Zoro was a little excited, but when he tried to use that ability again, he was unsuccessful. Impulse Taida gave him a slightly different feeling than before, and there was no such feeling of energy.

It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that Zoro felt the energy of the pulsed sword again, and then released it again.

The seven ice knives extracted a little of Sauron's physical strength again, but for Sauron who often exercises his physical fitness, that amount is insignificant, not even a drop of sweat.

Bang bang!

The place where the ice blade attacked was still in the direction just now. This time, Zoro tried to control the flight path of the ice blade. He saw that all seven blades were thrown into the ground, and a lot of smoke and dust rose. Luffy and a few people could feel the strong shaking of the ground. , Usopp almost sat on the ground.


After Sauron waited for more than ten seconds, the pulsed sword seemed to have recovered energy. Sauron nodded secretly. So, is there a time limit for this ability?

Although it can't be fired in bursts, Zoro is already very satisfied. Such a powerful destructive power is enough. What's not satisfied with once every ten seconds?

"Is what Kiana makes so terrifying? Do you think she can make a slingshot?"

When Usopp saw the terrifying destructive power created by the Pulse Taidao, he suddenly had some ideas. This is a life-saving skill. When he suddenly took it out and used it, the enemy was simply out of temper.

"I don't know, next time you meet Qiyana, ask her to do it for you."

Zoro was very satisfied and put the Impulse Sword into the scabbard, and said happily.

"Kiana-chan actually gave Chlorophyte a gift? Why... didn't Kiyana-chan give it to me?"

Sanji is a little gloomy, no, he must ask Qiyana to give him a gift, not demanding, anything is fine.

The four of them walked towards the base of the Dragon Pirates while discussing what they would like to see Kiana next time.

"I want a mecha!"

Luffy said with bright eyes.

"I want a slingshot."

The more everyone talked, the more excited they became. At this time, if Qiyana would definitely punch them on the head here and make them sober, you all want everything, so I don't have to do it?You give me the gold coin material fee!

"Hey, I don't know when I'll be able to see Kiana-chan again. Although it's only been a day, I find that I can't live without her anymore."

"As long as it's a woman, you can't leave it, right? You cook!"

Zoro groaned.

"Huh? Kiana-chan is special, do you want to fight? Green algae head!"

"Come on, who's afraid of who?"

The two blew their beards and stared, looking like they were about to fight with each other before fighting the Dragon Pirates.


"Uncle, do you want to sell this boat?"

After Kiana came to the port, she searched for a long time, and finally found a small boat in an inconspicuous little corner. It looked slightly smaller than the Merry, but it was enough for only one person.

An old man dressed as a fisherman looked up at Kiana and asked, "Little girl, do you want to buy a boat?"

"Well, I want to buy this ship."

"...Well, 5 million Baileys, can you afford it?"

Is it only 5 million Pele?Qiyana secretly compared the amount that she planned to pay in her heart, and decided to buy it. She decided not to buy it if it exceeded 30 million Bailey, and instead took another merchant ship that was going to the great route. purchase.

"Okay, I want to buy it."

Immediately, Kiyana handed over 5 million Baileys to the fisherman. The old man took it and counted it for a while. After confirming that it was correct, he also smiled inwardly. million, this girl looks a little silly, she won't even bargain.

Afterwards, Kiana boarded the boat. After looking at the environment, Kiana was very satisfied with everything except the heavy fishy smell.

"Get ready to go."

Kiana muttered to herself, stowed the anchor, and opened the sail. Kiana stood on the deck and took the helm, slowly leaving the port of Rogue Town.


At night, Mihawk and Hoggs were sitting and drinking together in the hotel. Hoggs' face had turned red, he kept burping, lying on the table and closing his eyes tightly, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep. Mihawk was observing with Rachel, and he didn't know why he always felt that there was some special energy contained in this sword.

He has been thinking about it for a long time, but he doesn't know how to release it.

Suddenly Mihawk felt a light in his hand, and Rachel disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.


Mihawk rubbed his eyes, isn't he dazzled?Why did Rachel suddenly disappear?Mihawk hurriedly looked around, but found nothing suspicious, and he was very sure that no one could steal Rachel silently in front of his face, the only possibility was that Rachel disappeared by himself sex.

Will the knife still run on its own long legs?It was the first time Mihawk saw such strange things, could it be that Kiana did something?The more Mihawk thought about it, the more likely it became.

Mihawk couldn't sit still, picked up the black knife on his back, turned around and left here.

"Uh, aren't you drinking?"

Hoggs felt Mihawk's move to leave, opened his eyes, and asked with a glass of wine.

"Stop drinking, I'm going to find someone."

"Is it the girl during the day? Hey, I know, I can't help it anymore, right?"



Chapter 8 Find out where Kiyana is going

Mihawk ignored Hoggs and left the tavern with the black knife on his back. In the middle of the night, a few passersby walked on the street. Unlike the lively day, it was a little quiet at night.

