"Before the game starts, I want to remind you that although this selection is based on a point system, as long as you perform well enough, according to our observations, you will be given a rank that matches your strength.

The ghost spider turned his head and said to the people participating in the selection, although most of them already knew about it, he still had to remind him that it was an obligation.

"In addition, during the game, it is strictly forbidden to attack others in order to snatch points. A large number of surveillance phone bugs have been deployed on the island in advance, and all the pictures will be broadcast back to the Navy Department in real time. This behavior - after discovery, Outright disqualification and expulsion from the Navy.

The ghost spider warned everyone, after all, the game is based on a point system, and no one knows what some people will do to get points.

After hearing Lieutenant General Ghost Spider's words, many people showed dissatisfaction. It was obvious that they planned to use some tricks in the competition, but Ghost Spider was banned directly.

Can’t attack others? That’s not bad. Qiyana secretly thought that she and Di have been on many missions in the past month, and captured many pirates.

- Get famous.

Participating in the selection competition this time, there is no guarantee that she will not become the target of public criticism, besieged by others, and shot at the head of the bird. If someone is afraid of her own strength and gangs up to besiege her, it is difficult for Qiyana to guarantee that she will not reveal her true strength.

Qiyana is very happy to see this rule that she cannot attack others.

"I believe you are aware of the rules of the game, but here I still want to mention again, the beasts on the island have been marked, green marks one point, blue two points, purple three points, red four points. The same color The strength of the marked beasts is more or less slightly different, but the difference is not the same....

"I have a question.

At this time, a recruit raised his hand and interrupted the ghost spider's words. The ghost spider's face became a little ugly, but he suppressed it.

"you say.

"Can all areas of the island be observed by the surveillance phone bug? Are there any areas that are not covered by the surveillance phone bug?"

The recruit's face became a little ugly when he saw the ghost spider, and he also understood that he had interrupted Lieutenant General Ghost Spider just now, which made the other party a little angry, but he still wanted to ask the question in his heart.

"There is no full coverage - the monitoring phone bugs on the island cannot cover all areas without dead ends. In addition, the behavior of the beast itself is unpredictable, and the installed monitoring phones may also be damaged."

"So what if there is a dispute in an area that is not covered by the phone bug? For example, someone solved the red-marked beast, but the other person said that he solved the beast. How to judge this situation?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to say, so I'll send you a recording phone bug later on, remember to bring it with you, it will record the video of your entire game.

As the ghost spider said, he waved his hand to signal his subordinates to distribute the recorded phone bugs to the contestants.

I saw a few navy soldiers walking out carrying two large wooden boxes. The wooden boxes were full of recording phone bugs, only the size of a palm, and there were several pins on them, which could be used to hang on clothes to fix them.Worker "roar"

The navy soldiers took the record phone bug out of the wooden box and handed it to the contestants. Qiyana also received a record phone bug from the navy soldier. It was not very big and easy to carry.

Qiyana put the pin on the back of the phone bug on her chest and fixed it firmly, and the two round balls clamped the phone bug tightly.

The contestants standing around Qiyana suddenly gasped and cast envious glances at the phone bug.

Kiyana looked at the phone bug on her chest. With the video recorded by the phone bug, even in areas where the surveillance phone bug couldn't cover, Kiyana could guarantee a fair verdict.

To be honest, Qiyana also had the same question as that recruit just now. After all, if she solved a red-marked beast by herself and got four points, but there are some shameless people claiming that he did it, if she is monitored by the phone It's okay for the worm to see who is lying - it's clear at a glance.

However, it is difficult to explain this kind of thing when there is no monitoring phone bug in the area. Now that there is this portable monitoring phone bug, this kind of trouble is solved.

Don’t worry about being robbed of points, what you solve must be your own, and you won’t be falsely claimed by others, and you don’t have to be afraid of people besieging you in areas that are not covered by surveillance. Solved a lot of problems, don't worry about being treated unfairly.

"By the way, for whatever reason, anyone who loses or damages the record phone bug will be deducted [-] points. Those who deliberately destroy other people's record phone bugs or monitor the phone bug will be directly expelled from the Navy."

The ghost spider warned everyone that the navy would not be polite to those who were preoccupied with calculating others.

"In the first selection, there will be a large number of soldiers operating on the island, monitoring, and advising those who have evil intentions should not take chances

- Once discovered, they will be severely punished.


SF Light Novel

The ghost spider's words undoubtedly completely guaranteed the fairness of the selection, and they can only speak based on their strength.

"Do you understand everything?


Everyone responded loudly in unison.

Soon, under the leadership of the Nine Snakes pirate ship, the naval warship approached the island where the selection contest was held.

"This concubine brought me here, you better clean up the island.

Hancock said in a tone as if he was giving an order to the navy, his haughty and indifferent gaze swept across the navy.

The ghost spider didn't answer, but turned to the people participating in the selection and said: "The competition has begun, what are you still doing?"

As soon as these words came out, many quick-responsive people immediately flew towards the island with moon steps, and Qiyana rushed to the forefront first, the beasts on the island are limited, and the time limit is one day, Qiyana Yana didn't want to give up the points.

Just now, Qiyana secretly used her mobile phone to check the small map. There are only more than 50 small red dots on the island, and the colors are still very dim, which can't provide much experience.

Yuan Qiyana still thought about earning some experience by the way while competing, but now it seems that she can't do it.

Hancock looked at the people flying towards the island, but he was also indifferent. He turned his head and ordered to go back the same way, and the two huge swimming snakes turned around and swam towards Amazon Lily Island.

