"This is the mission report for this month.


Akaken with a cigar in his mouth nodded slightly, and then picked up the mission report to look through it. Kiyana shifted her gaze to the bookshelf on Akaken's body. After many observations, she also found what she needed. The task file is in the upper left corner - a bag with a blue file bag.

Qiyana is [-]% sure that it is the task file she needs, but now, although Qiyana is only a short distance away from her goal, she can't do it directly.

After all, Kiyana is not confident that she can escape from the Admiralty, so she should wait for the right opportunity, but when that opportunity will come, Kiyana doesn't know.

The Admiralty always has at least one general-level powerhouse in command, plus more than a dozen lieutenant generals of the Admiralty. Judging from Kiyana's current strength, it is far from enough to deal with it. Completely egg.

Alas, Qiyana sighed helplessly, she couldn't reach out even though the mission document was right in front of her eyes.

Although the current monthly allowance is as high as 80 million Baileys, it only takes half a year for Kiyana to make up ten consecutive draws, but compared to money, Kiyana still hopes to change back to her appearance as soon as possible.

Akainu looked at the document in his hand silently. At this time, apart from Kiana and Akainu, Sengoku and Crane were present in the room.

"You found the lost warship?

"Well, when it was discovered, all the soldiers on the warship had died, and all the corpses were chemicalized for fear of infectious diseases.

"Do you know who did it?"

"Judging from the cause of death, it should be the successor of Zhenzhen Fruit. All the dead soldiers had their hearts shattered, which is exactly the same as the death of several warships he was attacked before."

Hearing this, Akainu put the mission report on the seat and rubbed his Jingming acupoint with his left hand, feeling a little tired.

"Xiu made it again, this is already the third warship this month, it won't work if it continues like this.

The Sengoku at the side sighed and said, unlike other pirates, almost all the members of Xiu are prisoners who escaped from the city and are very hostile to the sea. They will come to attack the navy warships actively. The navy has at least lost money in the past few months. Seven warships.

The enemy, on the other hand, has never been able to trace their whereabouts, is erratic, and is engaged in guerrilla warfare with the navy.

And they seem to know that they can fight, every attack on the warships does not have a strong enough navy to sit on it, which has also led to the fact that the navy has not been able to make any effective counterattacks so far.

"It's not just Xiu, the Blackbeard Pirates have also launched operations recently. They seem to be hunting down devil fruit users and taking their abilities as 2.

"It's really unsettled, - it's happening again."

The Blackbeard Pirates also have a large number of prisoners who escaped from the city of Advancement, and their strength is even worse than that of Xiu, so they are also the focus of the Navy's attention.

"It seems that the only thing that can be thankful at present is that there is no news about the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates. There is no news about Qianbian since that battle. He is probably dead, right?"

He picked up the tea on the table and took a sip -0.

At the top of the war, Qianbian seemed to be backlashed by the devil fruit ability in the end. According to the fate of the double-fruit ability users in the past, it is very likely that Qianbian has exploded and owes x<=

You just died, old woman! .

Qiyana cursed softly in her heart, the old lady is alive and well!

"I can't be sure, I can't make a conclusion until I saw her die with my own eyes, and I doubt that the woman really died

Zhan Guo slowly shook his head and sighed, Qian Bian's powerful recovery ability and resurrection ability had already left a huge shadow in his heart, he had the feeling that that woman would never die no matter what.

"By the way, Jizi, you should be more careful recently. The news has been spread a while ago. You have solved a member of the Xiu organization. They will probably follow you. Don't be careless when you go out to perform tasks. You can't afford to slip up as a figurehead in the Navy right now."

Crane turned his head and warned, and Kiyana nodded.

"I see, Granny Crane."

"Speaking of which, the number of recruits who signed up to enlist in the army was much higher than last time. Your speech on enlistment was very successful.

Crane smiled and said, Qiyana suddenly felt a little helpless, the conscription speech a few days ago was also spread along with the reports of those reporters.

The number of people who signed up for this round of conscription to join the army was twice as high as that of the previous batch. Qiyana didn't know how attractive she was. Now she was walking in the Ministry of the Navy and could see it everywhere To the recruits who came to join the army for her sake.

Facing their enthusiastic eyes, Qiyana didn't know what to do, she could only smile and nod in response. In order to deal with those soldiers, Qiyana was almost annoyed to death.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Kiyana also doesn't want to stay in Akainu's office any longer. Don't look at her disguise is very good now, but she is still a little vain in her heart. She is afraid that these people will find her flaws. Both Crane and Sengoku have very high IQs.

One is the Chief of Staff of the Admiralty,

One is the Warring States known as Zhijiang.

The longer she stayed in front of them, the more flustered Qiyana felt, and she always felt that her true identity seemed to have been discovered, but of course Qiyana knew that it was just her own illusion. After all, if they really found out that they were thousands of Change, started a long time ago.


Kiyana turned around and walked towards the door, preparing to leave Akainu's office. At this moment, the phone bug on Akainu's desk suddenly popped up, and Akainu picked up the phone

Marshal, something is wrong.

I saw a panicked voice speaking from the mouth of the phone worm, and that panic appearance was imitated vividly by the phone worm.

"What happened? Tell me quickly." k,

" "

" "

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Akainu frowned slightly, what's the point of being so panicked?

"God, the Celestial Dragon was killed!

