
Lota vomited blood angrily, but pirates do this all the time. In the past, they would rob each other's treasures even after defeating the enemy. He has no right to accuse him of doing nothing. Who made him not strong enough?

"Don't tell me? That's fine.

Seeing that Lota didn't want to say anything, but just closed her eyes and waited to die, Kiyana stopped talking nonsense, and raised her hand, and a spear of Yakon flew, piercing Lota's heart.

Following Lota's death, Lota's body also emitted a - - light, and then burst out a large amount of material, flying towards Qiyana's body.

A lot of materials also exploded from the corpses of other guards on the surrounding ground. With Lota's death, all of them flew towards Kiyana, and finally disappeared into Kiyana's body.

After finishing off the escort led by Lota, Kiana also turned to look at Bartolomeo who was following behind her.

"Take me to their camp.

The enemies are all settled, it's time to get your own spoils, and I don't know how many assets Kailin has in her hands. If she can get ten shots in a row, Kiyana will be very satisfied. Enslaved woman.

"Yes, Senior Kiyana!"

Bartolomeo quickly came to Kiana, and then led the way for Kiana, and the other younger brothers followed closely behind.

Only the devastated street ruins and the pirates who had been frightened in the distance remained.


Chapter No.17

On West Street, a three-story restaurant is very lively. The open-air hall in the restaurant is filled with many wine tables. From the corridor on the third floor, you can clearly see the scene in the lobby on the - -floor.

Many vicious-looking pirates were drinking and eating meat while hugging women, looking very happy, while some men in black clothes stood around the hall with their hands behind their backs, their eyes patrolling. The lobby maintains the order of the restaurant.

A black-haired woman in a cheongsam with a mink scarf around her neck was sitting on the sofa in the hall with her legs crossed, holding a long cigarette rod in her hand.

She looks about more than 40 years old, and the years have left marks on her face. Although she is well maintained on weekdays, this smile pushed out the carefully drawn crow's feet around the corners of her eyes.

But even so, it can be seen that her appearance when she was young must be very charming, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a half-old mistress.

Kailin raised the cigarette rod to her mouth, took a light puff, and looked around at the women with reluctance written all over their faces, showing a sneer.

Back then, she was sold here just like the girls around her, suffered a lot of hardships, endured the humiliation, and did the work of pleasing men.

At that time, she couldn't help thinking why she ended up like this? What did she do wrong? To be treated like this.

Fortunately, the three sons that she raised herself later were also very promising, and helped her escape from the predicament, allowing her to behead the trafficker who sold her here in the first place.

It's just that when she returned to her hometown, what she got was the eyes and criticism from the people in her hometown. The sight of those young girls made her very angry. Why should she be treated like this? I don't have enough food, I don't wear warm clothes every day, and I serve those disgusting man?

But they can grow up in a stable environment? Don't worry about their own food and life safety?

It's not fair, she wants those young women to feel the despair since 2. If everyone has experienced it, they will no longer be able to cast hypocritical sympathy for themselves, right?

"Hey, the wine is all spilled on me, will you pour the wine?

At a wine table not far from Kailin, a burly man slapped the face of the woman who poured him wine, knocking her to the ground.

...Sorry, I didn't mean to, guest. "

The girl covered her red and swollen cheeks, apologizing with tears in her eyes.

"I just changed my clothes today, shit!"

The strong man kicked the girl again, knocking her over, the girl's head hit the ground, her scalp was scratched, and some fresh blood flowed out.

"Well, calm down, guest.

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Seeing this, Kailin also stood up and walked towards this side. At the same time, she gestured to the guards in black in the distance with her eyes. The girl's side was slammed down.

"...I'm sorry I won't do it again, please forgive me."

The belt slapped the young girl's white and tender skin fiercely, and the skin was ripped apart after a while. Seeing this, the other women serving the wine couldn't help turning their eyes away, and couldn't bear to look any longer.

The girl curled up on the ground, protecting her body with both hands, crying uncontrollably.

"Sorry humming.

However, Kailin had no intention of letting the guards stop. She just looked at the girl who was beaten, and smiled indifferently as if the distorted emotions in her heart had been vented.


The ground trembled slightly, loud noises continued to be heard in the distance, the whole restaurant seemed to be shaken by an earthquake, and the wine in the wine bottle on the wine table was shaking non-stop.

Everyone was slightly stunned, but fortunately, the shock came and went quickly, and calm was quickly restored.

"What's going on? An earthquake?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be an earthquake, but someone is fighting.

The pirates were puzzled by the strange vibration just now, and communicated one after another.

"Hey, Cab, what's going on out there!

Kailin held up a cigarette pole and asked, a man in black ran in from outside the gate of the restaurant and replied: "It should be Captain Lota who is fighting with someone, just now Raleigh sent someone to call Captain Lota over helped.

