Seven-day trial card, imperial costume · don't forget, activate!


Chapter 31 Duel

(PS: I was in a hurry yesterday, and Yae Sakura has fox ears, not rabbit ears. It has been modified.)

Such a big change in Kiana, of course, attracted Mihawk's attention.

Not to mention that Kiana's height has become much taller, the pair of fox ears on her head is already very wrong.

Kiana's temperament has changed a lot, she is dignified and calm, her eyes under the mask are as sharp as hooks, staring straight at Mihawk's every move.


Mihawk was about to say something when Kiana interrupted his words.

"Mihawk, let's fight."

I saw Qiyana took out the imitation spirit blade Bingtantian in her hand, a five-star full-level graduation weapon, a light blue transparent blade, a black and white handle, and a beautiful curvature of the blade.

Trial card armor, graduation armor with an [-]-level SSS score, weapons and stigmata are all full-level five-star levels, the strongest attribute that Kiana can achieve.

Yuan Qiana didn't want to use this trump card, how could she use something that saves her life so easily?It's just that she couldn't understand why Mihawk could do such a thing.

Kill those innocent people cruelly without any emotion, but just because of boredom?

For the first time in her life, Kiana felt how angry she was. Although she had no right to accuse Mihawk of killing so many people, she was also a butcher.

However, it was precisely because Qiana did something like that, that she would have such a violent reaction, and her feelings would be so profound.

Kiana has a purpose, not just because of boredom like Mihawk, she can't forgive Mihawk for trampling on other people's lives so easily.

"Your appearance seems to have changed?"

Mihawk clasped his hands around his chest. For some unknown reason, Kiana gave him a different feeling, giving him a feeling of extreme danger. This feeling is usually only when he is facing Whitebeard, Kaido and others. , will appear.

His domineering arrogance is frantically warning himself that the other party is definitely not a good person.

Kiana did not speak, but took off the mask on her face, revealing her true face, deep eyes, and a face that was completely different from Mihawk's impression of Kiana appeared on his face. before.

A little less immature, a little more calm, but equally beautiful and moving, captivating.

Kiana took off the mask, not because of anything else, but simply because the mask was too much of a hindrance. Wearing the mask would reduce her line of sight, which would seriously affect her performance. Facing a powerhouse like Mihawk, any point Small factors can make a big difference.

Qiyana didn't dare to despise Mihawk at all, even if she used the trial card at this time, she couldn't guarantee that she would win.

"So that's the case, is this your true face?"

Mihawk asked.

"No comment, draw your knife, or don't blame me for not reminding you."

Qiyana held Bingtantian tightly and pointed at Mihawk in the distance. The plot?That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore, she's going to fight Mihawk today.


Mihawk sighed slightly, this girl is really stupid and cute, and she didn't understand that she was helping her.

However, Mihawk didn't have the idea of ​​explaining it now. Kiana gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, which ignited his fighting enthusiasm that he hadn't had for a long time.

As the number one swordsman in the world, who can understand the lonely feeling of standing at the pinnacle of kendo and waiting for the challenge of future generations?Now, how can he miss a swordsman who can make him see and domineering and predict the danger with great difficulty?

"If you want to fight, then come!"

Mihawk pulled out the black knife Ye Ye behind him with one hand, the slender black blade swiped slightly on the ground, and the shallow ravine bulged.


Suddenly, Kiana moved, her figure was erratic, and afterimages followed, and Mihawk was amazed by its speed.

This speed is too fast, I am afraid it is not much worse than the shaving of one of the six naval styles.

There was a distance of [-] meters between the two, and in less than a second, Kiana appeared in front of Mihawk and slashed with a knife.


The moment Bingtantian and Ye were in contact, the sword intent was vertical and horizontal, and a sword energy slashed horizontally on the ground. The violent force ripped apart the earth, and half of the island was affected by its sword energy slashing.

A crack several kilometers long spread from the feet of the two men.

Mihawk's knife-wielding hands trembled slightly. Although he did not lose to Qiyana in this power competition, he was not feeling well. His hands were numb, and the tiger's mouth was slightly torn.

More than that, Mihawk could even feel a chill spreading to him, as if to take all the heat from his body and freeze him.

Mihawk was about to cover his whole body with a domineering aura of armament, driving away that cold air, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Mihawk slashed down and forced Kiana back to the side, then quickly retreated a few steps and left Kiana a certain distance. At this point, the icy aura finally receded.

Stigmata Nonghime two-piece set passive skill Snow Flower, when there are enemies around, the enemy will receive 60.00% attack power of freezing element damage every second, and there is a 30.00% probability to cause the effect of slowing down the movement speed of the enemy, which lasts for four seconds .

At present, Kiana's stigmata is a complete set of three pieces of Noji, matched with the imitation spirit knife Bingtantian.

Although this set of damage is not the highest, but the attributes are very comprehensive, Qiana has no choice, the weapons and stigmata of the trial card are not for her to choose.

Mihawk lowered his head slightly and looked at the frost on his feet. He felt that his speed seemed to be much slower. Was that cold aura just now her ability?How much power does she have?

Mihawk had never seen so many abilities in a single person, unheard of.