SF Light Novel

Everyone couldn't help being stunned when they heard this, even Qiyana, who had just stepped through the gate, took her foot back, and looked at him with a shocked face.

What? Did I hallucinate just now? The Tianlong people were killed? Fuck, who is so courageous? The Tianlong people dare to kill them? Are you afraid that the World Palace will trouble him? You know, even Qiyana dare not Do this.

Kiyana doesn't plan to leave either. You must know that after the top battle in the original book, Kiyana has never heard of the death of any Celestial Dragons. When the war officially started.

But at this time, a Celestial Dragon was killed? This is completely different from the plot that Qiyana is familiar with.

Could it be that things have changed because of his own arrival? After all, Tiqi didn't get the Zhenzhen fruit and became a double-fruit power. It doesn't seem very strange that the Tianlongren was killed.

"You said the Tianlong people were killed? Who was killed?"

Akainu stood up from the chair in shock and asked.

Please, if it's Kasa, it's better to kill that guy Kasa, Qiyana prayed silently in her heart, after all, Kiyana's biggest headache among heavenly beings is that guy Kasa, if he is killed If someone killed her, Kiyana might wake up laughing from her dreams.

"It's Saint Charles Rose, Marshal Akainu!"

Crane, everyone in the Warring States Period showed serious expressions. No one thought that such a thing would happen. Who has the guts to kill the Tianlong people?

"Who did it?"

Red Dog asked next.

"It was a slave who somehow escaped from the cage. He lurked in St. Charles Rose's bedroom and killed him. He was also released - a large number of slaves left the Holy Land of Mariejoia through a secret passage, and now five The Old Star has sent men out to capture them, and has the navy on board.'

Q SF light novel

Tsk, why not Casa? Kiyana was secretly depressed, but Saint Charros? This Tianlongren seems to be the one who was beaten by flying in the Chambord Islands in the original book? This guy is not a good person, he died well ,Should

Although Kiyana felt a little regretful that the dead Celestial Dragon was not Kasa, but Kiyana was happy to hear about it, and she could eat melons. Hehe, I just don’t know which warrior is so courageous. If possible, I really want to get to know him.

"The matter of the pirates hasn't been resolved yet, I didn't expect something to happen to Mary Gioia."

The Warring States period couldn't help but feel a headache, the Tianlong people are nobles in the world, their status is incomparably noble, killing the Tianlong people is a capital offense.

In the past, the navy would have sent a general to Marie Gioia to protect the Tianlong people, but in this special period, the only general in the army is the yellow ape, and it is the period when pirates are most rampant. It's impossible for the ape to stay in Marie Gioia all the time, and he must perform some tasks.

I thought there should be no big problem without the yellow ape and the CP0 organization directly under the Tianlong people, but in the end I was really afraid of something.

It just so happens that something happened to Mary Joya at this time, it's really a leaky house and it rains all night

Looking at the sad-faced red dog beside her, Kiyana secretly smiled, hehe, you have a headache, right? Tianlongren is dead?

"Jizi, you have a mission."

Akainu hung up the phone bug and turned to look at Kiana"

Qiyana reacted in an instant, what the hell, my mother is laughing, something happened to the Tianlong people, I must have to work overtime to chase that slave, my god, I just came back from a mission, and now I have to go on a mission immediately, a little rest time None?

"Obviously applied for T, I will go all over x(

Kiyana left Chicanu's office dejectedly. Although Kiyana admired the warrior who dared to kill the Tianlong people, he was probably an ass. People probably won't let him go.


Chapter 35 Capture

After Qiyana left Chicanu's office, she also headed towards the port, preparing to capture the slave who killed the Celestial Dragon. This time, Kiyana planned to paddle and closed her eyes.

It’s just a matter of going out on a warship and wandering around. Anyway, Kiyana doesn’t have a good impression of the Tianlong people, especially the guy who died this time is the guy from St. Charros. When this guy appeared in the Chambord Islands in the original book It can be said that it left an extremely deep impression on Qiyana.

Not only do they shoot people they hate when they disagree, but they also like to rob women, beat their husbands to death, and even take a fancy to their fiancée and take her as a concubine, which is really disgusting.

On the way to the port, Qiyana also passed by the recruits' dormitory. Instructor Carey was training the recruits' fighting skills. When she saw Qina passing by, she also said hello.

"Oh, isn't this Brigadier General Jizi?

"Morning, Major Carey."

Qiyana's arrival naturally attracted the attention of the recruits who were training, and they all turned their heads to look at Qiyana, immediately excited.

After all, most of them signed up to join the army after seeing Kiyana's conscription speech in the newspaper, and now they are finally in real life, and they are as beautiful as the ones in the newspaper photos, and even more temperamental.

Moreover, Instructor Carey also mentioned to them the rumors about Kiyana that were not recorded in the newspapers, such as the instructor who beat him in the training on the first day of joining the army, and teamed up with Colonel Tina to capture Hai, who offered a reward of over [-] million. thief.

Although it seems to be a matter of course now, it caused quite a stir in the Ministry of the Navy at that time.

"Come on, train hard."

Kiyana smiled and waved to the recruits, that smile seemed to sweep away all the fatigue from the recruits' bodies, and almost everyone felt that they were full of energy.

"Are you going to perform the mission again?"

"Well, this task is a bit difficult.

"Oh? Even you find it difficult? You have been promoted to brigadier general in a short period of time. What do you want to catch?

Carey joked.

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