"Lord Casa, are you okay? There seems to be an intruder."


Kiana looked back at the door, not knowing what to do, now, it's impossible to steal the Persian cat fruit, and now it's estimated that she can't even escape without using the trial card.


At this time, Kasa, who was tied up by Qiyana Wuhua, also raised his head in confusion, as if he was woken up by the sound of the alarm.

"Attention, there are trespassers!"

The loudspeaker outside also repeated it, and Casa instantly woke up and understood his current situation.

Kiana stepped forward in three steps and two steps to pull Rachel out and pressed it against the opponent's neck.

The sharp blade was about to cut the skin of Casar's neck slightly, and a trace of bright red blood flowed out. Kiana glared at Casar and whispered, "Do you know what to do?"


Casa glared back without showing weakness, but was quickly slapped in the face by Kiana.

"Lord Casa? Are you okay? Please answer me!"

Buttoff outside the door has not received a response from Casa for a long time, and he can't help but wonder if the intruder has already entered Casa's room?But I didn't feel it at all.

Butterf put his hand on the handle, and when he was about to push the door and enter, Kassana's majestic voice came out.

"I'm fine, Buttf, and you told those navies to turn off the alarm, and it made me sleep."


Hearing this, Buttf felt a little relieved, and then he was ready to carry out Kasa's order. The sound of Buttf's footsteps went further and further away, and Kiana was listening by the door, slightly relieved.

Fortunately, it has been concealed for the time being. Although the situation is still not optimistic, it has left time for myself to find the Persian cat fruit. I believe that after a while, the guy may notice it.

"You are very courageous, say, what is your purpose?"

Kasa, who was tied to the chair, did not feel bound at all, but instead questioned Kiana.

"Where did you put the Persian cat fruit?"

Kiana deliberately lowered her voice and asked. As she spoke, she walked towards Casa, and at the same time, Rachel pressed against Casa again.

"Persian cat fruit? So that's the case, are you the woman during the day? I already know your voice, it's useless to change it."

Casa just thought about it slightly, and then guessed Qiana's identity. The Persian cat fruit is not a valuable devil fruit, and the animal fruit is also a kind of waste.

And this woman took such a big risk to break into the naval base and even kidnapped herself. Kasa didn't understand why the other party was so obsessed with this animal fruit. Does it have any special meaning to her?

"Just tell me where the Persian cat fruit is, don't talk nonsense."

Kiana slapped the opponent's face again, and immediately a clear palm print was swollen high, and Kasa, who was beaten, immediately glared back.

"You woman, do you know who I am? You dare to insult me ​​like this?"

"Didn't I say don't say unnecessary nonsense?"

Kiana slammed a punch on Casa's stomach, and Casa immediately bowed, but due to the rope, Casa was strangled to the neck.

The punch was so powerful that it almost made Kasa faint again in pain and vomited out his bile.

"Uh...cough cough!"

Casa was very uncomfortable, his face flushed, and his handsome face became a little distorted at this time.

After a while, Casa slowed down, leaned back on the back of the chair, and stared at Kiana fiercely.

"If you treat me like this, you will regret it sooner or later. I belong to the Efidel family, stupid woman!"


Kiana slammed Kasa's stomach again, and said a little helplessly: "Didn't I tell you all? Don't talk nonsense, just tell me where you put the fruit, you guy can't listen understand?

"...Hehe, woman, you are the first person to dare to do this to me. I remember you. What's your name?"


Kiana has given up, is this guy stalling for time?Aren't you afraid of killing him if you don't say it for a while?

Qiana was too lazy to pay attention to the other party, turned around and started to look at the surrounding environment. I have to say that the things in this room are very luxurious. The bed on one side is full of five meters long and wide, lying on it and rolling on it. All is fine.

On the other side is a bookshelf and a desk. Kiana walked over to check if there was anything on the desk, and Kiana pulled out the drawer to check.

She intends to find it by herself. Since he bought it, there should be a high probability that it will be placed in his room, and she should be able to find it just by looking for it.

And Kasa's line of sight has been following Kiana's figure.

"Do you know what you're doing now? If you're a little wiser, let me go now, and maybe I'll keep you alive."

"Can the guy tied to the chair shut up?"

Kiana glared at the other party fiercely, who does this guy think he is?Haven't figured out the situation yet?

"Haha, it's this look again, since childhood, you were the first woman who dared to treat me like this."

Casa leaned against the back of the chair, as if he thought it was very interesting, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Then I'm really honored."

Kiana kept rummaging through the drawers, talking to each other in a random manner.

"I really want to know what kind of face you have under that mask, can you show me?"

