Qiyana ordered everyone to clean the castle, planning to stay here for one night, and then use the life paper to chase Kasa after the warship arrives tomorrow. "Yes!

After receiving the order, everyone began to clean the castle. Others dealt with the beasts they had hunted before and handed it over to the chef to solve the problem of dinner.

"Major General Jizi, I took people to the place where you fought Roronoa Sauron during the hunting before, but I didn't see him. I don't know if he is still on this island.

Saska said with some concern, if Sauron is still on Krajgana Island, then they still need to be more cautious

"Don't worry, he won't dare to come back even if he's still here, you just need to send a few more people to watch the night in turn."

Saska nodded and said, everyone performed their duties, the cleaners cleaned, the cooks cooked, and soon the hall looked new and clean.

During this period, Kiyana also used her knowledge and arrogance to perceive the entire island. On the west side of the island, she sensed the breath of Sauron and the King of Baboons. As for the other breath, it was much weaker. Kiyana speculated that it should be It's Perona.

Did Sauron still stay on the island? Kiyana was a little surprised. She thought that Sauron would leave the island temporarily.

I didn't expect Sauron and Pero to hide in the territory of the Baboon King. No wonder the Saskatchewan didn't find them just now.

Judging from the current situation, if Kasa had not been captured by Gubbs and the others, the ending would have been beautiful. The slaves had all escaped, and Sauron and the others would be fine.

Kouyi Mu Xiaowan

Thinking of this, Qiyana couldn't help sighing secretly, took out Kasa's life paper from her pocket, and put it in the palm of her hand.

The life paper began to move slowly in one direction. Judging from the situation on the life paper, Kasa is still alive and in good physical condition. The life paper did not gradually burn down and turn into ashes like Ace did.

It seems that Gubbs and the others kept their promise and did not attack Casa, which reassured Qiyana a lot. It seems that Casa should be able to survive.

'Tsk, he is obviously a rival in love, but he still has to worry about his safety.

Qiyana couldn't help complaining to herself in a low voice. To be honest, she didn't expect Liya to fall in love with Kasa, although Kasa was with them almost every day these days, eating together, most of the time it was Qia When Na was training Liya, Kasa moved a chair and sat beside him reading a book, being a quiet and handsome man.

Qiyana couldn't figure it out, when did it start? She hadn't paid attention to it before, but now she suddenly found out that it really surprised Qiyana.

Although Qiyana was very upset inside, she had to admit that Kasa was indeed very attractive, handsome, and elegant and polite. Compared with these five big and three thick soldiers next to him, she was not a little bit better, and there was no harm without comparison.

In the previous life, Kasa was equivalent to the popular king on campus, excellent in all aspects, the object of many girls' crushes, and even more hostile by the majority of male compatriots.

If it wasn't for Kiyana who was a man before, but a serious woman who didn't have that kind of resistance to men from the bottom of her heart, she would probably have a good impression of Kasa.

For some reason, Kiyana suddenly understood Liya a little bit. Such an excellent man got along day and night. If Liya didn't feel anything at all, Kiyana felt a little abnormal. After all, Liya was only ten At the age of six or seven, she is a girl in the blooming season, and she has longing for beautiful love.

But understanding is understanding, Qiyana still feels very upset, she has to find a way to mess up this matter, she has never been in a relationship until she died in her previous life, and she has never even held a girl's hand, she has always been an FFF group The loyal member of the group, the extremely autistic Qiyana can only comfort herself by saying that women in the third dimension are all bad guys.

Now, not to mention the confiscated tools of the crime by the elder sister, even the object of the secret love has been abducted.

Kiyana put Casa's life paper back in her pocket, sat alone on the sofa, and began to think about various plans. Others saw that Kiyana was thinking about things, and didn't bother her.


Suddenly the gate of the castle was pushed open, and everyone in the hall looked around, only to see a man with eagle-eyed eyes coming in from the outside, and the black knife behind his back made a slight humming sound.

"My lord, the lord Qibuhai, Hawkeye!

"He actually lives here?"

Everyone recognized the identity of the visitor at a glance. After all, the sharp eyes are too recognizable, and the name of Eagle Eye is not in vain.

Mihawk pushed the door and entered, as if he was not surprised by a large group of marines operating in his castle.

"What's the navy doing in my house?"

Mihawk's cold eyes were fixed on Qiyana who was wearing the cloak of justice.

"We came here to hunt down the criminal Gubus who killed the Tianlong people. We will stay here for one night and leave tomorrow.

Qiyana responded with her legs crossed, holding a goblet half filled with red wine in her right hand.


Mihawk looked around the castle, but he didn't see Sauron and Perona, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"By the way, I found out that a group of people sneaked in while you were not at home, and drove you away by the way, you don't need to thank me.

Mihawk's gaze was fixed on Kiana, looking her up and down.

"You are?

The major general? Wuliangta Jizi? I seem to have seen it in the newspaper before. Mihawk recalled the news that I saw in the newspaper before. Did Sauron and the others get driven away?

Mihawk was a little surprised. According to his understanding of Sauron, Sauron's strength would not lose to a major general. Did he carelessly underestimate the enemy? It seems that the training intensity is still not enough.

"It's fine to stay for one night, but don't disturb my rest.

