"yes?I am also very happy.Also, please don't speak in an old woman's tone, Miss Witch is so beautiful and so young, I feel like I've said it a bit to say that she is my sister. 』

"Smooth tongue, really smeared honey.Don't become careless just because you play for a day. Your noble mother is a threat to me. I'm afraid someone will come to you soon, and it will be up to you whether you will catch it or not. Well, although I will help, I have no certainty that I will be able to keep you against that famous elf queen. 』

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention, I'm no longer the powerless me I used to be, but I'm very good at fighting. 』

Aina raised her arm and tried to show her "throwing tile", but the delicate arm looked nothing but beauty.However, Aina didn't talk too much. With his growth in the past two months, he was not only able to wrestle with werewolves with his bare hands, but even hang a superhero who is also a D-class.

"The thin skin and tender meat can't be reassuring at all. I'll give you some protection later. These protections can protect you more or less, but more of it depends on your own efforts. 』

Miss Witch rubbed Aina's head angrily, and loosened the ponytail he finally tied up again. Now, Miss Witch is really worried about Aina like a sister. From the bottom of her heart, she doesn't like this company. The cute boy in his old age left his side.

43. Don't be gentle with people

For human beings, the moon in this world is big and round and exudes a strange blue light. It is very magical and romantic, but walking on the streets of human night and smelling the breath of human streets, Aina definitely has a sore nose. Not to mention romantic.

Because of the waste of resources and environmental pollution, human beings once lost their original homeland. Humans who secretly vowed to save resources completely forgot their promise after seeing the excessively rich resources in this world. The place has also been polluted in many places, and the smell of these pollutants is very unpleasant for Aina, the elf, and has a little disgust for humans who destroy nature without authorization, but this disgust soon disappeared. , Aina, who has lived in human society for four years, knows that human beings distinguish between good people and bad people, and there are not many people who can make Aina call bad people, because Aina ignores herself. The parents who care are the most annoying.

"Will you come to me?I want to go back to see more or less, it's just to see, I don't want to be locked in a prison-like home again. 』

Aina walked on the silent street looking up at the moon and said to herself, the tranquil atmosphere and the beautiful full moon always inspire people's nostalgia, just like the poet who always likes to write about the obscure and difficult at such times. It is the same for both human poets and demihuman poets to understand the verses of homesickness.

Aina was thinking about the taste of the fruit on the World Tree, but did not notice that there was an aura following Aina in the deserted street except him. The aura emanating from his body revealed badness, and he was waiting all the time. The moment when Aina completely let down her guard.

Call ~

"Hey~ I feel that the weather is a little too cold, how many months is it? It's really strange? 』

A cold wind suddenly blew through Aina's body. Although Aina's clothes looked very thick, the clothes were very poor in terms of wind resistance, in addition to their wide appearance. Because of this, Aina was shrunk by the cold wind. He shrank his neck, and this action frightened the breath that had been following Aina, causing it to panic and accidentally make a sound.

"Who? !come out! 』

In such an empty and silent night, the strange sound suddenly made Aina's vigilance instantly tense. The current society can not be regarded as peaceful, although compared to the previous adventurer's guild period, there were women from time to time. Disappearances are better, but in a situation where policing crime rates are rising with so many superheroes, it's not much of a gain.


At the moment when Aina turned back, the owner of the breath immediately hid his figure, which made Aina not find its trace. Although he felt uneasy, Aina was not easy to find. go in the direction.

This is good news for those who want to be unkind to Aina. Although anxiety increases the vigilance of the other party, nervousness and impatience will make people's judgment decline. In this situation, it is best to remain calm. , don't panic a little like Aina.

After walking for a long distance until Aina was about to return home, the owner of the breath finally couldn't help it, and at the most suitable time it thought it was the most suitable time to pounce on the unsuspecting Aina from behind, trying to kill Aina. Natsu fell to the ground.

"You finally came out! 』

Aina was just unprepared on the surface. In fact, he had been waiting for the other party to take the initiative, pretending to lead the snake out of the hole with one hand.The one who wanted to attack Aina was a fat man. If it was an ordinary girl who was pounced by him from behind, she would most likely be crushed by her fat body at this time.But it is a pity that Aina is neither weak nor a real girl. The man couldn't rush to Aina. Instead, Aina fell to the ground with his backhand and tied his hands.

