Volume Three

Chapter 1 The seal is lifted!

The next day, at the port of Tolstoy, Kiana was sitting on the bow of the boat, looking into the distance. When she asked yesterday, Kiana had already learned the approximate direction to Tatalia Island.

To complete the mission, you must go to that island, Persian cat fruit, it sounds very cute.

"Where are you going next?"

Ace's voice sounded from under the boat, Kiana looked down and saw Ace clasping her hands on her chest, and his boat was parked beside Kiana's boat.

"I'm going to Tatalia Island, how about you?"

"I don't know, let's go and see."

Ace doesn't seem to have any specific goals, or if he doesn't want to say it, Kiana doesn't bother to care.

"I'm serious, you really don't plan to give up chasing Blackbeard, you'll bring trouble to others, okay?"

"Why are you still persuading me?"

Ace also seemed to have some headaches. Kiana didn't know how long she had been nagging last night, and she knew that she wouldn't take the room on her boat. It was really a headache.

He had already told her that he would never change his mind, but he always acted like a prophet, as if he knew what the future would hold.

"Goodbye then, I hope to see you next time."

"Oh, bye."

Kiana waved goodbye to Ace. She had already persuaded her painstakingly, but Ace still refused to listen to her advice, and Kiana had no good solution.

Really, I don't care if you don't listen to advice, I don't care if you die. When you are sent to the execution platform, you will regret it to the point of crying.

Kiana thought to herself, I will never save you then, hum!

But having said that, it is impossible for Kiana to die, but Kiana is worried that after saving Ace, the world will have unforeseen circumstances.

After saying goodbye, Ace put down the canvas on his boat, and the sea breeze slowly sent him away.

Then it's time to leave, Kiana looked back at the island again, where Damus was buried.

"I'll see you later when I'm free. Bye, Damus."

Kiana said softly, and then instructed her clone to put away the anchor, while she sat on the railing at the bow, looking into the distance.

Alas, in the end Mumuguo still didn't sell, 40 million [-] million Bailey, Kiyana felt a little heartbroken just thinking about it.

Of course, it's not that Kiana didn't want to find some compensation. As the heroes who saved the whole country, Ace and her were warmly welcomed by the people, but they looked at the ruins.

Kiana didn't ask for any monetary reward, she didn't do anything at all, basically Ace was fighting.

And Ace didn't take much, just a little bit of money in a symbolic way, which was used for meals on the road.

After all, this country has experienced such a war, and the reconstruction needs a lot of money.

After a day, the news that Sikar colluded with the pirates to plan the war ten years ago also spread. Although most people said that it was difficult to believe that His Majesty Sikar would be such a person, those who were present at the time did not. yes know.

It doesn't matter what happens in this country, it has nothing to do with Kiana, they will handle it themselves.

The sails were put down, and the boat that Kiana was on also slowly left the harbor and came to the exit of the island. Ace's boat in front was already far away, and it was in the opposite direction to the direction she was going.

"Don't die, you stubborn idiot."

Kiana said in a low voice, then leaned on the beach chair and sat down, and started to make up for her sleep. At seven or eight in the morning, the surrounding air was a little cold. After she took a coat and covered Kiana, she ran to One side at the helm.

Qiana took out her mobile phone, and after receiving the gold coins from the refinery as usual, she clicked on the skill icon of Shadow Dance Armor several times to upgrade.

By the way, take a look at the update announcement of the system. Unlike previous mobile games, the system announcement in this world does not have so many fancy things, such as comics, nothing, only notices about new armors.

And the update time is also fixed, not as soon as there is a new armor, it will be updated every two months.

After opening the announcement, Kiana didn't see the announcement about the new armor, so she couldn't help but sigh in disappointment, if only a powerful armor could be produced?

Speaking of which, the heads of your material space should almost be exchanged for bounties, right?Always placed in the material space, Kiana felt like she was going to be mentally ill, and she ran around with hundreds of heads.


Suddenly, Qiana's sight was attracted by a black spot on the sea level in the distance. I saw that the black spots were getting bigger and bigger, and I could vaguely see that it was a large fleet, and more than ten ships were heading towards her. side forward.

Kiana didn't care, but continued to turn her attention back to her phone.


On the fleet in front of Kiana, a one-eyed man was standing on the bow looking forward, with a black blindfold on his head, when a subordinate behind him put down the phone bug in his hand and said to him.

"Captain Buck, the Abe brothers have not been contacted. They may have been killed by the bounty hunter."

"Really? It seems to be a step too late. When they called the bug, they had already rushed over at the fastest speed, cut."

The one-eyed man scolded secretly. Yesterday, he received a call for help from Amin and Abe, and he set off at the fastest speed. It seems that the whereabouts of the two of them should have been discovered by the bounty hunter, hum, really Two idiots.

However, they gave themselves some useful information. The bounty hunters seemed to be a group. Besides the silver-haired woman with wings, there seemed to be an older black-haired woman.

