Chapter 11 The Suffering Kiyana

"Can I ask to go to that island first?"

Kiana, who decided to fool Mihawk first, quickly asked about the next island.

"Boom Island."

Mihawk didn't say much, but simply revealed his name, Boom Island?where is that?Kiana began to recall the original book and found that she had no impression at all. It seems that it should be an unknown island, at least Luffy and the others have not been there.

There are a total of seven routes in the first half of the great route, and the probability of choosing the same route as Luffy is very low.

"As a reward for leading the way, I want to borrow here."


Kiana is a little embarrassed. If she can, she really doesn't want Mihawk to stay on this ship anymore, but now she can't find any good reason to get rid of him. Now people think that she doesn't have a record pointer, it's a good thing To lead the way for yourself, it would be too strange to refuse him, there is no sufficient reason.

"Record the pointer for you, I'm going to sleep, remember to keep an eye on the direction at all times, the environment of the great route is more severe than you can imagine."

Mihawk threw his record pointer to Kiana after he roped his boat together.

Kiana stretched out her hand to borrow it, and then looked at Mihawk in surprise.

"I'm at the helm? Hey, isn't it!?"

"Of course, this ship is yours."

Mihawk said shamelessly, and without waiting for Kiana to respond, he turned his head and entered the room, slamming the door shut, leaving Kiana standing silently on the deck. , the cold wind howled.

"I'm a girl?! I'm a girl? Can't you be a little gentleman as a man? You should at least help you when you live on my boat?"


The atmosphere fell into silence, Mihawk ignored Kiana's words, and after a while, there was a steady breathing sound in the room.


Kiana has never seen such a shameless man before, is her face fake?If Sanji were here to help sail the boat, would you?

In desperation, Kiana had no choice but to look at the recording pointer to control the rudder sailing. At present, the sea area where Kiana is located belongs to one of the worst areas of the Great Route. The magnetic fields influence each other, and the weather is unpredictable. After choosing one of the routes, the influence of the magnetic field will be slightly better.

At that time, the weather will be a little more stable, and the sea water flow will become normal. Qiyana, who has read the original book, will naturally understand how terrifying this sea area is. As long as you don’t pay attention to the direction of the ship, the ship may turn around in 10 minutes. Driving in the opposite direction, all this will only get better after the magnetic field stabilizes. Before that, Qiyana can only keep staring at the route.

In this sea area, within an hour, the weather may change drastically. It will be cold for a while, and it will be hail for a while. Accepting the wind and sun on the deck, I felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

"That bastard, it's easy to hide in the room."

The torrential rain fell, the sky was gray, and Qiyana was soaked all over. Her clothes were tightly adhered to her body, outlining a graceful curve, and the rain dripped down her silver hair onto her tender white skin.


Suddenly, Kiana sneezed heavily and sucked her nose in discomfort. It was cold, so cold. This is the most real feeling in Kiana's heart at present. If possible, she would also like to hide in the cabin. Go, it's a pity that it can't be done now, she has to keep an eye on the route and not let the ship deviate from the direction, otherwise this harsh environment will last longer.

The rain splashed on the deck, and Kiana was shivering from the cold. Mihawk also woke up at this time, opened the door with a beach chair, and sat at the door watching Kiana suffer. .

"Can't you hold an umbrella?"

"Aloach, I don't have an umbrella, so I forgot to buy it."


How stupid is that?This woman didn't buy the record pointer, or even the umbrella, Mihawk was no longer able to complain.

Da Da, Kiana heard Mihawk's footsteps getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but look back at the other party.

"Don't catch a cold, I'll stay here for a while. Let's go to the kitchen first and boil some hot water for you."


Mihawk took the record pointer in Kiana's hand, then pushed Kiana away from the helm, and started to control the direction of the ship instead of Kiana.

Have you finally found your conscience?Do you finally feel sorry for you as a man?Let a weak woman like me stay outside and suffer for a long time and finally feel condemned inside, right?

Kiana stared at Mihawk's back with contempt, then ran to the kitchen on the second floor and opened the door of the kitchen. The decoration inside was very simple, there was nothing extra, just a table and a few stools, and then It was the locker and the stove. At this time, there was a pot of boiling water on the stove. Kiana hurriedly walked over to turn off the fire, and then took out a bowl from the locker and came to a bowl.

When he held it in the palm of his hand, the warmth of his heart was transmitted to his heart through the palm of his hand. Hmph, that bastard has a little conscience and knows how to boil hot water for himself, but Kiana still decided that she couldn't forgive him, it's too hateful, let herself stand Outside for half a day, living and suffering.

Gradually, the position of the ship has entered the route to Boom Island, the magnetic field has finally stabilized, the weather has gradually improved, and there is no need to keep staring at the recording pointer, just look at it from time to time.

Mihawk fixed the rudder, and then returned to the kitchen. Kiana drank the hot water silently, without giving Mihawk a face, Mihawk didn't care, but opened the locker, but It was found to be empty.

"Don't you have any ingredients?"

"Hungry? Ten thousand Baileys!"


Hmph, I finally got my chance, right?Will you definitely peel off your skin? Kiana laughed wildly in her heart.

"I'm not hungry, I just want to make you some food to warm up your body. If that's the case, then forget it."

"...Hmph, hard-mouthed, obviously I'm hungry."

Kiana put down the bowl, left the kitchen, went back to her room, changed into a set of clean clothes, threw the soaked clothes into the material space, and took out the ingredients bought in Rogge Town in advance and put them in a bag inside.

