The spies of the world government infiltrated the Pirates and bewitched those companions, causing Wald to be betrayed by his companions.

After being imprisoned in the advance city for so many years, he has always wanted to take revenge on the World Government, but at this time, he was defeated by Qianbian without even meeting the World Government. How can Wald accept this?

However, Wald was startled by the strength of the opponent. When did such a strong man appear in the sea? He didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Quickly, where is the phone?"

Kiyana lifted Walder's body slightly, and then pressed it towards the ground again. Her strength caused several cracks to appear on the ground.

"Find it yourself.

Wald said coldly, seeing that Wald refused to say anything, Kiyana didn't talk nonsense, she pulled the glove of her right hand with her left hand, and then raised her right hand and slammed at Wald's face.



Kiyana punched Walder's upper body half a meter deep into the ground, but it wasn't enough. She threw several punches in succession without reservation.

In the end, after Kiyana blasted more than a dozen punches, a flash of light flashed, and a large amount of material exploded from Wald's body, sinking into Kiyana's body one after another, and then stopped.

"It's a pity, there is a reward of [-] million Baileys.

Kiyana said to herself, just taking experience and materials, she can draw another ten consecutive rounds later, but she can't take Wald to the navy to claim the reward.

or La Xiaowan

After finishing Walder, Kiyana also stood up, looked towards the cage above, then switched to the Ranger armor, raised her pistol and aimed at the connection between the cage and the ceiling and fired several shots.Bang

The connection was broken by bullets, and the cage fell down, landing heavily on the ground not far from Qiyana.

Then Qiyana switched to the Assault Armor again, clenched the 3rd holy relic and slashed out a sword aura, cutting off the cage, allowing the two sisters Sonia to come out.

"—Thank you for saving us, Thousand Changes.

Sonia thanked Kiyana, but it can be seen from her expression that she is very afraid of Kiyana. The powerful strength that Kiyana showed just now can be said to be very shocking.

Naturally, Qiyana also noticed that the two sisters seemed to be very afraid of her, so she couldn't help but smiled wryly. She is not a man-eating beast, so there is no need to be so afraid?

Qiyana wanted to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere, but she couldn't find anything to say. Thinking about it carefully, she should go find her phone first.

Just as Kiyana was about to say goodbye to Sonia and the two sisters, there was a burst of hurried footsteps from the passageway when Kiyana came, and it seemed that someone was running.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and soon saw Luffy running in with the princess hugging Hancock.


The two sisters of Sonia were also very surprised to see Hancock being hugged by Luffy-Lu and ran in. Could it be that the elder sister was injured?

"Oh, Kiyana, have you rescued Sonia and the others? 1

Luffy greeted Sonia and Sonia standing not far from Kiana.

" "

" "

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Kiana nodded slightly, at this time Luffy also found the dead body of Walder lying on the side, and was slightly taken aback.

As expected of Qiyana, she is indeed very strong, such a powerful guy will be defeated as soon as he says it can be defeated.

Of course, Luffy, who had fought against Walder, knew how powerful Walder was. When he came here just now, he also noticed the movement of the battle here. It was very large, and it was hard to imagine how fierce the battle broke out here just now.

"Luffy, what's wrong with her, my sis?"

At this time, the two sisters of Sonia also surrounded Luffy and asked about Hancock's situation.

"Ah, Hancock, she was poisoned, I sucked it out for her, she should be fine, but now she is a little weak and can't walk.

Luffy hugged Hancock and said, Hancock's hands were also tightly wrapped around Luffy's neck, and he buried his face on Luffy's chest and rubbed against it, snickering from time to time.


"That's really too bad, can Qianbian ask you to use your ability to heal my sister?

Sonia hurriedly turned her head to ask for help from Qiyana, who nodded slightly upon hearing this.

"Thank you, dry change."

Sonia happily thanked Kiyana, although Luffy said that he had helped her sister suck out the poison, but she still couldn't rest assured, and asked Qian Bian to help her use her ability to heal her to be completely at ease.

"don't want!"


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At this moment, Hancock suddenly yelled loudly, and everyone was stunned; then Hancock seemed to realize something, and pretended to be sick, and nestled obediently in Luffy's arms .

Well, didn't Luffy say that Qianbian's use of her healing ability would consume her life? It's fine if I take a rest, so I don't need to bother Qianbian.

Hancock’s words came out, and Luffy finally realized that, yes, Kiyana’s use of the recovery ability will consume her vitality. At present, Hancock should have no major problems, and there is really no need for Kiyana to use it. resilience.

