The ghost spider collected all the list, and said with a serious expression, the people whose names were not read immediately let go - these words completely let them know that they would not be eliminated, after all, they knew how many points they had. ghost spider

upset.The rank will also be given, following the

"Those who have not advanced to the second round should not be discouraged. As I said beforehand, as long as the performance is good enough,

Afterwards, the ghost spider also turned the list and continued to announce the results of other people.

"Sask, with 160 points, advanced to the first round.

"YES! Those who provoked the herd

Saska clenched her fists with excitement, and Qiyana turned her head to look, and found that this guy was not from yesterday

One of the unlucky ones? It turns out that he also advanced.

"Great, Saska, you've advanced."

"Ah, this way - I can keep up with that adult's pace. This thought, I also feel

Saska looked towards Kiyana, and said excitedly, the brothers next to him saw that Saska hadn't let go yet.

Speechless, but since Saska has made a decision, they don't plan to stop it.

They are good brothers who grew up together, so let's go on together.

Then the ghost spider continued to read, and the people who read later got higher and higher points.

"Zhan Taowan, with 510 points, advanced to the second round.

As soon as these words came out, the contestants were in an uproar.

"510 four? My God, is this guy so powerful?"

"I can't see it at all.

"Hmph, you recruits, do you know who he is? He's Dr. Vegapunk's bodyguard.

"Doctor Vegapunk's bodyguard? No wonder. The Kai government has a team that surpasses

Only then did the contestants learn about the background of Zhan Taowan, and immediately understood the true strength of Zhan Taowan.

The bodyguard of Dr. Vegapunk who has 500 years of knowledge in the world; it is natural to have such strength. t his bodyguard.

After all, Dr. Vegapunk is an important asset of the world government, and he will certainly not let weak people pretend that he has been dead and has been hunting wild animals.

After Zhan Taowan heard his results, he also showed a confident look. Yesterday he did not

Beast, this result was within his expectation.

"It's really amazing. His points should be the highest among the people selected this time?"

"That's not necessarily true, there's still one person who hasn't read it yet.

-The whispered communication of the contestants next to them.

"Who is it?"

"Hey, Ji Zi's grades haven't been read yet, so it's definitely not too bad." Kiyana, who offered a bounty for pirates, said

Everyone turned their attention to Kiana, as Colonel Tina's partner, she caught her

Of course, it cannot be ignored. Mi.

"Wuliangta Jizi, with 890 points, advanced to the second round.'] Shocked, showing disbelief

Ghost Spider's words were like a blockbuster, which immediately shocked the contestants including Zhan Taomaru

..890 nine

"Is she a monster? She has more points than Dr. Vegapunk's bodyguard?

"Hey, how did she do it? Could it be that half of the beasts on the island were killed by her?" The points are also estimated,

Kiyana felt the gazes cast by everyone, and felt a little surprised in her heart. She estimated that her own 2 was more than one, but she killed too many beasts, so I really don't remember clearly. Thinking that there are so many points, compared to

percent points. (Within more than [-] points, at least

Seeing the shocked expressions of the people around them, Saskka and the others also laughed proudly. You must know that there was a sense of pride in their hearts. They contributed three hundred points. Although their original intention was not like this, it was not do not hinder them

"The old man is right, you really have to pay attention to this guy, don't underestimate him."

Zhan Taomaru whispered to himself, keeping his eyes on Qiyana.Pull, get ready.

"The above is the list of those who will advance to the second round of selection" Three days later at the Admiralty for the second round

The ghost spider put away the list, and then let everyone board the warship, preparing to return.If you have advanced to the second round, you must tell

Kiyana took out the phone bug from her coat pocket and called Tina. Tina said that if she

she was

Soon, the other end also picked up the phone bug.

"Sister Tina, I've advanced to the second round."

"Really? Tina is very happy.

Then the two chatted for another day before hanging up the phone.There must be, just keep trying

Now that I have advanced to the second round, I believe that judging from the current performance, the position of major and above is the first

Work hard, and soon you will be able to mix into the top ranks of the admiral.

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to her goal, Qiyana was also secretly excited.The pirate ship is also slowly approaching,

Afterwards, Qiyana also followed the large force - boarding the warship together, preparing to return. On the distant sea, Nine Insects

Monitor every move of the navy warship.

After all, it is Hancock's territory, so it is natural to monitor it before the navy warship leaves.

"Have you been selected? Are all the beasts on the island cleaned up?"

Hancock stood on the bow of the ship coldly, with his arms folded in front of his chest.

