The evil government king Pizarro greeted with a smile. The people in the advancing city are all old acquaintances, but Pizarro's face corroded by Qianbian's blood is very scary no matter how you look at it.

Joshua turned his head to look, sweat dripping down his back, "Damn, you're too careless, how did the Blackbeard Pirates find them? Joshua thinks he shouldn't have revealed too much of his whereabouts.

"Jie ha ha ha, you must be the owner of the power of the shaking fruit, right? I saw you on the wanted notice.

Tiki laughed and looked at Liya who was at the table and said.

Liya didn't reply, her expression was still very calm.

"Ticky, what do you want to do?"

Joshua forced himself to calm down and asked Tiki's purpose. It is unlikely that they want to escape now. Let alone the large gap in numbers, the Blackbeard Pirates can pick one at random in terms of strength. None are weaker than them.

"What do I want to do? Don't you think it's too much to ask? Of course it's for the fruit."

When Tiqi was talking, his eyes were fixed on Liya, the greed in his eyes was very obvious, he was bound to get the Zhenzhen Fruit

Although the news about the reappearance of dry change has been reported in the newspapers a few days ago

But Tiqi no longer intends to take it away. The main reason is that Qianbian's strength is too strong and it is too difficult to take it over. In addition, he urgently needs new power to consolidate his position.

"The Zhenzhen fruit is a good thing, how can you let it be taken over by you?"

"Are you sure you want to do this? Lord Potter, they will not let you go."

"Jie ha ha ha, do you think I will be afraid of them?

Tiqi couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the words. To put it bluntly, Xiu is just a group of prisoners who rely on him to escape from the city. As long as he has the fruit of Zhenzhen, he will not be afraid of Xiu coming to his door.

Joshua originally thought that he could rely on Lord Potter and the others to deter Ticky, but he didn't expect that Ticky wouldn't take this kind of trick at all. He made it clear that he wanted to move them. Now there is no other way but to do it. .

"A tenfold increase!"

Joshua stood up straight away, - lifted the table in front of him and turned it towards Tiqi, the muscles in his body swelled, and he stretched out his shirt, revealing his strong wheat-colored muscles.

Facing the Blackbeard Pirates, Joshua didn't dare to underestimate him, -. He used his full strength when he came up, and used his abilities to strengthen his body to the strongest state.

"Dark water!

Facing the flying table, Tiqi stretched out his left hand A thick black mist covered the palm of his hand, absorbed and flattened the table, and absorbed it into the dark space

Quattrodi also cooperated very well, and at the same time, he burst into trouble, and quickly turned into a huge black crow, flapping its wings violently and setting off a gust of wind.

Before the pirates who were drinking around could react, they were affected by the battle between the Blackbeard Pirates and Joshua and others. The strong wind blew them all out and hit the walls around the tavern.


"It's fighting, run!"

The pirates who were already drunk were also sobered up by fright at this time, and when they saw the faces of the two sides in the war, they were even more frightened and did not dare to say a few more words.

Or Mu Xiaowan

"Blackbeard Pirates? Him, when did they come?"

"Run, don't get caught up in their fight."

Everyone panicked and ran out from the door of the tavern. Some of them even jumped out of the window. It can be seen that the Blackbeard Pirates have a great deterrent after the battle of Marin Vandor.

"Do you still want to resist? You are not my opponent in the advancing city. Isn't the gap in strength between you and me obvious?

Seeing that Joshua and Joshua were still thinking about resisting, Pizarro sneered disdainfully. Although the Blackbeard Pirates came to the city to select companions, not everyone can be their companions.

Tichi let these prisoners fight each other at that time, and only the one who wins to the end is eligible to become a member of the Blackbeard Pirates. At that time, Joshua also participated in order to be able to escape from the promotion city, but in the end he did not can successfully defeat them.

Facing the former defeated general, Pizarro is very confident. Since he can defeat the opponent once, he will naturally be able to defeat the opponent for the second time. This time, he not only wants to defeat the opponent, but also completely kills him die.

"To shut up!

Seeing Pizarro mentioning the matter of advancing into the city, Joshua also felt very humiliated. At that time, he participated in the five fights in order to be able to escape. In the end, his strength was nothing compared to these monsters. It is not too much to describe it as being ravaged on the ground.

But now, even with Cattrodi and Liya, it is impossible to escape from the siege of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Hehe, did you become angry from embarrassment?"

Pizarro sneered, and punched Joshua, and the two fists collided fiercely, and a wave of air swept away, blowing away all the surrounding tables and chairs.

Then Pizarro turned his fists into palms and wrapped Joshua's fist tightly. Joshua wanted to retract his arm, but he couldn't retract it no matter what, even though his body had been strengthened to the original ten. Times, still not Pizarro's opponent.

"Don't resist, for the sake of the former inmates, I can still give you a good time!

Pizarro persuaded, and at the same time punched Joshua in the stomach.


Joshua suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard. The food he had just eaten was mixed with the acid water in his stomach, and his lower abdomen felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. The pain was unbearable.

- Pangkatrodi also flapped his wings, rolled up more than a dozen sickle-shaped slashes, and the sharp slashes flew directly towards the people of the Blackbeard Pirates, and several deep cracks were cut on the wooden floor .

Seeing this, Xiliu quickly pulled the knife at his waist out of the scabbard, and slashed horizontally, creating a huge arc-shaped sword aura, blocking all the flying slashing blows.

After blowing away one of Catrodi's slashes, the sword aura continued to fly towards Catrodi without diminishing momentum.

