It shouldn't be a problem to leave Casa here by yourself, right?What if Kasa is killed by someone else, and the world government is to blame?Kiana didn't want to take the blame.

Therefore, Qiana did not leave for the time being. She had to make sure that the island was not in danger before handing over the phone bug used to contact Buttf to Kasa, and then she quickly left the sea by boat, and then switched Change the appearance of other armors, and say goodbye to the big trouble of the dragon people.

Afterwards, Kiana and Casa found some other kinds of canned food one after another, as well as cooking oil, salt and other seasonings, and fresh water. Of course, Kiana was rude to all the income and material space, and did not leave it at all. Down.

And in the process, Kiana also found a lot of Bailey, although not much, only more than [-] Bailey, most of which were found from dead bodies, and Kiana did not shy away.

These are all used for ten consecutive draws. Anyway, the dead can't use the money. Qiana doesn't take it for nothing.

"Do you like money so much?"

With a can of fish in hand, Kasa leaned against a wall pillar, feeding one from time to time, while watching Kiana rummaging through the dead body.

Kiana glanced at the other party, then lowered her head and continued to do her own thing.

"It's none of your business, but in this environment, you can still eat it. I'm really convinced you."

"Well, I'm hungry, it doesn't matter."

With that said, Kasa ate another dried salted fish, and then took two sips from a kettle.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance, which seemed to be an explosion. The two followed the prestige and saw a huge black figure on the suspension bridge connecting two mountains of nearly 400 meters outside the town. Because it was too far away, Qiyana I can't see very clearly.

However, at such a long distance, Kiana and Kasa could still see each other's figures, and the black figure was not very big.

"...Go and have a look."

Kiana stopped what she was doing. She wanted to find out the identity of the figure standing on the suspension bridge. Is he a resident of this island or the one who caused the tragedy in this town?

"Hey, no, that guy is obviously not easy to mess with, anyway, we already have food, let's go directly to the next island."

Seeing that Kiana was going, Kasa hurriedly stopped it, but Kiana had already decided, and it was useless for Kasa to stop.

Looking at the back of Kiana walking farther and farther, Kasa could only sigh helplessly, and then quickly followed Kiana.

The gloomy sky still kept pouring downpour, and from time to time a dazzling electric light flashed, and the two of them walked along the road up the mountain to the suspension bridge at the top of the mountain.


Chapter 19 spike!

The road up the mountain is not so easy to walk, there is a lot of dirt, plus the heavy rain, it will slip if you are not careful, Qiana is fine, Kasa is tightly leaning against the inner side of the mountain road, Leaning on the mountain wall with his hands, he moved forward cautiously.

On Kakuma Island, two hills with a height of nearly 400 meters rise very abruptly, giving people a sense of disobedience, as if a whole mountain was split from the middle with a knife, and the middle of the two mountains is Steep cliffs, extremely smooth.

Kiana couldn't help but guess whether there was a big boss-level character who fought here, otherwise it would be really impossible to rely on nature alone to cause such a spectacle.

The two walked up the mountain road all the way, and Casa had to persuade Qiyana almost every time they walked.

"Kiana, let's go back, there's no need to get entangled on this island."

"If you are afraid, you can go back to the ship by yourself first."

With a clone guarding the boat, Kiana is not afraid that Casa will seize the boat and run away, and Kiana believes that Casa does not have the courage.

"You're really not afraid. That person is most likely the murderer who killed the residents of this island. I really don't understand why you want to go there."


Kiana didn't answer Kasa's words. She had already seen the small map before entering the island. There is no small red dot on this island, which means that there is no existence powerful enough to threaten her life, so Qi Yana was reassured.

What's more, the tragedy that happened on this island also made Kiana feel a little sympathetic.

No matter what the identity of the black figure is, whether he is the surviving aborigines in this small town, or the butcher who killed the entire town, Kiana has to find out. If it is the former, Kia Na will ask the other party what happened to the island.

If he is the murderer, then Qiyana will kill the opponent without saying a word, and can slaughter the residents of a small town, no matter what the reason, his character is definitely not much better.

And being able to kill the residents of a small town has some strength, and there may be a bounty, so it's just to earn some extra money.

After Kiana made up her mind, she stepped faster and soon left Kasa behind. Kasa looked at Kiana who was walking further and further, and she could only step up her steps helplessly. to follow.