"Who is the other party?"

Kailin frowned slightly when she heard this, who on earth is so short-sighted and dares to come to her place to seek trouble?

"It's Bartolomeo, that rooster who paid a deposit to buy a weapon a while ago."

So it's that guy? Bartolomeo's appearance appeared in Kailin's mind, and she thought who it was, a mere little pirate looking for trouble, hmph.


"Hey Karin, what's going on?

The pirates on the side asked, "There was a lot of movement just now, and to be honest, it made me a little worried.

"Don't worry, guests, it's just a little pirate looking for trouble, my son has already passed, and it will be settled soon

Kailin said with a smile, and the surrounding pirates felt relieved after hearing the words.

"Hey, who is so bold? Dare to trouble you.

"That's right, don't you think it's too long?"


The pirates laughed loudly, raised their glasses to drink, and continued the conversation just now, as if nothing happened just now.

Kailin also walked back to her seat and sat down without worrying at all. If you want to ask why, it is that she trusts her three sons quite a lot. As long as they are there, nothing will happen.


A black shadow flew in from outside the restaurant, crashed into a wine table, rolled on the ground several times before finally stopping, and landed right at Kailin's feet.

Kailin was taken aback by this movement, but she quickly came back to her senses and looked towards the flying black shadow.


Kailin's eyes widened. This black shadow was none other than her eldest son Lota, whom she was proud of. Lota had passed away, with many wounds on her body, and one arm and one leg were also broken. I don't know. where.

The sudden change also shocked the surrounding people, and the women were even more frightened by Lota's body, and they couldn't help screaming.

"Is this the big camp? The decoration is not bad.

Kiyana slowly floated in from the door, turned her head to look at the environment in the restaurant, followed by Bartolomeo and his younger brothers.

"Damn, do thousands of changes?!"

When the pirates in the restaurant saw Qiyana coming in, they were so scared that the wine glasses in their hands fell to the ground, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

"Why is Qianbian here?



The pirates stood up one after another and stepped back. The women also quickly stood up and ran to the side, looking at Qiyana and the others with fear on their faces.

Kailin held up the cigarette stick and was stunned on the spot. Why? Why did such a big pirate come here? And threw her son's body in?

Kiyana glanced around the crowd, and everyone who was swept by Kiyana's gaze couldn't help but tremble, terrified to the extreme.

"Who's Kalyn?"

Kiyana asked aloud, although she didn't speak, her voice was transmitted to everyone's ears.

The scene was deadly silent, no one dared to speak, but Qiyana also got the answer from their sight, and Qiyana looked at the ashen-faced Kailin in the center of the hall and said.

"You're Kalyn, aren't you?"

... ”.

Kailin froze in place, at a loss. When she saw Bartolomeo who looked like a younger brother following behind Kiana, she seemed to understand something.

"Swallowed my little brother's deposit, are you very courageous, and even gave the weapon I asked for? The most important thing for a businessman is to be trustworthy, honesty, do you understand?"

Kiyana floated to a place not far from Kailin, looking at her coldly.

"The deposit is yours?"

Kailin was very shocked. She swallowed Qianbian's deposit? This cockscomb is actually sent by Qianbian? If Kailin knew this, she would not have given those weapons to Xiu.

She inadvertently offended Qian Bian, a big man. You must know that the other party is the new Fourth Emperor, and even the navy has to be fully prepared to deal with the danger.

"That's right, swallowing my deposit and daring to take action against my younger brother, this makes it very difficult for me.

Kiyana raised her hand and sent the Archon Spear flying, piercing the head of Lota who was lying on the ground.

Blood splashed on Kailin's face and body, Kailin couldn't help opening her mouth wide, showing a terrified expression, and sat down slumped.

The pirates around heard the words, and then realized that Kailin had kicked the iron plate. They didn't expect that she would provoke Qianbian, and even her son was implicated and killed by Qianbian. or Mu"cut

"Damn, Qianbian, it was Kailin who swallowed your deposit, and it has nothing to do with us.

"Yeah, it has nothing to do with us."

The pirates quickly disregarded their relationship with Kailin, many of them jumped out of the window and escaped, and Qiyana was not interested in them either, as her strength was too weak to earn experience, so she just ran away if she escaped.

And Kiyana still needs them to spread the news here, Kiyana must let the navy know the reason why Qianbian appeared here, so she let them go on purpose.

As for those Kailin's subordinates, they didn't seem to have the courage to face Qiyana, and ran away quickly. Even their captain Lota died, and Kailin was dead, and they didn't want to be buried with her.

-Many people in the time restaurant escaped, but the women were so scared that they couldn't even escape, hugging each other - curled up in the corner of the wall, trembling.

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