Is it finally here?Qiyana sat up straight, preparing to raise her placard for the auction.

The people around smiled wryly at the 50 million devil fruit, and were not prepared to bid. Although they were very interested in devil fruit, the price was too high.

"Two hundred million!"

"Oh, seller No. [-] is willing to bid [-] million, is anyone willing to bid a higher price?"


Excuse me, does this guy want to buy it too?Kiana looked at Roman on the second floor and couldn't help but feel a little worried. Seeing that he didn't seem to feel distressed when he sold [-] million, it was probably hanging.


"Four hundred million!"

Kiana had just raised the sign in her hand, and before she had time to shout, a blond man who was also in the VIP room on the second floor raised the sign in his hand and shouted.

Qiyana couldn't help turning her gaze over, and saw a blond man with blue eyes putting down the sign in his hand, about 20 years old, very handsome, like a prince in a fairy tale.

Beside him, a blond woman with an ordinary, even ugly appearance was hugging his arm tightly.

Behind the two, a tall man about 30 years old was holding his hands in front of his chest, leaning his back against the wall and staring coldly ahead, holding a bloody long knife in his arms.

Strange, there was no one there just now, when did it pass?Not paying attention at all, Kiana thought to herself.

But the man's eyes are really strange enough, such an ugly woman can also see it.


The field suddenly fell into silence, and even the auctioneer, An Qi, couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Why did such a big man come here?

Roman was naturally unhappy when he saw that someone was going to rob him of the Persian cat fruit, his eyes glared at the other party, and when he saw the other party's face clearly, Roman's back began to sweat non-stop.

Roman quickly turned his gaze back, not daring to look at each other.

The atmosphere in the field was a little weird for a while, no one dared to speak, and even many people's legs were shaking, and they couldn't help but want to kneel.

However, Qiana didn't notice this weird atmosphere, but glanced at the other party, [-] million?Damn, how come everyone is so rich?

No matter, how many are there? Thinking of this, Kiana raised the sign in her hand and shouted, "[-] million!"


As soon as Kiana's words fell, everyone's eyes in the entire auction were on Kiana's body, and many people looked horrified. Is this person dying?

Qiana held up the sign and found that everyone was looking at her, she couldn't help but feel a little strange, huh?Why are you all looking at me?I know that [-] million Bailey is indeed a lot, but your eyes are so strange.

(PS: Reward plus more.)


Chapter 5 Kaito Kiana, attack!

"Tsk, what is that person doing? Brother, kill her."

The woman snuggling next to the blond man frowned. Unexpectedly, they all bid, and there are people who are not afraid of death and dare to increase the price.

"Did I say don't hold me?"

The blond man pulled his hand out of the woman's embrace and gave him a cold look.

"elder brother……"

The blond girl seemed to be a little aggrieved, she withdrew her fearful hands, and did not dare to make any extra moves. After seeing that she was honest, the blond man turned his attention to Kiana on the first floor again.

A compulsive aura rose, and the inherent arrogance and indifference made everyone present couldn't help but feel scared.

"Six hundred million!"

The blond man raised the sign in his hand and said, this move completely made Qiana give up the idea of ​​bidding.

Damn it, why did such a rich man suddenly appear to grab the fruits from him?Qiyana couldn't help being a little discouraged. She heard that the starting price of the Persian cat fruit was only 50 million Baileys, so she thought that this fruit was not favored by others.

I can easily buy it, but I don't know that the blond man on the second floor has the wrong nerve to spend [-] million to buy this devil fruit.

You must know that Qiana herself is willing to pay [-] million Bailey because of the task, otherwise she would not pay such a high price.

[-] million?It seems that she can't buy it. Kiana calculated all her belongings and found that at most [-] was her limit.

Kiana sighed helplessly, put down the sign in her hand, and gave up the competition.

Seeing that Qiyana gave up the auction, the people around were relieved. Fortunately, this woman did not continue to increase the price, otherwise she would die.

Although Qiyana was wearing a mask, her silver bell-like female voice when she called for the price just now made everyone understand that she was a woman.

Many people wiped the sweat from their heads. Fortunately, the blond man on the second floor didn't care about Qiana, otherwise it would be difficult to get them involved.

After seeing Qiyana give up, the blond man on the second floor took his eyes off Qiyana's body, looked at An Qi on the stage expressionlessly and said, "It's time to hit the hammer."

"Ah, yes... yes."

An Qi fell directly with a hammer.

"Seller No. [-] successfully bid for the Persian cat fruit at a price of [-] million Bailey. Congratulations."


Hello, isn't it?Does the program go this way?Learn about the auction rules!Kiana secretly complained in her heart, what is the situation of a direct deal?

Kiana leaned against the back of the chair, silently observing the very handsome blond man on the second floor, grabbing the fruit from me, hmph, I'll steal it for you at night.

Kiana thought to herself that Kiana, the Persian cat fruit, was inevitable and would never be given to others.

The blond man also seemed to have noticed Kiana's gaze, and turned to look at Kiana, and the smell of gunpowder instantly filled the air.


Suddenly, the blond man smiled slightly, and it was interesting. Someone dared to look at him, did he not know his identity?Even so, didn't you feel the abnormal atmosphere around you?Seems like a stupid guy.

"Kasa... lord, do you want me to deal with her?"

