The passer-by who was pulled by Kiana to inquire was flattered and pointed to a tall clock tower in the town and said, "The auction house is right next to the clock tower, and you can find it there."

"That's it, thank you."

After Kiana smiled and thanked, the passerby immediately blushed and said, "It's nothing."

When Qiyana saw this, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, as if seeing herself in her previous life, she blushed so much when talking to girls, and in the end she became more and more withdrawn, only being with Two-dimensional girls for company.

No, why do you blush when you talk to me?It's embarrassing for you to do this, my old man, isn't it?Kiana groaned inwardly.

After knowing the direction, Kiana also automatically blocked the sight of the people around her and stepped forward.

Tolstoy, it is a well-known and wealthy country, people can be guaranteed basic clothing, food, housing and transportation.

Walking on the street, Kiana can realize this from all aspects of the details. The law and order is good, and Kiana can't see any beggars begging on the road, and the street is neat and tidy.

It must be said that a country can guarantee the people's lives to this level in the era of great voyages and pirates.

Of course, all of this is also due to the strength of the country's army. The strong army guarantees the security of the country, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Even the pirate group with a total bounty of nearly 40 million has successfully repelled.

As for why Tolstoy's army is so powerful, it is because of the king of this country, Sikar; it is said that Sikar was once a major in the Admiralty, and he moved the navy's training system to this country, even more severe.

Therefore, the army of this country is well-trained, and it is even more handy in the face of pirate attacks, and Sikor has also been loved and supported by the majority of Tolstoy's citizens.

There was even a bronze statue of Sikar on the only central square in the country, with a line of words written on the pedestal below, the greatest leader.

This bronze statue is the most sacred and inviolable in the eyes of Tolstoy's citizens. There were several foreign tourists who wrote letters under the bronze statue. After they were found, they were detained for a full month before being released.

These stories were all heard by Kiana from the captain of the merchant ship yesterday. When Kiana heard this, she thought this was a good place to auction Mumu fruit.

There is a king who used to be a major in the navy. It seems that this place should not be a pirate's territory, and there should be no accidents in the auction, which is regular enough.

Kiana walked towards the huge clock tower, and passers-by turned their heads to look at Kiana, with a [-]% rate of return.

Kianahara's appearance is already attractive enough, not to mention the cool dress she specially put on due to the hot weather today.

The light blue hot pants revealed Qiana's slender and snow-white thighs, and paired with blue high-heeled sandals, the ten crystal clear toes made people think of holding them in the palm of their hands and taking good care of them.

The upper body is a white tight-fitting vest, which covers most of Qiana's upper body, but the waist that Yingying holds is exposed.

The long, smooth black hair was simply combed behind the head and tied into a high single ponytail.

Soon Kiana came to a square. The bronze statue of Sikar in the center of the square was very conspicuous. It was the first time that Kiana had seen such a huge bronze statue, although it was not that she had never seen a bigger statue in her previous life. But that's only seen in movies and TV dramas, and I haven't had such close contact as now.

"go to hell!"

"Haha, throw him to death."

When Kiana was staring at the bronze statue of Sikar in a daze, suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance, and Kiana's attention couldn't help but turn to that side.

I saw 50 meters away from Kiana, four or five children who looked about eleven or twelve years old were throwing stones at a black-haired boy who was not much older than them, who looked about 15 years old. Disabled, his right arm seems to be gone, and his left foot is also somewhat immobile, like a cripple, with empty sleeves swinging back and forth in the air.


The black-haired boy didn't say a word, and let the children throw stones at him, cowering to avoid, but because of his left foot, he didn't move fast, he could only use his left hand to protect himself with difficulty, and a stone hit him. He was hit in the head, and a stream of blood flowed down his forehead.

"Haha, hit him."

"Nice job, Faith!"

One of the children shouted excitedly when he saw the blood left by the black-haired boy.


what are they doingBullying?Kiana frowned as she thought.

But what made Qiana feel strange was that all the people on the pass were indifferent and stood by, and no one stood up to stop the behavior of those children.

"Continue, I have prepared a lot of stones today."

Seeing the children pick up the stones on the ground, as if they were going to continue, Kiana finally couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't bear it any longer.

"Hey, is it really okay for you to bully a disabled person like this?"

Kiana stepped on the ground with one foot, and the smooth floor suddenly cracked, and several cracks spread, staring fiercely at the bear children.

When several children saw this, they were so frightened that they threw away the stones in their hands, turned around and left.

"Wow, what a terrible big sister!"

(PS: There is also a chapter to reward and add more!)


Chapter 39 Dams

After being so frightened by Qiyana, the children were immediately frightened away and dared not stay any longer.

The surrounding passers-by were also surprised when they saw the cracked floor under Kiana's feet, and took a few steps back.