Another loud noise came out, and the two looked up at the sky. Since they were in a bad position at this time, they couldn't see the place where the sound came from, but the approximate location should be on the suspension bridge. Maybe Or the movement made by that figure just now.

This time, I got closer, so the sound became louder and deafening. Kasa couldn't help covering his ears.

It seemed that it was coming, and Kiana heard the sound, and once again accelerated her speed and trot forward all the way. After climbing a short steep slope, Kiana finally came to the edge of the suspension bridge.

I saw a huge black figure standing quietly in the middle of a suspension bridge with a length of [-] meters, with a height of nearly seven meters, and that wide back, Qiana just glanced at it and was stunned.


This height, this body type, although Kiana only saw the other person's back, but a name flashed in her mind, Bartholomew Bear.

One of the King's Qiwuhai, a pirate with extremely terrifying strength, on the surface he is the only person in the Qiwuhai who obeys the navy, but in fact he is a revolutionary army who wants to overthrow the world government.

The moment Kiana saw the opponent's back, she subconsciously thought of him, but she shook her head, she had already confirmed the small map before she came to the island, and there was no small red dot, that is to say The person in front of him should not be a bear, but a similar size.

Kiana thought silently, and at the same time she took out the phone from her chest, opened the small map to check it, and prepared to confirm it again.

But this time, it was beyond Kiana's expectations. I saw a dim little red dot flashing constantly on the small map not far from her. Kiana couldn't help but be surprised when she saw this, eh?How is this going?Why did the red dot appear all of a sudden?

Qiyana couldn't figure it out. Could this guy really be a bear?Just came here just now?You must know that this guy in the original book has the ability to fly. You only need to use the ability to take a picture of yourself and fly for a few days and nights.

It's very possible that the bear came to the island after checking his phone just now.

Could it be that this guy received an order from the navy to pursue him and take back Casa?Qiana's footsteps couldn't help but take two steps back, but after thinking about it, it seems unlikely, this guy has no reason to know that he will come here.

No, calm down, Xiong, as one of the Seven Martial Seas, has a very abnormal ability of the flesh ball fruit. If the person in front of him is really Xiong Zun, then there is no reason for the red dot on the minimap to be so light. This little red dot The bleak level is almost the same as that of Colonel Billy on Tatalia Island.

And Bartholomew Xiong's strength is obviously impossible to be so low, his strength is among the best even in the Seven Wuhai, and he can rank in the top three, mainly because of his fruit ability. And fatigue are all shot out of the body, which is even more abnormal compared to Qiyana's saintess ultimate move.

As long as he can't kill the bear in seconds, he can fight almost all the time, and relying on the fruit's ability to achieve the terrifying effect of teleportation, a teleportation, plus a slap, will shoot you right away, and give you a free three-day and three-night Air tickets can be said to be bug-level.

Such a perverted character was still thinking about how the comic author would come back when she read the comics. Unexpectedly, she voluntarily accepted the transformation of Vega Punk, a scientist from the World Government, and became a transformed person, directly losing the With his own consciousness, although the ability is still there, the battle consciousness is naturally going to be regressed, and it can be regarded as a weakness.

Therefore, there is no need to describe his strength any more. The dim little red dot on the small map is definitely not a bear, at most a person with a similar size to a bear.

After thinking about this, Kiana was also relieved, but now the problem comes again, since the other party is not a bear, then it is impossible for him to fly directly like a bear, which means that he was originally on this island. above.

So why didn't I find the existence of the other party when I first looked at the minimap?Kiana couldn't understand, the small map wouldn't lie to herself.

You must know that before you entered the island, it took only more than an hour to confirm the small map again just now, and your small map can display the distance of the small red dot within a radius of five kilometers.

Besides, the time when she discovered the other party had to be pushed forward a little bit, that is, the time from the first time she looked at the mini-map to confirm that there was no red dot to the time when she found this person was less than 10 minutes.

Within three 10 minutes, from a distance of five kilometers to the suspension bridge on the mountain that is less than 700 meters away from Kiyana, not to mention that the other party has to climb a mountain that is nearly 400 meters away. The road up the mountain is winding and circling, Nor is it a straight road.

