The bald man whispered to himself, gearing up, as if he couldn't wait to fight the opponent.


Chapter 52 (True)

(PS: The serial number of the previous chapter was wrongly typed, and the content is correct. In addition, I have caught a cold for the past two days and have not updated since I feel unwell. I am very sorry, the following text.

"Sure enough, it's better to be your own warship.

Kiyana was sitting on the beach chair on the deck, stretching comfortably on the deck, muttering in a low voice. She was on a warship of the G1 branch during the first half of the journey to the great route. Although they were all naval warships, Kiyana I still feel that the warship that the ministry assigned to me at the beginning is more comfortable

Kiyana sneaked a peek at the bow of the boat out of the corner of her eye. Casa was sitting on a sofa in the bow, leaning against the sofa, reading a book very quietly with her legs crossed, with a cigarette in her right hand shaking off the ashes -in a glass ashtray on a small round table next to it.

And Liya also moved--a small stool was sitting next to Kasa, and she was talking with Kasa with a happy smile on her face. Most of them were Liya talking on her own, Kasa said nothing Even so, Liya continued to talk impatiently.


Seeing this scene, Qiyana felt rather uncomfortable. Although she reminded herself not to look at it again, her gaze still involuntarily glanced towards Kasa and Liya.

"Casa, what books are you reading? Can you introduce some to me?

"The autobiography of King Soo, which tells the legendary experience of how she became the first queen in the history of Soo Kingdom. It is a famous book. If you are interested, I can lend it to you.

Kasa responded lightly, and at the same time stretched out his hand and turned another page.



0) Xiao Zhi of CE

Liya smiled slightly, and at the same time stared at Kasa's quiet side face reading a book, she couldn't help but be fascinated by it, Kasa seemed to have a unique temperament, which firmly attracted her, and she wanted to just stare at it At first glance, it looks amazing, but the more you look at it carefully, the more it tastes, and it is as mellow as old wine.

"Liya, there is something I don't know whether to say or not.

It seemed that Liya's too revealing gaze made Casa a little at a loss. After folding the pages of the book - a small corner was used as a mark, Casa also closed the book in his hand and placed it on the round table beside him.

Seeing Kasa's serious attitude, Liya also became a little serious, and sat upright, waiting for Kasa's next words.

"Although you haven't expressed a clear attitude, I can see are a good girl, strong, hardworking, and can recover quickly when encountering setbacks.

Liya couldn't help but bury her head in embarrassment when she heard the words. Hearing these words from Casa, Liya was really happy.

"With these qualities, you will definitely meet the person who treats you like a treasure in the future."


Liya's smile gradually froze, feeling faintly uneasy in her heart.

"Liya, I don't want to hurt you. Instead of being vague and hopeful, it's better to clarify as soon as possible. Can you understand?"


Liya nodded slightly, her eyes were fixed on the wooden board under her feet, and her hands + very tightly grasped the corners of her clothes.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well, I'm going back to my room first.

Liya stood up, turned around, stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, forced a smile and said, then Liya trotted across the deck, passed by Kiyana, and entered the cabin.

Qiyana remained silent, although she was very happy to see this situation, and it was she who asked Casa to make it clear to Liya as soon as possible, but seeing the sad Liya, Qiyana couldn't help but feel distressed.

Kasa has no feelings for Liya, and Kiyana knows this, so Kiyana asked Kasa to make it clear as soon as possible, so as not to hurt more after a long time, Kiyana does not deny that there is a bit of selfishness in it, But more people still don't want to see Liya's sad expression in the future.


After much deliberation, Qiyana still stood up and walked towards the cabin, ready to comfort the sad Liya.

Kiyana came to Liya's door and tapped three times.

"Lia, it's me.

There was a sound of footsteps inside, and then the door opened.

"Sister Ji Zi..."

Liya threw herself directly into Kiyana's arms, buried her head on Kiyana's shoulder and wept, Kiyana patted Liya's back lightly and walked into the room.

"Don't be sad, Lia.

book. SFA


While comforting Liya, Kiyana also noticed a wanted notice on the dressing table beside her, with five photos of women of different looks and ages on it.

It seemed that a pen had been slashed across the wanted notice, and all the faces on the wanted notice were scratched.

"I hate change."

Seeing that Qiyana seemed to have noticed the wanted notice on the table, Liya said sobbing.

"Um, I hate it too. =

Kiyana scratched the back of her head and responded, while Liya was a little puzzled.

"Sister Jizi, why do you hate Qianbian? You haven't seen her before.

"Because you hate her, I hate her too.

"Haha, that Qianbian is really unlucky. He obviously didn't do anything, but he will be hated by the two of us."

Liya burst into tears and kept wiping away her tears.

"I know it's not Qianbian's fault, but I took her arrest warrant to vent my anger, it seems a bit too much.

Li Ya seems to be disappointed with her behavior of venting her anger on Qian Bian. In fact, she understands deep down that Kasa has no feelings for her, and it has nothing to do with Qian Bian. It is the same even if there is no Qian Bian. But doing so would make her feel better.

"Thank you, Sister Jizi, for coming here to comfort me.

Li Ya leaned on Kiyana's shoulder and whispered, and Kiyana, who had a soft voice, could hardly hear her.

