Before Blue cleared the Herrscher energy accumulated by the pirates outside the cave, Kiyana directly reached out and snapped her fingers.

Relying on the violent energy fluctuations, he quickly used the armed color domineering to protect himself.

edge space pass

Boom! The explosion blasted across the cave, several deep cracks appeared on the surrounding cave walls, and spread out, and a large amount of rubble began to


whereabouts.With Kiana's attack, the cave was about to collapse. In the dust and smoke, the unscathed Potter jumped out of the smoke and dust,

Because he grabbed Qiyana hard, the sharp claws seemed to cut Qiyana into several pieces.

The right front paw shuttles fiercely!

Dodge Na unhurriedly dodged backwards for a distance, and summoned the space core to create a powerful space-time deceleration area.

Kia's menacing Potter's offensive came to a standstill immediately, and Potter was slightly taken aback, then strengthened his own armed forces, Yuan almost froze.

The onset child has become able to move, but it cannot be as flexible as before.

The stagnant body hurriedly left the deceleration area. After leaving, the flexibility of the body recovered again, but his offensive had already been transformed by Qiyana.



Whoosh! The Archon's Spear seemed to tear apart the space and shuttled in front of Potter, heavily bombarding his chest.



Chapter 18


The Spear of the Archon seemed to be bombarding the steel, and some sparks came out. Potter looked down at his chest, except for a few more light-colored white marks, there was no serious problem.

As expected of the animal-type fruit ability, this exaggerated physical defense ability makes it difficult for Kiyana to break through the opponent's defense. The defense alone is already terrifying, and Potter's armed color is not weak. Orson, who fought against Qiyana last time, was even more difficult to deal with.

The pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million are really not ordinary people, they are still a little bit strong, Qiyana secretly thought, it seems that it will not be as easy to deal with Potter as the few cadres who were dealt with before.

However, Qiyana is also different from the last time she fought against Orson and others. Not only has her level increased by one level, but her basic attributes have also increased a lot. The power has been upgraded to a notch.

Qiyana waved her hands one after another and summoned the Spear of Argon to block Potter's course of action, and her attack power was also greatly enhanced in Herrscher's form.Bang

Several archon's spears were dodged by Potter, passing by Potter's side and bombarding the cave wall. The cave that was about to collapse finally couldn't hold on and began to drop a large amount of huge rubble.

Potter calmly responded to Kiyana's attack. Although Potter's size became very large after using the ability to transform into an animal, he was very flexible, avoiding several of Kiyana's subaron spears, -while dodging- While approaching Qiyana.

Seeing this, Qiyana sighed inwardly, and began to miss her Shura mode. It would be wishful thinking if Potter wanted to avoid her attack before.

SF Mu Novel

Potter's moving speed is very fast, running on the ground with all four limbs together, he can cover a distance of tens of meters in almost a second, which is not inferior to Shave's speed, even a little faster.

Potter's two hind legs bent slightly and smashed the ground with a paw, but Kiyana didn't dare to resist, so she used dodge and flew towards the exit of the cave with a distance of tens of meters.

The cave was about to collapse, and it was no joke that it would be buried by a large amount of rubble. Qiyana didn't want to stay in the cave for a long time, so she hurriedly flew towards the exit.

Potter followed closely behind, chasing after him like a leopard hunting.

Relying on the super-long dodge distance of the phase shuttle, Qiyana quickly came out of the cave, and then Qiyana immediately turned around and raised the key of emptiness to activate the weapon's active skill, the door of apocalypse!

Three clusters of energy blasted towards the exit of the cave, one after the other exploded, and Potter, who had just arrived at the exit and planned to come out, was immediately forced back by this energy. 5? VIKXIN

Immediately, a space core was summoned by Potter's side and exploded again, pushing Potter towards the inside of the cave, and the rock walls around the cave entrance were also exploded and collapsed one after another, blocking and sealing the cave entrance.