Then Kiana returned to the kitchen with a bag of ingredients, threw the ingredients on the table and said to Mihawk: "Cook quickly, I'm hungry!"

Mihawk didn't say much. He picked up the ingredients on the table and went to the side to wash the vegetables. It didn't take long before he heard the crisp sound of a kitchen knife cutting vegetables on the cutting board.

Kiana rested her chin with her left hand and silently watched Mihawk's back, who was skilled in chopping vegetables. For some reason, she felt that Mihawk was a bit like her father in her previous life. I remember that when I was a child, I sat at the dinner table like this and looked at my father. The back of Chopping vegetables, I just didn't expect that I would be reincarnated now.

How is he doing now?Without me, my father would be better off alone, right?While looking at Mihawk's back, Kiana missed her father in her previous life. She had been reincarnated for more than a year, and she didn't know if he was doing well now.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

Mihawk seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. He didn't stop cutting vegetables and asked without looking back. Kiana panicked.

"Who... Who wants to see you? I see the pot."


The atmosphere fell silent again, only the sound of the kitchen knife touching the cutting board kept ringing.


Three days later, Kiana stretched her waist, exuding a lazy and charming aura, her slightly squinted eyes staring blankly at the ceiling, outside the window, the early morning sunlight came in, facing Kiana's face, slightly. The yellow morning light made Kiana look hazy and illusory.

But it was this sunshine that made Kiana unable to sleep anymore, even with her eyes closed, she could still feel the light.

"Forget it, don't sleep."

Kiana got up. After washing, she took out two bottles of milk from the material space, and then came to the deck. As expected, Mihawk had already woken up early to exercise. As the world's number one swordsman, daily exercise was absolutely impossible. few.

I saw Mihawk standing upside down, with one hand behind his back, only using his left hand to support the full weight of his body, bending up and down, with a very relaxed expression.

Seeing this, Kiana couldn't help but feel a little proud. I have a physique that won't regress without exercising. After all, the attributes are fixed, but maybe this is another level of sadness. The attributes are fixed, after level [-]. , I can no longer continue to grow, I can't tell whether it is good or bad.

Moreover, people often pay attention to a transcendence limit, they will never be able to transcend, there is no such potential.

"Catch it!"

Kiana threw a bottle of milk to Mihawk and opened it herself.

Mihawk stably caught the milk that Kiana threw over, then turned over and sat on the armrest.

"Thank you?"

"Thank you."

That's right, Kiana nodded with satisfaction, and then a crisp bird chirping sounded from the sky, and a news bird was circling above their boat, presumably asking them if they wanted to buy a newspaper.

Kiana thought for a while and made a gesture to the news bird. Soon, the news bird flew down and landed beside Kiana.

After throwing a few coins into the newsbird's money box, Kiana pulled out a newspaper.

"The new 30 million bounty pirate straw hat boy Luffy made a big fuss at the naval station in Rogue Town, and Captain Smoker led his team to pursue it? "

As soon as Kiana opened the newspaper, she saw such a news, Luffy has been to Rogue Town?So now they are also on the great route?So fast.

"What was written in the newspaper?"

Mihawk also seemed interested, and Kiana handed the newspaper to Mihawk.

"Huh? Is it them? Has a reward of 30 million been offered?"

Mihawk naturally has an impression of Luffy. After seeing Luffy's bounty, he was a little surprised, so he didn't care about it anymore. 30 million is not high, he was just surprised by the fledgling pirate he had only seen a while ago It didn't take long before there was a reward of 30 million.

"Hey, Mihawk, I saw an island ahead. Is it Boom Island?"

When Mihawk was still watching the news, Kiana noticed the island that appeared on the horizon in the distance behind Mihawk, and immediately shouted excitedly that she had had enough of the days on the boat.


Chapter 12 A bounty was offered


When Mihawk heard the words, he also put away the newspaper, especially the reward order mixed in the newspaper. If he remembered correctly, Shanks once said that he gave his hat to a Donghai The little devil, Luffy's straw hat is very similar to Shanks', although he is not sure, but there is a high possibility that Luffy and Shanks know each other.

The next time I see Shanks, I will show him this reward. If it is someone he knows, I will be very happy.

After collecting the reward, Mihawk also looked in the direction that Kiana pointed, and an island came into view. The port was very lively, with many pirate ships docked.

In the center of the island, a building nearly [-] meters high is flashing with neon, even in the daytime, it is very dazzling, it is the landmark building of Boom Island.

On the shore, many pirates can be seen carrying the looted gold treasures in high spirits.

To be honest, Mihawk didn't know what it would be like to bring a beautiful woman of Kiana's level to this island, so let her protect herself and hide her amazing appearance by wearing a veil or the like.

Anyway, she only needs to buy a record pointer, and there should be no problem if she leaves immediately after buying it.

"Boom Island is ahead. I still have business, so I won't be with you. I advise you to pay attention to yourself. Have you seen those pirate ships? This is not the East China Sea. The number of pirates is far more than you think. Much more."

"...How come there are so many pirate ships here? Is this normal?"

Kiana was a little surprised. The port was full of pirate ships, and even parked on one side of the beach. The number was unexpected.

"This is the site of Doflamingo, one of the seven seas under the king. It is a small branch of the underground black market. It is normal for pirates. After all, there is no navy here."

Mihawk said, he jumped vertically onto his boat, untied the rope, and took the lead.


I wipe?Doflamingo's turf?Are you taking me into the den of thieves?Branches of the underground black market?What are you kidding?No wonder there are so many pirate ships here.

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