"Go and see for yourself." L's indifferent appearance made Lang

The ghost spider said in a light tone, even in the face of the most beautiful woman in the world, the ghost spider is still Yichang

Yana couldn't help wondering if this guy was a normal man.

"Hmph, then hurry up and leave the windless belt for me." The possibility of each flying being exposed will be reduced

Hancock urged, after all, Luffy is practicing on a nearby island, and the navy ship will stay one more day,


"You don't need to remind me. Drive in the direction of the Ministry.

The ghost spider waved to the soldiers to prepare to return, and the navy warship slowly sailed away from the island, heading towards the navy, "Go tell Luffy and them, the sea

Watching the naval warship leave, Hancock finally breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and said to the crew:

The warship has left. "


Chapter 15

The Ministry of the Navy has set up a temporary arena on the huge playground that has been expanded, and everyone who passed the first round of selection also came to the open space next to the arena.

Instructors Brody and Carey, who are in charge of training recruits in Sichuan, are also on the side. Today is the second round of selection, and there are quite a few people watching the battle. The former Admiral Sengoku Inspector and Karp have all come to the selection competition. Prepare to watch.

In addition to these two big figures, many other high-ranking officers of the navy also came. After all, many of those who passed the first round of selection are the children of these senior generals, and it is only natural that they find time to come to watch the battle.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is, of course, Kiyana who ranked first in the first round of selection. She surpassed No.2 Momomaru by more than 300 points and made people wonder whether Kiyana had gone through the back door. Engage in relationships.

However, this kind of argument is really untenable and cannot be established at all.

After all, when it comes to relationships, Qiyana’s relationship is nothing compared to other contestants. At most, she is a sister to Colonel Tina, while the others are either the son of the major general or the daughter of the colonel. Yes, even if you want to go through the back door, it won't be Qiyana's turn.

What's more, there is still a video recording proof of the phone bug, so the doubts about Qiyana disappeared quickly at the first sign, and the only thing left is respect for the strong.

There were a lot of people watching the battle, among them, Kiyana also met a lot of acquaintances, let’s not talk about Karp Sengoku, Kebi and another... What’s their name? Forget it, Kiyana even met Smokey, the old smoker, with that stinky face like he's owed money, was sitting in the audience smoking a cigar.

There are quite a few acquaintances here today, it seems that this second round of selection is quite valued.

"Everyone, come and draw lots to decide the grouping.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider came and stood in front of the contestants. Beside him was a wooden box with a hole the size of an arm. You couldn't see what was inside.

Without any nonsense, many people walked over and put their hands into the wooden box immediately, and drew lots to determine their opponents.

Qiyana is not in a hurry, anyway, for her, it doesn't matter which group it is. After all, the only thing that these people need to pay attention to is Zhantaowan. As long as you don't meet Zhantaowan in advance, It doesn't matter who you fight.

Soon, everyone drew lots, and Qiyana also drew a small ball marked with Group A.

"Everyone in the second round of selection should pay attention, and remember not to overdo it." Shen

The ghost spider warned, and his eyes still swept across Zhan Taomaru and Kiyana, obviously speaking to them.

Everyone nodded in response, and then Zhan Guo, who was in the stands, also held a radio phone bug and said: "Then the game begins, starting with Group A."

Through the phone bug, Sengoku's voice spread throughout the playground, and then a navy soldier read aloud: "Group A, Wuliangta Jizi vs Bopa.

Huh? Is it me first?

Qiyana didn't expect her to be the first match. She wanted to watch other people's matches first. It's time to rest for a long time.

Compared with Kiyana's calmness, Kiyana's opponent showed an expression on the verge of crying. He never expected that his luck would be so unlucky. The opponent in the first match was Jizi who ranked first in points , isn't it clear that he will be eliminated in the first game?

Qiyana flew towards the arena, using the moon step two or three times to reach the arena, the proficiency and direction control of the steps made many people feel inferior, it is hard to imagine that this is a recruit who has just joined the navy.

"Hurry up, Bopa, there is still a game behind, don't dawdle."

The ghost spider said impatiently, and then X men who looked about the same age as Qiyana came out of the crowd, and came to the ring dejectedly, holding a dagger in their hands, which didn't look sharp , should not be a good weapon.


Seeing that the two contestants had already reached the ring, Ghost Spider immediately announced the start of the match.

Bopa also showed an expression of resignation, since it can't be changed, then let's show his true strength, so that he won't be completely hopeless.

"Please teach me more!

"Please advise!"

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