
A dull crashing sound exploded on the face of the black-haired man. Aina Bainen's fist hit the opponent's face with unexpected power. The black-haired man only felt that his face was hit by a heavy truck. , and then his eyes could only see the sky, and vaguely saw a few milky white objects like teeth flying in front of his eyes, before he had time to think about what happened to him, the black-haired man's eyes were dark. dead past.

33. Know what you can't accomplish by yourself

Aina looked at his fist in surprise. He didn't even care about the ice blade that broke in his palm. He left all pain and cold behind him. He had no idea that his life-threatening punch could be so big. the power of.Not only is he, but Huang Mao is also surprised, even if he is not as good as others, he will not be knocked down by a little girl with one punch, right?Just now, he was still in the upper hand.

In fact, it is not unreasonable for Aina's fist to be so strong. It has been said from the beginning that Aina's ribbon can suck the blood of creatures like a vampire, and Aina can also become stronger by sucking blood.In the past two months, Aina has sucked more and more blood, and the one who has sucked the most blood is the Darkmoon Werewolf who has been frequent recently.

The power of the Darkmoon Werewolf is undoubtedly the strongest among most monsters. Tearing the uncle and punching the stone is only a basic operation, and Aina, who has sucked most of the werewolf blood, has also greatly increased his strength, which is similar to ordinary people. Biena can already be regarded as a "macho".

The usual Aina doesn't have time to hit people with his fists. When fighting, he also uses his best swordsmanship to deal with it. In fact, if he finds a stone to try, he can knock a head off with a full blow. Broken big stones.

"Damn you actually killed my eldest brother, I fought with you! 』

Seeing his eldest brother lying on the ground with unknown life and death, Huang Mao, who was a little slow for half a beat, finally reacted. The one who shot his eyes was actually staring at Aina, and the flames on his body were completely out of control. At this moment, Huang Mao looked like A flaming fire man feels as if he will be vaporized as long as he gets close to the past.


The anger burned Huang Mao's sanity and made him completely forget that he could not walk temporarily after using the "Ultimate Move", which caused him to have the momentum like a flaming lion one second, but the next second, he fell a little funny. A dog ate shit, and his face fell to the ground, causing him to fall into a daze, and the flames could no longer be kept out.


Aina hadn't thought of this situation either, and was stunned for a while and didn't know how to react. Although she wanted to go up and help the other party, how could it be her own enemy's help?


Aina sighed and threw the ribbon in his hand. The moment the ribbon touched the yellow hair, it automatically bound his body. As a hero, the person who should be caught should still be caught. It is impossible for the opponent to fall. Don't get caught.

"Looks like I don't have to eat dinner today. 』

Aina looked at the yellow hair that was tied up like a zongzi, and her mouth was gagged. She could only let out a whimpering sound. The thought of sending these two big men to the alliance to hang out with Aina was all over the place for a while. The headache means that he has no time to go back to cook for the store manager. By the time he finishes everything and returns home, the store manager has probably finished eating those unhealthy takeaways.

"Be honest, try to be more comfortable in the prison. 』

Aina simply bandaged her abdomen with a ribbon. There are many bacteria in the alley, but Aina does not want to have a fever due to the infection of the abdominal wound, which will lead to a serious illness in the future.


Just when Aina was about to walk over and drag the two away, the black-haired man who was in a coma made a strange sound. His whole body seemed to have fallen into the water and his whole body was shaking. Not at all.


Seeing this, Aina distanced herself from the black-haired man. The black-haired man's strange reaction made Aina very nervous. With his current physical condition, he really didn't want to continue fighting. After such torment, Aina felt that he would have to work again tomorrow. warped.

"Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! 』

After the random shaking, the black-haired man let out a heart-piercing roar. The originally thin body continued to expand, and the muscles looked very strange, which made Aina feel more and more serious.

Before the black-haired man shouted, the yellow hair on the side began to shake, but his body was wrapped like a zongzi and shook like a salted fish fluttering on the shore. If it weren't for the situation, Aina really wanted to laugh Voice.

Stab it!

The black-haired man's swollen body broke through his shirt, revealing his body with a lot of hair underneath. Aina looked disgusted. You said that you have so much hair and you don't take care of it well. When you go to bed with a woman, you take off your clothes. Don't scare others, it's really a shame that this person is such a sloppy person with a dignified appearance.

