Outside the tavern where Kiana and Angeli fought, a group of strong men in suits and uniforms stood guard outside the gate of the tavern, holding... 98K in their hands. (Skin, I'm so happy.)

In the tavern, Jones was standing next to Angeli's body, his eyes were red. Angeli grew up with him. Although they were not brothers, they were better than brothers. Now, someone dared to kill Angeli on his territory, and he was furious. Burning.

Behind Jones, three men and one woman stood by. Among them, the girls were dressed in extremely revealing clothes. Just a wink seemed to attract people's souls. In the white deep groove exposed on the black tight leather jacket, there were light blue butterfly tattoos. Very conspicuous, a long whip wrapped around his waist.

The other three men's faces were cold, and with a chilling breath, one could tell at a glance that they were not good people.

These four people are senior officials of the underground black market on Boom Island.

The four of them have worked together for many years, and they have a high degree of tacit understanding in battle. They are extremely difficult opponents. The total rewards of the four of them even surpassed that of Jones, which is a full 4 million Bailey. He is Jones' right-hand man .

"I was woken up when I was sleeping. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. That bounty hunter is really bold."

Charming ghost, Julie leans against a pillar, her voice is soft and sweet, very pleasant, coupled with her charming demeanor, she is a stunner, which can almost make most men fall under her pomegranate skirt.

But at this time, her mood was not very good. She had just been in bed with Angeli for a long time last night, and today she learned of his death. It was really amazing. It seemed that there was one less person who could satisfy her sexually. man.

"Jones, where is that bounty hunter? Dare to come to Boom Island to make trouble, it's not very courageous."

Beside Julie, a man with a stubborn beard and a slightly sloppy dress sat on the wine table, with one foot bent on the table, and the other half of his leg was hanging in the air, holding a bottle of beer to his mouth. I poured in, and the drunkenness was obvious on the face.

The man who spoke was Thomason the drunk. Jones shook his head silently after hearing his words.

"I don't know where he is hiding now, but the seaside is already full of people from our underground black market. No one is allowed to enter or leave. It's only a matter of time before we find him."

As Jones said, he picked up the rusty knife that had fallen to the side, recalling the memories of the past, Jones could not control his emotions. Now he urgently needs to vent. After finding the bounty hunter, he will definitely take the other party. Unload eight pieces, and then throw them into the sea to feed the fish.

"Well, then let's go find it."

Thomason got off the wine table and was about to go out with the bottle in hand.

"Wait Thomason, don't act alone, the other party is someone who can kill Angeli alone. The strength must not be underestimated. The four of us act together."

A man with two trident weapons less than one meter long on his waist said that the vicissitudes of life seemed to have experienced countless winds and frosts, and his eyes were breathtaking.

"I can do it alone, Mike, it's too much of a fuss for four people to do it together."

The man Thomas called Mike was the most powerful of the four ghosts. Although he was very powerful, he acted too cautiously.

Don't look at Angeli's high bounty, Thomason believes that Angeli will not be his opponent one-on-one. Generally speaking, it is normal for people with higher bounties to be stronger. However, there are some people who Without the strength to match the bounty, Angeli belongs to this category.

Angeli once attacked a navy warship and tortured the female sailor on board until she was half dead, then hung her naked on the bow and sailed for three days. Of course, the navy could not tolerate such provocative behavior by Angeli. , so the bounty has also increased a lot, Anjili's strength is not worthy of 7000 taels million.

The bounty hunter killing Angeli might be very powerful in the eyes of others, but in Thomas's eyes, it is not worth mentioning at all, so the ghosts suggested that the four ghosts should act together. Thomason is not happy, it is too efficient to find If it is low, it is more appropriate to act separately.

"Mike is right, it's too dangerous to be alone, don't act on your own, Thomason."

Jones recovered from his grief and said, seeing Jones is not allowed, of course Thomason can only give up.

"Cut, I see, I can solve it all by myself."

Thomason walked back a little dissatisfied, and took a big gulp of beer at the same time.

"Well, don't be angry, Thomason, Mike is thinking of you too. Besides, if you have an accident, who will sleep with me tonight?"

Julie smiled and snuggled up behind Thomason, her hands under Thomason's armpits, reaching down, stroking through her pants for the thing that used to make her orgasm.

"Hmph, I definitely won't get you out of bed tonight."

