Before leaving, Qiyana also noticed that Saska, who had died beside her, had her lower body smashed to pieces, with a look of astonishment on her face, as if she didn't expect to die like this.

Although Qiyana is no longer in the navy, Saskka's former subordinates who were loyal to her no matter what, can be regarded as being implicated by herself this time.

"Rest in peace, I will avenge you, I promise.

After a dark sigh, Kiyana assured Saska's body, then jumped off the rubble and came to the alley.

Because of the explosion, the entire hotel was on fire, and the black smoke shot straight into the sky. It was very obvious that the navy on the island must have noticed the movement here.

Qiyana, who was about to leave from the exit of the alley, suddenly flew a sword aura in front of her, blocking Qiyana's way forward, and the sword aura cut the ground - a huge crack several meters deep, with this sword aura alone Qiyana concluded that the strength of the incoming person was not simple.

The movement here also attracted the attention of passers-by on the next street, and they all turned their heads to look at this side.

"It's Lieutenant General Ji Zi.

"There is also Lieutenant General Ghost Spider.

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"Why did the ghost spider attack Lieutenant General Jizi? Could it be that Lieutenant General Jizi is really a thousand changes?

The passers-by were also very surprised when they saw this. They thought that the broadcast was just someone talking nonsense and playing a prank, but now what happened to Lieutenant General Ghost Spider attacking Lieutenant General Jizi?

"Lieutenant General Ji Zi, please stay."

Ghost Spider was holding a cigar in his mouth, holding two scimitars tightly in both hands, and his hair turned into arms holding several scimitars, - said with a cold face

"Hadn't seen you for a while, ghost spider, why did you want to do it right away? Could it be that you really believed what the broadcast said?

Kiyana pretended to be calm and said, in her heart-thousands of grass and mud horses galloped by. I didn't expect that the navy would arrive on the scene so soon, and he was also a powerful ghost spider lieutenant general. The big troops will arrive, and it will be even more difficult to leave.

"I know that the person broadcasting is not from the navy, but if Lieutenant General Ji Zi is innocent, why is he in such a hurry to leave?

~ ~

~ ~

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The ghost spider obviously had doubts about Kiyana's real identity, and when she saw this, she also understood that it was impossible to leave here without doing anything. Lies will eventually be exposed.

"Oh, for the sake of my colleagues, I really don't want to do anything."

Qiyana sighed helplessly, reached out and grabbed the God Meteor Sword on her back to take it off, her eyes instantly became fierce, her aura was completely different from before.shave!

Qiyana used shaving, disappeared in place, and moved at a high speed to come behind the ghost spider. The God Meteor Sword was covered with a large amount of flames and slashed down with a sword, and the ghost spider was not slow to react. He used a scimitar to parry, blocking Qiyana's slash.

But at this time, Qiyana was more than a star and a half stronger than when she left the navy. Relying on the powerful bonus provided by the backstage injury-enhancing stigmata, Kiyana's strength exceeded the ghost spider's estimate, a huge force It was passed to the ghost spider's body through the blade, causing his feet to bend slightly, and the ground was cracked open.


"Ji Zizhong actually made a move against Lieutenant General Ghost Spider.

"She is really a thousand changes, Lieutenant General Ji Zi is really a thousand changes!

Passers-by saw Qiyana attacking the electric spider lieutenant general, and finally realized that the secret said in the broadcast just now was true, and they fled in fright, not daring to stay here, afraid of being implicated in the battle between the two ,-time, the streets are in chaos, and people are running for their lives.

Charge up the attack, Meteor Fire!

Qiyana brandished the God Meteor Sword several times, and finally leaped into the air, the two big swords made a cross cut, the flaming sword energy fell suddenly, and the ghost spider hurriedly parried.clang!

SF Light Novel

The huge force made the ghost spider's hands go numb, and it was almost impossible to hold the weapon in his hand.

