"That's right, when Gubbs killed the Celestial Dragon and escaped from Marie Gioia, you were in Marie Gioia, right?'

Sensing that something was wrong with Kasa, Kiyana felt that Gubbs might have threatened Kasa's life that day, so when Gubus was mentioned now, Kasa would react.

"So Jizi, your mission this time is to catch them?

Casa asked lightly, making it impossible to see what he was thinking, and Kiyana couldn't help feeling a little headache. To be honest, Kiyana didn't want to catch those slaves. Not unclear.

That kind of inhumane and cruel Tianlong people, as their slaves, must be unbearable before they can resist.

But from Kasa's point of view, he definitely hopes that he can catch the slaves who killed the Tianlongren, which makes it very difficult for Kiyana. If Kasa is not here, it will be easier, she can do it all Paddle the water, turn a blind eye and let those slaves go.

But now that Kasa is walking with her, Kiyana can't let them go blatantly. If Kasa reports to Marshal Sakasky that he let go of those slaves, it will be very difficult for Kiyana. done.

Thinking of this, Qiyana can only sigh helplessly, although she sympathizes with those slaves, but I'm sorry, but there is a Tianlong person watching, anyway, I will try my best to release the water, whether you can escape depends on your luck .

"Don't worry, I will catch them." QE Quan novel

" "

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Kiyana reassured Kasa very reluctantly, after all, she can't tell Kasa, hey, I want to let go of the slaves who killed the Tianlong people, are you angry?

Although Kasa is different from other Tianlong people, he is still a Tianlong person after all, and he will definitely stand on the side of the Tianlong people.Kiyana still knows what to say and what not to say. In front of Kasa, Kiyana naturally wants to act.

"Well, Kasa, why don't you go on this mission, they have killed a Celestial Dragon before, it is already a capital offense, so killing another Celestial Dragon will not have any psychological burden for them.'

Kiyana wants to find an excuse to drive Kasa off the ship, as long as Kasa is not there, she can find a way to let the slaves go


Kasa thought about it for a while, should he disembark? If he disembarked, he would not be able to monitor Jizi.

If Jizi is really allowed to catch those slaves, through torture, some weak-willed slaves may confess that they escaped from Marie Gioia with his help. Father Roswald Saint will definitely come to him

If things really develop in this direction, it will be very bad, and Casa must not let such a thing happen.

Thinking of this, Kasa shook his head slowly, and said with a smile: "I really believe in your strength, Jizi, you can definitely protect me B?"

What the hell, you bastard didn't want to get off the boat, you insisted on following me, how did my old lady let those slaves go? The corners of Qiyana's mouth twitched slightly.

Don't try to drive me off the boat, I won't let you catch them, Kasa exhaled a cloud of white smoke, and looked at Kiyana with a faint smile.

In this way, while the two were secretly fighting each other, the warship slowly left the port and headed for the distant sea.

The Red Earth Continent, the port of the small town directly below Maryjoia, Kiyana and others who finally arrived here after a one-day voyage are walking on the street, preparing to go from Maryjoya to the first half of the great voyage.

Although Kiyana had been here once before, she didn't go deep into the interior of the town. The place is unexpectedly prosperous, with countless high-rise buildings and merchant ships coming and going everywhere.

Kiyana looked up at the top of the red soil continent that towered into the sky. Although Kiyana knew that Marie Gioia was on it, the steep rock wall made it hard to know how to get there.

"Casa, how do you usually go up there?

Kiana asked curiously.

"Of course it's the elevator. Do you still want to climb up?"

Casa responded lightly, holding a small book in his hand, reading it while walking, quite like a literary youth.

"That's it."

After a long time, did you go up by the elevator? Speaking of which, since just now, Qiyana has noticed that there is a steel cable on the rock wall not far away - extending to the top.

Everyone shuttled through the town all the way, and came to the transport elevator. In a gorgeously decorated room similar to a guard's room, there was an old man who seemed to be 60 years old sitting on a wooden chair. In front of him was- A monitor-like instrument with buttons of various colors on it.

When the old man saw Qiyana-Pedestrian coming, he hurried out of the room and knelt down to Kasa.

"Master Casasheng, are you back?"

"Well, send us up quickly.

Kasa nodded and signaled the other party to send them up immediately. Hearing this, the old man hurried back to the control room, controlled the elevator, and did not ask Kasa for the pass given by the World Government.

Qiyana looked around curiously, and after a while, the elevator quickly descended from above, like a huge cage, which can take about 50 people at a time, and there are not only - - elevators, - there are five in total.

Seeing the elevator coming down, Saska also directed his subordinates to enter the elevator. When Qiyana entered the elevator, she realized that the five elevators did not hold all of her troops, and there were still quite a few of them. The person needs to take the next elevator.

Feeling that the number of soldiers under her is quite large, Qiyana secretly thought.


Chapter 31 Melroth

The elevator started to go up, gradually, the town became smaller and smaller in Qiyana's eyes, the white clouds seemed to be within reach, and the surrounding temperature gradually became colder, which made people shiver uncontrollably and exhale- - group white gas.

Many soldiers began to regret why they didn't wear two more clothes, - the group of men kept rubbing their arms with their hands, trying to keep warm

And Kasa seems to have already gotten used to this temperature, with a blank expression on his face, just quietly looking at the book in his hand.

