Although I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the initial S-level armor, it's also good to have an extra security identity that can be used in an emergency.

After using most of the crystals, Qiyana only had a few fragmented crystals left, which could be used for resurrection once or twice at most. Looking at the remaining crystals in the upper right corner of the screen, Kiyana couldn't help sighing, and became The poor man, the evil krypton gold game.

Taking a deep breath, and then exhaling to refresh her spirit, Qiyana then clicked on the Valkyrie armor interface, raised the level of the dark rose armor use experience chip she had just drawn, and learned skills.

By the way, Qiyana also switched to the Dark Rose armor, let's see what this new identity looks like.

The moment the armor was switched, Kiyana's appearance also changed. The bright red long hair faded a little, and transformed into a gray-blond haired one, and the pupils of her eyes also turned into wine red.

Kiyana stood up, walked to the side of the dressing table and sat down, looked at her own appearance in the mirror, and stretched out her hands to stroke her face.

"Mirror, mirror, tell me who is the most vicious woman in the world?"

For some reason, Qiyana suddenly woke up and spoke the lines from the fairy tale to the mirror.

"Well, that's right, it's my elder sister, she is the worst!"

Kiyana was lying on the table, staring at her own reflection in the mirror, not happy at all. When will I be able to collect all seven dragon balls to complete the task?

At this time, Qiyana is like a decadent uncle, sighing, it is not that Qiyana has never thought about admitting her mistake to her elder sister, asking her to forgive herself, and turning her back into a man.

But Kiyana can't swallow that breath no matter what, she won't give in, she must fight to the end, don't think that you are a god and you can do whatever you want, bastard =

After experiencing Rita's appearance, Kiyana switched back to the real red armor. After all, it is on a warship, and it would be bad if someone discovered it.

Lying back on the bed, Qiyana picked up the phone and clicked on the material interface. This time she also killed a lot of enemies, and the materials should explode a lot

Kiyana - - Looking at it from the road, there are a lot more armor fragments. Among them, Yamabuki, Xunyu, Zhenyan Xinghun, Chariot, Bailian, Triumph and other armors can already be promoted to new scoring levels.

Qiyana quickly upgraded these armors. Every time the Valkyrie armor is upgraded, the gap is very different. The basic attributes are all improved by a large amount, not to mention that after being promoted to a new level, it can also be improved. Unlock important skills.

The promotion of certain Valkyrie armor from A-level to S-level can be said to be a qualitative change, and the damage output is not at the same level. The same is true for the promotion from S-level to SS-level. In short, the higher the rating, the better.

After being promoted, Qiyana took another look at her Valkyrie armor list.

Kiyana series, Moonlight S, Ranger A, Bailian SS, Saint SS, Herrscher of the Sky S.

Mei series, Shadow Dance SS, Crimson S, Ghost Armor S, Strike S.

Bronya series, Yamabuki SS, Silver Wolf S, Chariot S, Snow A.

Jizi series, Gale S, Crimson S, Triumph S, True Red S.

Deli Silly Series, Oath A, Sakura Fire Wheel Dance A.

Fuhua series, Baiye S, Xunyu S.

Yae Sakura series, Don't Forget S, True Flame Lucky Soul S, Miko A.

Kallen series, Sixth Night Fantasia S.

Rita series, Dark Rose A.

Unknowingly, Qiyana found that she already had a lot of Valkyrie armors, a full 26 armors, which means that even if she did nothing, the enemy would have to kill her at least 26 times to completely kill her. die yourself.

Of course, this premise will only happen if the enemy does not use means such as Hailou Stone to limit Qiyana's resurrection ability, but this is also very scary, with 26 lives, it is hard for Qiyana to imagine that someone can continuously hit her. Kill yourself 26 times.

It is said that cats have nine lives, and I have 26, and there will only be more and more in the future, plus various resurrection, blood recovery skills, and crystal resurrection, I want to completely kill myself. Just thinking about it feels troublesome, and even Qiyana herself finds it scary.

This is even more tenacious than Xiaoqiang. As long as there is no Hailoushi, Qiyana can be said to be a bug-like existence.

"Hehe, I'm going to be bald soon, right?

Qiyana couldn't help complaining to herself, from a certain point of view, the elder sister is still very good to her, the golden finger given by the gods makes Qiyana feel like she is alone and seeking defeat,) SE 技小制

After the promotion of the promotion, the skills and so on, after receiving the gold coins from the refinery by the way, Qiyana looked at the phone screen with nothing to do.

"Go to sleep first.

Kiyana muttered and put the phone back into the crevice of her chest, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep like this.

"This mission report.

In the office of the Admiral of the Navy, Kiyana handed over the paper task report in front of Akainu. Akainu, who was holding a raga in his mouth, embraced his chest and sat on a chair with his legs crossed, staring behind Kiyana. Lia - was speechless.

There is only Akainu in the office.Kiyana and Liya, with the windows open, can see the blue sea not far away.

"Why didn't you report to me, and took the troops to Pristan? Don't you know how dangerous this move is?

After a moment of silence, Akainu scolded his head and covered his face. You must know that Pristan is an island between the two four emperors' territories.

Kiyana naturally understood why Akaken was angry, and she couldn't help being speechless. She also knew that if she reported to Akainu, the other party would definitely not let her lead the troops to rescue people like this, and it was very likely that she was asked to wait. Reinforcement, if that's the case, the daylily might be cold when they arrive at Pristan, so why save anyone?

Moreover, a large number of navy arrived at the edge of the Four Emperors' territory, which will definitely attract the attention of the Four Emperors. At that time, the Four Emperors may also send people to come, and Kiyana can't guess whether Akainu will send reinforcements for those women, so Qi Yana took it upon herself to decide.

