The king of the baboon became more and more frightened. What happened to this human being? No matter what it did, it was useless, as if it had been completely seen through. Before it raised its hand, the opponent's big sword had already slashed at its arm.

Faced with Qiyana's ruthless suppression, the baboon king quickly retreated, and there were several more wounds on his body, bleeding.


The other baboons surrounded the King Baboon with concern, panicked and seemed to be worried, but the King Baboon waved away the other baboons, raised his knife again, and glared fiercely at Qiyana.

The baboon king stretched out his left hand to his mouth, spit 00 water onto his palm, then pressed it on the wound on his chest, and wiped it gently, as if this would heal the wound.

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Qiyana was a little speechless about the healing method of the king of baboons. As expected of a baboon, the healing method is really special.

After smearing the wound with saliva, the baboon king charged again with his knife in hand. Even though he realized that he was not Qiyana's opponent, he had no intention of admitting defeat.

"Are you still coming? As you wish.

Qiyana said indifferently, then slashed several knives, then jumped back and slashed out the cross flame sword energy, accumulating power to branch.

The baboon king held up his knife to resist, his whole body was forced back several meters by this huge force, and two long scratches were drawn on the ground with his feet.

The baboon king only felt his arms numb and trembling slightly, and he almost couldn't hold the knife steadily. Before he had time to breathe, Qiyana strode forward, slashing horizontally with both hands waving the big sword .

After a few cuts, the baboon king felt more and more strenuous, and cold sweat broke out on his back. This human being was just as powerful as the one he imitated. This terrifying suppression made it impossible to fight back.

Immediately afterwards, Qiyana used the charging branch again, cutting out the cross sword energy, and a dazzling red light appeared on her body, as if a substantial flame surrounded Qiyana's whole body, just like the god of fire descending into the world.

Qiyana, who has entered the overload mode, has further strengthened the damage of the fire element, and the temperature of the scorching flames covering the God Meteor Sword has become even more astonishing. Even from a long distance, the hair on the skin seems to be scorched. .shave

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Qiyana's figure instantly disappeared in place, and appeared behind the baboon king. Seeing that Qiyana disappeared instantly, the baboon king was stunned at first, and then felt the temperature of the flame coming from behind, turned around quickly and slashed away.

However, it only hit the afterimage left by Qiyana in place,

Ultimate skill, Ember Flame Tribulation!

Qiyana launched an attack on the Baboon King from above, and the huge sword that seemed to be burning-- cut fiercely cut a deep bloodstain on the Baboon King's back, and the flames spread to the Baboon immediately. Zhi: The king's body began to burn its hair.

Not yet, Qiyana continued to swing several times, one knife was stronger than the other, the baboon king could only resist Qiyana's attack with all his strength.

Seeing that the baboon king hadn't given up yet, Qiyana did not hesitate to perform the first stage of her nirvana, cutting down with a knife.

The baboon king lifted the imitation black knife above his head, but the huge force still made the baboon king kneel down on one knee, making a shallow pit out of the ground, and a little dust rose up.

The moment the special attack ended, Qiyana also ended the overload mode, and the red light on her body began to dissipate.Bang

Immediately afterwards, Qiyana kicked the baboon king on the chest and flew him out. The baboon king fell like a kite with a broken string~ Flying out, smashing several big trees one after another, and flying upside down for several meters. "or Mu" to play

Several big trees fell down in response, throwing up a large amount of dust, and the flames on the baboon king were still burning its hair.

The baboon king could only keep rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.


Seeing this, the other baboons rushed up to help, picked up branches and threw them at the king of the baboon. Some even stood aside and used the liquid sprayed from their lower body to help the baboon put out the fire.

A smell came along with the breeze, and Qiyana also exited Shura mode, frowning and covering her nose.


Qiyana hung the Godfall Sword back on her back, and it wasn't until then that the surrounding soldiers realized it.

"The king of the baboon is quite powerful. He was able to support Major General Ji Zi for so long.'

"Yeah, the sea king before was killed by Major General Ji Zi very quickly, the king of baboons is much stronger than that sea king

The soldiers also felt admiration for the Baboon King's ability to support Qiyana for such a long time.

"Hey, Perona, why is it so noisy outside?

In the hall, Sauron just woke up from a hangover, pressed his aching head, and asked about Perona.

Perona, who was sleeping on the sofa with the bear doll in her arms, waved her hand and created a ghost to fly over there, wanting to see the situation outside.


Chapter 40

"I knew I wouldn't drink so much last night, ah, my head hurts.

Kabu sat up from a pile of drunk wine barrels with a splitting headache, the hall was full of messes, all the plates and chopsticks left after the party last night, as well as leftover food leftovers .

The rest of the people were the same as him. They seemed to have drunk too much and were unconscious. They all lay down on the floor of the hall and fell asleep directly.

As for the women, they didn't drink so much, and went to the room after washing up early. Only their men were present and drank until dawn.

"Huh? Brother Sauron, have you woken up? You can drink really well. I have a bad headache now.

