The most uncomfortable thing is that Aina originally thought that he was just a small person and the other party would not pay much attention to him, so he put a stinky face under the other party's eyelids, and everyone could see that Aina had an opinion on the golden knight. Smelly face, but what I never expected was that the golden knight who had just finished his work looked at Aina at first glance, and also had a faint feeling of wanting to come and touch.

Before the Golden Knight could reveal his affairs, he met Aina's disgusting face at a glance. As a little fan girl behind the scenes, the Golden Knight saw his favorite Aina showing such a disgusting expression, and she always felt strong. Like falling into an abyss, he left the scene like a desolate dog.

Aina, who was originally caught by the golden knight's eyes, didn't get nervous before she saw the other party with a lost expression and left. For a moment, Aina wanted to stop the other party to comfort him. After all, the other party looked like he did it because of himself. Becoming so lost, but in the end Aina still didn't cry out. Whether it was when the dragon was slaughtered before or the appearance of hundreds of werewolves waving away now, Aina had a sense of fear, fearing that the other party would be in a bad mood. To their own detriment, E-rank heroes have no way to defy S-rank heroes.

In this way, Aina watched the Golden Knight leave the scene, but this did not mean that Aina had nothing to do. Just as she was about to leave, Aina was stopped by people from the Superhero League.At first, Aina thought it was because Phil had stabbed the other person to death in order to save him, and now the Alliance wants to ask himself.It turned out that the matter was indeed the previous incident, but the other party did not come to trouble him, but apologized for the previous incident.

Thinking about it, no matter how corrupt the alliance is, they won't let this kind of open-minded people messing around. Phil helped deal with the alliance, but he agreed with both hands and feet.Aina didn't get too entangled in this matter. Although this matter left a great shadow on Aina, she also got to know Phil, a strange girl, which was more or less a blessing in disguise.

After clearing up the misunderstanding, the staff of the alliance invited Aina to visit the alliance branch in N City, saying that it was to give Aina some medals and the like, and there were still some things to discuss. Get ready for a D-level job.

This sudden news surprised Aina. You must know that ordinary people may not be able to become a D-level hero after being a hero for two or three years. He is about to be promoted in less than two months. This can not surprise Aina. ?

But thinking about this is a reasonable thing, Aina's previous achievements are very high, and the incident of taking a shot with his body some time ago has attracted the attention of the alliance, and a little investigation and analysis of Aina's Strength, it is not a strange thing to become a D-level hero, and there will be a good rookie alliance that will vigorously cultivate it.

Becoming a D-level hero is not a big deal, but it is not a small one. If you become a D-level hero, you can have your own hero title, just like Phil's shadow thorn and Qin Shi's flash reporter. After obtaining this title, it proves that you have become a real hero, and the popularity among the masses will increase rapidly as the income increases.

But thinking about it from another angle, D-level heroes are the lowest-level heroes recognized by the masses, and it can be said that they still belong to the lowest-level first-order.The difficulty of upgrading is several times more difficult than before, and it is absolutely impossible to upgrade to one level in a month.There is also the obligation to support major disasters, and the mortality rate has also increased significantly.

But no matter what, Aina is still very happy that she can be promoted to D-level. After all, this is a recognition of herself by the world, which is the biggest encouragement to Aina, who has been left out in the cold.There is only one thing that worries Aina very much, that is, as the level increases, the fame will become bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, a very beautiful and very popular hero will enter someone's ears, and At that time, most of them will be arrested by him.

"It's a bleak future~"

Standing outside the gate of the Superhero Association branch and thinking about the details of last night, Aina couldn't help sighing, her delicate doll-like face was gradually replaced by sorrow, making people want to go forward. Embrace the urge to pamper him.

Before, I promised to come to the branch to discuss the matter, but when Aina saw this familiar building, she couldn't help but retreat. After all, too many bad things have happened here, and there is no time. It's hard to pretend that you don't care.