Thomason grinned wickedly, grabbed Julie's upturned buttocks and slapped it hard.

"The four of you act together. If you find someone, report to me immediately."

Jones put his hands on his chest and said coldly, Mike and the others nodded when they heard the words.

"Understood, Lord Jones."

Afterwards, the four of them walked away from the tavern, leaving Jones alone in the tavern, etc. As for whether the bounty hunter would trouble Jones because he saw Jones being alone, they were not worried about it at all. , as the boss of Boom Island's underground black market branch, Jones' strength is naturally trusted by Doflamingo.

Jones's strength is not mixed with any water, and it is all worthy of his bounty. It is better to say that the 7 million bounty does not represent Jones' strength at all. It should be higher. You must know that Jones has been in the underground black market of Boom Island. After being the boss, he never went out to make trouble again. The reward was already ten years ago, and Jones is even stronger now.

They didn't worry about the trouble that the bounty hunter would find Jones, and even that the bounty hunter was much wiser to find the four of them than to fight Jones, who was so powerful.

The four ghosts came to the door of the tavern, and the men who were waiting at the door also looked at them.

"Listen to me, don't let any corners go, be sure to find that bounty hunter."

Mike said in a deep voice, and the crowd responded, "Yes!!"

Afterwards, those subordinates dispersed and began to look for the trace of the bounty hunter, and the pirates watching the fun on the street also began to communicate.

"What happened? What are those guys in the underground black market doing?"

"You don't know? Angeli the Rusty was killed by a bounty hunter, and Jones is looking for that guy now."

"Isn't it? Angeli is a pirate with a bounty of 7000 taels, is that bounty hunter so powerful?"

"Well, I'm going to run away anyway. We can't stand it when they fight."

"Slip? Where can you slip? Now the entire island of Boom is blocked, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."


Is Boom Island blocked?Kiana, who was hiding in the crowd, heard a lot of news.

Whatever you seal, I never thought of running anyway, Kiana thought to herself.And they can also help Kiana to keep other pirates who have bounties and do not belong to the underground black market on the island, which is convenient for Kiana to start. What should we do.

Okay now, kill them slowly one by one, none of the pirates with bounties can escape.

Kiana slowly shuttled through the crowd, holding a lot of bounties in her hand, comparing the appearance of the surrounding pirates one by one.


Nearly three hours after the blockade of the island, a large number of pirates gathered in the port on the coast.

Four ghosts and other officials, as well as a large number of subordinates of the underground black market, aimed their weapons at the pirates.

The two sides were facing each other, and the pirates were all terrified. Now they just want to return to their boats and leave this island full of killing as soon as possible.

"Let us go!"

"Please, that bounty hunter is about to kill us all."

"If you don't let us leave, I will fight with you, even if it is the underground black market, I will not care!"

A large number of pirates cried out in tears, and they were almost unbearable.

Seeing this, the ghost Mike couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time had to admire the bounty hunter's strategy.

Just two hours ago, pirates kept dying on the island. The most important thing is that they have been unable to find each other. The other party's ability is very strange. Disappeared, and then the speed of time resumed, and the murderer disappeared, and the steps continued to cycle.

The four ghosts were almost led by the other party, and the other party fired a shot to change places. In just over an hour, nearly more than 200 pirates died, and the death toll was still rising. Suddenly, the island was forced to The remaining pirates were panicked, afraid that it would be their turn next.

Under strong pressure, even if the man behind the underground black market is Doflamingo, they don't care. Now they just want to leave here, even if there is a fight.

But the bounty hunter has not been found yet, how could Jones let these pirates leave here?Naturally, the two sides stood on opposite sides. The pirates wanted to leave Boom Island, and the underground black market was afraid that the bounty hunter would escape among the crowd and did not dare to lift the blockade.

Silently watching the pirates who were about to riot, Mike couldn't help but sighed silently that the other party's strategy was really powerful. Let the pirates help her leave, right?Taking advantage of the chaotic scene when the two sides fought to escape?Really smart guy.

But if Mike knew about Kiana, he would never have thought about it at all. He was just hunting pirates with a bounty. I don't know how Mike would feel.


No.17 Chapter Nosy

"This is troublesome. I didn't expect that guy to use this method to cause confusion."

