Then cut towards Liya.

Sauron was forced to return to defense.

Seeing this, Qigong hurriedly adjusted the center of gravity of his body. He slashed at Sutong with a knife,


Swords collide,

, Quan Long stepped back two steps, relieved most of the force, and there was no building in the well.

Two must be the same to make trouble for them

Two→_Here, Sauron secretly worried, he must not let these

In this way, Liya ran away

Capturing a ship must be successful.

Sauron folded his arms,

Kicking off the ground and coming to Liya's side,

Bo Li's slashing strikes gradually descended rapidly, and Qiyana once again limited her steam to enjoy herself

Buyu Yana's physical shield was also broken, and she couldn't fully recover.

Unexpectedly, the big troops finally arrived, and raised their spears in their hands.

On searching from a distance


Put all the hit subs around:

Sauron spun around once, attracting the attention of everyone present in the second year of the year.

Jindu was cut in half and rolled up into the air,

The yellow fallen leaves are also flying along with it, covering everything X must be

give me pair 1

"Hurry up

Go find Gubbs and them, this man gives

Inch is fine.

Zhou Yacheng waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat, the soldiers pushed back for a while, 1

more compliance

Obeying Qiyana's order, he planned to retreat.

The crowd rushed forward, and the soldiers raised their hands when they saw it

Don't even think about leaving!"

The guns in the middle began to shoot,

, Sauron's hands are like phantoms

Swipe quickly to cut off all incoming bullets.

let them go

.Kiyana couldn't help but sighed with her hands on her forehead, I beg you'

You won't let them go, how the hell am I going to explain the situation to you?

Cheng Yazhong was very helpless, and it was impossible for her to kill Sulong, but Suo Jian

I don't know what medicine I took wrongly, but I insisted on taking all of her body.

All of you stay.

Perona and others hid behind the bushes,

, one of which is a naval warship,

Yu secretly observed the situation on the sea surface in the distance.

At this time, Xi's boat was docked with two ships on the sea.

is searching the ship

The other ship was the one that Gubbs and the others took when they came.”

There are more than a dozen naval soldiers standing on the field board,

Whether it hides the appearance of a person.

"Sure enough, the Navy found the Hess."

There don't seem to be many soldiers dispatched to stay by the sea, there is a chance,

aside, once we recapture the Hess, this

There is no way to hide.

Adams made up his mind and said

Everyone thought for a while, and finally knew

It seems that only i

There is this way, although it is very bold, but it has to be done

"Take the warship first."

Everyone heard that it is 5 encounter [-] to capture the fruit rule? Climb to see


Chapter 43

Qiyana brandished the Godfall Sword and slashed at Sauron, and Sauron swung the knife to resist. A huge force was transmitted from the blade, making Sauron had to take a few steps back to dispel all the force.

Sauron looked at the numb arm shaken by this force, remained silent, shook his hand, and moved his arm.

The surrounding area has already been surrounded by groups of naval soldiers. Facing a strong enemy and adding these soldiers, even a person like Sauron who has experienced the Battle of Judiciary Island finds it difficult to deal with.

"Give up resistance and surrender, Roronoa Sauron!"

Liya stood aside and said, Sauron glanced at Liya, and then responded with his actions.

I saw Sauron slowly retracting the two knives in his hand into the scabbard. This action made the surrounding soldiers a little dumbfounded. Could it be that he really wants to surrender? Impossible? That is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates Ah, will you surrender so easily?

Just as the soldiers were puzzled, Sauron also untied the dark green turban tied around his left arm, tied it around his head, and placed a saber on his right side.

Everyone, including Liya, was puzzled by Sauron's actions. Why did he tie a turban on himself in this situation?

But for Kiyana, who is familiar with Sauron, she knows that this move means that Sauron is serious and intends to go all out.

"Everyone be careful!"

Qiyana quickly reminded everyone, and at the same time, Sauron also moved, and saw him holding the handle of the knife at his waist with both hands behind his back, his eyes instantly became sharp and murderous.of) Chang Mu Xiaowan

"Two-sword style. Juhe. Rashomon!"

-A slash that couldn't be seen by the naked eye instantly slashed out, and a huge bottomless crack suddenly appeared on the ground, and Qiyana immediately swung her knife to block it.clang

A few sparks sputtered, and Qiyana held the knife in both hands to resist, with a little difficulty, the whole person was pushed and slid more than ten meters away, and then all of Sauron's slashes were offset.

It seems that Sauron's progress is not small, Qiyana is secretly startled, the destructive power of this move is huge, if she is not much stronger than Sauron, it may be difficult to resist.

"Sister Jizi! =

Liya yelled worriedly, and Kiyana slowly shook her head and responded: "I'm fine..." ..

"Leopard Qin Yu!"

Sauron leaned forward slightly, sprinting over like a cheetah preying on prey, jumped up, his body turned sideways facing the ground, and began to spin rapidly like a spinning top, slashing in the air at high speed.

Qiyana had no choice but to block the God Meteor Sword in front of her body to defend.


"ST light novel

The sound of sword clashing sounded one after another, countless sparks burst out, and the knife in Sauron's hand kept slashing at the God's Meteor Sword, one after another, without stopping.

Kiyana also retreated while fighting. After Sauron chased Kiyana all the way and slashed for several meters, Kiyana also saw the opportunity, slashed at Sauron with the great sword of flame in her left hand, and forcefully forced her retreat.

Sauron did a backflip and fell back to the ground steadily. At this moment, two navy soldiers came to Sauron with swords and attacked Sauron from behind. Sauron stretched the two swords in his hands to the back back, just blocking their blades.

Tiger hunting!'

Sauron quickly turned around and swung his knife, slashing at the chests of the two soldiers. Immediately, the two soldiers wailed, blood spattered out, and there were several more wounds on their chests.

Seeing this, Qiyana suddenly felt in her heart - ten thousand grass mud horses galloping past, wdnmd, these people are my mother's subordinates, oh!

Qiyana stepped forward quickly, and forced Sauron back with a knife, and then glanced at the wounds on the two soldiers. The two soldiers were lying on the ground, their chests were stained red with blood. Although they looked very scary, if they recuperated well, It's not serious, it's just a few flesh wounds.

Qiyana breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Sauron had a sense of proportion in his actions, he didn't intend to kill people, he just wanted to make them lose their fighting power.

"Are you all right?"

Kiyana reached out her hand and asked with concern. The two soldiers took Kiyana's hand and stood up one after another, somewhat flattered.

"We're fine, Major General Ji Zi, we can still... hiss, we can continue to fight. But

One of the soldiers insisted and said, but he also gasped in pain, and Qiyana immediately signaled them to back down.

"You are not his opponents, just leave it to me to deal with it, you all get out of here quickly.


The two soldiers nodded in response when they heard the words, and then pressed their wounds and retreated to the side.

"Hey, Roronoa Sauron, I will be your opponent, don't attack my subordinates."

Kiyana pointed at Sauron with the Godfall Sword, and said with a cold face, I have to say that Kiyana was a little angry.

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