After all the people participating in the selection landed on the island, the ghost spider also ordered his subordinates to land on the island for surveillance.

Kiyana used the moon step to fly directly to the depths of the island, heading straight for the little red dot. Although the mosquito is small, it is still meat.

Soon Qiyana found the target directly below, and saw a huge tiger lying on the grass, as if taking a nap, sleeping very sweetly, but at the same time kept vigilant, with a huge tiger on its back The red dot is the red mark.Bang

Qiyana flew straight for Yuebu, and the huge movement of Yuebu stepping on the air naturally woke up the tiger. It quickly opened its eyes and looked up towards the sky.

mouth-lose novel

Nirvana, Nexus!

- A ball of lightning burst out from Kiyana's body, spread outward, and instantly covered the surrounding space. When the tiger touched the electric arc emitted from Kiyana's body, the hair on its entire body stood on end in an instant.

There was a faint burning smell, and the body also entered a state of paralysis, unable to move, and the muscle tissue was convulsed.

Qiyana swung the big sword with both hands and slashed down, a light blade flew out, instantly cutting the tiger in half.

The Crimson Armor's nirvana makes Qiyana enter an explosive state, and each attack will be accompanied by a light blade that penetrates in a straight line, causing lightning elemental damage equal to a percentage of the attack power of the hit enemy.

After the light blade penetrated the tiger's body, it also slashed on the ground, and a large amount of electric current spread out along the ground.

The poor beast just woke up from a dream, and in the blink of an eye, it has already reported to the elder sister.

"Four points in hand, carry away, next one!"

Kiyana said to herself, and turned directly to the next target.

The Admiralty, Karp, and Sengoku sat face to face at the tea table, and a huge screen was hung on the wall next to it, showing the scene of the selection scene. The two of them were eating senbei while watching .

"Is her name Ji Zi?

Garp kept eating the senbei in his mouth, making a crackling sound.

"Well, the identity and background have also been investigated, and there is no problem, but the strength is still a bit weak.

Warring States held the teacup and blew gently.

"You can't see it in the first round of selection, wait for the second round."

Garp gnawed on the senbei, looked at the picture on the big screen and said, the first round didn't show the real strength, it was just to get rid of a group of people with insufficient strength, and it would have to wait until the second round.


Chapter 13

In the first round of selection, all the contestants were working hard to get enough points. From time to time, naval soldiers could be seen moving around on the island, monitoring the situation on the selection field to prevent anyone from violating the rules of the competition.


A sword qi flew out, cutting a giant python with a green mark on its body into two parts. The upper body was separated from the lower body, and the foul-smelling blood splashed on the grass. The giant python writhed in pain. The body is in great pain.

Qiyana hurriedly made up the blow, piercing the big sword straight into the giant python's head, and then slashing downwards forcefully.


The snake's skin was sliced ​​open by the giant sword, and the meat roll was turned over all the way. The dead couldn't die anymore, they were all dead.

Another mark was solved. Qiyana's current total points have also reached 52 points. However, it is less than half an hour since the start of the selection. Qiyana thinks that her speed is relatively fast. The one with the most.

But Qiyana did not relax, but turned her head and went directly to find the next prey. There are still many wild beasts on the island. Once Qiyana relaxes, she will be caught up by others soon.

After all, the people who participated in the selection were all selected by the instructors, so they must have strength, and Qiyana didn't have any intention of underestimating them.

Not long after Qiyana left, several people came here. It was the recruits who participated in the selection this time. Everyone looked at the giant python that was beheaded by Qiyana, and couldn't help but be speechless.

"That woman is really amazing, if things go on like this, the points will be robbed by her one by one.

"Tsk, it's a pity that the rules don't allow us to attack others. Otherwise, we'll besiege us together, and she won't be able to beat us alone.

"That's not sure, although we can't do it directly, but we can do it indirectly.

"Hey, Saska, you'll be heard!"

When others heard what he said, they were startled, and quickly pointed to the phone worm on Saska's body and reminded: "Don't let the phone worm record what you said, if someone hears what you said just now, you will be caught. Expelled from the Navy.

"What are you afraid of? This recording phone bug can only record video, but cannot record sound. I don't want to be expelled from the Navy.

The man called Saska has a beard, looks more than 20 years old, and is physically strong, almost-Mi Jiu's stature, Saska seems to know the record phone bug very well,-not worried about himself at all The words were recorded by the phone bug, because he knew that this phone bug didn't have that function. P F2 Xiaozhi

When the others heard what Saska said, they realized that this phone bug didn't have the function of recording. Fortunately, they just lowered their voices and spoke in a low voice.

"You said indirect action? How to do it?"

"Isn't that simple? Of course we can't do it, and other people will definitely not be stupid enough to attack her. We can't let others do this, so we have to find another way.

Saska pointed to a green-marked beast not far away, and said very calmly.



Qiyana took the big sword out of the body of a giant praying mantis, and suddenly heard someone calling for help, and turned her head to look.

I saw a few men jumping out of the weeds in the forest in the distance, some of them were carrying a seriously injured person and running desperately, and behind them - there were chaotic footsteps, the ground They were all trembling slightly, and it seemed that a large group of huge beasts were chasing them.

"Help, someone help us!"

One of the men had a flustered expression and shouted at the top of his voice, looking as if he had been cornered.

Did he accidentally provoke a large group of beasts? This is not a small movement, Qiyana thought secretly, but these people are in danger, and Qiyana can't just sit back and watch.

"Hey, come here!"

Qiyana quickly waved her hand to greet those people to run towards her.

"Ah, it's Jizi, we're saved!"

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