The navy at the level of major general and above can basically have access to most of the secrets, and the information that can be provided to the revolutionary army is also very useful. Qiyana does not believe that the revolutionary army will reject such an excellent undercover candidate as herself. outside.

"No problem, I will help you solve the identity problem.

Sure enough, Sabo immediately nodded and agreed, not to mention that he promised that Qiyana would help if she was in trouble, not to mention that Qiyana's joining the navy as an undercover agent would also be of great help to the revolutionary army, so why not do it? ?

"Then it's settled,

"Well, but you already have five appearances on the wanted list, do you have any other appearances?"

Sabo is very curious, he really wants to know how many appearances Kiyana has.

"Of course there is."

After all, Kiyana switched to the Gale Armor in Jizi's appearance, with bright red long hair and huge breasts that would burst out of her clothes. A beautiful lady who is mature, sexy and full-body.

The eyes of the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army on the side were all wide-eyed, their breathing was almost stagnant, and they stared blankly at the charming Qiyana. Compared with Qiyana's appearance, Jizi's appearance seemed to be more able to capture these elders heart of.

"Oh my god, it's really like a different person."

"If it wasn't in front of us, we wouldn't be able to recognize the same person at all.

"Am I dazzled?"

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army were amazed, they were able to change their appearance in such a short period of time, and it was still in front of them, which is amazing.

Sabo was also very surprised. Qiyana's appearance did not appear on the wanted notice, and the navy should not recognize it.

After showing it for a while, Kiyana switched to white armor again. Jizi's appearance should not be exposed too much before entering the navy, otherwise it will be bad if the navy finds that Jizi's appearance has been mixed with the revolutionary army .

Afterwards, Qiyana chatted casually with Sabo, went back to the room to rest after eating, and Sabo went out to solve the identity problem for Qiyana.

After two days like this, Qiyana's body has almost recovered, and she is ready to leave here.

On the coastal port, a ship slightly smaller than the Hyperion is docking at the edge of the port. This is what Sabo prepared for Kiana.

- Mouth F Mu Xiaowan

Kiyana said goodbye to a group of revolutionary soldiers at the port, and Sabo handed a package to Kiyana.

"There are some dry food and water in it, and the identity certificate is also in it. The navy can't see it."

"Thank you."

Qiyana took the package casually, put it into the material space, boarded the ship, and then switched to the Shadow Dancer armor and used her nirvana to summon two Shadow Dancer clones to take charge of the navigation.

Kiyana stood at the stern saying goodbye to Sabo and the others.

"When you see Luffy, remember to say hello to him for me.

Sabo yelled loudly at Kiyana who was gradually going away.

"I will, bye."

Gradually, the boat on which Kiyana was traveling was getting farther and farther away, but the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army seemed to have lost their souls, standing on the port for a long time, unwilling to leave.

"Okay, it's time for us to go back to the headquarters, don't be dazed.

Sabo also felt a bit of a headache looking at a group of Revolutionary Army soldiers who were all fascinated by Qiyana.

A month later, near the windless zone, the wind was sunny and sunny, and the sea breeze was constantly blowing, which made people feel very comfortable.

Kiyana stood at the bow of the boat and checked the small map with her mobile phone. According to the map, the island where Hiyumaru was located was far away from her. It should take more than ten hours by sailing, and it was deep in the windless zone.

Hiyumaru should be with Luffy now, and Luffy is now practicing domineering on the island with Rayleigh.

During this one-month voyage, Akainu has become the admiral of the navy, and the G1 branch is also undergoing large-scale transformation, and is gradually becoming the new Navy Department. It seems that it is not too far before Akainu starts the world conscription. Kiyana decided to go to Luffy before the world conscription, and say hello to Higyomaru.

SF Light Novel

Looking at the densely packed little red dots on the small map, Qiyana couldn't help sighing, "As expected of the windless belt, there are so many Neptunes."

