Nirvana, Nexus!

Kiyana held the big sword high, a burst of plasma energy burst out from Kiyana's body, wreaking havoc on everything around her.

Immediately afterwards, Qiyana appeared in front of Gerst as if teleporting, and the big sword in her hand was covered with a layer of lightning power, and she slashed down with all her might.

Gester couldn't completely block Kiyana's power even with the knives in both hands, and a sword energy containing lightning power penetrated his body. Gester snorted, the hair on his body stood up, emitting Like a burnt stink.

Gust's body seemed to be paralyzed by this lightning force, and Qiyana swung several knives one after another, each of which pierced Gust's body with a lightning blade.

Even if Gerst used the armed domineering to defend, the lightning power still caused him a lot of damage.

Gradually, the paralyzed body made Gust unable to resist Kiyana's attack, and his body couldn't keep up with the reaction. Finally, Kiyana's sword pierced through his chest and stirred him hard.

Gerst vomited blood, his eyes widened slightly, and he half-kneeled on the ground, looking at the wound that pierced his chest with an unbelievable look.

"Cut, what a waste, 30 million Pele, if only I could exchange it for a bounty.

Before dying, Gerst did not expect that the last sentence he heard in this world would be this sentence.



Qiyana pulled the big sword out of Gerst's body, and Gerst fell face-to-face, coughing blood from his mouth.


Chapter 29

After defeating Gerst, Kiyana looked at Gerst who was vomiting blood and fell to the ground. She was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that her current strength was already so strong, and the pirate with a bounty of 30 million and [-] million could be solved so easily. Lost.

She often fights against strong generals at the Qibukai level, and Kiyana has made rapid progress. Now it is surprisingly easy to fight against these pirates, but this is also related to the fact that Gust was injured before the fight, and it is not the best. state.

With one slash, Qiyana completely took away Gester's life. Although Gester would die sooner or later, but Qiyana didn't want any accident to lead to being snatched by monsters.

After all, Qiyana had the experience of being robbed by monsters before, and she had no experience points or materials. Gerst is a pirate with a reward of more than 300 million, so she has a lot of experience.

After all, Qiyana can't claim the reward of more than 300 million. If she doesn't have experience points and materials, it will be too bad.

After finishing Gerst, Kiana's attention was also shifted to the other pirates. Once Gerst died, the pirates seemed to have lost their backbone, throwing away their armor and fleeing in a hurry.

The navy soldiers and some middle-aged men also picked up their weapons and chased after them, arresting all the pirates. The process was a little dangerous, but with Qiyana watching, there was no accident.

Soon, Qiyana cooperated with everyone to catch all the pirates, tied them up with ropes and threw them together.

"Colonel Jizi, fortunately you came in time, otherwise we would all be in danger.

"Yes, yes, you are really good.

"That Gerst is not an opponent at all, such a powerful navy is actually just a colonel, what is the high-level navy doing?

A group of local residents surrounded Qiyana, expressing their gratitude to Qiyana noisily. Li Xia couldn't see that this group of people was still hesitating whether to attack the navy not long ago.

Why have these people changed their attitudes? Could it be that the female navy is more popular? Li Xia secretly thought.

"Colonel Himeko!

At this time, Saska finally arrived with a large army, waving and shouting towards Qiyana from a distance.

When Saska and the others arrived at the scene, they couldn't help but be speechless when they saw the forests that had been destroyed after the battle.

"Here you are, take these pirates back to the warship and lock them up, the military doctor will treat the wounds of the injured quickly.

Seeing that her subordinates had finally arrived, Qiyana immediately issued an order.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in agreement, and then divided up their work. Among them, a group of people came to the pirate and caught the pirate, and they were ready to take it back to the warship. The military doctor began to treat the wounded soldiers and civilians. .

Looking at the soldiers who received her order to act, Qiyana felt that the feeling of commanding others was surprisingly refreshing, and Qiyana secretly thought that to be honest, she was a little addicted.

"Colonel Jizi, my grandfather is in town, can you send someone to take me there to see-down?"

Lisha limped towards Qiyana. He was so injured that he was trembling even when he walked, and he might fall down at any time. Qiyana hurried up to hold Lisha's hand.

"Is Major General Moka in town? I know, I'll go over and take a look, but your current physical condition is better not to move, rest first and go.

Kiyana forcibly took Lisha to the side under a tree and asked him to sit down, but Lixia obviously refused, he was very worried about his grandfather's situation and wanted to go and see the situation in person.

"Saska, look at Lieutenant Lisha, don't let him run around.

Kiyana turned her head and said to Saska, Saska nodded, and then came to the side of the two, holding Lisha down instead of Kiyana.

"Lieutenant Lisha, given your current physical condition, don't force yourself, Colonel Jizi will go over to check the situation.

After Kiyana asked Saska to look at Lisha, she turned around and left, and walked towards the side path.

When Qiyana came to the small road, seeing no one around, she quickly took out her mobile phone to check the small map, and quickly confirmed the direction of the town. Yang Hou immediately stuffed the mobile phone into the crevice of her chest, and used the moon steps to head towards the town. Fly away quickly. h

Kiyana didn't see the little red dots within the town range shown on the mini-map. It is very likely that Major General Moka has encountered an accident, but Kiyana is not sure.

The little red dot is judged according to the degree of threat to Kiana. It is possible that Major General Moka is currently in an extremely weak state and has fallen into a near-death state, so the little red dot is not shown on the mini-map.

In short, without seeing it with her own eyes, Kiyana can't be sure whether Moka is alive or dead.

The heavy rain fell, and the fire in the town was finally wiped out by the rain, only a large amount of black smoke drifted away with the wind.