Unfortunately, Phil, who has been very busy all the time, took an assassination mission today and had no time to accompany Aina. Even Qin Shi had to kill a criminal gang because of the area he was protecting. I can only come here by myself, and to be honest, there is no place.

"Fight! 』

After some thought, Aina gritted her teeth and walked in. After all, it's impossible to let other people's pigeons go after making an appointment with others, right?Aina hated those who put pigeons the most.

Fortunately, this time Aina understood the way and would not wander around the branch for a long time as before. Finally, she was tricked into the small dark room. According to the information given to herself by the staff, Aina walked straight to the reception room. On the way, people who saw that Aina looked good and seemed to strike up a conversation were also rejected by Aina one by one.

"excuse me! 』

"Please come in. 』

Aina politely knocked on the door, opened it gently after getting permission, and walked in.When I entered, I saw a large table. On the opposite side of the table sat a black-haired man with eyes. From the outside, he looked very elegant and gentleman. In Aina's eyes, this person's impression was very high. .

"Hello, you must be Mr. Estreya, I am the consultant in charge of your hero business, you can call me Li Ling. 』

"Hello!If you can, I like that you can call me Aina. I myself know that my full name is a bit long to pronounce, so just call me Aina directly. On the contrary, if you can, I would like to call you Li Ling directly. 』

"Of course, that's what I wanted you to call me at first. 』

Li Ling showed a handsome smile, and before he knew it, Aina had already regarded Li Ling as a friend. It could be said that he was very unprepared for him. If Phil knew about this situation, he would have to be taught a lesson again.

"Then I won't say more nonsense, here are the documents related to the registration of D-rank heroes, and it's just some simple contracts, but please take a closer look. 』

"Um. 』

Aina took the documents handed over by Li Ling and looked at them carefully. The contents above were very few of the regulations on the maintenance of the hero's normal image, and they could not be called heroes of other organizations, but could only be expressed as heroes of the alliance. Identity, it looks like a signed artist.After carefully confirming that there was no problem, Aina signed it, and Li Ling handed Aina a card.

"this is? 』

"On the ID card proving that you are a D-level hero, the name column on it should still be empty, and the name can only be determined after discussion above. 』

"oh, I see. 』

Looking at the card made of special alloy in his hand, Aina has a feeling that she may not be able to break it with all her strength, and this shape reminds Aina of the Adventurer's Guild over there in her hometown, and the adventurer's identity card over there. Almost, maybe this look was created to make it easier for adventurers who want to change careers to become heroes.

It is said that the Adventurer's Guild is an organization before human beings have arrived on this planet. Like most novels, the Adventurer's Guild is an organization to reduce disasters and the number of surrounding monsters, and also to let those who only know how to fight. Humans provide a job and a source of income, in a sense similar to the nature of a superhero league.

28. Small animals need to be treated well

After that, Aina and Li Ling talked for a while, mainly listening to Li Ling explaining what things to pay attention to.

"Oh, by the way, Aina, do you have any idea to pick up some business activities? 』

"business activities? 』

"Well, after all, heroes who have risen to D-rank are already half public figures, and they are more or less famous. They are loved by people like idols, and heroes in commercial activities are often accepted, and the more advanced heroes are accepted. The more activities, after all, no one will have a hard time with money, but there are exceptions to everything. The S-class hero Golden Knight has no business activities. Obviously, regardless of strength or appearance, they are first-class, which also leads to Among the heroes of the same level, the golden knight has been the most uncomfortable, and I can't say that it is uncomfortable. It can only be said that it is not extravagant. After all, the salary of the S-level hero itself is several times higher than that of the average person. 』

"Tsk. 』

Aina couldn't help stunned when she mentioned the familiar word golden knight. No matter where she went, she could encounter things related to this person, but the fact that the golden knight did not accept business activities caught Aina's attention. After all, Aina Na himself didn't want to pick it up.

