana's mouth was raised slightly, showing a smile. Now that Garp is gone, let's deal with these two guys as soon as possible, so as to save trouble.

The yellow ape resisted the pain, turned his whole body into a light source, releasing a dazzling light, just for a moment, Qiyana felt dazzled, and couldn't see anything clearly, only a piece of golden light and a faint figure.

Qiyana didn't panic either. Since the last time they fought on Judiciary Island, Qiyana's knowledgeable domineering has grown very rapidly, even if she can't see it, so what? She can't see it even with a smile, and she still becomes a general.

Anyway, she couldn't see it, so Qiyana simply closed her eyes and carefully felt the changes around her. At this moment, Qiyana suddenly discovered that her senses became extremely sharp.

Everything around him is under his control, even though he doesn't see it, everything around him comes to mind.

Enemies who are about to attack themselves, roars of distant beasts, rising smoke

Isn't this Shura mode? Qiyana was startled, she didn't expect that she could enter Shura mode so easily after closing her eyes and carefully feeling the surrounding things.

But after thinking about it carefully, Qiyana realized the reason. Usually, when she wants to enter Shura mode, she basically opens her eyes and carefully observes the trajectory of things around her to judge whether she has entered Shura mode. model.

But in this way, it is easy for me to be attracted by the surrounding things, and the most important thing to enter the Shura mode is a stable state of mind. When I close my eyes, there will be less disturbance from the outside world, and it will be easier to calm down. Come down and feel it.

After accidentally mastering the skill of making it easier to enter the Shura mode, Qiyana couldn't help but smile bitterly. It turned out that it was so simple, thanks to the fact that she had troubled about this problem before.

"She can't see it for a while, hurry up!

SF Light Novel

Huang Yuan reminded Akaken that - generally speaking, normal people who are blind in both eyes will definitely lose their combat effectiveness, even those who have mastered the domineering power of knowledge and information, but their performance is better than ordinary people, after all, they are still one by one A matter of habit.

Hearing this, Akainu also turned his whole body into elements, and a mass of black-smoky magma gradually spread from the soles of his feet, covering a range of hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye.puff

In a piece of magma, a few groups of vicious dogs formed from huge magma suddenly appeared, and they opened their mouths to bite, while Qiyana moved her lotus steps lightly with a relaxed expression, stepping over one step, and very cleverly walked over from a group of vicious dogs. through.

During the process, Qiyana was very confident, as if she was not worried about being thrown at all.

"Amazon Cloud Sword!

Kiyana transformed into a lightsaber, held it tightly in his hand, and slashed at her from behind Qiyana. Kiyana drew the knife and slapped, flattening the lightsaber of the yellow monkey, and then kicked the yellow monkey in the abdomen on the wound.

Adding injury to injury, the yellow ape spat out a pool of blood, flew upside down, hit the trunk of a mangrove tree in the distance, and immediately broke the mangrove tree, the huge mangrove tree collapsed suddenly, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the people on the island, and they all turned their heads to look here.

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