Tina smiled and nodded, Kiyana left the seat and walked towards the bathroom, while Liya watched Kiyana's leaving back, her lips parted slightly, and she hesitated to speak.

"Liya sauce, why are you so unhappy today? Tina is very concerned.

From now on, Liya has been seldom talking. Basically, she and Jizi are talking. Liya interjects from time to time, which is a little different from her previous performance. Tina can't help but feel puzzled.

"Sister Yuna, if someone you trust, who cares about you, suddenly finds out that she has something to hide from you two days ago, how would you let her go?"

SF Light Novel

"Did you mean Jizi?"

"That depends on the situation. Everyone has their own secrets. As long as the person who cares about you is sincere, then it's okay to choose to trust her. Maybe she will confess everything to you in the end."

Tina is like a caring big sister, talking enthusiastically with Liya.

"Trust her?

Liya whispered to herself, to be honest, she doesn't know what to do now, the real identity of sister Jizi who cares about her is actually one of the four emperors, why would such a big pirate join the navy ? Aren't pirates all bad guys? What purpose does she have?

But these days, Liya has not found that Qianbian has done any bad things, but is a very responsible navy. It is precisely because of this that Liya has never told this secret to others.

"I'm back, what are you two talking about?"

Soon, Kiyana came back from the bathroom, sat beside Liya and asked.

"It's nothing to talk about, sister Jizi."

Liya slowly shook her head and said, at this moment the waiter also brought up the pre-dinner desserts from Kiyana's table, and the three of them listened to the music

During the process, Liya peeked at Kiyana's profile from the corner of her eye from time to time. Could Sister Jizi really be a bad person? Liya thought to herself, she didn't want to believe that Sister Jizi who cared about herself and took care of herself would be a bad person. A bad guy, but she can't let go of her identity as a thousand-change pirate.

The pirates that Liya met were all those who coveted her fruit ability and wanted to use her. Is sister Jizi different from other pirates? Liya doesn't know.

However, when the cadres of the Yao organization seriously injured her, Liya was also very impressed by the angry look of Sister Jizi. If she didn't really care about herself, she wouldn't be so angry, right? Even if you trust Sister Jizi, there is no problem Bar?


Chapter 2

"It's so full.

After eating, Qiyana and Liya returned to the dormitory. Qiyana lay down on the bed with her stomach full, while Liya washed up first.

It's getting late, and it's time to rest. There will be a promotion ceremony tomorrow, and there will be many reporters present. Qiyana also wants to rest early and get enough energy to face them.

As the image ambassador of the Navy, Kiyana can't make any mistakes, but after becoming the main task, Kiyana doesn't care much, and she relaxes a lot.

After Liya washed, Kiyana also began to wash, and it didn't take long for the two of them to lie on the bed together and start resting.

Liya was lying on her side with her back to Kiyana, which surprised Qiyana. In the past, Liya slept with her arms in her arms. What happened today?

It was the same when I was eating just now, and I seldom spoke, which was very different from usual.

"Lia, is there something bothering you?"

Kiyana asked suspiciously, Liya acted as if she was worrying about something.

"No, sister Jizi, why do you ask such a question?"

"Well, you just don't look very happy.

Qiyana has some headaches. Although she is considered a woman now, but what is going on in a woman's heart, Qiyana still can't figure it out. She doesn't know what makes Liya seem upset. It would be great if she could know. up.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine, I just want to rest early."

Liya said without turning her head, Qiyana could only see Liya's back from the beginning, and she could only nod in desperation and said: "Oh, then go to sleep, I won't disturb you."

Kiyana looked at the ceiling, thinking about whether to tell Liya her identity. The only thing Qiyana is worried about now is that after telling Liya her true identity, Liya will change her attitude towards herself, so Qiyana has been I dare not mention it.

Now Qiyana's heart is very tangled, and she doesn't know what to do.

After a night of nothing, Kiyana woke up early the next day. After washing her face, she felt refreshed. Liya also woke up, and the two went to the navy cafeteria to have breakfast together.

- On the way, Kiyana also met many admirals. It seems that the news that Kiyana will be promoted to lieutenant general is widely known. Everyone came to congratulate Kiyana. Kiyana smiled. One - Response.

