"Is there? You read it wrong."

Liya took a peek at the back of Kiyana, who was driving away the pirates, and said something casually.

"But I clearly saw that you were killed by those pirates

"You read wrong

Liya said with a very firm attitude, Saska was also a little surprised when she saw this, did she really read it wrong?


Chapter 62

"Oh, the warship broke down again.

Kiyana stood on the beach, looking at the warship with half its mast protruding from the sea not far away, and sighed secretly. Fortunately, the Navy is rich and powerful, and should be able to arrange a new warship for her soon.

All the pirates had been tied tightly with ropes by the soldiers, unable to move, and because they wanted to support them as soon as possible, they came to the island alone with a gigantic boulder. Xiao Xiao also came to Kiyana.

"The warship should be here soon.

"Well, I saw the warship."

Kiyana nodded and said, she has been able to see several naval warships on the sea level in the distance, and now she just needs to wait.

Half an hour later, several military ships that came to support also approached the island, docked on the sea 200 meters away from the coast, and put down a dozen small boats towards the shore.

On the warship, a beautiful figure flew over using moon steps and landed beside Kiyana. Who else could it be if it wasn't Tina, who was in love with Kiyana as a sister.

"Sister Tina.

Seeing the person coming, Kiyana smiled and said hello. Tina, who was still worried about Kiyana, was relieved to see that Kiyana was safe and sound.

"I'm glad you're okay, Tina is relieved.

"Ah, - General Laughter is amazing, if he hadn't arrived in time, I would have died.

Qiyana didn't even blink her eyes when she talked about panic, if she couldn't see it with a smile, he wanted to see if Qiyana had any face at this time.

"It was a brutal battle, Jizi, Tina was surprised that you were unscathed.

Naturally, Tina also noticed the messy situation on the island after the battle. There must have been a fierce battle here just now, but Tina couldn't help being surprised that Qiyana was unscathed.

"Am I okay?

After exchanging pleasantries with Tina, Qiyana also commanded her subordinates to drive all the pirates to the small boat, preparing to escort the pirates back to the Ministry of the Navy, lock them up, and then send them to Judicial Island for trial.La Xiaosi

After more than a dozen small boats went back and forth several times, all the pirates were finally transferred to the warship, with the General Laughing and the two Rear Admirals of the Admiralty, Qiyana and Tina, sitting in command, these pirates They were also very honest and did not dare to make mistakes.

After transferring all the pirates to the temporary cells on the warship and imprisoning them, Qiyana also started boarding the ship with her subordinates.

"Major General Ji Zi, the casualties in this battle have been counted. 33 people were killed, nine were seriously injured, and -22, [-] were slightly injured.

After arriving on the deck of the warship, Saska also dragged his injured body to Kiyana to report the casualties. Kiyana sighed secretly, if she was stronger, maybe the number of casualties would be even higher. Can be reduced - some.

However, there is no way around this. Just dealing with the three xiu organization cadres is already very troublesome for Qiyana.

"I see, I will report to Marshal Sakasky, by the way, your brother is among the dead, right?

Kiyana had seen Saska cry in front of some dead soldiers before, and she also knew that those soldiers were fellow villagers who had played with Saska since she was a child. Saska is the saddest

Saska choked up slightly, and her eye sockets became red and swollen.

"Go and rest, you have worked hard during this time."

Kiyana put her right hand on Saska's shoulder and patted it lightly. She considered whether to give Saska a few days off and let him have a good rest.

"Thank you Major General Jizi.

Saska nodded slightly, then turned and left, entering the cabin, looking from the back, it looked very heavy.

Except for Saska, the rest of the soldiers were not happy either. These recruits usually followed Qiyana without any pressure. Now that so many people were killed or injured, it reminded them again that joining the army is not a child's play, but will really kill people.

The whole warship was immersed in a sad atmosphere, and Qiyana came to the bow of the warship, looked at the blue sea in the distance and sighed.

"Don't blame yourself, you've done enough and it's not your fault.

Casa followed Qiyana to the bow, lit the cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

Qiyana didn't reply, she didn't want to talk to Casa at this time, she just wanted to be alone.

"Let me tell you a joke, a fat man jumped off the Red Earth Continent and turned into a dead fat man."

Kiyana gave Kasa a blank look. Isn’t this joke too cold? It was so cold that goosebumps came out, it was too embarrassing, but Kiyana also knew that Kasa wanted to tease her in order to divert her attention happy.

"Thanks, I'm fine."

Kiyana thanked her. Although she couldn't be happy when she heard a cold joke that she couldn't laugh out loud, this kind of caring behavior is worthy of the director's affirmation.

While Kiyana was talking with Casa, from the corner of Kiyana's eyes, she also noticed Liya standing not far behind them quietly watching them, a little dazed, as if she was thinking about something.


Kiyana tried to call -, but Liya didn't seem to hear it, she still stood there.


Casa snapped her fingers, trying to get Liya's attention, Liya came back to her senses in an instant, trembling with fright.

"Liya, are you alright?"

Casa asked with a puzzled face, Liya shook her head quickly, and said calmly: "It's okay.

After all, Liya turned around and left here quickly, her absent-minded look was a little different from the past, Kiyana and Casa looked at each other, both felt that Liya was a bit strange today.

"Why did you snap your fingers just now?"

