- After getting everything together, Liya also decided to go out. Liya opened her door, came to the corridor and stood in front of Kiyana's door and raised her hand to knock on the door.

But Liya raised her hand for a long time, but she couldn't hit it for a long time. Sure enough, forget it. Liya wanted to play with Sister Jizi all day, but after careful consideration, she gave up this idea.

If it was before, Liya would definitely let Sister Jizi accompany her to play without hesitation, but after knowing Sister Jizi's true identity, it would be self-deceiving to say that there has been no change.

Liya sighed, turned around and left alone, planning to go shopping by herself today and go to the bookstore to buy some books to read.

Liya doesn't like reading books, but whenever Casa reads quietly, that kind of temperament is very attractive to Liya. Liya thinks that if she reads more books, she may be able to find a common topic with Casa. indefinite.excellent

With this in mind, Liya came to the street and began to look for bookstores.

The pure and beautiful Liya is like the most beautiful scenery on the street, and all passers-by are attracted by Liya's figure.

After searching for a long time, Liya has turned around several streets, but in the end she still couldn't find the bookstore. Just when Liya was about to give up, a child's cry came from the side alley, it sounded like a little boy .

Liya followed the cry, wanting to see what was going on. Liya came to the entrance of the alley, and soon saw the source of the cry. She saw a plainly dressed little boy crying, who looked only five years old. Around the age of six, my pants had a few holes, but I still didn’t throw them away. Instead, I patched them up and continued to write

Besides the crying little boy, Li Yashu saw - a very strong black-haired young man in a gray vest was standing beside the little boy and talking loudly, as if yelling at him .

No matter how you look at it, Liya feels that the scene in front of her looks like a black-haired young man bullying a child. The sense of justice in her heart makes Liya unable to sit idly by. It landed on the back of the black-haired young man and kicked him flying.


The black-haired youth was kicked several meters away by Liya and rolled around on the ground.

The sudden change shocked the little boy, and he stood there staring at Liya in a daze.

"Don't cry, it's okay.

Liya squatted down, reached out to wipe away the tears for the little boy, and comforted him.

"What's the matter with you woman? Why are you kicking me?

The black-haired young man who was kicked away by Liya also got up from the ground, and asked with a confused face, Liya gave him a hard look.

"You are such an adult, what is it to bully a child?"


The black-haired young man couldn't help being speechless when he heard the words, this woman thought he was bullying the child?

"No, big sister, big brother didn't bully me.

The little boy stopped crying at this time, and took Liya's hand and said sobbing; Liya was stunned when she heard this, didn't she bully the child? What's the reason?

"He got separated from his parents, and I was about to ask where his parents are so I can take him there, can you please find out the situation before you do it next time?

The black-haired young man pressed his kicked back, and said with some displeasure, he didn't expect to be beaten even if he did good deeds.

"Uh, sorry."

Liya immediately realized that she was wrong, and hurriedly bowed and apologized to the other party. In the scene just now, Liya subconsciously thought that the black-haired youth was bullying the child, and she did it without much thought. Now that she knew it was her mistake, Liya also Feel embarrassed.

"Well, it's nothing, just be more careful next time."

Seeing Liya's sincere apology, the black-haired young man didn't say anything more. It seems that because Liya is a beautiful woman, the black-haired young man is too embarrassed to pursue further.

"Son, where are your parents?

The black-haired young man came to the little boy and asked, the little boy shook his head slowly, indicating that he didn't know either.

"Don't know? This is a bit difficult.

The black-haired young man scratched his head with a headache. The city is so big, how easy is it to find the little boy's parents?

"Then I'll take you to them.

There is no way, the black-haired youth can only take the little boy to find his parents, maybe his parents are also looking for their own children

"Thank you big brother.

The little boy wiped away his tears and said.

"Then... let me help too.

Liya raised her hand and said that she also wanted to help, after all, one more person has more strength.

"You want to help too? Okay

The black-haired youth didn't stop him either, and then Liya, the black-haired youth and the little boy searched for his parents.


Chapter 6

Liya and the black-haired young man walked side by side, and the little boy was sandwiched between them. They each held the little boy's hand and walked on the busy street. It is very likely to misunderstand that they are a family of three going shopping.

"I'm sorry that I did something to you without understanding the situation just now. I was too impulsive. I'm sorry."

Liya felt very guilty for the mistake she made just now, and the black-haired young man waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

"Well, I forgive you, but your feet were very strong just now, have you practiced them?"

The black-haired young man said with a smile, he still feels the pain until now, it is hard to imagine that such a delicate little girl like Liya could be so painful

Liya felt a little embarrassed, smiled and did not respond.