In short, it would be difficult to do it if it wasn't for the full speed. In addition to being surprised by the speed of the other party, Kiana also secretly guessed the purpose of this person coming to this suspension bridge in such a hurry.

Suddenly, the tall figure standing on the suspension bridge began to move, and I saw him slowly turning around and facing Qiyana sideways. At this time, Qiyana was able to see the other party's appearance clearly, only a layer of black The metal shell covers his face, and there are many screws on it.

Then he slowly opened his mouth, aiming at the distant sky, and a terrifying energy gathered in his mouth.

Seeing this familiar scene, Kiana couldn't help exclaiming, "Damn it, is this... a pacifist?"

According to legend, the legendary scientist Vegapunk, who has led the world in technology for 500 years, developed an artificial human based on the prototype of Bartholomew Bear, a secret weapon of the navy.

"Oh, I'm exhausted, you don't wait for me!"

At this time, Kasa, who was left far behind by Kiana, finally came here. When he saw Kiana, he immediately waved to the other party.

"...Give me quiet!"

Kiana turned her head and glared at the other party and said, but it was too late. The android who seemed to be a pacifist standing on the suspension bridge had already heard Kasa's voice and turned his body to face Kiana. I saw that the energy was constantly increasing in its mouth, and the eyes were shining.

Kiana could even feel that the other party had locked her target at this time. Kiana looked at the dark muzzle that kept accumulating energy in its mouth, and the dim yellow light came out from it.


A laser beam with super destructive power flew out of the pacifist's mouth and aimed straight at Qiana's chest. At such a close distance, Qiana had almost no time to dodge, so she was directly hit by the laser beam. penetrated the chest.

After the laser penetrated through Kiana's chest, it continued to pass through the mountain wall behind Kiana, and the explosion sounded, the rock burst apart, and the powerful power of the explosion would even continue to fall. The rain was shaken to one side.


Kiana spit out a mouthful of blood, and then slowly lowered her head to look down, only to see a huge hole opened in her chest, and the internal organs were clearly visible, and the terrifying high temperature of the laser also gave the internal organs. Burned a lot.

Kiana's body fell to the ground uncontrollably, and then fell forward on the ground, turning into a faint blue light and dissipating.

With just one blow, the 57-level A-rated Shadow Dance armor with full blood was instantly killed and entered a resting state.


Chapter 20 This must be fake


Kasa saw Kiana's figure falling to the ground weakly, and was stunned for a while, then shouted.

After the pacifist eliminated Kiana, his eyes naturally noticed Kasa, and the pacifist slowly raised his right arm and aimed his palm at Kasa.

In the center of the palm, a small muzzle appeared, and a wave of energy gathered in it, and it seemed that it was going to attack Kasa.


Casa narrowed his eyes slightly. As a Tianlong person, he naturally knew the secret weapon that the Navy was developing, and because of curiosity, he also visited Bergapunk's laboratory.

The thing in front of him is almost exactly the same as the so-called pacifist in the laboratory, but the difference is that it is not colored, and it is just covered with a layer of black fabric.

Why is the Navy's secret weapon here?Kasa did not expect that someone came to save him?No, if he is here to save himself, what is this pacifist doing now?

Why point the muzzle at yourself?You are a Tianlong person, and the secret weapon of the navy is actually pointed at you?

"Don't be stupid, get away from me!"

Suddenly, Kiana's voice came, and Casa recovered from the shock, but then looked at Kiana in surprise.

I don't know when Kiana actually got up again, holding Rachel in her hand, and staring grimly at the pacifist who was accumulating energy and preparing to use the laser cannon.

"Eh? Kiana, aren't you dead?"

Kasa's appearance of seeing a ghost made Kiana very unhappy and said: "You just died, hurry up and get back to the boat for me."

Kiana doesn't know why there are pacifists here. It stands to reason that the Navy should not know the whereabouts of herself and Casa. Does the Navy have any way to locate Casa?Like a life card or something?

But if that's the case, the Navy should have found itself long ago, knowing that it is very simple to catch up with its own ship at the speed of a naval warship.

Just when Kiana was thinking about it, she realized that the muzzle of the pacifist did not seem to be aimed at herself, but at Casar.

All previous conjectures have been overturned, wait, what the hell is attacking Casa?Is the navy attacking what it protects?

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