The soft light came from the window, Mihawk was walking aimlessly on the street, if it was Kiana's hands and feet that Rachel disappeared, then she definitely knew that she would go back to find her, so she couldn't return it now. Stay in Rogue Town.

Moreover, Kiana's performance today is also very strange. She is very anxious to stay away from herself. She must have known that this Rachel would disappear. Judging from Kiana's performance today, Rachel disappeared. There is no doubt that it is definitely Qi What Yana did, there was no other possibility.

"I really didn't expect that one day I would also be deceived."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Mihawk's mouth. Does this woman know the consequences of lying to herself?It seems that she is not very clear, if she is clear, she would never dare to do so.

But now it is very unlikely that he will find Qiana. Now that she has definitely left Rogge Town, it is impossible to stay on the island, and he does not know her movements. It is difficult to find Qiana. .


Just when Mihawk was thinking about how to find Qiana's clues, a group of patrolling navy soldiers passed by Mihawk. Mihawk thought for a while, and Kiana seemed to be with the Navy Colonel here. Mog knows him, so he should be able to get some information by going to him and asking him?

Thinking of this, Mihawk set off immediately, grabbed a passerby and said, "I'm going to the naval station, lead the way."

The concise and clear words quickly explained their meaning, and the strength of pinching the opponent's shoulder was strong enough to crush bones, which made the other party nodded quickly.

"Okay...Okay, it hurts, please let go, my lord."

Mihawk in Rogge Town has also been here many times, but he has never been to the naval station once. If he doesn't know the way, he can only ask a passerby to lead the way.

Soon, Mihawk came to the gate of the naval station. After getting Mihawk's approval, the unlucky guy who led him immediately ran all the way, and disappeared in a flash.

When Mihawk was about to enter the naval station, the two marines shouted at him: "Who? Is there anything wrong with coming to our naval station so late?"

"...call Smoker out, I have something to ask him."

"Colonel Smoker is resting now. Come back tomorrow if you have anything."

One of the navy guards said that when Mihawk heard the words, he immediately took out his black knife and slashed at the door behind the navy.


An invisible sword energy instantly slashed the gate into several sections. The steel and iron gate was cut directly under this blow. The neat incision made the two navy guards suddenly widen their eyes. They could hardly believe their own eyes. .

"Is it yours to call him over, or I'll go in and find him myself, you can choose."

"I... I'll call, you wait, don't come in."

One of the navy rushed in immediately, while the other soldier took a step slower, and immediately scolded in his heart, you are running fast, what about me?

Mihawk's sharp eyes glanced, and he was so frightened by the navy left behind that he couldn't help kneeling on the ground, and an unpleasant smelly liquid flowed out of the **.


Mihawk frowned and moved away a little, he didn't do anything yet, what a useless waste.

"Did someone make trouble? Why did the gate look like this?"

At this time, wearing pajamas and messy hair, Dusky led a group of naval soldiers to the gate. Just woken up in his sleep, Dusky quickly got up and brought a group of soldiers to the gate.

Da Siqi couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the steel gate that was cut into several pieces.

"Sister Dasqi, it's this person who cut the door down!"

The navy soldier who was scared to wet his pants by Mihawk seemed to see hope, and immediately pointed to Mihawk and said.

Only now did everyone's eyes notice Mihawk's body, and Dasqi's face changed. This person she knew was Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the seven Wuhais under the king. This morning, she learned that he came to Rogge. News from the town, and even clashed with Colonel Smalls.

Unexpectedly, Mihawk came to their naval station at night and destroyed the gate.

"Mihawk, what do you mean?"


Faced with Dasqi's questioning, Mihawk did not answer, but the other navies were all shocked when they heard Mihawk's name again.

"What? Is this man Hawkeye Mihawk?"

"I heard he had a fight with Colonel Smoke today, and Colonel Smoke lost."

"Isn't it? Colonel Smog is a natural ability person."

The navy talked in a low voice. Although they have heard of the name of the King of the Seven Martial Seas, they also know that the first swordsman in the world, Hawkeye, is very powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so strong, not even Colonel Smog. his opponent.

You must know that since Colonel Smog was stationed in Rogge Town, few of the pirates in the East China Sea have been able to go to the great route through Rogge Town. They were taken by Smog at this entrance. Generally, pirates see Rogge Town didn't even dare to approach.

Even among the pirates in the East China Sea, there is a common sense that Rogge Town is a forbidden place. If you want to go to the Great Route, you must not approach it, just go straight to the entrance of the Great Route.

Such a strong Colonel Smog was not Mihawk's opponent, which really shocked these navies.

"Get out of the way, I'll talk to him."

Smog, who came behind Dash at an unknown time, stretched out his hand to pull Dash behind him, and then took a step forward.

The two cigars in his mouth were exuding thick smoke, and Smoker folded his arms in front of his chest and asked, "Mihawk, what do you have to do with me?"

"Where is Kiana?"

As soon as Mihawk said this, the marines present thought of a black-haired girl. They were both familiar and unfamiliar to Kiana, but they only knew that this girl was a powerful bounty hunter.

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