Qiyana, who had consumed a lot of Herrscher's energy and was about to exit Herrscher's form, recovered [-] points of Herrscher's energy because of the active skill of the Key of Emptiness, and more than half of the Herrscher's energy bar was recovered.

Afterwards, Qiyana released her ultimate move without hesitation, and the virtual world descends!

Qiyana~ leaped into the air, and dozens of holes were torn out in the space behind her, "Dozens of energy light bombs plummeted into the cave like a torrential rain. Boom

The ground kept trembling, and the dazzling flames from the explosion reflected on Qiyana's cold face. The cave, which was already overwhelmed, collapsed under the bombardment of such intense light bombs, and the gravel rolled down one after another. The thick black Smoke rises.

Soon the torn space hole behind Kiyana returned to its original appearance, and Kiyana also fell back half a meter to the ground, floating in midair.

Through knowledge and domineering perception, Qiyana knew that the other party was not dead, so she also remained vigilant and did not dare to be careless.Bang

There was a loud noise from the burnt black rubble, Potter swung his forelegs and threw all the rubble flying away, rushing towards Qiyana through the thick smoke.

Switch, Yamabuki Armor!

Qiyana quickly switched armor, her appearance changed, her figure began to shrink, and her long silver-white hair gradually turned into gray curly hair

Dodge technique, super gravity field!

Kiyana quickly raised a hard shield to block in front of her. The moment Kiyana raised the shield, Potter also rushed over with his sharp claws. ?It made a sound like steel colliding, and a lot of sparks came out.

A huge force was transmitted from the shield to Kiyana's body, causing Kiyana to retreat a little distance. Kiyana gritted her teeth and used all her strength to resist this force.

After blocking Potter's attack, while Porter's old strength was gone, Kiyana raised her shield and slammed it at Potter's head, knocking Potter back.

At the moment when Qiyana counterattacked, the time-space fracture effect was also triggered, and the surrounding space instantly became dim, and Qiyana's movement speed was also greatly enhanced, a full increase of 5.00%+ movement speed.

Relying on the movement speed bonus, Kiyana stepped back, opened the distance between herself and Potter, raised her hand and raised the laser cannon in her hand to aim at Potter, and then pulled the trigger.

-A laser beam penetrated Porter's body, triggering the passive skill Gravity Bullet, which made Porter enter a weak state, increased damage received, and weakened [-]% of attack power for fifteen seconds.

After applying the negative state to Potter, Potter only felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if he couldn't make it out.

At the same time, a bolt of lightning fell on Potter from the cloudless clear sky.


Although the power of lightning was not fatal, it also paralyzed Potter's body for a moment, making him unable to move.

The passive skill of Saintess Armor, Heaven's Punishment, causes lightning damage to random enemies and is vulnerable. After Potter's defense power is greatly reduced, Qiyana switches to White Night Armor again.


Nirvana, Thousand Stars!

QC novel

A powerful energy poured into Qiyana's body, enhancing her attack power and speed.

Li style. Into the cloud eagle!

Kiana strode forward to Potter, who was paralyzed by lightning, and slammed her fist on Potter's neck. Porter, whose defense had been weakened, was hit by this heavy punch, his expression changed drastically, and he opened his mouth. Open up and stick out half of your tongue.

Afterwards, violent storms of attacks landed on Potter's body one after another. Each punch slightly dented Potter's muscles. Porter seemed to be stunned by the continuous onslaught. He could only defend passively and could not fight back. .

Potter - - was always looking for an opportunity to counterattack, and soon he found an opportunity to turn around, support his body with his two forelimbs, lift his powerful hind feet and kick off fiercely.swish!

However, Potter's counterattack only hit the afterimage of Kiyana left in place. Kiyana's body had already arrived in front of Potter, and she grabbed the sharp corner of Potter's head with both hands and yanked downward. Kicking his knees up, he slammed into Potter's face.Bang

Potter flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, smashed several thick trees and fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

And the sharp horn on Potter's head was even broken; Kiana held it firmly in her hand, and then Kiana casually threw Potter's horn aside, her understatement made Potter startled.