"Commercial activities... I don't really have any interest in it. 』

"Eh why?As a girl, doesn't Mr. Aina like this kind of thing that can raise his fame by showing his face? 』

"You called me Mr. and said I was a girl, and do you have any misunderstandings about girls?Not everyone likes to show their faces. 』

"Excuse me!Aina, your appearance is so deceptive, you accidentally thought you were a woman, and I was indeed told by girls that they didn't understand women, and they seemed to call me straight or something. 』

"You are really pitiful. 』

Li Ling is also a little handsome, so it should not be difficult to find a girlfriend, but from what he just revealed, he has been single because he can't speak.

"To be honest, I want to avoid exposure to the public as much as possible, unless I have to, I won't do this kind of exposure. 』

"Understood. 』

If you show your face too much, it is likely to be noticed by that person, so Aina doesn't want to increase her presence too much.Li Ling also understood that Aina had difficulties and did not struggle in this regard for too long.

"That's all I'm going to talk about today, if you have nothing to ask, Aina, you can ask me back. 』

"Um. 』

After a simple goodbye, Aina left the room. The time also came to the afternoon without Aina knowing it. The weather became a little hot but still a little cool.

"Wait a minute to call and ask the manager what you want to eat. 』

Being promoted to a D-level hero is also something to celebrate, so Aina plans to add food tonight, thinking about which ingredients to buy while walking.But Aina felt a bit strange as she walked, and she seemed to be stared at by many people.If it was just because her appearance was too conspicuous to attract eyes, Aina was used to it, but these gathered eyes had other flavors besides coveting her own beauty.

"Is that Aina?He seems to have seen Li Ling. 』

"Yeah, if I can meet that person, I'll probably be promoted to D rank. 』

"Heh, what's the big deal? It's a matter of betrayal of one's own color. Just looking at it for so long just now, it's like doing that kind of thing. She's really a woman who isn't ashamed. 』

"Yes, yes, obviously a rookie still stepping on the heads of our seniors, if it weren't for two C-level heroes, he would really treat himself as a thing. 』

Such sour words reached Aina's ears. Although the other party seemed to be whispering, the volume was not as loud as it should be for whispering. look.

In this regard, Aina just frowned and did not correct the statement of those people. Li Ling's room was not a few steps away from here. If he had a conflict with others here, he would definitely attract them to come out to check. Aina didn't want to. Let this person who handles a lot of things for himself do so much trouble.Moreover, Aina heard these ugly words a long time ago. Most of the people who said these words were jealous of themselves. As an elves who are jealous of their beauty all over the world, they have long been accustomed to dealing with such things.

Aina still had her usual expression, but she pretended to inadvertently showed a disdainful expression when she walked past the few people who were talking about her.Well, Aina is still a little temperamental when people talk nonsense like this, and it's still a little too difficult to pretend that she didn't hear anything.

"Hey what do you look like? ! 』

One of the women with heavy makeup shouted at Aina, but Aina still pretended not to care and walked on her own. To be honest, Aina didn't want to contact this irritable old lady. The elves are very sensitive to smells just now The heavy makeup of the woman made Aina feel sick just standing there.

Being ignored by Aina made the woman feel furious, but she also lost the opportunity to release her emotions. Aina had already smeared oil on the soles of her feet and slipped away when the other party reacted.

"Oh yes, today is that day. 』

Aina, who had escaped from the "crisis", stood not far from the door of the building, panting slightly. When he had time to think, he recalled one thing, and subconsciously took out an envelope from his pocket, the brand-new package and the sealed envelope. At first glance, it was a letter that had not yet been sent.

Aina, who originally wanted to go home directly, could only change her way to a commercial street. As usual, she was too lazy to take a bus full of idiots, and chose to walk on foot after spending a lot of physical effort.Fortunately, Aina's physical strength is much more than two months ago, but it's not too tiring for such a short distance.

Every step of the way to the commercial street will be greeted by acquaintances, which is also what Aina is accustomed to casually deal with.However, when Aina came to the vicinity of a small dark alley, Aina began to become sneaky. She looked left and right, for fear that someone was looking at her. Aina is going to be a thief.