After eating breakfast, Kiyana also brought Liya to the beach and started her domineering practice. Kasa also came to the beach, moved a chair to sit in the shade of a tree, and read a book quietly. This scene seemed to have become a daily routine. .

A little bit of time passed, and it was less than 10 minutes before the agreed promotion ceremony, and then Qiyana returned to the base with Liya.

Not long after the last promotion ceremony, Qiyana was promoted again and became a general candidate. The promotion speed was so fast that it took less than - -month.

On the square, many reporters gathered into a group. As the promotion ceremony of the navy image ambassador, many reporters also came, seventy to eighty, sitting on the seats specially prepared by the navy, waiting for the promotion ceremony to begin .

"Master Ji Zi is coming."

While everyone was waiting, a sharp-eyed reporter quickly saw Qiyana who was present, stood up and pointed in the direction of Qiyana and shouted, all the reporters immediately surrounded her, flashing lights kept flashing .

Kiyana smiled and waved her hand, but she still couldn't stand the reporter's flashlight, her eyes were almost blinded by the flash, and she secretly groaned in her heart.

Fortunately, Sakaski's arrival soon relieved Kiana, and most of the reporters leaned over.

"Marshal Sakaski, it's been less than a month since Major General Jizi's promotion ceremony last time, and now he's going to be promoted to lieutenant general and become a candidate for general. Do the high command of the navy really think that Major General Jizi has the strength to do it?

One of the reporters asked Xun, and Sakaski responded blankly: "This is the result of a meeting of more than a dozen lieutenant admirals of the Navy, including myself. Major General Jizi has performed very well recently. fully qualified for this position.

When the reporters heard the words, they couldn't help but take another look at Qiyana. It seems that it is not just a vase to be recognized by so many lieutenant generals.

Faced with all kinds of inquiries from reporters, Qiyana answered all of them, even her own relationship questions, which greatly satisfied the gossip soul of the reporters present.

Soon, the promotion ceremony began. The process was the same as last time. Sakaski read a series of opening remarks, and then gave Qiyana the rank of Scarlet Fox.

Liya, Casa and the others watched from the sidelines, and the promotion ceremony ended smoothly.

After Qiyana came down from the stage, she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was not physically tired, she still felt tired from facing the indiscriminate bombardment of a group of reporters.

"Congratulations, you have all become general candidates.

Casa leaned forward to congratulate, and Kiyana nodded slightly in response, and then planned to take Liya back to the beach to continue training.

"Lieutenant General Jizi!"

Just when the three of Qiyana were about to leave, a reporter with a camera hanging around his neck - Lu Xiao ran over. He looked more than 30 years old, wearing a pair of square black-rimmed glasses, and a Mediterranean hairstyle with a bald spot on his head. Look very excited.

Kiyana stood in place, waiting for the opponent to approach.

"Lieutenant General Ji Zi, my name is Amy, and I have always admired you. I finally saw you today. Can I shake your hand?"

A bald man named Amy reached out to shake hands, and Kiyana responded out of politeness. At the moment of the handshake, Amy showed a wretched expression like an orgasm, which made Kiyana feel a little uncomfortable and wanted to withdraw her hand.

But Amy also put her left hand up, grasping Kiyana's hand firmly with both hands, not letting Kiyana take it back, because she didn't want to make trouble too embarrassing, Kiyana also smiled.

Isn't this handshake time too long? It's time to let go?

However, the other party didn't seem to see that Qiyana was very disgusted with his behavior, and still kept holding on to Qiyana's hand. In the end, Qiyana finally pulled her hand back unbearably, and almost took Eri away. fall.

"Nice to meet you, but I still have things to do, so leave."

Kiyana said so on the surface, but the tone of her words didn't like it. She had never seen such a shameless person, just like she had never seen a woman, and she was the only one.

Kiyana quickly turned and left, followed by Liya and Casa, while Amy looked at Kiyana's back with a look of surprise, but it soon turned into a sneer.

"Which newspaper is that guy from?"

"I don't know. If you don't let go after shaking hands, you deserve to be looked at by others. I don't know what to do."

"Don't you know him? He is the ace reporter of the newly established Food Daily. He has reported gossip about many celebrities. I don't know where he got the news from. He has a lot of connections."

