Rotate the weapon around itself as the center and sweep across the enemy, causing physical damage of [-] times - - [-]% of the attack power to the surrounding enemies, and the last blow deals physical damage of [-]% of the attack power, floating in the air and knocking the enemy into the air .

The moment the special move is activated, it attracts surrounding enemies.

Kiyana wielded the giant sword and tried her best to slash the surrounding - cut. The moment Kiyana started to spin, the surrounding pirates only felt a huge attraction pulling their bodies, It's like a real tornado, trying to get them in it

One of the pirates hugged the mast desperately, and his whole body was floating in mid-air because of the terrifying attraction, but in the end he couldn't hold on, his hands loosened his grip on the mast, and he was caught by a huge A tornado gets involved.

The moment he was caught in the tornado, Qiyana's giant sword slashed heavily on his chest, knocking him into the air, and a mouthful of blood spewed out and was sucked into the sky by the tornado.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Kiyana twirled crazily and swung the big sword, and the surrounding decks were chopped out with large circular holes, and this gap was still expanding, and more damage was suffered as Kiyana moved.

In the end, Qiyana swung her sword, ending her nirvana, and the [-]% physical attack damage added to the final blow was an explosion. When the sword came out, there were no good objects around, and the entire pirate ship Disintegrated into large pieces of shipwreck, more than a dozen pirates were all beaten by Qiyana, vomiting blood and unconscious, and fell into the sea. Of course, this is also because of Qiyana's mercy.industry

Otherwise, during the duration of the nirvana just now, Qiyana could easily crush them into a pool of minced meat, but that would be too bloody, and Qiyana would have no experience points to kill these people, so she just Leave these pirates to the navy to clean up. She only needs to be responsible for making these pirates lose their combat effectiveness.

Solved another ship, and Kiana continued to fly to the next one. The speed of solving the battle was so fast that the navy was stunned. Is the battle behind the great route so terrible? The navy of their G1 branch is close to the great Basically, I have never seen such a powerful pirate at the entrance of the route.

It is said that the farther back the great route is, the more powerful the battle will be, and the battle will be more terrifying. It turns out that it is true.

This hasn't reached the new world yet, it's just the end of the first half, there are such strong people, it's hard for them to imagine what the new world will be like.

While the navy was shocked, Kiyana also quickly sank several other pirate ships, and a large number of injured pirates fell into the seawater, and the seawater stained the wounds, causing these pirates pain Tears were about to flow out, and everyone wailed in pain.

Kiyana saw that all the pirates were shot down into the sea, and most of them lost their combat effectiveness, so they returned to the naval warship on the moon.

".Thank you for your help, Himeko, right? Our navy will always remember your kindness.

"It's nothing, hurry up and catch the pirates, with me here, they shouldn't dare to resist.


The navy soldiers saluted Kiyana for some reason, as if Kiyana was their officer, probably because of Kiyana's help to them.

Afterwards, the navy soldiers put down the boat, controlled the pirates who fell into the water one by one, and handcuffed them.

The pirates looked at Qiyana who was looking at them coldly on the same warship, and they couldn't bear any thought of resistance, so they simply captured her without a fight. They couldn't resist this woman at all.

Without the pirate ship, it is impossible for them to escape in this vast sea, even if they swim to escape, it will be a waste of effort.

Soon, the navy soldiers captured all the pirates who fell into the water, and held them in temporary prisons on the warship, preparing to send them to the Ministry of the Navy.

After doing everything, Qiyana saw that there was nothing else to do, and planned to leave.

"Jizi, please stop, thank you very much for everything you have done today."

Among them, a man suspected of being a naval officer took the lead to thank Kiyana, and Kiyana just waved his hand.

"It's no big deal, it's just a little effort."

After all, Kiyana planned to leave here, but the other party continued.

"These pirates were caught because of you, so don't you want their bounty? We plan to go to the Marine Department of the Navy next, and I will testify to the officer that you caught them.

"Is there a bounty? Huh, the lady doesn't care about these filthy money.

Kiyana thought about it for a while—after the meeting, she refused. These pirates are not very strong. Even if there is a bounty, 500,000 in total is too much, but although Kiyana said so, but In fact, she still wants it very much in her heart, but if she wants the money, she has to go to the Navy Headquarters.