Kiyana is not a navy, and there is no warship with a chassis made of sea stones, so she cannot pass through the windless belt next to the great route safely. She has no choice but to use moon steps to fly over to the island of practice where Luffy is.

Generally speaking, using moon steps to fly over will avoid a lot of trouble, but the distance is too far, and Qiyana is afraid that she will lose her strength halfway through the flight. There will be no boats at that time, and there will be no place for Qiyana to rest on the vast sea. nothing.

But if you take a boat, there is no wind and no sea breeze. Ordinary sailboats can't sail at all, and they will be attacked by countless sea kings. It's not a simple dozen or twenty sea kings, but a group of adult sea kings. Hundreds of thousands of sea kings are there in the calm sea area? I am afraid that no one can come up with a correct answer.

Tsk, I'm afraid of farts, Lei Li dared to swim through the windless belt, although Qiyana can't swim, but she can fly, Qiyana doesn't believe that she can't fly, in order to learn the moon step skills as soon as possible, Qiyana Na flew for several hours in a row.

Qiyana retracted the phone into the material space, switched to the Assault Armor, and the 3rd Holy Relic in her hand emitted a faint light.

With one foot, it took off into the air and flew towards the top of the windless belt. As for the boat presented by Sabo, Kiyana also directly abandoned it. Most of the things on it were received by Kiyana into the material space. There is nothing valuable, and it is not a pity to lose it.

In this way, Kiana used the Moon Step to fly over the windless belt.


Suddenly, the seemingly calm sea suddenly exploded, and a huge sea king flew up from the sea, rushed out of the water and opened its bloody mouth towards Qiyana, trying to swallow Qiyana into her stomach.

"If you dare to come, I dare to turn you into an experience.

Qiyana snorted coldly, and swung an extremely fierce sword aura, directly cutting the giant sea kings in half with the sword, the stinky blood splashed, and the cut sea kings also fell back. In the sea, it stirred up waves more than ten meters high.

The blood also dyed a large area of ​​the nearby sea red, and a few materials flew out of the sea, submerged into Qiyana's body and disappeared.

Kiyana didn't fly too high, and was only a dozen meters above the sea. If Kiyana flew higher, these sea kings would naturally have nothing to do with Kiyana.

However, Qiyana also wanted to use these Neptunes to upgrade, so she didn't fly too high. The most important thing is that Qiyana now wants to collect materials.

It seems that during the period when Qiyana was in a coma, the game system was updated once, and the Assault Armor had an extra mode called Amplification Core.

Two new materials, Zidian Core and Fused Steel Core, are required. Qiyana has not been able to unlock this mode for the time being due to the lack of these two materials. According to the content in the game, it seems to be a skill that can switch to Assault Armor.

To be honest, Qiyana didn't expect that the old armor such as Assault Armor would still have changes, and maybe other armors might also launch the augmented core mode in the future.

The blood of the sea kings killed by Qiyana stained a large area of ​​the sea red, and the sea kings suddenly went crazy, and the bloody smell made them lose their minds and gathered crazily.

Qiyana swung several sword qi one after another, even splitting the sea water in half, forming a short channel.

Several sea kings died in an instant, and the materials kept flying to Qiyana's body.

In this way, Kiyana killed the sea kings all the way, while heading towards the island where Luffy was. After an hour, Kiyana also felt a little tired.

"Captain, the material is enough, you can unlock the booster core of the assault armor.

Aijiang reminded Qiyana thoughtfully. Hearing this, Qiyana also put away the 3rd holy relic, took out her mobile phone to unlock the booster core of the assault armor, and then carefully read the skill introduction.

This booster core is not unlocked at one time, but needs to be unlocked six times, and the later the more materials are needed.

"Looks like it's not enough.

Kiyana muttered softly, and then switched to the augmentation core mode, wanting to see the changes in skills.


Chapter 53

After switching to the augmentation core mode, Qiyana found that she seemed to be able to switch back and continue to use the previous skills. Seeing the text scene, Qiyana was also relieved.

If the new skills are not to her liking, Qiyana can still use the previous skills, which is good.