"Lia, there's something I've always wanted to confess to you.

Kiyana put her hands on Liya's shoulders, pushed Liya away a little bit, fixed her eyes on Liya's eyes, and said very seriously.

"What's the matter?

"Lia, actually I..."

"Major General Jizi, three pirate ships were spotted at twelve o'clock."

Before Qiyana could say a word, she was interrupted by a hasty knock on the door, and Saska's voice also sounded from outside the door.

Kiyana couldn't help curling her lips. She finally mustered up the courage to confess to Liya, but at this time, pirates came to make trouble? Give them face?

"Are there any pirates? Himeko-sister, let's talk when you have something to say.

After Liya learned that there were three pirate ships outside, she immediately opened the door and walked out, but Kiyana had no choice but to follow.

After arriving on the deck, Kiyana went straight to the bow, and soon saw three pirate ships with unknown pirate flags approaching at full speed on the sea level directly ahead.

"It seems that the pirate ship that dares to approach the warship after discovering it is not easy.

Kasa put out the cigarette in the ashtray, and frowned slightly. - Generally speaking, when seeing warships and pirate ships, they usually take a detour, which is obviously a sign of bad intentions.


Chapter 53

"What is the origin of those three pirate ships? Dare to come at the warship.

Qiyana turned to ask Saska, "General pirates will not take the initiative to attack a naval warship. Now that the other party is looking at this posture, it is very likely that the other party wants to attack the warship. Although Qiyana is not afraid, she still needs to find out the origin of the other party first." Better.

"I'll look at the arrest warrant first."

Saska picked up a thick stack of wanted notices from the soldier beside him, and then started flipping through them quickly, and soon took out three wanted notices and handed them to Qiyana.

Kiyana picked it up-look, there are two males and females on the three wanted notices, the female is named Julie, she looks about more than 20 years old, nearly [-] years old, with waist-length blue long hair , with a beautiful figure, exuding the temperament of a mature sister, a bit bitch, Kiyana - I don't like her when I see her wanted notice.

The bounty offered is 50 million Bailey, which is a middle level even in the New World.

The other two men are a tall bald man and an uncle with a black hair parted in the middle. The bald man's name is Landru, with a bounty of [-] million Baileys, which is less than Julie. From the wanted notice, it can be seen that this guy is good at strength, and the muscles on his arms are bulging.

Another uncle with black hair and a middle-parted hairstyle is not as exaggerated as Landru. He is about [-] meters tall and has a normal figure. He is wearing a white suit and has a cigarette in his mouth. He is smiling and posing for the camera. Pay attention to your appearance.

However, this guy's bounty was as high as [-] million Baileys, which surprised Qiyana. h

"Julie, Landru, Orson, aren't these guys all cadres of the Xiu organization?"

Qiyana frowned slightly, the pirate flags on the three pirate ships were the pirate group founded by these three people, and these three captains were all members of the Xiu organization, could it be said that Xiu has not given up on Liya? what?

"The cadres of the Xiu organization will gather here, probably to get Liya back. They haven't given up yet, but the minimum bounty offered is [-] million Baileys. It's a bit difficult now, hurry up and use the phone bug Contact Admiralty for support.

Casa looked at the wanted warrant in Qiyana's hand, and the expression on his face became much more serious.

"Saskar, use the phone bug to contact the Admiralty, everyone is ready to fight."

Kiana hurriedly asked Sas-Ka to contact the Navy Department for support, and got the other soldiers ready for battle. This time, the Xiu organization sent three pirates with a bounty of over [-] million Baileys. One of them was The bounty was even as high as [-] million Berries, and it was menacing.

Even a vice admiral in this lineup has to kneel here, and it’s not necessarily just these three cadres, maybe there will be more people on the three pirate ships, the Xiu organization really thinks highly of me, Kia Na secretly thought.

However, the Xiu organization's actions also prove that Liya is very important to them. They have sent so many cadres all at once, and there are three of them on the surface. How many people are there secretly?

Thinking of this, Qiyana closed her eyes, turned on the Shura mode, and quickly spread her domineering arrogance, covering the three pirate ships on the distant sea, sensing the aura on board.

CF novel

Soon Kiyana sensed hundreds of breaths, most of them were pirates who were more powerful than ordinary people, but they were no threat to Kiyana, nothing to be afraid of.

And three of the auras are much stronger than the others. Not surprisingly, they are the three people on the arrest warrant, and one of them has a very strong aura, which makes Qiyana feel enough threat.

Qiyana opened her eyes and exited Shura mode. That powerful aura must be Orson, and the reward of [-] million is really not easy.

"Turn over and avoid engagement until Admiralty support arrives!"

After Kiyana perceived the general situation on the pirate ship, she immediately ordered the soldiers at the helm to turn the rudder. Although there were only three xiu organization cadres headed by Orson on the pirate ship, there were no other cadres, but Kiyana Not sure enough to kill them.

Especially with so many navy soldiers watching, Kiyana can't fully fire, and can only use Jizi series armor. This is undoubtedly a restriction on Kiyana, and she is not sure enough to solve these three The human Qiyana, of course, avoided the battle if she could.

" "

" "

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