Interesting, as expected, this is how it can be called a battle.

Mihawk became more and more excited, and he explained things until he defeated the opponent.

"Zero Hour Blade Flash!"

Kiana put the knife in her waist and pulled it out slightly, her kinetic energy was already full.

Mihawk's sightings gave a crazy warning, his face changed slightly, and Mihawk quickly left the place.

bass! !

A mass of frost and cold blasted at the original location of Mihawk, and the flying sword intent attack made Mihawk's back cold.

What kind of trick is this?It is completely different from the slashes issued by ordinary swordsmen. It does not fly out of the blade, but directly explodes in the air. If it is not for the domineering and domineering of his own experience, he may have a premonition of danger.

The terrifying power of this slash also shocked Mihawk. The powerful attack shattered the ground within a radius of tens of meters in that area, white frost covered the ground, and all the corpses lying in that area were torn apart. .

It turned into countless pieces of meat, and all the blood that had not yet coagulated was frozen.

"not yet!"

Kiana launched the zero-hour blade flashes one after another, and several slashes of frost and cold air followed closely behind Mihawk, chasing after him.

Mihawk jumped onto the bow of an unknown huge pirate ship on the edge of the port, with a full 250-meter-long hull. After feeling the danger, he left the pirate ship in an instant.

The moment Mihawk left, the enhanced zero-hour blade flash slash fell on the pirate ship, countless sword qi burst, and the spreading frost shattered the mast.

In an instant, the huge pirate ship was chopped into countless pieces, and the tattered ship fell into the sea, causing the sea to shake, setting off waves that were more than ten meters high.

The terrifying power of the zero-hour blade flash made Mihawk and other powerhouses dare not take it hard. Relying on the early warning, Mihawk was always able to leave Kiana's attack range before the cold slash exploded.

The blade flash failed to hit Mihawk with five rounds at zero hour, which made Qiyana a little discouraged. It was good to master the domineering and domineering. It was really troublesome to be able to predict where she was going to launch an attack.

"Is it gone? Is it me?"

Seeing that Kiana didn't launch that strange slash again, Mihawk decided to counterattack her. He clenched the black knife with both hands, his blue veins bulged, and he waved it hard.

A light blue sword qi flew out erect, and its range was actually [-] meters wide, and as the flight distance increased, the sword qi range continued to increase.

Seeing this, Qiana didn't dare to take it hard, and used evasion in quick succession to leave the bombardment range of the sword energy.


The sword qi flew straight towards the sea, and carved a deep ditch of dozens of meters on the ground, and then poured into the sea.

The sea water was then divided into two halves, and it couldn't be restored for a long time. The sword qi finally dissipated after flying for several kilometers. Looking from Bum Island, the sword qi almost flew to the horizon.

The sea water recovered and poured into the deep ditch cut by the sword qi, filling the deep ditch in a short while.


Qiyana was secretly shocked. The power of this slash was no trivial matter. She deserved to be the number one swordsman in the world. A casual strike was such a terrifying power.


With a violent kick, the floor under her feet suddenly burst, and Kiana flew to Mihawk, and the frost breath spread to Mihawk again, and at the same time, the passive punishment of the saint also fell.

"Ice Sky Snow Dance!"

Qiyana released Bing Tantian's weapon active skill, and a white frost area spread out instantly under her feet, increasing her own freezing elemental damage by 40.00%.


The swords of the two faced each other and slammed into each other. Kiana couldn't help but take a step back, and Mihawk took two steps back. The powerful impact made both of them unable to control their footsteps. The ground was already covered with cobweb-like cracks.

Even though Kiana's panel attribute strength is stronger than Mihawk's, Mihawk is barely on par with Kiana after covering the domineering armament.

However, Mihawk was the number one swordsman in the world after all, so he quickly adjusted his center of gravity and slashed towards Kiana with his sword again, one step faster than Kiana.


Kiana has lost the chance to take the lead, she can only avoid Mihawk's knife, and at the same time dodge the passive skill White Shadow trigger, a light blue clone separated from Kiana's body and attacked Mihawk!


Mihawk was startled, and quickly took a few steps back. A sword slash cut off the clone. After Mihawk cut off the clone, he took a few steps back and asked with a puzzled expression on his face. Said: "Clone... Kiana?"


Chapter 32 So it turns out

This ability, Mihawk has only seen it on Kiana. Although the avatar ability is not without others, but such a unique phantom avatar like Kiana is too recognizable.

"You're Kiana, right?"

Mihawk asked that although her appearance at this time was different from that in Rogge Town, Mihawk saw Kiana's ability to change her appearance with his own eyes just now.

It would make sense to say that the appearance in Rogue Town at that time was also made by her, and she was able to change her appearance at will.

And now the knife in Kiana's hand is not Rachel, but it is also a superb weapon that is not inferior to the black knife Ye, don't tell him about the coincidence, there are not many such weapons in the world.

Coincidentally, these two knives are also two weapons that are not recorded in the Supreme Sword, is there such a coincidence?

And like Qiyana, the girl in front of her is also a bounty hunter, with the same avatar ability, and the time and place where the two appeared almost overlapped.

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