Chapter 19

Potter got up from the ground, spitting out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, including a chipped tooth.The bridges of the noses of the faces that Qiyana took care of were slightly distorted, and then Potter used his right forelimb to snap his crooked noses back into place.

After straightening the bridge of his nose, Potter looked at Kiyana with cold eyes, leaned slightly, and assumed a posture ready to attack, but he didn't dare to step forward easily.

Although Potter didn't dare to go forward, Kiyana was going to take the initiative to launch an attack. Taking advantage of the duration of the nirvana, a stride across a distance of several meters appeared in Potter's body like a teleportation. behind.

Such an astonishing speed surprised Potter, and quickly turned around and slapped it with his front paws.Boom!

Kiyana was not afraid at all, head-to-head, and aimed at Potter's palm with her fist wearing the Yongmu Twin Wolf Gauntlet. The two huge forces collided with each other and burst into a wave of air, blowing all the fallen leaves around into the air. with.

This time, Qiyana did not choose to use the Herrscher of the Sky armor to fly a kite from a distance to consume the enemy as she did in the last battle with Orson, but chose to fight the enemy head-on.

After going through so many battles, Qiyana has already felt that there is still a big gap between her own domineering weaponry and the top powerhouses. In the past, Qiyana could use the super knowledgeable color of the Shura mode to avoid the enemy's attack. All attacks, but now this approach no longer works.

CEZ fiction

Without a strong enough armed domineering, even the enemy's defense is difficult to break through, and once she is hit by the enemy, she will lose a lot of HP. Although Qiyana has dozens of lives, theoretically even It can be said that you have countless lives, but you can't rely on blood volume to consume the enemy every time you fight, right?

So exercising one's armed domineering has become the top priority, at least to be able to break through the enemy's defense when attacking!

Kiyana tried her best, every punch was covered with armed domineering, trying to concentrate the domineering on one point to increase its power.

Gradually, Qiyana felt more and more comfortable using the domineering, and was even able to punch the domineering out of her fist to form a shock wave in the air, even if she didn't touch Potter's body, she was able to knock back his attack .

It is actually a very unwise choice to engage in close combat with animal-type ability users. Animal-type ability users have very strong physical fitness, but it is precisely because of this that they are challenging and can better temper Qiyana's armed domineering .

If you can even break through the defenses of animal-type ability users, why worry about not being able to break through the defenses of other people?


As if out of anger, Potter's face became much more ferocious, he waved his arms and kept attacking fiercely, heavy punches fell like a torrential rain, and a large afterimage appeared.

Ri style ●Vine Peacock!

SF Light Novel

Kiyana also quickly raised her foot and kicked dozens of times, blocking Potter's attack with each kick. Even without Shura mode, Kiyana's knowledgeable domineering is far beyond the level of ordinary people, blocking Potter's attack. The attack is not too difficult.

And Porter, who went mad and attacked one after another, also showed a lot of flaws. Kiyana found the opportunity and kicked Porter several times in succession. The domineering defense was finally defeated by Qiyana, and his chest was slightly sunken.


Potter spat out a mouthful of blood, and took a few steps back. Kiyana didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe. With a stride forward, he punched Potter's cap heavily. Kiyana's armed domineering even penetrated into Potter's body, causing damage to him.

Potter felt as if his head had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and he felt dizzy.

This is the feeling, the feeling of punching to the flesh, the more Qiyana fights, the more excited she is, and she unreservedly vents all her arrogance. The more she consumes her armed arrogance, the stronger her arrogance will become.

Just like exercising a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger and more powerful it becomes.

Although the speed of domineering consumption will be very fast, the effect is also very obvious. Faced with Kiyana's increasingly powerful attacks, Potter is already unable to parry and retreats steadily.

book SFA

Li style. Moon duck!

'cez novel

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