The black-haired man is indeed not the sloppy person that Aina said, his hair has just grown, and the momentum of growth has not stopped.At first, it was only the chest and armpits where the hairs were easier to grow, but now even the hair on the hands and feet and even the face has grown rapidly.

What made Aina even more strange was that the round head that originally belonged to humans began to deform in strange places. The mouth protruded and the eyeballs enlarged. The nose also turned into a black ball. Gradually, the black-haired man had dogs on his body. shadow.

"Is this... turning into a werewolf? 』

This time Aina finally reacted, the black-haired man was not convulsing for no reason, he was changing in the direction of the werewolf.Linked to the experiment mentioned by the two men before, I am afraid that this transformation from human to werewolf is part of the still unclear experiment.

"Damn it! 』

There is no doubt that this is the sealing method of the organization on the head of the black-haired man. When these two people fall into the hands of the Superhero League, they will definitely not save torture. The organization behind them will definitely arrange a backhand, and this backhand is Let a rational human being turn into a monster that only destroys and only acts according to his desires!

"Really vicious! 』

This method made Aina scolded secretly, but now he has no time to complain about the cruelty of others. The most important thing is how to deal with the current situation.After a battle, Aina's physical strength itself is not much, and now she has to deal with the "freshly baked" werewolf. Aina really doesn't think that she can win a werewolf on the big night or is not full. case.

What makes people even more desperate is that during the period of Aina's thinking, the yellow hair behind the black-haired man also successfully transformed into a werewolf. Originally, a werewolf didn't know if he could beat him, but now he can do it with two. Said it was basically cold.

"There's no way, run away! 』

Aina is not stunned or self-aware. He knows when to fight and when not to fight. The situation in front of him is really not something that Aina can handle alone. The best solution is now. It is to immediately turn around and go to Miss Witch for help.

"Roar! ! ! ! 』

The black-haired man who turned into a werewolf roared angrily at Aina, as if he was unhappy with the fact that Aina knocked him down with a fist.But the fierce roar of the black-haired man did not make Aina flee faster. On the contrary, Aina even stopped escaping and turned to look at the two fierce werewolves with a mentally retarded expression.

The black-haired man and the yellow-haired werewolf are each more than four meters tall, and their entire body has tripled in size. As I said before, this alley is very narrow and can only allow two people to walk side by side at most. Now The two men in front of them were three times bigger than before, and they couldn't walk in this alley any longer. They were completely stuck in the middle of the road and couldn't move!

Aina carefully found that there was a faint magical aura on the two walls next to the alley. I am afraid that Miss Witch had already discovered the strangeness here, and saw that the two people who could barely win Aina had become two people. Seeing that the two silly werewolves were stuck, they immediately strengthened the hardness of the wall with magic, so that the two werewolves would not be able to forcibly smash the wall to chase Aina.

"Thank you very much, Miss Witch. 』

Aina, who understood this, bowed deeply in the direction of the witch's house, and then turned to look at the two werewolves with murderous eyes.


Looking at the murderous Aina, the originally aggressive werewolf suddenly let out a canine-like cry. Even a fool would understand how he would be treated when his body was immobilized. The next day is not good.

"Then please both brothers die obediently. 』

Aina said calmly with a "kind" smile, and Shura, who was constantly exuding from behind, looked like a sickly wife before.Aina originally wanted to arrest these two people, but now that people have become werewolves, Aina doesn't think that he can drag two werewolves back. Besides, even if a monster turned into a human, it is a monster, and it is absolutely impossible to let it go. The creatures that have been passed before are not an example of no one turning into a monster before. There are also some people who show mercy and do not destroy them. They imprison them with the idea of ​​being able to treat them. The final result is that they escaped and the people around them were also killed.

In the face of the two werewolf Aina who couldn't move, it was a great fight. Using the ribbon to pump the opponent's body by the way was very relieved. When he got tired of playing, he stabbed the opponent in the neck with a sword to bleed, and he used the ribbon to keep going. Absorbing the blood of the other party, Aina felt that her strength had become much stronger again, and her wounds healed faster due to the nourishment of the blood.

