The bald man with a dazed face, the news that the general was defeated by Qianbian Qiyana turned out to be a news that Aokiji wants to get out of the order? No matter how you think about it, it feels like a bad loss.

"Well, that's it, please.

After finishing speaking, Kuzan drank the wine in the glass, put the empty glass on the bar counter, then turned around and walked away from the tavern door.

Early the next morning, when Kiyana opened her eyes, she saw Mia sleeping soundly with her arms in her arms. Mia was making a slight cry, and the exhaled air sprayed onto Kiyana's side face, causing Kiyana was a little itchy, and then Kiyana slowly moved her arm out of Mia's arms.

Mia, who lost Lila, couldn't help crying softly while sleeping in her room last night. Although she was restrained, Kiyana still heard it.

J SF Mu Xiaowan

Although Qiyana can't comfort others, she also knows that Mia needs someone to accompany her at this time, but she didn't expect to have someone to accompany her.

Although she didn't do anything, she just lay on the bed and slept in a very ordinary way, and Qiyana also felt a little bit of guilt. If she turned back into a man in the future, Mia would probably chase herself with a knife after knowing it. .

After leaving Mia's room, Kiyana opened the door and came to the deck, breathing in the fresh morning air and stretching.

Then Qiyana felt that she was much more energetic, and when she was about to let the shadow dance clone prepare breakfast, a clear and crisp crow sounded in the sky. Hovering directly above the sign, as if asking if you want to buy Baoshi.

Of course, Qiyana reached out to greet the news bird to fly down and bought a newspaper, and took out the box that Bailey threw from the material space and threw it in front of the news bird, and the news bird also flapped its wings and flew away.Such a big thing happened yesterday, Qiyana should take a good look at how today's newspapers will report what happened on the Chambord Islands.

After opening the newspaper, the headlines were not what Kiyana expected. It was indeed related to yesterday's incident. What came into view was a brand new arrest warrant, on which five women were very eye-catching in appearance.

- There are multiple appearances on a wanted warrant, so you don't need to think about such a special wanted notice to know that it must be your own.

In addition to the three appearances of Kiana, Mei, and Deli who were already wanted, the appearance of Yae Sakura who made a big splash yesterday was naturally included in the navy's luxury package.

These are four appearances, and the fifth appearance is Fu Hua's appearance. Seeing that Fu Hua's appearance is also on the wanted list, Qiyana is not surprised that there are many people with high IQs in the navy. It's not surprising that Nan associates them together.

It's all thanks to Shi Ji, if he hadn't made such a fuss, Fu Hua's appearance would still be very safe, and now he has joined the luxury package, and he flew up happily.

After looking at the appearance: Qiyana continued to look down, wanting to see if the bounty has increased.

Strange to say, Qiyana actually felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart at this time, obviously being wanted is not a good thing.


Chapter 56

On the calm sea, with the breeze blowing, a pirate ship is slowly driving on the sea. The pattern on the pirate flag is - a skull with a pair of goggles on its head, and a small dagger inserted horizontally on the skull .

This pirate flag is also very famous in the first half of the great route, and it is the No. 3 pirate group of Eustace Kidd among the supernova pirates.

At this time, most of the pirates on the ship gathered listlessly on the deck, lazily basking in the sun, and a few pirates sat together and played cards.

It was their turn to be coated, and it seemed that they could go to Murloc Island, but yesterday, something unexpected happened suddenly, and they had to leave Chambord Islands temporarily.

Now they can only wait for the navy to leave the Chambord Islands, but they don't know how long it will take.

At this time, a news bird fell from the sky, and one of the pirates habitually waved to the news bird to buy a newspaper. After throwing the money into the cash box, the news bird went to find the next buyer.

The pirate slowly spread out the newspaper, and what he saw was a brand-new arrest warrant sandwiched between the newspapers. After a while, his eyes widened, his lips trembled uncontrollably, and he looked very shocked.

"...Three + two hundred million!"

Seeing his strange appearance, the people around turned their heads to look at him in doubt. One of the pirates dealt cards to others and asked with a cigarette in his mouth, "What's the matter? What are you talking about? 32 billion ?”

"It's Qianbian, Qianbian's new arrest warrant has come out, 32 billion Baileys!