Seeing that Sauron had woken up and was sitting on the sofa beside him, Kabu also raised his hand to say hello to Sauron. After talking last night, the relationship between the two has also improved, and their names have also changed.Bang

A loud noise came from a distance, and the whole castle shook slightly, feeling a strong shock. Kabu's face changed slightly, and he asked quickly: "What's wrong outside? An earthquake?

As soon as Kabu said something, he felt something was wrong, no, this is not an earthquake, this is not the feeling of an earthquake, is there someone fighting outside?

"There seems to be a battle outside, and Perona has used her ability to create a ghost to check the situation.

Sauron pointed to Perona and said, Kabu was a little worried when he heard the words. There was a battle outside. Could it be that the group of baboons met the enemy again? It was the same as yesterday, but Krajicana Island should be a -It is an uninhabited island, why would anyone come here?

Wait, couldn't it be the Navy-Road who followed them here? Thinking of this, Kabu felt the possibility more and more.

"Brother Zoro, do you think it will be the Navy?"

Kabu asked worriedly, and Sauron slowly shook his head and responded: "I don't know, maybe, it will be clear when the ghost returns.

Kabu was a little uneasy. Even though the ghost hadn't returned, Kabu quickly called the other companions who were lying on the ground. If the navy really arrived, they would be ready to escape.

"Get up, everyone, don't go to sleep.

Kabu quickly woke up the surrounding companions and told them the current situation. The people who woke up were stunned at first, and then realized the seriousness of the matter. They hurriedly got up from the ground and ran to other rooms to call the women. Awake.

No-yes, everyone woke up and gathered in the hall. Even Gubbs, who just had the operation yesterday, came to the University with the help of others.

There was another loud noise, and everyone was startled and hugged each other.

"Is it true that the navy is chasing you?"

"I knew they wouldn't let us go.'

"Whoa, what are we going to do, Gubbs?

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Everyone was at a loss, and turned their attention to the two leaders, Gebus and Kabu.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, calm down, it is not clear whether it is the navy.

Kabu stretched out his hand to signal everyone to calm down, and then came to Gubbs and asked in a low voice: "Gebbs, what should we do now?

Before Gubbs could speak, several white ghosts sprang out from the side wall and returned to Perona. Perona instantly received the information collected from the memory of the white ghosts, and closed her eyes to process the received information. information.

"It's Rear Admiral Himeko from the Navy Department.

Perona's calm face suddenly became restless, and everyone became nervous when they heard the words. It was really the navy, and he was a major general. You must know that when they escaped from the Chambord Islands, the person who injured Gubbs was only the navy. lieutenant colonel.

The lieutenant colonel is so powerful, how powerful is the major general?

"Admiral Admiral is here, we're fucked, we're going to be caught by the Navy."

"Surely the world government is going to sentence us to death? It's all over.

Everyone's faces were ashen, and killing the Tianlong people was undoubtedly a capital crime. Once they were caught by the navy, the only thing waiting for them was the death penalty, and there could be no other results.

"Calm down, everyone, let's get out of here and find a chance to get back to the boat.", h

Kabu signaled everyone to calm down, and now the only way to find a way to leave Kraigana Island is to take the ship they came on, but judging from the direction of the battle just now, the navy is most likely in the They went ashore where they landed on the island.

Therefore, the probability of their ship being discovered by the navy is very high. It is better to say that their ship is most likely already under the control of the navy.

It is simply impossible to take the ship back from the hands of the rear admiral, and it is impossible to do it with their strength.

The others seemed to realize this too, with gloomy expressions on their faces.

"Go back to ship E? The navy came from the west. They must have landed there. They must have found our ship. How can we go back?"

"Yes, we have no means of escaping from this island.

The slaves felt desperate, and they would definitely be caught by the navy next. For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall fell into a dead silence, very quiet.

"Perona, did you only see one major general?"

Sauron, who had been standing silently by the side, suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

"Well, besides the major general, there are one to two hundred soldiers."

Perona recalled and said slowly, Sauron heard the words, frowned and pondered for a moment, then turned to Kabu and the others and said: "If Kabu helps you lead that major general and soldier away, can you take back the ship?

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Sauron wanted to help them lure the rear admiral and more than 200 soldiers? This is too dangerous.

Kabu quickly shook his head and said: "Brother Sauron, you can't do this, we appreciate your kindness, but the other party is a rear admiral of the Navy.

"But if I don't do this, you will be caught by the navy, Kabu, you must escape and liberate other people who are enslaved by the Tianlong people, and I can still deal with a major general with my strength, believe me. '

Sauron responded lightly, with his strength, if he is against a major general, he will probably be able to win. Sauron has the confidence

And his purpose is not to win the opponent, but to distract him.

"Zoro, it's not that I want to hit you, do you know what I saw just now? That Major General Jizi defeated the King of Baboons

Seeing that Sauron actually wanted to help Kabu and others to distract Major General Himeko, Perona quickly told Sauron what she saw when she received the ghost transmission just now.

"You actually beat that baboon?"

Sauron couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. That major general defeated the Baboon King? Although it is not impossible for him to defeat the Baboon King with his current strength, but he has to pay a very heavy price. = =

Is that major general so strong? Sauron was very surprised.


Chapter 41

"Brother Sauron, we appreciate your kindness, thank you for saving us yesterday, you have done enough for us.

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