"Liya, do you feel cold?

Kiyana glanced at Liya, who seemed to be trembling slightly because of the cold, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I can hold on.

Liya shook her head slowly, but her words trembled a little. Kiyana took off her justice cloak and put it on Liya.

"Ah, no need, sister Jizi.

Liya wanted to refuse, but Kiyana put the cloak on Liya very forcefully, and Liya had no choice but to accept it.

"How do you feel now?

"Thanks, I feel better.

Liya blushed and thanked Kiyana, as if she felt embarrassed.


-Casa, who had been reading quietly all this time, suddenly turned up the corners of his mouth and chuckled lightly.

"why are you laughing?'

Kiyana glared at Kasa, who quickly shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just happened to see something funny.

Although Casa said so, Qiyana knew that the other party was laughing at herself.

The height of the Red Earth Continent is as high as [-] meters, and the temperature is undoubtedly much lower than that of the small town below, so we have to wear more clothes to keep out the cold

But for a person with excellent body like Qiyana, this temperature is nothing.

The elevator rose rapidly at a speed of ten meters per second. Even so, it took more than + minutes before finally reaching the top of the red earth continent.

After personally experiencing the height of the Red Earth Continent, Qiyana couldn't help but sigh.

It's hard to imagine how Fisher Tiger, a big guy, climbed from the bottom to Mary Gioia above the Red Army Continent.

"oF Mu Xiaowan

You must know that it is already difficult to come up just because of fear, and this big boss still has the power to set fire to liberate slaves, and liberate thousands of slaves, including the three Hancock sisters.

As expected of a man who even Haixia Jinbe would call him "big brother". This amazing perseverance is really admirable.

After reaching the top, the elevator door also opened, and Qiyana looked forward, and next to it was a control room that was exactly the same as the one below, and there was an old woman about the same age as the old man below sitting in it.

Kiyana guessed that the two should be husband and wife, one at the bottom and one at the top.

After getting out of the elevator, Kiyana finally witnessed the panorama of the Holy Land Mary Joa for the first time, the residence of the world's noble Tianlong people, and the headquarters of the world government.

Similar to the architectural style of the Middle Ages in Western Europe, a huge castle spans nearly a thousand meters, surrounded by some two or three-story buildings, surrounding the castle, enclosing the castle in the middle.

"Casa, you're all back home, don't you want to go back and see your sister?"

Kiyana wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Kasa, and took this opportunity to send Kasa home directly.

"Come here, I want to go back and say hello to my father, but if you say this, I don't want to go back, so get out of here quickly.

Kiyana's words reminded Kasa of her sister, and she felt goosebumps all over her body, so she hurriedly urged Qiyana to leave here and go to the opposite elevator to leave.

Qiyana didn't expect that her words would have the opposite effect, making Kasa even more reluctant to go back, so she could only sigh secretly, saying what's wrong, insisting on mentioning his sister?

The reason why Casa stayed in the Admiralty for so many days was probably because he didn't want to see his sister.

It seems that it is impossible to get rid of Kasa here, and we have to find a way how to get rid of him, otherwise, with him watching, it will be difficult for Qiyana to let go.

Since there were still a group of Qiyana's subordinates below, Qiyana did not act first, but asked her subordinates to line up and stand aside, waiting for the rest of her subordinates to take the elevator and go up to the opposite side together. a tawen xiaoxing

The elevator descended quickly, back and forth; Kiyana reckoned it would take another half an hour.

Ten minutes later, a group of carriages came from Mary Joya's direction. Dozens of people wearing uniforms of world government officials escorted the year of the horse on horseback.

Soon the carriage came to the side of Qiyana and the others, and stopped. It seemed that they wanted to take the elevator to the town below.

When Kasa saw the carriage, he frowned slightly, apparently not wanting to see him very much. Kiyana also noticed Kasa's expression, and asked curiously: "Do you know the person in the carriage?"

"It's considered acquaintance, the relationship is not very good.

Kasa looked at the carriage with a cold face, and then the people in the carriage came out. They looked about the same age as Kasa, more than 20 years old, with short brown hair and a height of about [-] meters. almost the same height.

The appearance is average, which belongs to the normal category, not as handsome as Kasa's, but there is an air of arrogance and contempt all over his body.

The other party obviously didn't expect to meet Kasa, came out and saw Kasa was here, after a moment of stunned, he showed a disdainful sneer

Then he waved to a world government official, and the entourage immediately understood, trotted over, knelt down beside the carriage and used his body as a pedal, and then he stepped on the entourage's back, Get off the wagon.

"Look, who's here?"

The brown-haired man walked towards Qiyana and the others, with a malicious smirk on his face. "Humph!

Kasa turned his face away, obviously not wanting to talk to the other party, but this action did not dispel the other party's idea of ​​leaning over.

"I heard that you went to the Admiralty to pick up girls recently. The other party is a major general. It must be the one next to you?"

The brown-haired man came to Casa, and his eyes were locked on Liya beside Casa, probably because Liya was wearing a justice cloak representing a naval officer, so the brown-haired man also mistook Liya for Kiana.

"Let me see how you look?

The brown-haired man lifted Liya's chin with his index finger and observed Liya's appearance. With such an impolite move, Kiyana of course slapped away the other's dishonest hand.

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