The pirate picked up the arrest warrant and shouted loudly to his companions around him.

The surrounding pirates immediately stared at the words, and all of them stood up from the wooden plank and surrounded them. They leaned in front of the arrest warrant and examined it carefully. When they saw the reward amount on the arrest warrant , all of them took a deep breath.

"'s true.'

"Is this bounty too exaggerated? Hey, hey!

The pirates are not calm anymore, they are scrambling to snatch the arrest warrant, looking at the amount on it.

Kidd, who was resting in his room, also felt that they were too noisy after hearing the movement of the pirates outside, so he got up from the bed angrily, opened the door and shouted at the crew: "You guys make a noise again!" try it!

The entire pirate ship was completely silent when they boarded, as quiet as a needle could be heard, and they knew how cruel their own captain was, but they did not dare to disobey Kidd at all.

"It's so loud!

Kidd pressed the wound on his body irritatedly. He was beaten badly by the yellow ape yesterday, and now the wound is still in pain and he is resting.

"What are you arguing about?"

At this time, Kira also came out of his room, looked at the crew and asked.

One of the crew members picked up the wanted warrant in his hand, pointed it at Kidd and Kira, and said cautiously, "It's about Qianbianxin's wanted warrant. The bounty is too scary. There are actually 32 billion Baileys."

"What? 32 billion Baileys?"

Kidd was also taken aback when he heard the words, showing an expression of disbelief, and then he and Kira looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Bring it up and let me see!

Kidd said to the crew member, beckoning him to bring the arrest warrant to him for inspection, and then the crew member trotted all the way to Kidd's side, and handed over the arrest warrant to Kidd.

Kidd snatched it up and checked it with Kira. When they saw the exaggerated bounty and the two new appearances, they couldn't help being silent for a moment.

"Fu Hua? That bounty hunter is actually Qianbian?"

Kidd was shocked, he never imagined that the bounty hunter Fu Hua who had a skirmish with him in the tavern that day, her real identity would be a dry change.

"I really didn't expect that she would pretend to be a bounty hunter. Fortunately, she didn't bother with us when we were in the tavern that day, otherwise we would be in big trouble."

mouth r

Kira was scared for a while. The scene where Kidd provoked Qianbian that day was still vivid in his memory. Fortunately, Qianbian didn't care about them at that time. Thinking about it now, they really walked for a while before the gate of hell. back.


Kidd remained silent. It turned out that this guy was acting like a fool. After learning the truth, Kidd didn't know what to say, he was too surprised.

He never imagined that Fu Huaqi, the bounty hunter who disliked him since 2, would be such a powerful pirate. Looking at the exaggerated bounty of 32 billion Baileys, it already explained his provocative actions at that time It's so deadly.

The other party didn't come directly at that time - punching him to death is considered a good temper, Kidd is really speechless, such a powerful pirate actually ran to become a bounty hunter, and he really got the bounty, What's going on in this world? Who would have imagined this?

If Kidd knew that woman was Qianchang at that time, he would not have dared to make such a move no matter what, now that he is still alive, he can only thank her for her kindness.

And now the navy will issue a wanted warrant for Qianbianxin. What does this mean? Thinking carefully, I am terrified.

This means that the combination of the two admirals of the yellow monkey red dog and the lieutenant general Karp failed to capture Qianbian yesterday. If they successfully captured Qianbian, they would naturally not issue a new arrest warrant. ordered.

"It seems that General Huang Yuan and the others didn't catch Qianbian yesterday. They didn't catch Qianbian like this. How strong is that woman? This is too outrageous, - a general beat us supernovas to death Injured, I ran away, let alone Akainu and Garp

Kira couldn't help being speechless. When they escaped yesterday, they had already received the news that Garp and Akainu had arrived. If they said that the two of them hadn't helped the yellow monkey catch Qianbian, Kira would never believe it anyway.

At that time, even though they had traveled a long distance by boat, the earth-shattering battle still shocked them.

"Where's today's newspaper? Come and show me."

Kidd is no longer satisfied with a wanted warrant, he wants to see how today's newspaper reports what happened yesterday.