The two men were almost sucked into mummified corpses by Aina. Looking at the dead werewolves lying on the ground, Aina resisted the nausea and dragged them out of the alley, and threw them on the street like trash. superior.It was very late. There were not many people walking on the street, but this did not prevent them from watching the fun. Seeing the embarrassed Aina dragging two werewolves out, many Aina fans hidden in the crowd cheered continuously. Well, I'm used to these Ainas too.

Aina took out her mobile phone in cheers and brought it to the Superhero League, and asked them to send someone to deal with the scene. After the superheroes deal with the danger, the aftermath of the work is handled by the staff of the Superhero League, otherwise there will be no The truth of heroes who have experienced life and death battles?

34. Be kind to your family

The Elf Kingdom has a tree that can survive even if its body is hollowed out. Because of this feature, elves often use this hollowed-out tree as their home for rest.And in this dense forest, there is a huge tree that is comparable in size to a palace. As the longest-lived and largest tree, it should have become the residence of the elf royal family, and there is a big tree comparable to a palace. At this moment, there is a petite figure in a busy green.

"Humph? ~Humph?~"

He hummed a little tune and cleaned the room. Because of his height, it seemed a little difficult, and he often had to stand on tiptoe to clean to high places.If you look closely, you will find that his index finger, middle finger, and thumb have a total of six fingers wrapped up due to injuries. The white bandage looks like six small radish heads. Accidentally saw fingers with a knife while cooking, or both.

The little guy did cook and knit clothes, but the wound on his finger was hurt a long time ago, so that today his parents, sisters and sisters who haven't seen for a long time can eat the food he made by himself, and You can bring your own scarf.

The little guy was very bad at these things at first, and he didn't know how much he suffered during the period. The little guy wanted to give up several times, but when he thought about what he could do for his family, he would always cheer up and use it. The aura continued to try harder than before, after all, this was the only thing he could do as a waste.

The end result was good. Looking at the delicious food on the table, and the beautiful scarf on the sofa, Aina felt proud for the first time. Now everything is ready and waiting for her parents to hurry up. came back.

boom... boom... boom...

The little guy began to feel that even God was helping him, and he could do whatever he wanted.Hearing the footsteps constantly resounding outside the room, the little guy walked to the door as excited as a puppy looking forward to the owner's return. If he was given a fluffy tail, I'm afraid it would be spinning like an electric fan now. .


The wooden door was gently opened. The parents of the little guy who just came back were startled a little when they saw the little guy standing in front of the door. They didn't quite understand what their son wanted to do.

"Welcome back father and mother, sister Liya and Xiaoli! 』

The little guy greeted his family with a sweet smile, and his cute appearance was enough to make most people feel affectionate, but whether it was the little guy's parents or his older sister, his face was completely exhausted and indifferent, facing Aina's enthusiasm. Welcome didn't feel moved at all.

"Um. 』

The leader's father responded coldly, and the cold tone made Aina instinctively retreat to the side. If Aina was a puppy who wagged his tail and stuck his tongue out, now he is a timid puppy trying to escape with his tail tucked. .

"Well...I made dinner, so if you're hungry, sit down and eat. 』

"No, we came back after eating. 』

"I've eaten it....then there's nothing I can do. 』

The little guy showed a wry smile, it's not hard to see his loss at the moment, but his parents walked in as if they didn't see it.The little guy packs up quickly, even if he can't have dinner together, it's okay, the little guy has other things to share with his family.

"Oh, by the way, the weather is getting colder recently. This is a scarf I knitted by myself. I should wrap it around my neck when it's cold. 』

The little guy ran to the sofa and distributed the four knitted scarves one by one. Fortunately, this time his parents didn't say anything about taking the scarves and accepting them.I have to say that the parents of the little guy seemed really tired. After taking off the coat, they sat directly on the sofa, and put the scarf that the little guy just sent aside.

"Aina, I have something to tell you, you should sit down first. 』

After giving scarves to his parents and sisters, the little guy felt a little stunned because he didn't get the expected praise, and his father summoned him for a few beats before walking slowly over, because of the previous reasons Afraid of his father, sitting next to his father seemed a little restrained.

"I talked to the gang from the Cyril Kingdom today, and in a few years, you will be married to the eldest princess on their side. 』

"Ah... ah? 』

The words of his father made the little guy's brain freeze, because of the influence of human society, political marriage has long been out of fashion. It can be said that the little guy has never thought of such a sudden appearance.But it's not hard to see that, as a waste of yourself, he entered the royal family of another family by entering into a family. He was obviously disliked by his own family, and the other party could not be a big country. What about the eldest princess marrying a waste man?