"Can you stop talking about such an impossible thing?"

Qiyana rolled her eyes at the other person speechlessly. She wore a mask just to prevent others from seeing her true face. How could she show it to her?

The air was silent for a while, except for the sound of Kiana rummaging through the drawers.

After a while, Kiana found a small black box in the top drawer on the right. Seeing this, Kiana hurriedly took out the box and opened it to check.

The Persian cat fruit I saw this morning is lying quietly in the box, with the same texture and color.

"Congratulations, you found it, but how are you going to get out now?"

Casa looked at Kiana with a smile on her face. Although the sirens outside had stopped now, the navy had surrounded the building, and although Casa did not see the scene downstairs, it was urgent from here. You can tell from the sound of footsteps.

As the eldest son of the Efidel family, his identity is not ordinary. In the future, the Efidel family will be in charge of him. It is natural for the navy to immediately come to protect themselves as soon as they hear of intruders.

"You don't have to worry about it, ah, although it's not much, the [-] million Bailey should be used as compensation. My job is not a thief."

Kiana threw [-] million Bailey on the table, and the heavy money slammed on the table, almost filling the entire table and stacking it high.

"I didn't expect that you are still an ability person, ability related to space?"

"You don't have to know that much."

Qiana said casually, leaning against the window at the same time, looking out, there are hundreds of naval soldiers below, I don't know why they are all surrounded by this building and haven't dispersed for a long time.

Kiana was a little impatient. She couldn't understand why the navy didn't leave. Could it be that she knew she was here?

"If you're trying to wait for those navies to leave, there's no way they're going to leave this building without catching the intruder."

Casa smiled slightly, as if seeing through what Kiana was thinking.


"They are all here to protect me. As long as the threat of the intruder is not lifted, it is impossible for them to leave here."

Qiyana was a little surprised when she heard the words. It turned out to be the case. No wonder those navies have been guarding the downstairs to protect this guy in front of you?Well, now it's a bit of a hassle.

"Understand your current situation? Infiltrating into my room is considered powerful, but you can't escape. If you untie me now and surrender to me, I can still save your life."

Casa stared at Kiana closely. He really wanted to see the expression of regret from this strong woman. He wanted her to pay for the rude behavior he had just done.

Kiana left the window and walked slowly towards Kasa. Kasa couldn't help chuckling when she saw this, did she finally soften?

"That's right, just do as I say, you just have to obey my orders... uh!"

Kiana punched the opponent's stomach again. This time, she directly punched all the dinner in Kasa's stomach. The sour gastric juice was mixed with the undigested food residue and all spit on the ground. .

"Your tone really annoys me, where are you the emperor?"

Kiana raised her fist and looked at each other coldly. This man really showed a kind of innate arrogance all over his body, like a shaking S, which made Kiana a little disgusted.


"Goodbye, it will be indefinite in the future!"

Kiana said, she trotted all the way straight to the window and rushed out, breaking the window and jumping out, since she was surrounded, Kiana had no choice but to rush!

And the movement of Kiana's broken window naturally attracted the attention of the navy soldiers on the ground.

Countless pieces of glass fell on the ground, and Kiana's figure flying in the air just overlapped with the moon. Under the silver moonlight, Kiana's figure flying in the air was as elegant as a fairy.

Countless navies below stared wide-eyed and watched Qiana fall on the top floor of the building next to her.

"...It's an intruder."

The navy immediately frowned, and the intruder actually flew out of that room. Immediately, all the navies felt that their backs were sweating, and the future was bleak.

Butterf in the next room heard the movement, and immediately grabbed the tachi with the bloody cherry blossom pattern beside the bed and came to the door of Kasa's room.

Butterf saw Cassa lying on the ground and tied to a chair at a glance, and his face changed greatly.

"Lord Casa Santa!"

"I said don't add that suffix to my name, right? Do you think adding a holy suffix is ​​superior to others? That's the idea that only people who truly feel inferior and feel that they are not as noble as others have."

Casa angrily scolded, but Batf hurriedly bowed his head to admit his mistake, and at the same time stepped forward to untie the ropes for Casa.

"Sorry, Mr. Kassa, I was just quick to talk."

"I'll kill you next time I do it again."

After undoing the rope, Kasa stood up, pressing his right hand on his stomach, and kept looking at the direction where Kiana escaped through the broken window.

"Buttf, catch that woman... I want her to know what happens when she offends the Tianlong people."

"Yes, Lord Casar."


Chapter 8 Am I cute?

Tianlong people, world nobles, living in the holy land of Mariejoa, descendants of the twenty kings who established the world government 800 years ago, enjoy all privileges.

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