Seeing everyone was scared away by herself, Kiana put away the ferocious expression she pretended to be, walked to the black-haired boy who was thrown with stones, squatted down, stretched out her hand, and a handkerchief appeared abruptly on hand.

"Are you OK?"

Kiana wiped the blood that was about to flow into her eyes with a handkerchief and asked with concern.

The gentle movement made the black-haired boy stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the profile of Qiyana's face where she concentrated on wiping the blood from his head.

"Hey, I'm asking you something."

Seeing the blank expression of the black-haired boy, Kiana couldn't help but said loudly.

"Oh, I'm fine...all right."

Only then did the black-haired boy come back to his senses. He lowered his head and looked at the ground, muttering in a low voice. If it wasn't for Qiana's good hearing, she would almost be unable to hear clearly.

Kiana pressed the handkerchief on the wound on the black-haired boy's head, and the boy suddenly gasped in pain.


"It doesn't look as good as you said."

Seeing this, Kiana couldn't help but sigh. She thought that the country's security was good, but she didn't expect to encounter such a thing. What's even more strange is that no one around stood up to stop the behavior of those children.

From the corner of Qiyana's eyes, she swept to the passersby around her, wondering in her heart why they looked at this young man so indifferently?

"thank you for helping me."

The black-haired boy smiled and thanked him, but he knew that if the other party knew his true identity, he would not have done this, and he would not have stood up to help him.

"It's nothing, it's not pleasing to the eye when passing by. It is said that those arrogant children are really uneducated."

As Kiana said, she motioned for the black-haired boy to cover the handkerchief and hold the wound.

The black-haired boy also hurriedly reached out and probed up, taking over the wound on his head in place of Kiana, and accidentally touched Kiana's little hand in the middle. The black-haired boy's face turned slightly red, but it disappeared soon. .

"thank you very much."

After the black-haired boy thanked Kiana once again, he forced himself to stand up from the ground. The original left foot was a little inconvenient, and he didn't know where the injury was. He only felt that the whole body was in severe pain. In the end, in the process of standing up In the middle, the black-haired boy's feet were soft, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Kiana quickly reached out to support the black-haired boy.


After stabilizing his body, the black-haired boy thanked Kiana again, and Kiana sighed. It seemed that the injury was not light, and the stones picked by those arrogant children were quite heavy.

"It's nothing, just why did those kids throw stones at you?"

"...Sorry, I still have something to do, I'll go first, thank you again for your help."

The black-haired boy smiled slightly and avoided Kiana's question. If he had said the reason, the gentle and kind sister in front of him would have left him immediately, right?Just like the passers-by around him, he showed an indifferent look at himself.

He didn't know why, he just didn't want to say it, maybe he was afraid that he would be hated by the other party.

After the black-haired boy thanked Kiana, he bent down slightly and picked up a basket that had fallen on the ground, and the fruit in it was scattered all over the floor.

It seems that these things should have been hung on the ground when he was attacked just now, because the black-haired boy only has one arm, so the speed of cleaning up is very slow.

The wound on the head could not be held down any longer, the blood flowed out again, and because of the hunched body, the blood soon dripped down the face and fell to the ground again.

"I'll help you, you just need to press on your wound."

"...No need, I'll do it alone."

The black-haired boy looked at Kiana who crouched down and cleaned up with him and said quickly.

"Okay, you're injured now, go see a doctor as soon as possible."

As Kiana said, she picked up the fruits scattered on the ground, put them in a basket, and held them in her hands.

The black-haired boy only had one hand, so he could no longer hold the basket while holding the wound on his head, so Kiana decided to help him carry it first and take him to the doctor to bandage the wound on his head.

"I'll carry it for you, go see a doctor."

"...No, no need to go to the doctor."

Qiana couldn't help but stunned when she heard the words, and then said, "You have such a big wound, why don't you go to the doctor? What if the wound becomes infected? If it is serious, you will die."

"It's okay, just wash it with water, and... the doctor won't treat me."

The black-haired boy said with a bitter smile.


Kiana was speechless, why didn't even the doctor see him?Those passers-by just now saw him being bullied, but no one stood up to stop him. Are all the people here so indifferent?

"This injury is really nothing, I'm used to it, thank you, return the basket to me, I still have things to do."

"...Let me carry it for you. You can press the wound. Where are you going? I'll carry the basket for you."

"I... well, then I'll trouble my sister."

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

So, Kiana helped the black-haired boy carry the basket, followed behind the black-haired boy and left the square.

After the two of them left, the passers-by in the square began to whisper.

"That girl is pretty."

"The strength is not bad. Didn't you see that the ground cracked when she stepped on it?"

"Alas, those children of Feith are indeed a bit too much."


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