The only thing missing is the stigmata that increase the damage in the background. Qiyana is equivalent to having 20.00% more physical damage bonus and [-]% more physical damage bonus.

Relying on the damage bonus, and the stigmata that can increase damage in the background are far more than these, and it will be even more exaggerated if they are all collected.

seven elements


Chapter 36

After drawing the supplies, Qiyana also clicked on the equipment interface to upgrade all the equipment drawn just now. After consuming a lot of materials and gold coins, the equipment drawn was also upgraded to the full level.

Apart from anything else, Kiyana equipped the stigmata of Tesla, the band, and other backstage damage-increasing armors on armor that is not commonly used. Immediately, Kiyana felt that her own strength had increased a lot, and the sense of fullness of power made Qia Na couldn't help clenching her fists.

"feel good.

Kiyana murmured to herself, then picked up the box containing 50 million Baileys, opened the door, and went outside. Kiyana was about to hand over the money to Mia, then bid farewell to everyone and left here to go to the windless belt Hunt and kill Neptunes to upgrade, and strive to rise to level [-] as soon as possible to receive the next main task.

Kiyana walked through the flower-filled corridor to another wooden house, knocked on the door, and soon there were footsteps inside, and then the door was opened.

Mia, here is 50 million Pele, you can use it to support your hometown.

Kiyana brought the box to Mia, and Mia nodded and took it: "I will return it to you soon.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry anyway, I'm going to go to the Windless Belt for a while, and I don't know when the next meeting will be."

"The Quiet Belt? What are you doing in the Quiet Belt?"

Mia is very puzzled, the windless belt is very dangerous and inaccessible.

"I want to practice in the windless belt to enhance my strength."


2 end novels

Practicing in the windless belt, is it worthy of being called Qiyana? Mia is a little speechless.

After talking to Mia a few words, Kiyana was also going to say goodbye to Jacko, Rigg and others. When Kiyana came to the lake, Jacko was fishing with a fishing rod and Rigg and others. people talking.

Seeing Kiyana coming, Jacko also put down the fishing rod in his hand, stood up and said hello: "Miss Kiyana.

"Well, Jacko, [-] million Bailey may have to decline for a while, I will give it to you when I have time.

"Anyway, I don't need it, and it's okay for Master Qiyana not to give it."

Jacko said with a wry smile, he really didn't want that one-billion Bailey, but Master Kiyana really cared about the promise he made. To be honest, since he knew that Master Kiyana can use the ability to convert money into weapons After that, Jacko didn't want the [-] million Baileys anymore.

"Master Kiyana, when shall we leave?

Now that the money is in hand, Jacko also asked when Kiyana left. She had been away from home for several days, and Jacko was a little worried about his useless younger brother.

"Go back by yourself. Next, I will go to the windless zone to practice. It may take a long time, and I don't know when I will come back."

"Is that so? I see.

Jacko nodded to express his understanding.

"Master Kiyana is leaving now? Don't you want to stay a few more days? Let us treat you well." -

Seeing that Kiyana was about to leave, Penrig and Alpha asked to stay.Shen

"No, I've had a lot of fun these two days. It's time to leave. What are you holding?"

Kiyana saw Rigg holding a thick stack of wanted warrants in his hand, and among them, Kiyana also saw a familiar face.

"Is this? It's a new batch of arrest warrants we collected when we went to claim the bounty. After all, we are bounty hunters.

"Show me."

"Well, take it."

Rigg handed over the wanted warrant to Kiyana, and Kiyana took it-look, her expression was stunned.

"how come?

Qiyana was very puzzled, she actually saw the wanted notice about Liya, and the bounty was higher than last time, a full [-] million shells.

What's going on here? Didn't Liya stay at the Ministry of the Navy? Why was she still offered a reward by the navy? Kiyana couldn't figure it out, what happened to Liya?

Kiyana was a little worried when she accidentally learned that Liya was offered a reward by the navy.

"Rig, when was this arrest warrant issued?

"I saw it in the newspaper I bought yesterday."



Qiyana frowned slightly, was it a wanted warrant just issued?

,SF Light Novels

"What's the matter, Master Qiyana, do you know the person on the arrest warrant?"

Seeing Qiyana's strange expression, Rigg and the others also asked.