Kiyana took advantage of the situation to pursue, one after another without giving the ghost spider a chance to breathe. After starting to focus on the practice of armed domineering, Kiyana's armed domineering progress has also been very obvious, and her attack is stronger than before. .

Immediately afterwards, Qiyana used the charged attack again, and this time the knife in Ghost Spider's hand shattered and fell to the ground.

After using the charged attack, Qiyana also entered the overload state, the damage of the fire element was greatly enhanced, and the temperature of the flame wrapped around the God's Meteor sword became higher, even if it was several meters away, it made the ghost spider feel The hair on his body seemed to be burning.

Ultimate skill, Ember Tribulation Flame!

Qiyana held the Godfall Sword tightly and swept across, the surrounding air was distorted by the high temperature, the ghost spider gritted its teeth and barely used the remaining scimitars to block Qiyana's slash, but after this blow, all ghost spiders The remaining knives were all shattered, and there were no more weapons.

After sweeping around, Qiyana quickly turned around and slashed at the ghost spider's chest again. The flames instantly spread to the ghost spider's body. A lot of rubble fell on him.

After flying the ghost spider, Qiyana didn't dare to fight. She hung the God's Meteor Sword back on her back, identified the -down direction, and ran towards the port


Chapter 39

The ghost spider stood up from the pile of rubble, its body was stained with a little dust, and looked rather embarrassed, but its body did not suffer much damage, only a very shallow wound on its chest.

The ghost spider returned to the street through the wall that was knocked out by the i 2, and shouted loudly in the direction of Qiyana's escape, but Kiyana didn't look back, and the ghost spider quickly took it out of its pocket when it saw it. The phone bug, - - chasing towards Kiana - while using the phone bug to notify his subordinates.

"Notify the others, Lieutenant General Ji Zi fought me just now, I am afraid what was said on the radio is true, if you meet Lieutenant General Ji Zi, you don't have to hesitate to fight directly!

After notifying the situation here, the ghost spider also took back the phone bug and started chasing Qiyana with all its strength.

At the port, a group of naval soldiers holding weapons lined up neatly in more than a dozen rows, about 1000 people, and in front of the crowd stood several lieutenant generals, such as Huoshaoshan, Dauberman and other well-known lieutenant admirals.

"Ghost Spider said that he had a fight with Lieutenant General Ji Zi, and asked us to fight without hesitation after seeing Lieutenant General Ji Zi.

Huoshaoshan, who was always smiling with a cigar in his mouth, narrowed his eyes and said.

"Really? What a pity. Lieutenant General Ji Zi is a very good person. He is also beautiful. How can he be so different?"

The tea dolphin seemed to feel very sorry, shook his head and sighed.

"Everyone, strictly guard this place, and don't let any suspicious ship leave the port without my order!

The vicious-looking Lieutenant General Dauberman, who was covered with scars on his face, said loudly to all the soldiers, and everyone immediately responded with one voice.


"Master Casasheng, please follow us to the base."

Outside the room door on the top floor of the hotel, a dozen guards in the uniform of world government officials knocked on the door and said, after a while, there were footsteps in the room. Opened the door and walked out.

"Let's go."

Casa responded lightly, everyone went down the stairs to the lobby on the first floor, and as soon as they left the hotel, they saw pedestrians fleeing in a hurry on the road, all with panic expressions on their faces, fleeing in the direction of the Admiralty .Bang

- There was a loud noise, an explosion occurred in the distance, and a large amount of black smoke slowly lifted into the air with the sea breeze. Kasa looked in the direction of the explosion, with a complicated look on his face. =

To be honest, if it wasn't for the broadcast just now, he wouldn't be able to associate Jizi and Kiyana together. When he thought that the Kiyana he was looking for had actually been with him for a long time, Kasa couldn't help sighing, it's really It was so miserable to be cheated.

"Lord Casasheng, it's not safe here, so hurry up and come with us to the interior of the naval base.

