Looking at Lisha who was depressed, Moka didn't know how to comfort him, he opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

"Grandpa, did we do something wrong? As a navy, shouldn't we eliminate pirates?

Li Xia's expression was very dazed and at a loss.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It is the duty of our navy to eliminate pirates and protect civilians.'

"But is it necessary to protect such civilians? Mom and Dad, they fought and died for justice, but they treated the navy like this, and tried to protect them but they were treated like this. Why should we protect them? Why should we protect them? Let the pirates take them all--.

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A loud slap hit Li Xia's face, interrupting his words, Moka rarely showed anger towards his grandson, Li Xia also didn't expect his grandpa to be so angry, and couldn't help being stunned.

"No matter what others say or do, as a navy, you must be worthy of the navy uniform on your body, and you must not be ashamed of the word justice. The sea does not exist just to get their rewards and thanks.


Li Xia remained silent, then stood up, and walked to the side.

What is this? Isn't the navy just like a fool? It's a thankless effort, - thinking that his parents died on the battlefield because of this, Li Xia felt indescribably uncomfortable.Not worth it.

"Where are you going?

"I want to be alone.

Lixia walked away quickly, unable to understand, feeling very uncomfortable, feeling that everything was meaningless.

Seeing Li Xia's leaving back, Moka sighed helplessly, it's not that he doesn't understand Li Xia's feelings, but now I'm afraid Li Xia won't listen to anything, and can only wait for him to look away.

Li Xia was walking on the street, and the passers-by all cast disgusting glances at Li Xia. Li Xia felt the sights around her, her throat was sobbing, her mouth opened one by one, and she really wanted to say something to the people around her, but she No sound.

Suddenly, Li Xia saw a few children walking towards him, they were the ones who injured him by throwing stones just now, and behind them was a middle-aged woman.

"it's him."

After one of the children saw Li Xia, he pointed to Li Xia and said to the middle-aged woman behind him.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman also walked towards Lixia with a few bratty children.

"Acknowledge my mistake and say I'm sorry.

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The middle-aged woman said loudly, asking a few brats to confess to Li Xia, but they were very unconvinced, raised their heads stubbornly, and stared at Li Xia fiercely.

"No apology, my parents wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for the Navy.'

"Death to the Navy.


Seeing this, the middle-aged woman was also angry, and a few brains popped on the heads of the brats, but this made them more convinced, and they ran away in all directions.

"you guys

The middle-aged women felt tired seeing these children being so disobedient.

"So... have their parents passed away?"

Li Xia asked suspiciously, and the middle-aged woman nodded.

"There are a lot of pirates recently, their parents died protecting the town, they are all orphans.

... ”.

"I say sorry to you on behalf of them, children are not sensible, I hope you can forgive them.

Li Xia remained silent. Did their parents also die at the hands of the pirates? To be honest, Li Xia could understand their feelings, but he still felt a little uncomfortable. No one was wrong.

It is only natural for the navy to eliminate the pirates, and they only lost their temper with Lisha because their parents died at the hands of the pirates. This is the character of children.

"Lieutenant Lisha, we found a pirate.

At this moment, a group of naval soldiers came out from the corner of the street, and immediately ran to report after seeing Lisha.


Li Xia hesitated for a moment, and then sighed secretly. Sure enough, he still couldn't just sit idly by. Grandpa was right, no matter what others said or did, he had to be worthy of the navy uniform he was wearing, and be worthy of justice.

The navy does not exist to get thanks and rewards from others, but to protect. If his parents were still alive, he would have done the same, right? Lixia didn’t know, but he could only think this way, - Instantly he believed in himself Shaken.


Chapter 22

"Huh? People?

By the colorful lake, a leading navy led dozens of soldiers, but the pirates I saw earlier disappeared, and I don't know where they went.

"Go over there and have a look!"

The navy leading the team did not hesitate, and continued to lead the team forward, but did not notice the dozens of pairs of eyes staring at them in the dense forest nearby.

"Damn it, why is the Navy here? Captain Fossey, what are we going to do now?

Dozens of people dressed as pirates hid in the dark in the dense forest, one of them covered his head with a black turban and held a machete, looking at a group of navy soldiers rushing past in the distance, he turned his head and asked looking at the people around him.

The man known as Captain Fossey is two meters tall, with a scar on his face that looks a bit fierce, and his skin is extremely dark with 8 sun exposures all year round.

"Don't panic, evacuate slowly, don't alarm them.

Fossey looked at the navy soldiers who were looking for their traces in the distance, and he was also very puzzled. He didn't know what was going on. How could the navy know that they were here? They have always been very cautious. Could it be that someone informed the navy?

Forget it, now is not the time to think about this, let's think about how to leave Burleigh Island first.