"I want to ask you one thing."

"Please tell me, Lady Kiyana, we are obliged.

"Help me find out about the person on this arrest warrant, I want to know her current condition and where she is.

~ ~

~ ~

If you like it, remember to collect it, and recommend it to friends who love to read

Kiyana took out Liya's wanted warrant and handed it to Rigg.

"Isn't this guy the successor of Zhenzhen Fruit? I know, I'll send someone to find out about her right away.

Rieger glanced at the arrest warrant, and immediately got up to order other people to go out to inquire about the news.

"Lord Qiyana, I also called Lunt to ask him to send someone to inquire about the news.

Jacko took out the phone bug and said.

"Well, please.

"Miss Kiyana is too polite, your business is our business, we have said that as long as you have difficulties, feel free to come to us.

Reg said with a smile.

After asking Jacko, Rigg and others to inquire about Liya's news, Kiyana is also preparing to leave for the Admiralty. She wants to find out why Liya was offered a reward.

SF Light Novel

Two days later, at the outlying port of the Admiralty, Qiyana, who had switched to the real red armor, tied up her bright red hair, put on a coat and hat and dressed very tightly, let alone recognize Qiyana's appearance, Even the gender is almost indistinguishable.

After more than half a month, Kiyana returned to the Admiralty again. Standing on the street with people coming and going, Kiyana couldn't help sighing with emotion. She thought she would never come back here again, but she didn't expect Liya something will happen.

Kiyana first went to the hotel on the street and booked a single room, and then waited patiently, waiting for an opportunity, and now she dare not use Jizi's appearance to return to the Admiralty.

After leaving the Admiralty for so many days, there has been no movement from the Navy, and Qiyana is not clear about the attitude of the Admiralty to Ji Zi's identity, so she dare not go back rashly.

I can only stay in the town outside the base to observe the situation first. You must know that Yixiao knows the true identity of Zi 2. The navy has never responded to the disappearance of Lieutenant General Jizi. What did Sakarski say, so Sakarski suppressed the influence of this matter.

But this is just Kiyana's conjecture, maybe- - Xiao didn't say it, no matter what, Kiyana didn't dare to go back directly.

In this way, Kiyana stayed in the towns outside the Admiralty for a few days, and finally she waited for an opportunity. Her loyal subordinate Saska was walking on the street wearing a naval uniform, and Kiyana said nothing Stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"- Lieutenant General Ji Zi?

Saska's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.


Chapter 37 Crisis

"Lieutenant General Ji Zi,"

Saska was very surprised, pointing at Kiyana and was about to say something when she was interrupted by Kiyana.

"This is not the place to talk, come with me."

Kiyana glanced around and saw that no one noticed, she also lowered her voice and signaled Saska to follow her.

After a little hesitation, Saska nodded and followed Kiana to leave the avenue.

In the hotel room, Qiyana-opened her coat and hat when she entered the door, revealing her long red hair, she was relieved, she was still worried about whether someone would find out, now Qiyana can relax for a while after returning to the room .

Saska followed Kiana into the room, and closed the door behind her.

"Lieutenant General Ji Zi, where have you been all this time? We searched everywhere but couldn't find you. Master Kasa also sent people to inquire about your news, but there was no result.".

When Saskar came up, he asked about Qiyana's movements during this time, and Qiyana just left without saying goodbye, and their subordinates were also very worried.

"I just don't want to be in the Navy anymore."


Saska couldn't understand and couldn't help asking.

"Leaving aside the fact that I left the Navy, let me ask you, what's going on?"

Kiyana took out Liya's wanted notice from her coat pocket and placed it on the table to ask, Saskka glanced at the wanted notice and immediately responded: "This is a fake wanted notice.


"Well, although the counterfeiters imitated the arrest warrants, they were not issued by the navy. In the past two days, arrest warrants for Liya sauce have appeared all over the world. We don't know what happened. We are investigating the reason Woolen cloth.

After accidentally learning that the arrest warrant was a fake, Qiyana was also relieved. Fortunately, it wasn't true. It was a false alarm. She thought something happened to Liya, but now she can finally feel relieved.

"Since it's fake, I'm relieved. How is Liya doing recently?"

Kiyana asked about Liya's recent situation.

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