Are you kidding? That's the enemy's camp. What if someone finds out their true identity? It's too dangerous. If you don't go, you won't go if you're beaten to death.

So after thinking about it again, Qiyana decided not to take the money.


The navy looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Afterwards, Kiyana flew away from the warship on moon steps, and the navy soldiers came to the edge of the deck one after another, looking at Kiyana's far away back, showing longing expressions.

"It's so beautiful."

"Yeah, she is not only pretty but also very powerful. She also has the same style as Colonel Tina. Sometimes I really envy the navy under Colonel Tina. It's great. If she can join the navy, I absolutely want to be her subordinate."

"Haha, just dream, there is everything in the dream.


Chapter 64

The Ministry of the Navy, Marin Fando, there are more than a dozen naval warships parked at the port at this time, all of which are regular warships, and one can carry

Soldiers, belonging to the regular ship of the Tumoling class.

Seen from above, the entire port is crescent-shaped, and only one place can enter the port.

At this time, in the square inside the port, a group of naval soldiers was escorting dozens of pirates off a naval warship, and the soldiers who had been practicing in the square all turned their heads to look.

"Are you the G1 branch? Are you the ones who caught these pirates?"

Seeing this, Aokiji passing by also walked over curiously and asked. The navy soldiers escorting the pirates immediately straightened up when they saw the person coming, and gave a very standard military salute.

Although they are rarely seen, as long as the admirals of the Navy are in the navy, no one does not know them. Admirals, that is the goal of many navies. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are their idols. Everyone will become an admiral as the supreme honor.

"-General Aokiji!

One of the navy soldiers was extremely excited, and looked at Kuzan with admiration. He came from the G1 branch, and he didn't expect to see one of the three generals, General Qing Nan, so soon. How could he not be excited.

"Well, you guys did a good job, the number of pirates has also increased recently.

Kuzan nodded slightly, and then gave some compliments. For an excellent navy, rewards should be given, even if it is just a verbal compliment, it is better than nothing.

Moreover, these soldiers in front of them seem to admire themselves very much, and a little encouragement will also enhance their sense of belonging and honor to the navy, and being able to get compliments from those they admire is also a kind of affirmation for them.

"...Report, we didn't catch these pirates, but we were able to capture them with the help of a red-haired woman named Wuliangta Jizi, if it wasn't for her , I'm afraid we won't make it to the Admiralty alive today.'

"Boundless Tower, Jizi?"

Kuzan whispered the name, seemingly never heard of it, and had no impression.

"Anyway, it's good that nothing happened. Escort these pirates to the dungeon. Later, I will arrange warships to imprison them in Jinjin City. You guys have a good rest.

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After finishing speaking, Kuzan left. Seeing Kuzan's leaving back, the navy soldiers were all very excited. Usually in the branch, they rarely see the admiral. After seeing them now, they are surprisingly approachable.

He doesn't put on airs, even when dealing with ordinary soldiers like them, he speaks very peacefully.

After leaving the square, Kuzan walked forward and went straight to the conference room. Along the way, he encountered many naval soldiers walking towards him, and Kuzan nodded to deal with it.

On the way, I also met other lieutenant generals of the Navy Department and major generals of the branch. Just 10 minutes ago, Sengoku used the phone bug to call them to the conference room for a meeting. I thought they had something to say.

Kuzan, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan and other lieutenant generals went to the meeting room together, chatting casually along the way.

Soon, Kuzan and others arrived at the conference room. Kuzan pushed the door and entered, followed by the lieutenant generals. As soon as he entered the conference room, Kuzan saw the Marshal of the Warring States Period sitting in the innermost corner of the conference room. In terms of position, and on his left and right sides are red dogs and yellow monkeys.

After half a month of recuperating, the injuries of the two of them have healed a lot. From the outside, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but Akainu's slightly frowning brows from time to time betrayed him. Obviously, the wounds on his body are still intact. There was a dull pain, and the bandage wrapped around his chest gave off an unpleasant smell of medicine.

Kuzan didn't speak either. He didn't have a good relationship with Sakaski, so he just went straight to the seat next to Huang Yuan and sat down. Then he closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the meeting to start.