After confirming repeatedly that no one around noticed him, Aina quickly walked into the alley.At first, the disgusting stench of all kinds of garbage fermented by each other all the year round came from the alley, and it almost smoked Aina's nose.After walking for a while, the smell gradually disappeared, replaced by a peculiar fragrance. This fragrance is like a medicine prepared with flowers. It smells fragrant at first, but if you taste it carefully, you will feel a different kind of bitterness.But smelling this smell made Aina's nose feel a lot more comfortable. The setting of this smell seems to be to comfort Aina who smells those garbage stinks.

There is a dead end at the end of the alley. A wall sealed with bricks blocks Aina's way. There is nothing strange around. The only thing that can be said to be strange is that there is a strange black cat lying on the top of the wall. .

"Come on, little cutie~ Come over here. 』


The moment he saw the black cat, Aina showed a very moving smile. When the black cat saw Aina, she immediately jumped into Aina's arms for life, and kept rubbing her little head against Aina's chest to act like a spoiled child.Aina also unknowingly exudes a brilliance called motherhood, gently stroking the black cat's head in his hand, although in the eyes of others, he is simply stroking the cat.


I have to say that Aina's technique is really superb. In two or three strokes, the black cat will be meowing, and the throat will continue to purr with satisfaction, and then reveal the soft and fragile abdomen to Aina, let Aina carefully smooth. The hair on its belly looked like it was defenseless.

As the darlings of nature, elves are easy to let these small animals get close to themselves. Aina is because of her gentle and virtuous temperament. Basically, when small animals see Aina, they will come up to enjoy Aina's touch without any defense. Even if Aina accidentally hurts it, there will be no complaints.

"You are so cute little guy~"

"Meow meow meow~ (Miss you are more cute~)"

The black cat's fur is very comfortable to touch, and Aina accidentally became addicted, and almost forgot the purpose of coming here in the first place, and she just wanted to play with the cat.


However, as if to remind Aina, the originally empty wall made a violent sound, and a wooden door appeared out of thin air like magic. There was also a black cat logo printed on the wooden door. Nahuali's black cat has something to do with it.

This sound also attracted Aina's attention back, and slowly stood up from the half-squatting position, still holding the cute kitten in her arms.Facing the sudden appearance of the wooden door, Aina has long been accustomed to it.

Aina walked slowly to the wooden door without reaching out and twisting the doorknob, but there was no doorknob for Aina to twist. After all, this wooden door is not so much a wooden door as a wooden block in the middle, something like a doorknob. doesn't exist at all.

"It's time to work the kitty. 』


Aina scratched the chin of the kitten, and the kitten barked like an answer, so she stretched out its cute little paws with pads, Aina gently lifted the kitten to the neck, and the kitten 's claws slapped on the wooden door where it resembled a keyhole.

The originally smooth wooden door seemed to be sensed, and a black magic circle appeared on the little cat's paws. The wooden door that could not be opened automatically opened with a sound, and the moment it opened, it also affected the bell on the door frame. The crisp "ding bell" sound reminded Aina of the similar design used in the manager's coffee shop, of course not referring to the wooden door that requires the kitten's meat pad to open.

"That bothers me! 』

Aina cautiously walked into the wooden door and called out politely, but after a while, Aina did not hear anyone replying to her, knowing that Aina saw a huge witch hat on the table not far away.

29. The witch is a very mysterious existence

"Sorceress, don't sleep, it's getting dark soon. 』

Since the hat was pointing in his direction, Aina thought that the workaholic in front of him was researching things and fell asleep unknowingly. He tried to wake her up, but there was no response at all.

"Miss Witch? 』

Aina walked over with the kitten in her arms, stretched out a hand and pushed the huge witch hat, but she didn't expect the huge round hat to be pushed down so easily, and there was naturally no one under the hat.

"It's really strange, where is the witch lady at this hour?Besides, does Miss Witch really go out? 』

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