Luffy has also seen the powerful side effect of Kiyana's use of recovery ability. When Marin Fandor, Kiyana's strength has been reduced a lot due to excessive use of recovery ability, which led to Kiana not being at its peak during the top battle. .

If Kiyana was in her prime, maybe Ace would be able to save her too.

"It doesn't matter, it's better to treat it if you are poisoned.

Kiyana waved her hand and said, Hancock was poisoned, although it doesn't look like anything now, but I won't know in the future, it's safer to use the ability to treat it.

Besides, using the saint's ultimate move to restore blood has no effect on Kiyana, it just consumes SP, but Kiyana doesn't bother to explain.

"Your kind concubine took it physically and mentally, no need, thank you!"

However, Hancock gritted his teeth, glared fiercely at Kiyana, and declined Kiyana's kindness.

Looking at Hancock nestled in Luffy's arms, Qiyana suddenly understood, after a long time, Hancock took this opportunity to take advantage of Luffy?

"Um, I get it, since you said you don't need it, forget it.

Kiyana scratched her head in embarrassment and said.


Chapter 69

Since Hancock doesn't need her own help, Kiyana doesn't want to be boring, and it seems that Hancock is secretly happy when Luffy hugs her like a princess, and Kiyana is not ignorant people.

Just keep it like this, if Kiyana really uses the saint's ultimate move to restore Hancock's state, Hancock will find trouble for himself instead. After comprehensive consideration, Kiyana simply doesn't care.

"Since people have been rescued, let's go back.

Seeing that Qiyana has rescued the two sisters Sonia and Walder has been defeated, Luffy plans to return.

The two of Sonia nodded, and under the hint of Hancock's almost murderous eyes, they did not plan to take Hancock from Luffy, but let Luffy continue to hold him.

"Go back first, I have something else to do."

"Well, Kiyana, won't you go back with us?"

Seeing that Kiyana didn't intend to leave with them, Luffy also asked suspiciously.

"Ah, I haven't found my things yet. After I find them, I will leave directly. It doesn't matter if you don't have to wait for me.

"Oh, speaking of which, you did say that you were looking for something. What is it? Let me help too."

Luffy also suggested that he wants to help. Anyway, the enemies are all gone. Since Kiyana is looking for something, let's all find it together. One more person has more strength, and the speed of finding it will be faster. P SEZ died

"No need, Luffy, hurry up and go back to the Windless Belt with Hancock and the others. The navy doesn't know when they will come back. If they see you and Hancock together, you won't be able to continue your practice. .

Kiana declined Luffy, now the navy may come at any time, if they find out that Luffy and Hancock are together, they will definitely not be able to continue to practice, she can handle things like looking for mobile phones by herself up.

"That's right, goodbye then, Kiyana."

Lu ^fei said goodbye to Qiyana, this time- -don't, I don't know when I will see you next time.

"Oh, let's practice hard."

After saying goodbye, Luffy also hugged Hancock and walked towards the direction when he came, followed by the two sisters Sonia.

Looking at the backs of the people leaving, Kiana also noticed that Hancock made a face towards herself, stuck out his tongue, and showed a very smug expression, as if saying: "Look, I won".

Kiyana was speechless for a while, and then she didn't care about it anymore, but looked up at the top of the stairs in the room, and saw that the stairs around the wall extended to a room above.

Qiyana walked up the spiral staircase, not knowing if the phone was on it.


"What are you talking about? Ganbian is Brigadier General Jizi from the Ministry of the Navy?" Wen Buzhi

Hancock, who was held in Luffy's arms, looked at the two younger sisters in surprise, while everyone was moving quickly in the passage.

"Ah, it's unbelievable, but it's true, and we were shocked when we first found out.

Sonia responded lightly.

"Luffy, do you know about this too?

Hancock turned to ask Luffy, Luffy nodded and replied: "Ah, I know, Kiyana told me that she went to the navy.

"Then why didn't you tell the concubine? Did you not trust the concubine?"

Hancock said with an aggrieved face, she told Luffy all her most shameful secrets, but Luffy actually kept something from her, it was so sad, shouldn't lovers be more honest?

"Sorry, it was Kiyana who told me not to tell people everywhere."

Luffy is also a little confused, somehow, he seems to owe Hancock somehow, which is really strange.

"Then Luffy, it's an agreement, you can't hide anything from my concubine in the future, you must tell me.

" "

" "

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