I heard that they are all very beautiful, and I don't know how beautiful they are. Anyway, after he heard the news, he told JOKER directly.

He estimated that he might get nothing this time. After the two women got the news, they should have already run away, and it is impossible for them to stay in Tolstoy.


Buck, who was thinking about things, suddenly noticed the ship ahead. The bow of the ship seemed to be a black-haired woman.

"Hey, bring me the telescope!"

Buck shouted quickly, and the man on the side handed him the telescope when he heard the words, and Buck took it and started looking at the ship ahead.


A black-haired girl, about 1.7 meters tall, with a beautiful appearance... everything fits, doesn't it?so lucky?

Buck couldn't help laughing and blossoming, even if the other party is not the person he was looking for, that appearance looks attractive, catch it and play, and then sell it when you get tired of playing, she doesn't have to worry about selling it because of her appearance Not a good price.

"Little ones, rob me of the ship in front of me!"

Buck put down the telescope in his hand and turned to speak to the crowd.

"Oh oh oh!"

All of his subordinates suddenly became excited. It seemed that they had harvested again today. Seeing the happy look of the captain, it must be a fat fish.

"Prepare the artillery, be careful not to injure the woman at the bow, I want to capture it alive!"

"Yes, Captain Buck!"

After receiving Buck's order, the pirates immediately began to work hard. The reloading cannonball, who was responsible for aligning the muzzle with the target ahead, was also struggling to aim.

For a time, more than a dozen ships appeared in a semi-circular encirclement and pressed forward, half-encircling the ship where Kiana was.

Even if they turned around and turned the rudder at this distance, it was too late to escape their encirclement.

"Hey, what do you think the people on that boat are in now?"

"Sah, who knows? I'd probably be scared to pee on that ship."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The pirates who were going to wait until the ship came into range to fire their guns began to chat, all with bloodthirsty and cruel smiles on their faces, as if they had settled for the ship.

Gradually the boat got closer and closer, and seeing that it was about to reach the range, Buck's face showed a sneer and said: "Little guys, fire!"



Dozens of shells aimed at the boat more than 700 meters ahead and flew away.


Kiana put the mobile phone in her hand back to her chest, watching the cannonballs flying in front of her and jumping onto the bow of the boat unhurriedly, her smooth black hair gradually changed color, two fox ears grew again, and a thunderbolt on her waist. Che was also transformed into an imitation sword, Bingtantian.

"I don't want to kill people, but the knife in my hand doesn't agree."

Kiana stared coldly at the cannonballs flying in front of her and sighed helplessly.

"The seal is lifted!"

Nirvana, dancing wildly in the cold weather!

Kiana's right hand was placed on the hilt of the Bingtantian knife at her waist, and she instantly drew the knife out. A chill shrouded the hearts of everyone on the pirate ship ahead, and even the sea was affected by this chill. .

With a swing of a knife, within a few kilometers in front of Kiana, it turned into a staggered area of ​​icy sword energy slashing, the sea water froze into ice, and even the pirate ship was covered with a thick layer of frost.

The cannonballs flying in the air also freeze and stagnate in the air.

Before the people on the boat even realized what was going on, they were slashed by countless icy sword qi across their bodies, and the frost spread to every corner of the body, gradually blocking their movements and slowly becoming stiff.

Many people showed horror on their faces. This was the last expression in their lives. Kiana slowly retracted the knife into the scabbard.


At the moment when the sword was returned to its sheath, a terrifying slash erupted from everyone's body, the shell exploded, the pirate ship shattered directly into countless pieces, and the seawater that was frozen into ice was also torn apart.

The shattered ice slag kept falling into the sea water, and the broken limbs and arms could be seen everywhere, surpassing the terrifying move of the four emperors' full-strength strike. In just an instant, there was no living thing within a few kilometers in front of Kiana.

"You picked a good time, and the trial card will expire a little later."

Qiana said lightly, then turned back to the chair and sat down, the boat slowly passed through the sea that was broken into countless ice slag, and gradually drifted away.


Chapter 2 Night Rose Auction

At noon, the sea was unusually calm, and Kiana flipped through the newspaper she just bought to check the latest news. As the only pleasure in sailing at sea, it was nothing but this.

What a mistake, I knew I should buy some books to read, no matter what kind of books, as long as they can relieve the boredom, Qiyana thought while reading the newspaper.

However, this voyage was unexpectedly long. It seemed that it was due to the monsoon problem. The direction of the wind was reversed, so it had a great impact on Kiana's sailing speed.

It had been ten days since she left Tolstoy, and Kiana had been on the boat, bored looking at her phone or watching the news.

It is worth mentioning that when Kiana left the island that day, she encountered a group of pirates. Lai Qiana had no idea about them. From the small map, there was no red dot in their group at all.

So Kiana didn't intend to pay attention, she just wanted to pass by them, but they didn't seem to think that way, so when the shells flew, Kiana could only helplessly fight back.

A nirvana of forgetting armor, Crazy Snow Dance, turned that area into a frozen, snowy area.

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