Qiyana, who used moon steps, soon came to the avenue outside Chengzhen. Looking at the town that was almost completely burned by the fire, she sighed secretly. She felt that Moka's hope of surviving was slim.

Continue to go deeper, and when you come to the town, you can see the corpses of marines or pirates everywhere, with blood flowing all over the place.

" "

" "

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Even after the heavy rain washes away, Kiyana can still smell the strong smell of blood and the pungent smell of the burning house

Kiyana smelled the pungent smell, frowned slightly, then took out a handkerchief from her pocket, wet it with rainwater and covered her nasal cavity, continued to go deep, and carefully searched for any survivors .

Soon, Qiyana saw General Mokasha lying on the street not far ahead, quickly fell to the ground and then ran over quickly, reaching out to detect Moka's neck.

"Still alive? The vitality is quite tenacious.

Qiyana was a little surprised. She saw wounds all over Moka's body, bleeding all over the place, but he was still alive. What a tenacious vitality. Should he be called a Rear Admiral of the Admiralty?

However, although Moka was still alive, his heartbeat was already very weak, his breath was like a thread, and he felt that his life was not long. If he didn't receive treatment, he would definitely die.

Qiyana also picked up Moka from the ground, and was going to use the Moon Step to take Moka to the military doctor for treatment. Moka's condition could no longer be delayed.

Although Kiyana can switch the Saintess Armor to heal Moka, Kiyana will probably reveal her identity in that way. After all, Kiyana can't explain how Qianbian appeared on Baile Island. Kiyana doesn't want to die for Moka. Expose his identity, so whether he can be saved depends on Moka's own luck.

But Wan - what if Moka died of serious injuries after receiving the treatment of the military doctor? Wouldn't that be equivalent to dying? Kiyana thought secretly.

If things really turn out like this, Kiyana will definitely not feel good in her heart, even if other people don't know that she can save Moka, but Kiyana will feel guilty in her heart.

After thinking twice, Qiyana showed a helpless wry smile, and whispered to herself: "I'm really an idiot, alas, it's obviously none of my business.

Kiyana has already made a decision to take Moka back for treatment first, and check the situation first. If it really doesn't work, Kiyana can only take the risk of using the identity of Qianbian to heal Moka, even if it is so dangerous. It might expose her identity, and Qiyana didn't want to die.

It's not that Qiyana doesn't know the possible consequences of doing this, how stupid such a move is, to put it bluntly, only a fool would do this, but Qiyana really can't be indifferent.

It would be fine if Moka was a nasty and corrupt navy, but he fought to protect civilians to this extent is enough to prove that he is an excellent navy, although he is a little narrow-minded and will be hostile to himself for his grandson, but that It's not a reason to let Qiyana die.

After checking the situation around "Le-fan" and confirming that there were no other survivors except Moka, Kiyana also hurriedly used the moon step to leave here, and flew back in the direction she came from.

It didn't take long for Kiyana to bring Moka back to Lisha and the others.


Lixia saw Qiyana bring her grandfather back, the miserable appearance made Lixia excited immediately, she stood up with her injured body, and came to Moka's side, the wound on Moka's body was shocking It's really hard for others to imagine how Major General Moka has survived so much until now.

"Where's the doctor? Come here!"

Sas-Ka hurriedly called the military doctor over. Moka is the one who needs treatment the most right now, and the others can be temporarily placed first.

Many navies surrounded him, looking at Lieutenant General Moka worriedly.

Soon the military doctor came over with the medical kit on his shoulders, and was shocked to see the injuries on Moka's body, with a serious expression on his face.

"Such a heavy one must be treated.

Everyone acted immediately, and began to assist in the treatment according to the instructions of the military doctor, while Qiyana walked to the big tree next to her, silently looking at everything in front of her, thinking about whether it was worth it for her to do so.

In case one's identity is exposed, the possibility of completing the mission will be infinitely close to zero, and the navy—once it is on guard, it will become very difficult for Qiyana to get into the Navy Department again.

I hope Moka can survive on her own, Qiyana sighed, even if she can't complete the task, Qiyana will take a risk and try again, she really can't let herself be so hard-hearted as to die.

In this way, time passed little by little, the heavy rain gradually turned into a drizzle, and finally stopped.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Moka's operation finally succeeded.

"For the time being, his life is out of danger. If ordinary people really can't hold on, Major General Moka's willpower to survive is too tenacious.

The doctor took off his gloves and wiped his sweat with a handkerchief. Hearing this, Li Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

On the side, Qiyana also seemed to be relieved, feeling a lot more relaxed. After worrying for so long, fortunately, the result was good, and she didn't have to take the risk of trying to use the identity of Qianbian to save people.


Chapter 30

After the operation, Major General Moka's condition has stabilized and he is temporarily out of danger.

Kiyana also planned to lead the team back to the Admiralty. Several soldiers carried General Mokasha on a stretcher and followed the large army. When everyone returned to the beach, several naval warships were faintly visible on the distant sea. Heading towards Burleigh Island.

Mostly it was the support of the Admiralty, and Qiyana's amazing eyesight also saw Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel and Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan standing on the bow

It seems that Akainu also knew that Gust was difficult to deal with, so he sent two lieutenant admirals of the Admiralty at once, but they were destined to make a trip in vain.

Not long after, several naval warships arrived at the beach. Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel saw Qiyana and the others standing on the beach, and also flew down from the ship to the shore using moon steps.

"how is the situation?

"Pirate Gerst has been killed by me, and the other pirates have all been captured.

Qiyana responded lightly, and the flying squirrel couldn't help hearing the words - stunned, it's already done?

"Are you that Colonel Himeko? You got rid of Gerst?"

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