After seeing Amy's actions, a group of reporters started discussing in a low voice. They were very contemptuous of Amy's clinging to Lieutenant General Jizi's hand, thinking that Amy was not polite.

Amy sneered at the distasteful gazes of her peers. He got a very exciting piece of news. To be honest, until just now, Amy could never have imagined that Admiral Jizi of the Navy Department was real. The identity is actually a big pirate with a bounty of 32 billion Baileys, this is one of the four emperors.

This shocking secret is enough to become the headlines of news that shocked the whole world, and it is also his exclusive news. Just thinking about Amy is very excited, and he wants to rush back to the newspaper immediately to reveal this secret to the public, and he who reports this news can also famous.

Amy quickly left the square, walked towards the town outside the base, and - while walking - took out the phone bug and made a call.

-After the sound, the phone bug was picked up, and Amy said very excitedly: "Brother, I have big news."

"Really? It seems that eating that devil fruit is still useful. Let's talk about it when we come back. The Admiralty has a lot of phone-monitoring bugs.

"Brother, be careful, I'll be right back.

Although Amy wanted to share this news with others right away, his brother was right, there is indeed a risk of exposure by using a phone bug. You must know that this is his exclusive news. If A is accidentally found out by other colleagues, That would be a big loss, anyway, Amy is not in a hurry for this moment, and it will not be too late to talk about it when she goes back.

Soon Amy arrived at the port, boarded a merchant ship, and prepared to return to the newspaper office.

Amy returned to her room, and immediately began to write down the key points in the memory she had just spied. Amy--while writing--was angry. Although the handshake was not long and the memory he spied was limited, he Indeed, I saw Lieutenant General Ji Zi transforming into Qian Bian to fight the enemy.

As for the reason why Qianbian joined the navy, Amy is not very clear, but that is enough. Just because the real identity of the candidate for the Admiral of the Navy is one of the Four Emperors, Qianbian is enough to make headlines. This may be the most explosive news since the top war.

"Although it became a landlubber, it was worth it.

After Amy wrote down the key points of the memory she spied on, she lay down on the bed next to her, looking at the ceiling and grinning from ear to ear.

Even though he could only spy on the scenes in other people's memories and replay them in his mind like watching a silent movie, it is undeniable that this ability helped Amy dig up a lot of big news.

Even the newspaper that he and his brother jointly established has gained a certain amount of popularity in a short period of time, and once this exclusive news is released, the popularity of the newspaper will further increase, how beautiful it will be at that time, just thinking about Amy feels excited .

Amy fell into a deep sleep in the fantasy of a beautiful future, and by the time she woke up, she should have returned to the newspaper office.

After an unknown amount of time, there was an explosion, waking up Amy who was sleeping. Amy opened her eyes in a daze, and there were very chaotic footsteps in the corridor outside the room.

Amy, who didn't know what happened, immediately heard a woman's scream, and Amy immediately walked out of the cabin to the deck outside, grabbed a sailor who passed by him with a panicked expression, and asked, "What's the matter?" up?"

"I, we were attacked by the Blackbeard Pirates.'

The sailor said with a panicked face while pointing to the sea in the distance. Amy looked in the direction the other party was pointing, and saw a ship with the flag of the Blackbeard Pirates heading towards them on the sea in the distance. The merchant ship where it was located quickly approached.


Chapter 3

"The Blackbeard Pirates?

Amy let go of the sailor's hand, came to the side of the ship and looked towards the pirate ship. On the pirate ship - the pirate flag with three skulls fluttering in the wind, it is indeed the Blackbeard Pirates There is nothing wrong with the flag.

In the Battle of the Top, they fought against Qianbian and forced Qianbian into danger several times. All the crew members were cruel and notorious pirates.

Originally disappeared for a period of time after the war on the top, and now he ran out to make waves and hunted devil fruit capable people wantonly. As a reporter, Amy was quite clear about the intelligence of the Blackbeard Pirates, and his heart was chilled. I feel like I'm going to suffer.

The sailors on the ship frantically turned the cannons on the ship, aiming at the attacking pirate ship and trying to force it back.

- A cannonball flew out of the merchant ship and flew towards the pirate ship. On the bow of the pirate ship, a tall and thin man with a long brown hair held a long gun and aimed his gun at the incoming cannonball.

The bullet hit the shell very easily and intercepted it.

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