Seeing Kasa looking at the place where the battle took place in the distance in a daze, the followers next to him also hurriedly reminded that if something happened to Mr. Wan-Kasa, then these followers will all accompany him to lose their heads. The emperor is not in a hurry, the supervisor is in a hurry.

Casa nodded in response, and then walked towards the naval base under the protection of everyone.

Along the way, Casa also saw many admirals and soldiers rushing to the battlefield, and hurried past them.

When they arrived at the gate of the base, they saw Garp and Sengoku leading a large army out of the gate. Kasa immediately stepped forward and said to the two, "Lieutenant General Garp, Superintendent of the Warring States Period."

"Is there a problem?"

Seeing that it was Kasa who came in the Warring States Period, he also stopped and asked.

"Please be sure to catch the thousand changes alive.

"Hmph, capture alive? It's easy to say.

- Garp, who is not afraid of the sky and the ground, didn't show a good face even when facing the Tianlongren. He pinched his nostrils with his little finger and snorted coldly. Besides, he didn't know what the Tianlongren was planning. It just becomes beautiful.

Warring States showed embarrassment and avoided the topic.

"Please hurry up and take refuge in the base.

After all, Sengoku and Garp left the gate with a large group of soldiers and rushed towards the battlefield.

Seeing the back of Karp and others leaving, Kasa remained silent. He also knew how difficult it is to capture Qianbian alive. If the navy really listened to his words to capture Qianbian alive, it would undoubtedly be timid, and the navy would be killed or injured. It will definitely be bigger.

It seems that this time the high command of the navy sent troops with the attitude of killing thousands of changes, not that he said that they can be captured alive. will obey.

I don't know if Kiyana can survive the encirclement by the navy. Rather than the navy killing Kiyana, Kasa is more willing to see Kiyana break through the encirclement and escape. If possible, Kasa certainly hopes that the navy can capture Qiyana alive. Yana, this is the best possible outcome.

However, judging from the current status quo, this situation is unlikely to happen. Facing Qiyana, who can be revived many times, the Navy will definitely take action with all its strength.

"Lan feet!"

A sickle-shaped slash flew quickly from behind, and Qiyana relied on her knowledge and warning to dodge to the side, avoiding Lan's feet.Bang

The slash cut the ground where Qiyana was standing - a huge crack with a depth of several meters, and cut several houses in front of her in half.

"Tsk, is there any?"

Qiyana cursed in a low voice, turned her head to look at the ghost spider chasing after her, stretched out her hand to grab the God Meteor Sword on her back and took it off, and slashed forward with one stride. r check small l ' C

The ghost spider, who found a few more knives from nowhere, swung the knives with both hands to block Qiyana's slash, and then the long hair that seemed to have life also clenched the scimitar and slashed at Kiyana's neck.

Qiyana quickly bent down to avoid the attack, and then switched to Shadow Dance armor, her appearance changed, holding Rachel tightly was - an upward thrust, and the ghost spider reacted quickly to block the upward thrust, but the huge strength still made him both Feet off the ground, fly into the air.

Switch, moonlight armor, qet appearance skills, light wings unfold!

After the switch, Qiyana's appearance changed again, and then her knees bent slightly, smashing the ground and leaping into the air. The light wings swaying in the wind behind her also emitted dozens of streams of gamma particles. After a short pause, they all locked onto the ghost spider's body and flew away.

moon step!

The seemingly brilliant and beautiful light bullets contained extremely terrifying destructive power, and the ghost spider didn't dare to resist, and stomped on mid-air and fled quickly, but those light bullets seemed to lock the ghost spider. , Automatically track up, no matter how fast the ghost spider escapes, the light bullet will chase after it like a maggot attached to a bone.

The light bomb tracked all the way behind the ghost spider and exploded. Several houses could not withstand the power of the light bomb explosion and turned into piles of rubble. A large amount of smoke rose and the ground cracked.

Seeing the power of the explosion, the ghost spider couldn't help but speed up its escape, lest it be caught up by the light bullet.

(PS: There is another update, it may be a little later.)


Chapter 40

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