Let's take a look at the passive skills first. Compared with the old version of the skills, the passive skills of the new skills seem to be able to recover - something called electromagnetic energy. Basic attacks, and the burst state after activating the ultimate move can all restore the so-called electromagnetic energy.

It can also be recovered during extreme dodge, and at the same time, the attack will consume - point electromagnetic energy during the dodge process, throwing the soul flashing blade that can cause 120% of the attack power physical damage to the enemies in the range, and restore two points of SP when it is not in the burst state .

Then he rushes to the enemy, causing physical damage and triggering a branch attack, a void slash attack.

It seems to be a good sticky skill, let's try it.

Qiyana moved closer to the sea, and the Neptunes who had gathered because of the smell of blood also jumped out of the sea, setting off huge waves and trying to swallow Qiyana who was flying in mid-air.


The white air wave erupted, and after dodging the attack of the sea king with one foot, the time-space break effect was triggered, and Qiyana took a step forward in the air.

Then I saw Qiyana shooting a blue-purple lightning-like flying blade, which poured straight into the bloody mouth of the huge sea king, and exploded in its mouth.

Qiyana's figure "flyed" quickly, quickly slashing and cutting on the giant sea king, several exaggerated wounds appeared on the sea king, and the painful sea king screamed.

In the end, before the sea kings fell back into the sea, Qiyana chopped the opponent into dozens of huge pieces of meat.

After quickly beheading a sea king, Kiyana also stayed away from the sea, returned to a safe distance, and continued to move forward, while reminiscing about the feeling just now.

"feel good."

Qiyana said to herself, compared to the old version of the skill, the new Strike Sticky Man is more powerful and has much higher mobility, but the combo is a little bit worse, and the speed is not as fast as before.

At least there will be no more situations where the old striker uses branches to slash the air, dodge and launch the soul flying blade, and then he will be able to catch up with the enemy and continue to attack, and the speed is still very fast.

Kiyana savored the difference between the two assaults carefully while on her way

Another two hours have passed, and Qiyana has moved from the edge of the windless zone to the deeper sea area of ​​the windless zone.

The strength of the Neptunes became stronger, and the red dots displayed on the mini-map became more and more colorful. Soon, the materials needed to increase the core of the Assault Armor were collected again, and Qiyana immediately upgraded without hesitation. Boost core, upgrade the boost core to two stars, and unlock new skills.

If it wasn't for Kiyana's inability to sail in the windless zone, this would be a good place to upgrade. It's just that she used moon steps for a long time to fly. In the past, Qiyana's strength was insufficient, and it would be very dangerous in the windless zone, but it may be possible in the future. Consider often going to the calm to bring beheaded sea kings to level up.

"Still hurry up.

Kiyana muttered in a low voice, there is no place to rest nearby, Kiyana is too tired to kill sea kings while using the moon step, so she should concentrate on her journey and get to the island where Luffy is as soon as possible. .

Qiyana was not beheading the Neptunes anymore, but was concentrating on her journey, her speed increased a lot, and the distance of a thousand meters was only thirty seconds.

This is far beyond normal. If people's speed is seen by others, their eyeballs will fall out of fear.


There was a roar of a wild beast, and in the silent jungle at night, Luffy, Rayleigh, and Higokumaru sat around a small open space, with a large pile of dry firewood collected by Higokumaru piled up in front of them.


Hiyumaru spit out a ball of flame, and lit the dry firewood in a blink of an eye, bringing some warmth to this cold night.

"Oh, it's lit, you're really amazing.

Lei Li looked at the burning fire and said with a smile, while Hiyumaru touched his head in embarrassment, and smiled.

"It's time to start the barbecue!"

Luffy 6, who was wrapped in bandages, worked very hard to skewer the meat of the beast with branches, preparing for the barbecue, while Rayleigh smiled and took a sip from the small wine bottle.

"Really? Hehehe, it's so-so.

After Hiyumaru was praised by Lei Li, he also felt very embarrassed.

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