"My name is Kent, what about you?

"My name is Lia.

"Lia? It's very nice.

Liya and the black-haired young man introduced themselves to each other, and told each other their names, so they knew each other.

Kent didn't seem to be very good at talking to beautiful girls. After a few words, his face was flushed, and he didn't know how to continue to get angry. He could only pretend to look for the little boy's parents and looked around.

"Kid, does your family live on this island?"

There are too many pedestrians in the city, and it is unrealistic to find the little boy's parents, so Liya thought that it would be a good choice to send the little boy home.

"I don't live here.

The little boy slowly shook his head and said, his mood was a little more stable than before, perhaps because Liya and Kent brought him a sense of security.

"Don't you live here? It's going to be difficult.

Kent couldn't help but feel a headache. If he lived here, it would be good to tell them so that they have a clear goal.

"No way, keep looking.

Liya said with a wry smile, it seems that this matter cannot be resolved in a while, and it may take a long time.

"Big sister, I want to eat that, ice cream!"

While the two were wandering with the little boy, the little boy also found an ice cream shop on the side of the road, and held Kent's hand with a pleading look. "Um.

Pack F SF Light Novel

Kent nodded slowly, and then the three of them walked towards the shop and bought a strawberry-flavored ice cream for the little boy. The little boy carefully held the ice cream in his hand, and couldn't help swallowing it, as if ice cream was a rare delicacy - so-so.

Seeing the behavior of the little boy, Liya, combined with the old clothes and pants on the little boy who had been mended several times, felt that the little boy usually seldom eats such things.

"Thank you for your patronage, five hundred Baileys!"

The shop owner is an uncle who looks like he has entered middle age, and he said to Kent with a smile.

"five hundred?"

Kent was a little surprised. Is it so expensive? Then Kent took out the shriveled wallet in his trouser pocket, turned it upside down and shook it in his hand, but only poured out a few coins, a total of [-] Baileys.

Kent looked at the three coins in his hand in embarrassment. The shop owner's smile gradually disappeared when he saw this.

"Let me do it.'

Liya took out a [-] Bailey note from her wallet and handed it to the shop owner. The shop owner smiled and exchanged it for [-] Baileys to Liya.

"I'm so sorry that I want you to pay for it.

Kent scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, I came to treat the little boy to eat ice cream, but he didn't have enough money.

"Little matter, let's go."

Liya smiled slightly, Kent blushed, and was stunned for a moment, his breathing seemed to be stagnant, until the little boy pulled his arm, Kent came back to his senses, quickly turned his eyes away, secretly hating himself Disappointing.

After continuing on the road to find the little boy's parents, after what happened just now, Liya also took the initiative to talk, and Kentucky always responded.

As time passed, the two chatted a lot. Liya also learned that Kent's hometown is on a very remote island, which is so backward that even pirates don't want to go there.

"Are you a local?"

Kent asked very curiously, and Liya shook her head slowly.

"No, my hometown is a bit far from here, and it will take a week by boat."

"Then why did you come here?" 2SF light novel

"I follow every...


Just as Liya was speaking, a loud noise came from the street ahead, and everyone on the street turned their heads to look, only to see a group of ferocious, strong men with weapons walking through the door of a tavern out and out into the street.

And a thin uncle was carried out by them, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, blood was everywhere on his face.

"How dare you refuse to pay the agreed protection fee? There are so many brothers protecting your tavern, what will we eat if you don't pay the protection fee?

One of the strong men stepped forward-kicked the thin uncle and kicked him to the ground.

"Didn't you just pay the protection fee two days ago?

The owner of the tavern said very aggrieved, obviously he has already paid the protection fee, these people come every now and then, no one can stand it

If they really protected the tavern at ordinary times, he would forget it, but these people obviously did nothing and drank his wine for nothing, which made the tavern owner very depressed.

"We have a few new brothers, and the protection fee is shared by each of them, and you haven't given them the money yet.

The tavern owner saw that the other party was so unreasonable, and didn't know how to respond. Because of this group of people, the business of his tavern was not very good, and now he is entrenched here like a vampire.

"I really have no money, you have been drinking the wine in my tavern for nothing, and you have no money at all.

The owner of the tavern cried loudly, and the passers-by on the surrounding streets also cast sympathetic glances when they saw this, but no one dared to step forward to stop it.

"You mean it's our fault? Do you know who our big brother is? The famous bandit Mattes has a bounty of 330 million and [-] Baileys. If it wasn't for our big brother, would your tavern be safe and sound until now? "

One of the strong men pointed behind him - a man with a height of about three meters, a strong build and a mohawk hairstyle said loudly.

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