Behind the blond man, the black watermelon-haired man with his back against the wall asked in a deep voice, the blood-colored long knife in his hand beeping slightly.

"No need, Buttf, it's a shame to deal with a fool."

The blond man known as Casa slowly shook his head. When Butterf saw this, he stopped talking, but silently waited behind the two brothers and sisters of Casa.

Buttoff behind Casa naturally attracted Kiana's attention. He was wearing a short-sleeved black shirt. His bulging muscles almost burst his shirt. The blood-colored long knife in his arms, with a few cherry blossom patterns on the handle, came alive. As if dancing in the wind.

This person is very strong, and with just a glance, Kiana can feel the dangerous aura brought by his existence.

Kiana silently pulled out the phone from her chest and opened the small map. As expected, there was a big red dot, and the color depth was also unusual.

It's a strong enemy, Kiana thought to herself, and put away her phone at the same time, but it was convenient for Kiana to track them.

The swordsman seemed to be the bodyguard of the blond man. For a rich man who could easily give out [-] million baileys, he must protect him every step of the way.

You just need to keep looking at the small map, keep track of their locations, and wait until you steal them at night.

Kiana began to plan the action at night. She couldn't wait. If the Persian cat fruit was eaten by someone, Kiana might kill the person who ate the Persian cat fruit and let the fruit regenerate.

If it's not a last resort, Kiana honestly doesn't want to do this, she can try her best not to kill anyone.

In the next auction, Kiana was no longer interested, and immediately got up and left here, and came to the outside of the auction hall.

After coming outside, Kiana looked at the sky with the bright sun, and her stomach made a slight noise. I was hungry, and the clone should be ready to eat, right?

Forget it, let’s eat at a random restaurant in the city. The cooking skills of the clone are as stinky as those of the Kiana people. After eating too much, I always feel uncomfortable.

Kiana thought for a while and decided not to go back to the boat. The clone has not disappeared yet, and Kiana could sense that there should be nothing on the boat.

Clone is a good thing, Kiana is considering whether to upgrade Shadow Dance to SS level to unlock the passive skill of ultimate move, and summon more clones to help.


"Did you move?"

At the port, after having lunch, Kiana, who had returned to the ship, was lying on a beach chair on her bow deck, keeping track of the movements of the red dot with her mobile phone in her hand.

On this island, there are a total of two small red dots, one of which is the watermelon-haired swordsman I saw in the auction just now, and the color is darker.

The other is in the depths of the naval station, and Kiana deduces that this red spot is most likely to be Colonel Billy of the naval branch here.

It is very easy to distinguish, and the one with the darker color is the swordsman.

It may be that the auction has ended. The red dot in the auction floor has begun to move, and the location has changed, and Kiana has begun to concentrate on observation.

If the other party has the idea of ​​leaving the island, then Kiana will naturally follow, but in that case, it will be a bit difficult to steal the Persian cat fruit without knowing it.

After all, on the vast sea, the other party could see at a glance that there was a boat following him, and he couldn't hide. Kiana didn't want to fight that watermelon-headed swordsman.

Compared to the strongest Jones on Boom Island, he is undoubtedly several grades higher. According to the level of strength, he is equivalent to a character with a bounty of [-] million.

It can be said that it is compared to some weaker Qiwuhai. At present, Kiana has no good solution to the other party. She does not have the aura of the protagonist like Luffy. .

Crocodile, the sand crocodile, one of the seven seas, is a natural fruit person who was just solved by a Luffy who has not yet mastered the domineering of the armed color. The aura of the protagonist is too serious, at least Kiana thinks she can't do it.

Unless Kiana uses another trial card, but Kiana is reluctant, let’s see the situation first, if you can steal it, it’s the best, it’s really not good, Kiana uses another trial card and directly grabs it.

Kiana looked at the red dots on the small map and turned around, as if she was shopping, always moving on those avenues.

Kiana didn't want to look after watching it for a while. Now even if the other party stopped, Kiana couldn't be sure where the other party lived. She should wait until seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and then look at the other party's location.

In this way, Kiana looked at the map on her phone every once in a while to confirm that those few people would not leave Tatalia Island without her knowledge.

Gradually, the time was getting later and later, the sun had already set on the horizon and the sea level, and the sun was shining quietly at dusk.

The whole Tattaglia Island seemed to be covered with a layer of golden yarn, which was so beautiful. The sea breeze gently blew Kiyana's black hair. It was almost 10 minutes, and Kiyana picked up her phone again to take a look.

"Why did you go to the naval station again?"

Kiana looked at the position of the red dots. The two red dots almost overlapped. It was obvious that they had met. Maybe they were talking.

Does the group have anything to do with the Navy?Kiana secretly guessed.

For the next time, the little red dot representing the watermelon-headed swordsman stayed at the navy's station and did not move until nine o'clock in the evening.

"Hey, isn't it? Are you saying you live in a naval base? Do you want me to go to the base to steal something? Hey!"

Kiana was a little depressed, and swayed her feet back and forth very unhappy. Now the difficulty of stealing things has skyrocketed, damn it.

Kiana could never have imagined that the handsome blond guy was still living in the navy station, and things would become a little troublesome now.

"Che, it doesn't matter where you live, Persian cat fruit, I'll make it."

After being depressed for a long time, Kiana adjusted her mentality and waved her small fist with great momentum.

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