Fossey frowned. He was new here, and he didn't know much about the topography of the island. In a hurry, he found a random forest to hide in, but - hiding here is not an option, and he will be discovered by the navy sooner or later. J' l5 T

Moreover, the person leading the navy this time is Rear Admiral Moka, who is the Rear Admiral of the Admiralty. He must be very powerful. How could he be his opponent, a little pirate who is not worth the bounty offered by Yibeili? He could only escape.

But if he is not familiar with the terrain, he will definitely be found if he finds a random direction to escape. Fossey is very entangled in his heart. It would be great if he could kidnap a local person to help lead the way and bypass the navy.

It's just that the place where they are hiding is very secret, and no one has passed by. Even if there is, it is the navy. It is obviously impossible to kidnap a local person to lead the way.

Just when Fossey was debating whether to try his luck to force his way in, a few children ran up not far away, they seemed to have not noticed that they were hiding here, and ran straight over without any precautions.

"...Wait for me, Yas!

One of the little boys who looked fat was panting while running and shouted to his companion who was running ahead.

The little boy named Yasi also stopped when he heard the words, stood on the spot and looked back. The little friend who was out of breath sighed helplessly.

"Jim, it's time for you to lose weight, but after running so far, Obasan should not be able to catch up, and you actually asked me to apologize to the navy, who should apologize to the navy? Hmph.

Yas showed a very dissatisfied expression. If it weren't for the fact that the navy got rid of the Whitebeard Pirates, Burleigh Island would not have fallen into the current situation of pirate rampage. Even his parents died in order to protect the town. In the hands of the pirates.

It's all the navy's fault, the navy hates it the most, if it weren't for the navy, my parents would still be alive now, and the people in the town wouldn't be dead.

"... be careful!

Jim's expression suddenly became extremely flustered, Yas couldn't help but feel puzzled, and then he also felt that there seemed to be someone behind him, so he turned around and looked.

I saw a group of people standing behind him, all of them were unfamiliar faces, they were obviously not locals, and they were dressed in clothes and everyone was carrying weapons.

Yas quickly understood the true identities of these people. It was obvious that they were pirates. Yaston was startled and jumped back, but stepped on a stone and fell to the ground.

"Sea... a pirate, a pirate!'

Jim waited for the rest of the friends. When they saw the pirate, they immediately ran back the way they came. But how could they run faster than these adults? They were all taken away by the pirate within a short while. They grabbed them, blocked their mouths with clothes, and tied their hands.

Yas was no exception, his hands were bound and his mouth was gagged.

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"It scared me to death, I thought it was the Navy, but it turned out to be some brats.

A few pirates said with lingering fear, they almost lost their souls when they heard the movement just now, thinking that the group of marines who chased them before turned back, but luckily only a few kids came.

"Captain Fossey, what now? Kill them?

One of the pirates asked if his captain wanted to kill people to silence him. Fossey slowly shook his head, fixed his eyes on Yas and asked, "Little devil, are you from the land? If you don't want your companion to die, just give it to me I lead the way, bypassing the navy."

.... =

Yas looked at several of Jim's companions. Several pirates were holding their necks with knives. One of them even used too much force to cut a small wound on Jim's neck. Bright red blood flowed down the wound. out of the mouth.

Jim panicked suddenly, showing an expression of about to cry.

"Jim...I see, you let them go and I'll show you the way.

"That's not okay, let them go, it would be very difficult if you slipped away from us.

Fossey shook his head directly and rejected Yas's request, keeping these brats as hostages, so he wouldn't have to worry about Yas slipping away halfway.

Seeing that the pirate didn't plan to release his companion, Yas became anxious, "But there was nothing he could do.

"I see, and I will show you the way.'

"That's right, lead the way obediently, I promise I won't hurt you, and I'll let you go when I get to the beach.

Fossey sneered and said, I was worried that no one would lead the way, so someone came to my door, what luck.

Afterwards, Yas walked ahead of the pirates and began to lead the way for them.

As a local, Yas was naturally very clear about the distribution of buildings on the island, so he led Fossey and others along the secret path around the town and walked towards the seaside.

The crowd walked through the woods and came to an open grassland. They could already faintly hear the sound of waves beating on the beach. Fossey also quickly picked up the phone bug and asked the companion on board to drive the boat over.

Soon everyone came to the beach by the sea.

"I have brought it, can you let us go?

Yas asked, but Fossey sneered.

"Let go? When did I say let you go? Selling you is a lot of money."

...Didn't this bastard say he would let us go?"

Yas was angry, and rushed towards Fossey, but the pirate on the side just stretched out a leg, tripped Yas to the ground, and then stepped on Yas' back ;Hold him down and can't get up.

"Pirates don't trust you, kid."


Chapter 23

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