Catrodi quickly waved his wings to dodge. The sword energy passed by Catrodi's side, almost cutting off his wings. In the end, the sword energy slashed on the ceiling of the tavern, creating a huge crack, and sawdust lay across. fly.

After avoiding the sword energy, Cattrodi looked back in shock at the ceiling that had been cut in half. It was so dangerous that if he was caught head-on, he might be beheaded in an instant.

For Shiliu of the Rain, the former warden of the advancing city, these prisoners have a deep memory. Shiliu, who once took pleasure in abusing prisoners, can be said to be their nightmare, even if they sleep at night and dream of him, they will be awakened.

Just seeing Shiliu's figure, his body trembled uncontrollably, and a sense of fear emanating from the depths of his soul surrounded him.


Pizarro punched Joshua's chest again, only to hear a cracking sound, several of Joshua's ribs were immediately broken, and he was beaten back again and again.

"Wait, didn't you guys come here for the Zhenzhen fruit? Take it.

After Joshua tried it for a while, he also understood that it was impossible to escape based on their strength alone. In order to survive, Joshua quickly pulled Liya in front of him, begging for mercy like Tiqi and others road.

Liya, who was pushed in front of Joshua, had a flash of disgust in her eyes, but she still didn't speak, as if she had resigned herself to her fate no matter what happened.

"You boy, do you only hide behind women?"

SF Light Novel

Xuanyue hunter, Dai Peng looked at Joshua with very contemptuous eyes. Just now she saw Joshua being very tough and fierce to Carterodi, but she immediately fell in love with them, and even pushed the woman to herself in order to survive in front of.

"of course not.....

Joshua immediately used his ability to enhance Liya's strength. He was just acting just now, just to buy some time for Liya to strengthen her strength.

"Now, Lia.

Increase five times!

Liya only felt that a huge force was transmitted into her body, strengthening her body, a hazy white halo was emitted from her hands, and the surrounding space instantly shattered, and the cracks continued to extend.

The expressions of Xiliu and the others changed slightly, and they all took a step back. They had all seen the destructive power of the White Beard Vibrating Fruit before, so they dared not be careless in the slightest.

Liya raised her right hand, took a step forward, then quickly turned around and patted Joshua's chest with her palm.


The space is shattered, and the powerful shock force is constantly destroying Joshua's internal organs and bones. Liya's eyes are only indifferent and cold.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Joshua's mouth, showing an unbelievable expression. He really couldn't believe that Liya would turn around and attack himself.

Liya's actions naturally puzzled everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Aren't they companions 3



Chapter 3

Joshua bent his knees and knelt down, coughing blood incessantly in his mouth. The ability of the shock fruit destroyed his internal organs and bones, and shattered them all, and it was still with his enhanced shock power.

Why? Why did Liya attack me? Joshua looked up at Liya, but only saw the indifferent coldness in Liya's eyes, and seemed to understand something in a trance.

So, has she regained her self-awareness? It's just that she's been acting until just now, pretending to be controlled.

Until the arrival of the Blackbeard Pirates, she finally waited for this chance of revenge.

Joshua spat out another mouthful of blood. His internal organs were severely injured and he had lost the ability to resist. It is self-evident what awaits him next.


Quattrodi, who was flying in mid-air, saw Liya suddenly turned against the water and seriously injured Joshua, and soon realized that Liya had broken free from the mind control of the pocket watch, and felt incredible.

You must know that the pocket watch he brought is still brand new, and it stands to reason that the control ability will not be reduced to this level so quickly, which is not normal.

Hey, what's going on here? It wouldn't be interesting if this is the case, aren't you companions?"

Pizarro also felt very bored when he saw the enemies killing each other, and couldn't understand it at all. 5 people

"Companion? Will the companion control my spirit and force me to do things I don't want to do?

Liya responded indifferently, she had only thought of revenge in her heart after being hurt, no matter what happened next, she would not regret it, even if her attack on Joshua would make her last chance of escape completely disappear. not hesitate.

As long as it can make her take revenge, it's fine to tear this bastard who abused her into pieces.

"mind control?

Tiqi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then understood.

"I see, didn't you join Xiu voluntarily? No wonder you did so.

Only then did everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates understand why Liya attacked Joshua. After a long time, Liya was not their companion, but was controlled by the mind.

Seeing that Joshua had fallen to the ground with serious injuries, and Liya had regained her self-awareness, Quattrodi stopped lingering immediately, waving her wings and planning to escape from the opening in the ceiling cut by Shileu's sword energy.

"Dark water!"

Tiqi stretched his left hand upwards, and a strong suction pulled Quattrodi's body, pulling him back.

Carterodi flapped his wings desperately, but his body was still slowly being pulled back bit by bit. Carterodi looked back at Tiqi and exerted all his strength.

Once pulled back, it will be completely fucked, and Carterodi understands this very well, but Tiqi's ability is too powerful.

In the end, Carterodi still couldn't escape the influence of Tiqi's ability, and was dragged back by Tiqi abruptly.Whoosh

Shiliu held the handle of the knife with one hand and quickly drew out the knife a few times, and then put the knife back into the scabbard. It was hard for ordinary people to see clearly with the naked eye. Several sword qi cut off Catrodi's wings and claws , Quattrodi couldn't help but screamed in pain and fell back to the ground and changed back to human form.

At this moment, Cattrodi's hands and feet were cut off by Shilio's sword energy, his expression was terrified, and he wailed in pain. His last hope of escape was completely destroyed.

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