Soon, a crew member handed the newspaper to Kira and Kidd. At a glance, the headline on it was the news about Qianbian beheading the legendary pirate Golden Lion Shiji. The battle between the two used a lot of exaggerated words. When people see this news, they can't help but think it's fake news. How can people be so strong?

But people like Kidd, who witnessed the tragic battle with their own eyes, knew that this report was not only not exaggerated, but could even be described as low-key.

Kidd continued to check, but apart from the blockbuster news that Qianbian beheaded Shiji, there was only one news that General Aokiji was asking for a marriage.


Kidd's expression was very strange. There was no record of what he wanted to see, only a message about marriage? What is this?

"It seems that the navy is trying to hide the news that they failed to capture Qianbian, hmph, it's always been like this, I've been used to it for a long time.

Kira could tell at a glance that the navy must have concealed something. Anyway, they could guess what happened. It was nothing more than the failure of the navy to arrest them. They were afraid of bad effects, so they selectively reported-some, for those Content that would have a negative impact on the Navy's image was suppressed.

After hearing Kira's words, Kidd also realized that the navy was concealing the truth of the matter, and immediately lost interest in the newspaper, and casually threw it to the crew aside.

"A thousand changes? The Straw Hat Pirates.

Kidd whispered softly, if he wants to become One Piece, the opponent is undoubtedly the biggest threat.

"Captain Bonnie, what's wrong with you?"

In the kitchen on Bonnie's pirate ship, Bonnie is holding a newspaper in one hand and a chicken leg in the other.

Seeing the captain in a daze, the crew on the side also asked with some doubts.

However, Bonnie didn't respond; she just stared at the wanted notice in the newspaper.

"Fuhua... is actually a thousand changes?"

It took a long time for Bonnie to come back to her senses. No wonder that no matter how much she invited, the other party refused to agree to join the Bonnie Pirates. It turns out that she has already joined the Straw Hat Pirates, and she has been hiding herself .

At this time, Bonnie remembered the rumors she had heard before, saying that Qianbian and the men in the Straw Hat Pirates had unexplainable relationships between men and women, and they were doing unspeakable things on the coast of the backstreet of the water capital. of shame.

In the past, Bonnie believed it quite a bit, but now, after knowing that Fu Hua is a thousand changes, she no longer believes in that rumor. The rumor is really unreliable.

"Captain Bonnie, when are we going back to Chambords?"

"Wait for a while, now the Chambord Islands are full of navies, if you go back, you will die.

Such a big thing happened yesterday, and the navy sent a lot of people. None of the pirates dared to go to the Chambord Islands at this time. Most of them were wandering in the nearby waters, waiting for the right time to turn back.

Moreover, the number of navy in the Admiralty has been unusually large recently. From time to time, several naval warships are patrolling the nearby waters. Pirates who come to the nearby sea for the first time may think this is normal, after all, they are close to the Admiralty. Well, isn't it normal to have a large number of navies?

However, those who have lived on the islands in this sea area all year round can detect that the number of navy is much larger than before, as if something big is about to happen, there is a faint depressive atmosphere.

"Two.Two...Shiji, I never thought I hadn't heard from you for so many years. Once I got the news of your death, all my old friends would have left.

Four emperors, Edward Newgate with a white beard looked at the newspaper in his hand, looking a little lonely. After sighing softly, he threw the newspaper on No. [-], picked up his own wine bowl, and drank it with his head raised.


Chapter 57

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

As usual, in a peaceful atmosphere, in the castle of Nuoda, a blond-haired Casa is sitting on the bank of a lotus pond, dragging a small plate in his left hand, and holding a black tea to his mouth in his right hand. Blow gently.

And beside him, there was another man sitting with a round glass cover on his head. He looked ugly and had a snot in front of his nose. He looked extremely disgusting.

"Kasa San, don't you like collecting slaves?

"I have no interest in collecting slaves, St. Charles Rose."

Kasa took a sip of the still steaming black tea, and responded blankly. Charros rolled his eyes when he heard that, Kasa is really difficult to get along with, and he has no common hobbies with other Tianlong people , I don't know how to continue the conversation.

"You will have no friends if you do this, how about I give you a few slaves, all of them have eaten devil fruits, and they are stronger among the slaves, and they will definitely rank in the slave competition.

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