Stab it!

The sound of the scarf being torn came from the side, and the little guy turned his head numbly and saw his sister holding the scarf that had been torn in half with a gloomy face. Guys think that most of their sisters are holding back the joy they feel when they are ready to send them away. After all, although they are family members, they have never been treated by them.

Unlike her sister who was about to lose control, the scarf in the hand of the sister on the side slipped from her palm and fell to the ground, and the sister's whole figure seemed to be floating out of her soul, but in the eyes of the little guy, this was My sister was too happy to react because of the sudden surprise.

"I understand. 』

The little guy answered tremblingly, he understood that agreeing to this matter is equivalent to leaving here completely, even if the blood of the elf is flowing in his body, but as the husband of the princess of another country, he can't be the prince of the elf country. The self-proclaimed, this is the custom of the elf kingdom. As long as the person who is married is definitely not a person from the elf kingdom, even the parents of the family are the same. If the father was not married, the current queen of the elf kingdom does not know who it is. .

The little guy went back to his room in despair. In order to wait for his relatives to come back, he didn't eat a single bite of food, but now he is very sad and has no appetite at all. The little guy who has always been reluctant to waste food does this kind of behavior. peculiar.

The little guy understands that no one likes him in the elf kingdom. If he has no friends and no subordinates, even his relatives are reluctant to take a second look at him. It's okay if he leaves like this.

But the little guy doesn't want to marry someone else for no reason. Let's not talk about the other party's family, just relying on his own man to marry by marriage. This is a serious challenge to the little guy's male dignity.

If you don't want to, can't you just run away?

The idea that suddenly appeared in the brain really startled the little guy. It is definitely a shameful thing to spread the escape of marriage to other people's ears. This is also a humiliation for his fiancee. Feeling the little guy doesn't like this.

But the miracle is that this time the little guy didn't cut off his sudden idea of ​​getting up, it is better to say that he is just about to move now.Since no one here likes you, then go outside. I heard that there are many people in human society who can live comfortably without fighting ability. What if you also go to live in human society?I heard that there are many demihumans living in human territory, so it wouldn't be too bad, right?

Thinking of this, the little guy has made up his mind, or that sentence, even God has started to help the little guy. His father, who had not sat down for a long time after returning, was quickly called away by a phone call, and his mother was too tired. I went back to the room early to sleep, and my elder sister and younger sister were still "revelling" in the room. It can be said that they were not prepared.

The little guy walked out of the room cautiously, looking into his head with a kind of mysterious cuteness. The very nervous little guy heard strange noises in the room of his sister and sister next to him. In fact, at this time, he just stood there and listened carefully. It was sobbing, but the nervous little ones just thought they were dancing with joy.

The little guy sneaked out of the house and slowly climbed down along the vines. After looking left and right, he found that there were no guards guarding him. .In fact, the little guy doesn't need to be so cautious, because the Elf Kingdom is the most peaceful country in the country, and the elves don't like fighting or stealing, so there is almost no one guarding at night, except for some at the border to prevent inconvenience. Well-meaning alien invasion.

Therefore, the only difficulty in the little guy's escape plan is the elf soldiers on the border. These soldiers can be said to be the most elite part of the national security, and it is indeed difficult to escape under them.

It turns out that the little guy thinks too much. He is self-righteous and hides from the frontier soldiers. In fact, these soldiers have always maintained a state of vindictiveness. As long as there is a little disturbance in the vicinity, even a small bug will be caught. They notice.Facing Aina, who was crawling out bit by bit, these people had already discovered that the little guy just didn't want to catch him. After all, in their eyes, the elf prince had nothing to pay attention to. The idea is that most of the little guys are naughty and just want to go out for a walk. When they are in danger, they will run back like a motherfucker. After all, the usual little guy shows a look that is very timid about everything.

Just because of the idea of ​​the frontier soldiers, the little guy escaped the elf kingdom smoothly and came to the human kingdom after a long journey.The soldiers who were negligent in their work were then executed by the enraged Elf Queen, and the search for the Elf Prince was delayed indefinitely for some reason.

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