"Anyway, the citizens of the Kingdom of Gabria were also rescued, and their king gave us a pennant, so don't worry about it so much.

Nonsense, disorganized, and undisciplined, if this time it didn't happen that Qianbian happened to fight with the pirates on the island, do you think you can come back safe and sound?"

Kiyana's attitude undoubtedly made Akainu furious, and Kiyana seemed to be able to see his back starting to melt into lava, and he was emitting black smoke.

"I warn you, if you dare to lead the troops to such a dangerous place without reporting the situation to me next time, you should not lead the troops

or Mu Xiaowan

"Okay, Marshal Sakasky!"

Kiyana responded with a tone of admiration.

"Get out.

It seemed that Sakaski didn't want to see Qiyana again, so he drove her away.

Kiyana shrugged her shoulders, and then led Liya out of the office to the corridor outside.

"Marshal Sakalski has a bad temper.

After leaving the office, Liya couldn't help but speak.

"Well, don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Qiyana said with a disapproving face, others are afraid of Akainu, but she is not afraid, she is just defeated by her subordinates, even though she used a trial card to defeat him that time, she has already won, and she already has an advantage psychologically up.

It's just that if Akainu and Qiyana are allowed to fight again now, there is a high probability that Kiyana will lose.

The two went down the stairs to the first floor. As soon as they walked out of the attic, they saw a burly blind man in purple samurai clothing walking towards them with a stick knife in his hand.

Kiyana was stunned for a moment, this guy finally came to the navy, the future Admiral Fujitora, smiled.

-Xiao used a stick knife to explore the way, passed by the two of Qiyana, and entered the attic, obviously planning to go to the office of the Admiral of the Navy.

"Poor thing, you're blind.

Liya looked at the smiling back, a little sympathetic, and when Qiyana heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Poor? This guy is terrible. Don't underestimate him just because he is blind.

Liya couldn't help being stunned when she heard the words, what is there to be afraid of the six real people? But since Sister Jizi has said so, there must be something special about this person.


Chapter 21 Preparing for the test

"Look, this is the shave of one of the six navy styles."

After leaving Akainu's office, Kiyana and the two did not go back to the dormitory, but left the base and came to the beach on the edge of the island

Kiyana looked at Liya who was carrying a big sword and said, and then she began to show her shaving, and saw that Kiyana stomped on the spot dozens of times with her feet, a huge explosive force pushed Qia Na's body.

In just an instant, Qiyana came to a position + meters away from where she was standing.

Liya's eyes widened immediately. Before she could see clearly what was going on, Sister Jizi left the place as if teleported. Is this the shaving of the Sixth Naval Style?

"See clearly?"

Liya scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, and shook her head slowly, she didn't see clearly, Sister Jizi's movements were too fast.

"In fact, the principle of shaving is very simple, that is, the feet step on the spot dozens of times within [-] seconds, and use the explosive reaction force to move at high speed, which is no different from disappearing in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Stamped on the spot dozens of times?"

Liya suddenly realized, so shaving is such a thing? But it is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do, stepping on the ground dozens of times in a second, this is impossible to do without far surpassing the physical fitness of ordinary people, it must be done After very hard training

"Based on your current physical condition, you have initially reached the basic conditions for practicing shaving. After you master shaving, I will teach you the advanced version of shaving techniques, step by step."

"Yuebu, I know, it's the special skill of you flying in the air, sister Jizi, right?

"Yes, moon steps are much more difficult than shaving, after you have mastered shaving, practice mastering it.

Liya nodded slightly, then took a deep breath, and then stepped on the ground quickly with both feet, causing the sand to fly away, but Liya failed, as if she was standing still.

Kiyana put her arms around her chest, just stood not far away and silently watched Liya practicing one of the six styles of shaving, as if she had seen the scene when she practiced palm house shaving.

"Be quick, it won't work.

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Kiyana reminded that Liya's movements were not fast enough to meet the explosive conditions of shaving. "Yes!

Liya nodded in response, and then quickened her pace, her feet stepped on the ground alternately like phantoms.

"Hurry up, you can do it!


Liya tried her best to speed up her pace as much as possible, and finally Liya felt a huge force from the bottom of her feet conveyed to her body, driving her forward.Liya thought: I didn't want to, so I rushed forward, but the fast sprint made Liya unable to maintain a good balance, her body center of gravity kept leaning forward, and finally fell on the beach, eating a mouthful of sand.

Liya propped her hands on the beach, spitting the sand out of her mouth with an indescribable expression, she was successful just now? That was indeed a shave, right? It’s just that she failed to grasp the balance of her body and fell down. wrestle.

"Yeah, I knew you could do it.

Seeing this, Qiyana showed a gratified smile. Liya's progress was so fast that it was unbelievable. Should it be said that she has a talent for fighting? She is a fighting genius.

Liya stood up and patted the sand on her body. She was not very satisfied with her performance just now. She used the shaving, but the explosive power was much stronger than she imagined, and it was difficult to control.

"Keep practicing, it's like this at the beginning, you have to control the balance of your body to the point where you can do whatever you want.

Liya responded, and then started to step on it again, and used the shaving again. This time Liya still fell down on the beach, but she got up quickly and continued to practice.

Kiyana just stood by and watched Liya practice shaving. Time passed, and not long after, the sun came above her head, approaching noon.

Qiyana turned around, secretly took out her mobile phone to check the time, and found that it was half past eleven, then put the mobile phone back into the material space, and waved to Liya. o EZ

"Liya, let's practice here first, go back to eat, and continue in the afternoon."

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