- All the lieutenant generals and major generals also found their own seats to sit down. Among them, the higher the seniority of the navy, the closer the seat is, and the base of the major general level sits near the entrance of the conference room. You don't need to explain too clearly, they are very self-confident.

Gradually, people came to the meeting room one after another. Karp, Momotu, Chafu, etc. also came to the meeting room, and the seats were basically full.

After Garp came to the meeting room, he also went directly to Sengoku's side, then reached out and opened the drawer in front of Sengoku, took out a pack of senbei from it, tore it open and ate it.

...can you stop-come and get my snack?'


SF Light Novel

Garp just chuckled, grabbed a piece of senbei and fed it into his mouth, then sat next to Kuzan, the whole meeting room resounded with the sound of Karp eating senbei, with non-stop clicks.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the seats were full and almost all the people came, the Warring States also planned to formally start the meeting.

"Then let's start the meeting. As you all know, we have recently dispatched a lot of manpower from the various branches of the Great Route to the Admiralty for the upcoming operations.

Everyone stared at Sengoku intently, waiting for him to speak, except Karp who was still eating senbei.

"so we

"Crack clap-

"...can you stop eating now?"

Warring States said with some dumbfounding, Karp also turned his head to look at the others when he heard the words.

"You don't mind?"

"Don't mind, don't mind."

"Eat it, Lieutenant General Garp, we don't mind."

A group of lieutenant generals and major generals all expressed that they didn't mind, their expressions were very indifferent, Garp turned his head and said to Zhan Guo with a smile: "Look, they don't mind.

Warring States sighed with some headaches, and didn't care about Garp anymore. Anyway, Garp had almost eaten up the package of senbei, and the quarrel won't last long, so let him go.

"Some people already know what we're going to do next, but some people don't know, so I'm here to explain that we are gathering the power of the Navy branch to declare war on the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors.

When the words of the Warring States Period came out, many lieutenant generals and major generals showed shock. Although they had expected that the Admiralty would make a big move this time, they did not expect that they would declare war on the Whitebeard Pirates.Death and Xiaozhi

"Not long ago, Blackbeard Marshall D: Tiki captured Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second combat team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and handed it over to our navy. We decided to make an announcement about Fire Fist Ace. Sentenced.

"Kacha Kacha...

Although Garp is eating senbei, his voice has become much quieter. Although Ace is not his own grandson, he is as important as Luffy in Garp's heart.

Many lieutenant generals have taken a look at Karp, they know the relationship between Karp and Ace, and they will definitely not feel good when they hear the news

"After the news spread, based on what I know about White Beard, he will definitely not sit idly by, and he will definitely bring people to come when the time comes.

Warring States went on to say that the navy could no longer procrastinate. The military strength of the branch was assembled, and the strength of other branches became extremely weak. The longer the time dragged on, the more dangerous the other branches would be.

This war should have started a long time ago, but it was only delayed for a while because of the injuries of Akakenu and Kizaru. Now that the two are almost recovered from their injuries, they can already fight. Ace's execution should also be mentioned It's on the agenda.

"I heard that Fire Fist Ace and the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy, are sworn brothers. I'm afraid we will not only have to face the Whitebeard Pirates, but also the Straw Hat Pirates. As for the threat, although Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, is not powerful enough to be feared, the Straw Hat Pirates... have changed... "..

A major general with short black hair said worriedly. Although he hadn't said anything yet, everyone present understood what he meant.

The Straw Hat Pirates are actually nothing, their strength is mediocre, the main reason is this Qianchang Qiyana, who is too strong, not inferior to the Four Emperors, and even to a certain extent, even more difficult than the Four Emperors, because she has the ability to The ability to instantly restore self-injury.

All the people present were high-ranking generals in the navy, and the truth of the Chambord Islands incident was very clear. Both the red dog and the yellow monkey were injured by the dry change.

This time Ace's public execution is already very difficult just to deal with a white beard pirate group. If you add a thousand changes, it may be difficult for the navy to win.

"If we execute the execution publicly, Luffy will definitely come, but I don't know about the others, but I think the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates will follow my stupid grandson.

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