Mihawk said lightly, after that, Mihawk walked towards the stairs on the side, and followed the stairs close to the wall to the third floor

The soldiers in the hall suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, Mihawk's strong aura undoubtedly made them breathless, and being glanced at by the eagle eyes, it was like a mountain was pressing on their chests.

"Is that the number one swordsman in the world? It's such a terrifying look, I always feel that he will draw his sword in the next second."

Liya came to Kiyana's side, looked at the direction Mihawk left with lingering fear and said.

"Don't worry, I will protect you.

Kiyana comforted Liya, then stood up and walked towards the stairs.

"Sister Jizi, where are you going?

"I have something to say to Mihawk.

After that, Kiyana walked up the stairs that Mihawk had walked before, and Liya was a little puzzled.

After Qiyana came to the third floor alone, there was a long corridor. The door of the room at the innermost end was opened, and faint candlelight came from inside.

The shadow of Mihawk is reflected.

Kiyana walked all the way, came to the door, and looked inside.

Mihawk had already placed his black knife against the wall next to it, and the man was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs and holding a glass of red wine, flipping through a book.

Kiyana leaned her body against the door, wrapping her arms around her chest.

"Didn't I say not to disturb my rest? Major General Ji Zi."

Mihawk said without raising his head, his gaze was fixed on the book in his hand.

"I just want you to tell Sauron-Sheng that I'm sorry for hurting him, and I had to do that at the time.

Mihawk was slightly surprised when he heard the words, and looked up at Kiyana.

"I have nothing to do with him, why don't you say it yourself? And the navy apologized to the pirates?"

Kiyana switched the true red armor to the shadow dance armor, and her appearance changed, from Himeko's appearance to Mei's appearance.

Mihawk's eyes widened slightly, showing a look of surprise, and soon Kiyana switched back, and his appearance changed again. Jizi's appearance has long red hair draped over his shoulders, and Kiyana lifted it up with her hands Put it on your back. J"b C

"Remember to apologize to Sauron for me.

After finishing speaking, Qiyana turned and left. After Mihawk was stunned for a long time, he suddenly chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"The navy really dares to recruit anyone.

Early the next morning, Kiyana brought her subordinates to the beach. The warship sent by the G1 branch had already arrived at the beach, and there were only a few

After a simple handover, Qiyana boarded the warship with her subordinates, and began to sail in the direction indicated by the Kasa life paper. Liya stood at the bow all the time, looking at the distant sea.

Although she learned that Kasa's life is not in danger through the life paper, Liya is still worried.

After several hours of sailing, Liya finally found that a warship was drifting aimlessly on the sea ahead. The number on the warship_ was also the same as the number on the warship they boarded when they set off. same.

Kiyana immediately used moon steps to move towards the warship, and Liya followed closely behind.

Soon Kiana and Liya came to the deck of the warship and saw Kasa lying on a beach chair, basking in the sun and sleeping.

"You really enjoyed it."

Seeing Kasa's leisurely appearance, Qiyana really doesn't look like a kidnapped person.

"Huh? Jizi, are you here?"

Casa was also awakened by the arrival of Kiyana and the two, stood up and yawned.

After 10 minutes, Kia's subordinates also came to the warship. Saska looked around and found no trace of Gubbs and others.

"Master Casa, have Gubbs and the others left?"

"They left in their own boat for a few hours.

Kasa responded lightly, she seemed to be in a very good mood, and Qiyana was also amused when she saw that Kasa didn't seem to be afraid at all. She has been hijacked a lot, and she has reached the state of being calm everywhere?

The soldiers looked at both Kiana and Kasa smiling, and couldn't help but feel speechless. Even the swordsman Zoro of the Straw Hat Pirates escaped without catching the fugitive who killed the Tianlongren. Why did the two of them Look so happy?


Chapter 50

. "..

In the dense forest, Perona--Lu supported Sauron towards the direction of the castle. Sauron put his left hand on Perona's shoulder, leaning on half of his body weight, while covering his chest with his right hand. His face showed pain.

"I told you not to be brave, really."

Although Perona was complaining all the time, she still tried her best to help Sauron move. After the battle with Major General Jizi yesterday, she turned back and found Sauron unconscious. In desperation, she could only carry Sauron to the The domain of the king of baboons.

Because of the existence of the baboon king, the navy did not dare to explore this area, and she and Sauron were able to spend the night safely.

The King of Baboons usually fights Sauron many times, so he is not acquainted with each other, but he took the initiative to help them hide and cover, and did not come to trouble at such a critical moment.

Come to Perona: I wanted to use the fruit ability to subdue these baboons, but Perona's abilities were useless.

"Hold on, we're almost at the castle, and I'll heal your wounds later.

Perona, who used the ghost to learn that the navy had left, took Sauron back to the castle, and planned to use the medical items in the castle to treat Sauron.


Sauron, who was not used to thanking him, said with a blushing face, feeling very embarrassed.

"As long as you don't bother me in the future, really, all of you Straw Hat Pirates are so brave.

No-yes, the two arrived at the gate of the castle, and before they opened the gate, someone inside had already opened the gate.


SF Light Novel

It was none other than Mihawk who opened the door. Mihawk looked at Sauron's injury with a blank expression.

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