Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Kasa in surprise.

"Tianlongren? Is this a Tianlongren?"

"Isn't he the king of souls? Why is he a Celestial Dragon?"

Kefer obviously didn't expect such an unexpected situation to happen, his brain froze directly, and he froze in place.

"Now I should be sleeping under the covers. The consequences of disturbing my rest are very serious."

Qiyana was a little angry, and pulled out the big sword on her back, and everyone panicked when they looked at it with indifferent eyes.

Bang bang!

I saw Kiyana sweeping away, and everyone including Kofer was about to be knocked to the ground. Several people were swept into the cabin by Kiyana, and there were several human-sized holes on the wall. .

A dozen or so people were unable to block even Qiyana's blow, and were instantly knocked down, lying unconscious on the deck.

After knocking down all the enemies, Qiyana also turned her head to look at Kasa, pretending to be serious, but when she saw the swollen bump on Kasa's head, she still couldn't hold it back, pooh--lol up.

"Pfft hahaha.

"Is it funny?"

"Sorry, I can't help it, hahahaha.


The laughter seemed to be contagious, and Casa could not help but smile wryly, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it in his mouth.

"The Tianlong people who are only worth [-] million Baileys are really valuable, haha...si kind, unlike other people who have a sense of distance because of their identities, just like two people with equal status.

This feeling is very good, he likes it very much.

"I said, do you want to be my personal guard?"


Chapter 48

"Personal guard? No."

Qiyana directly rejected Casa's invitation. What a joke, she wouldn't be Kasa's personal guard. Whoever should be, anyway, Kiyana is absolutely impossible.

It's too late for her to stay away from Casa, how could she go to his guard?

"The one who refused... ah... don't you think about it carefully? If you want, there is absolutely no problem in terms of treatment.

Kasa smiled slightly, but Kiyana shook her head again and again.

"Not interested in.

"Really? What a pity.

Kasa was a little surprised to see Kiyana's refusal so straightforwardly, but he obviously didn't want to give up.

"Can you tell me why?"

"There's no reason.

"No more money?"

"Do you think everyone cares about money? 7

Kiyana said righteously, crying silently in her heart, sorry, I really value money, banknotes are the last word, Krypton gold is 5 years old, Navy? What is that? I want to be a Kryptonian!

It's just that Qiyana certainly won't speak out what's in her heart.

"Forget it...

Seeing that Kiyana rejected his request, Kasa had no choice but to give up. After all, if others were unwilling, it would not work for him to forcefully ask for someone from Akainu. After all, Kiyana is a Commodore and has a certain status.

Kiyana tied up all the unconscious kidnappers with ropes, and then turned the steering wheel to return to Kalia Island.

The heavy rain was still falling, and under the dark night, the boat gradually approached the port, and Qiyana also took out the phone bug from her pocket to contact Saska.

"Saska, the person who kidnapped Kasa has been caught, he is at the port, come here quickly.

"I see, Brigadier General Jizi

After hanging up the phone bug, Qiyana waited quietly on the boat for Saska to bring people over.

After a while, Kiyana saw a large group of navy coming from a distance, led by Saskar, accompanied by Joanna and her entourage.

Qiyana and Kasa left the boat and came to the embankment. Joanna trotted all the way to Kasa's arms and hugged Kasa tightly.

...Brother Ten!!



SF Light Novel

Rarely, Casa didn't push Joanna away and let the other party hug her.

"Lord Kasa, we did not fulfill our responsibility to protect you, I'm sorry, please forgive us!

More than a dozen world government employees also hurriedly lowered their bodies and asked Kasa for forgiveness. This time they were careless, and it was their dereliction of duty to have Kasa kidnapped.

If Casa blamed them, they would probably die.

- Punciana answered for Casa first.

"Okay, nothing happened anyway, everyone go back to sleep.

Kasa glanced at Qiyana, and naturally understood that the other party was protecting these people, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up to show a smile, and he didn't say that he would execute these people.

Ah, go back to sleep.

Kasa said to the crowd, and the dozen or so attendants were suddenly surprised that Kasa was taken away under their protection. After experiencing such a thing, he didn't blame them at all? This is unbelievable, for Tianlong Is this possible for humans?

"My lord brother, how can this be done? They didn't protect you at all, you must die to apologize!

Joanna looked at Casa in surprise, how could she just let it go?

"Didn't you hear what Brigadier General Ji Zi said? Anyway, I'm fine, right? Don't make a fuss over a molehill."

After Joanna heard Casa's words, she couldn't help being stunned, and then turned her head to look at Qiyana, what is this navy? Why does the elder brother care about her words? He even gave up punishment because of her words These followers.

"Okay, go back.

After that, Casa took Joanna's hand and forcibly pulled her away, walking towards the direction of the town.

Joanna was very surprised that Kasa would take the initiative to hold her hand, and then hugged Kasa's arm tightly, showing a happy face, completely forgetting about Kiyana's existence.

The entourages on the side also hurriedly followed, protecting Casa and Joanna in the middle, not daring to put them in danger again, and at the same time cast a grateful look at Qiyana.

They knew in their hearts that if it wasn't for Kiyana, the result wouldn't necessarily be like this. It can be said that Kiyana helped them retrieve their lives.

Package J SF Light Novel

Seeing Kasa and the others walk away, Qiyana also turned her head and said to Saska.

"The people who kidnapped Kasa are on board, take them to the warship, and lift the blockade of the coast.'

"Yes, Brigadier General Ji Zi."

"I'm going to rest first.

After telling Saska to do things, Kiyana also yawned, feeling tired, and prepared to go to the hotel to open a room to sleep.

Originally, Qiyana planned to rest on the warship, but after this happened, it seemed that it was better for her to stay in the hotel, otherwise it would be bad if someone had any thoughts about Casa.

When Kiyana returned to the hotel, she also saw Brook sitting in the lobby on the first floor drinking tea.

"Brooke, don't you go to rest? Tomorrow is the concert."

Kiyana was very surprised to see that Brook hadn't gone to rest yet.

"Qi.--Brigadier General Jizi, I'm a little excited and can't sleep." "Oh?

"Tomorrow is my first official performance, and thinking about how many fans will be there, I can't sleep at all.

Is it the first official performance? Well, Kiyana can understand, before Brooke mostly sang on the street, like this kind of fans

"Then you have to rest, it will affect tomorrow.

"If I could admire your panties, I might fall asleep."

"Then you won't be able to sleep for the rest of your life.

"That's going to kill people, ah, although I've already died once, yohohohohoho!"

Kiana couldn't help feeling the urge to hit Brook.

"I heard that the target of the kidnappers tonight is me, right?"

"Well, it might be because you switched rooms with the Celestial Dragon, so the kidnappers got the wrong target.

"That's unfortunate, for him.

With that said, Brook took a sip of the black tea in his hand.

book SFA.

. ..

"One side" back to FSF light novels

Disgusting, you man!

Kiyana couldn't help sighing secretly, then turned around and left, ready to rest, leaving only Brook sitting on the sofa in the hall on the first floor

The next day, there was a hasty knock on the door, and Qiyana, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes. The sun outside the window was shining on the boat through the window, which was very warm.

Kiyana rubbed her eyes and sat up, revealing her snow-white upper body, with a very obvious mole on her chest.

"Come on, stop knocking.

Qiyana picked up the clothes on the bed and put them on, went to the door and opened it, outside the door stood Casa's entourage, holding a bag in his hand

"Brigadier General Jizi, Master Kasa asked me to hand this to you.

Kiyana took it from the opponent's hand, checked it, and found that there was a box in the bag, which was not very heavy.

"This is?

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