Julie held her head with a headache. These pirates were going to leave, and they naturally wouldn't allow it. It would be difficult if the bounty hunter mixed in, and now I don't know what that guy looks like. A check is not realistic.

Even if they asked the pirates who were there at the time, they only learned that the guy was wearing a monkey mask and the brilliant wings of light behind him, and there was no other useful information at all.

On the side, in the alley between the residential buildings not far from the port, Kiana was carefully observing the situation. At this time, she had switched back to the Holy Maiden armor, because the light wings behind the moonlight armor were too eye-catching, which was not good for Kia. Na's hiding.

"Hey, why did everyone go to the port? It's a bit difficult to start this way."

Qiana looked at the crowd gathered together. They were all gathered in a pile. There were too many people, and it was not easy to handle. The most important thing was the six red dots on the island, and four of them were in this port.

Kiana looked at the bounty in her hand in a daze. Almost all the pirates on it had been killed by her. At present, there is only one pirate that Kiana can identify with a bounty. As for whether other pirates have a bounty, it is not Clearly, because Kiana doesn't have any more bounty orders, these bounty orders were just obtained by Kiana from the underground black market.

"Well, what should I do? Are so many people going to go directly?"

Kiana whispered, her last target was in the crowd, if she wanted to kill the pirate to earn the bounty, she would surely disturb the four people waiting at the port, Kiana didn't want to do it all at once. In the face of four people, if you can, of course, it will be much easier to solve them one by one.

"Well, forget it, I think it's better to solve the other red dot that was ordered first, this pirate doesn't matter."

Kiana thought about it for a while and decided to give up the pirate first, because she didn't want to face the four red dot enemies, which represented opponents with certain combat power. After thinking about it, Kiana decided to find the one who was alone. Red dot.

Previously, Kiana checked her phone once before she landed on Boom Island. At that time, there were six red dots on the island. Later, with Mihawk, there were seven in total. One of the red dots was Angeli the Rusty Knife. It has been killed by himself, and the total has returned to six.

That is to say, except for the four red dots at the port, there is still one red dot that has been ordered. Qiana took out her mobile phone and was about to check the position of the last ordered red dot on the minimap when she suddenly felt a The back was cold, and an ominous premonition came.

Kiana hurriedly put the phone back in her chest and rolled forward to avoid the attack. At the same time, the passive effect of the saintess's dodge skill, the cold time and space also activated, locking the target of the attack into a time-space lock for a period of time. The effect will also float in the air, taking a certain percentage of freezing element damage during the period.

A black and slowly rotating space-time rift suddenly appeared on the field. After Kiana rolled over, she turned around to see who was attacking her when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and the opponent directly kicked her. He kicked himself violently, with such a force that Kiana could hardly help shouting.

But at the same time, she finally saw the face of the other party clearly, and the pupils under the mask could not help shrinking, Mihawk?No wonder the skill effect of the cold time and space was released so quickly and pursued herself. Kiana couldn't help but secretly hated that her reaction was too slow, and she believed too much in the effect of the skill.

But when exactly did Mihawk come behind him?I don't feel it at all, it's too careless.

After the blow, before Kiana could relax, Mihawk reached out and grabbed Kiana's neck with one hand, lifted it with one hand, and slammed it down heavily.


The ground suddenly split in half, and the spider web-like cracks spread all over the surface. Kiana's back was in close contact with the ground. The powerful recoil made Kiana's throat sweet, and the blood in the upper right corner was instantly cut by two. one part.


Kiana was very uncomfortable holding Mihawk's hand, her neck was firmly imprisoned by Mihawk's hand, and she had no intention of letting go.

Mihawk stretched his left hand behind his back and pulled out the black knife Ye, and placed it on Kiana's neck.

"I will kill you if you resist."


Ye's blade rested on Qiana's neck, sinking slightly, a shallow wound was drawn on the surface of the skin, and a trace of blood slowly flowed out along the wound.

Kiana didn't dare to move, Mihawk was obviously serious, and his tone was very cold.

Seeing that Qiyana gave up her resistance, Mihawk also released his right hand that was holding Qiyana's neck, and his left hand was still holding Ye against Qiyana's neck. He waved the black knife hesitantly, and then Mihawk took off the mask from Kiana's face with one hand.

"……why you?"

After taking off the mask, Mihawk was stunned. He didn't expect this bounty hunter to be the girl who had been sailing with him for a few days.

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