Leaving Liya aside, Kiyana was a little concerned about Kasa's snapping of her fingers just now. Although she knew that Kasa wanted to attract Liya's attention, why did she snap her fingers? Is this guy implying something?

"What's wrong? Is it weird to snap your fingers?

Kasa snapped his fingers again, and looked at Qiyana with a puzzled face. He found that not only Liya was in a strange state today, but Jizi also became strange. SF light novel

"It's nothing."

Kiyana shook her head slowly, maybe she was overthinking, maybe Kasa just snapped her fingers, but still be careful-

"I went to my room to rest.'

After a great battle just now, Qiyana also felt tired, and by the way, check the gains after defeating the enemy.

" "

" "

If you like it, don’t forget to collect it and recommend it to more book friends

Casa nodded and answered, Kiyana turned and left, went straight to the cabin, then randomly found an empty room and walked in, locked the door, took out the phone from her chest and opened the game to check-

After going online, Qiyana received the daily login rewards and monthly card crystals as usual, and then opened the material interface. To Qiyana's surprise, she got quite a lot of materials for killing the three xiu organization cadres this time.

There are 45 super experience chips, 24 Gemini ether crystals, ten gold coin Homu, and five Honkai crystals.There are all kinds of materials, and the quantity is not small, which makes Qiyana very satisfied.

Looking at the materials, Qiyana clicked on the Valkyrie armor fragment interface again, and the results are as follows.

Five Ranger armor fragments, three Saintess armor fragments, ten Moonlight armor fragments (can be promoted), four Sixth Night Fantasia armor fragments, and six Herrscher of the Sky armor fragments.

[-] Assault Armor Fragments, [-] Ghost Armor Fragments, [-] Dimensional Armor Fragments, [-] Divine Favor Armor Fragments (unlockable), [-] Silver Wolf Armor Fragments (upgradable), [-] Don’t Forget Armor Fragments .

Nine bloody rose armor fragments, ten true red armor fragments, six white night armor fragments, five blazing feather armor fragments, six xenoblack core erosion armor fragments, and seven lunar disk armor fragments (unlockable).

Solved the three xiu organization cadres, with a total bounty of 1.2 billion50 million Bailey's enemies brought so many armor fragments to Qiyana in total, among which the moonlight armor can finally be promoted to SS score, divine grace, and moon wheel with two initial S Level rating armor can also be unlocked, and auxiliary silver wolf armor can also be upgraded to SS rating.

The Herrscher of the Sky Armor is the Soul Awakening Armor of the Moonlight Armor, which can share levels and some skills. The promotion of the Moonlight Armor to the SS score can also unlock key skills for the Herrscher of the Sky armor.

Not to mention the Divine Grace Armor, the armor of the physical output system can almost be said to be a qualitative change with the assistance of the Divine Grace Armor. If you lose it, it will be upgraded to - a level, and the Lunar Armor is even more element output. Pull to play explosive output.

Cooperate. When Qiyana is promoted to SS score Silver Wolf Armor, the element output needs to be increased by - a grade. After all, Silver Wolf Armor can be promoted to SS score to unlock passive skills, facet refraction, element damage increased by 30.00 when the element barrier exists %, this is common to the whole team, the concept of increasing elemental output by 30.00% is self-evident.

Not only the Moon Armor, but Qiyana's other elemental output armor can also enjoy this bonus. After all, Kiyana's elemental shield has always existed.

The harvest this time is not bad, but Qiyana still can't be happy. It seems that her Shura mode can no longer be used, and she feels a sharp pain in her brain when she uses it.

Kiyana sighed, and opened the Valkyrie armor interface. After the promotion that should be promoted, and the unlock that should be unlocked, the number of Qiyana's Valkyrie armor increased again.

Qiyana series, Moonlight SS, Ranger A, Bailian SS, Saintess SS, Herrscher of the Sky S.

Mei series, Shadow Dance SS, Crimson S, Ghost Armor S, Strike S.

Bronya series, Yamabuki SS, Silver Wolf SS, Chariot S, Snow A.

Jizi series, Gale S, Crimson S, Triumph S, True Red S.

Teresa series, oath A, cherry fire dance A, grace S.

Fuhua series, Baiye S, Xunyu S, Moon Wheel S.

Yae Sakura series, Don't Forget S, Zhenyan Xinghun S, Nishen A.

Kallen series, Sixth Night Fantasia S.

Rita series, Dark Rose A.

Looking at the Valkyrie armor in the first row, Kiyana nodded in satisfaction. In addition, after playing a combo just now, she became a hidden achievement and obtained 430 crystals, and the number of crystals in Kiyana also reached [-].

Even if the supply is drawn once, there will be more crystals left for emergency use. After thinking about it for a while, Qiyana spent 280 crystals to buy a precision supply card." It is pitiful.


Candidate for general in the final chapter?

Qiyana, click on the option of precise supply, a flash of light flashes, the initial three-star weapon pulse Taidao, five homu treasures.

"Well, there are no miracles in a single draw."

-The unrealistic idea of ​​​​sending into the soul, Qiyana didn't have much hope. It's good if you can get it.

Qiyana exited the supply interface and returned to the main interface. After this battle, the commander level also broke through from level 66 to level 67. Just a little more experience points were upgraded, and the experience slot became empty again.

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