"What's your purpose for following me in the middle of the night? ! 』

Aina would not give too much tenderness to those who were malicious to her, and the strength of her hand pulling the man's ribbon was also slightly stronger, causing the other party to scream in pain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah! !I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything!I'm just.... I'm just a little excited to see the wife herself. I just want to surprise your wife from behind. I really don't want to hurt you, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! 』

"Eh? ! 』

The unexpected name of the wife made Aina stunned for a moment, and the strength in her hand also weakened a lot. Except for the group of hidden fans who called themselves Aina who got that strange website, there would be no Others call it Aina.Then according to the words of this slightly obese man, it is very likely that he is one of the fans who even Aina doesn't know.

"I'll let you go, are you alright? 』

It may be that he subconsciously thinks that since the other party is someone who supports him, Aina's attitude towards this man has softened a lot, and he untied the ribbons that tied the other party's hands with some guilt.And the moment the other party disregarded the pain in his wrist, he held Aina's hand excitedly, and brought his round face to Aina's front and said excitedly.

"I'm so lucky, I can be alone with you, my wife, I feel like it's worth dying now! 』

"Don't let me die so easily, things like life are very important! 』

"I won't die, I won't die, how could you and I die so close to my wife?By the way, madam, are you wearing a new dress today?It's so handsome and beautiful, I feel like my soul will be taken away by you! 』

"Ahaha, is that right?Thank you. 』

Facing each other's compliments, Aina could only show a wry smile. From just now, this fat man has been stroking the back of Aina's hand, shaking his body excitedly with a breath that has become hurried because of excitement, the fat on his body. The trembling up and down looked very wretched.Aina is not the kind of person who likes to discriminate against each other's appearance, but the man in front of him really made Aina feel a strong physical discomfort, but whether the other party has any malicious intentions, Aina does not want to attack others and can only endure it. Discomfort and chatting with each other.

The time spent chatting with this fat man was like a year for Aina. On the way, Aina had more than once had the idea of ​​​​just throwing away the other party's curse, but his excessive gentleness kept him from doing this kind of behavior. .

"That...it's getting late and I have to go home, or someone will worry about me. 』

"that!Is it a boyfriend? ! 』

"Eh? !what boyfriend?Not a boyfriend, just a female friend. 』

"That's really good! 』

"That...my friends will be worried if I don't go back, so I..."

"I understand, it's my fault, I shouldn't drag your wife to talk so much.disgusting, right?When you talk to people like me, people around you are like this. They push me away when they see me, saying I'm a disgusting fat pig, a wretched man or something. 』

This fat man doesn't seem to have a good relationship with him, because his appearance is not less crowded out in his daily life. Seeing Aina's attitude of resisting him, he began to become depressed.

"No, why do I find you disgusting? It's just that your attitude is a little too excited. I can't be in a hurry. To be honest, I will chat with you. I think you are a very enthusiastic person, as long as you are willing to show your good side. Give it to the people around you, and I'm sure you'll make them change their minds about you. 』

Seeing the fat man in front of him with such an expression, Aina's overly kind heart broke out again. He gently stroked the other's head like a child, and said to the other party with the most kind and sunny smile. .

"Ma'am, you are my sun!If I have you, I will be at ease. I will definitely change myself well. After I go back, I will lose this fat immediately, and I will never live up to your expectations, Mrs. 』

Just because of Aina's perfunctory encouragement, the ball-like man immediately shouted with excitement. This kind of behavior is a bit rude this night, because he didn't want to attack the other party's motivation, Aina just frowned and didn't say anything. what.

"It's too exaggerated, and I really have to go back, see you next time.But before I leave, I have to tell you one thing. Even if you want to get close to a person, you can't follow someone in the middle of the night. This is illegal. You will be called to the police and taken away by the police or a superhero. Arrested, what you met today is that if I were someone else you would have been locked up, I don't like my fans being locked up. 』

"I understand ma'am!I would never do something like this again, if I hadn't been arrested this time. 』

Facing Aina's advice, the man who could only be described as a pig replied excitedly, but the second half of the sentence was spoken in a voice that only he could hear, and Aina didn't hear it.

After saying goodbye to the man who was suspected of being a fan, Aina turned around and wanted to leave. At this moment, Aina was the most relaxed and most unprepared. Seeing this, the man who had been playing a fanatical fan showed a successful expression. He took out a needle from his pocket.

"Mrs! 』

The man shouted at Aina's back, Aina was frightened by the sudden cry, and just wanted to turn around and ask what the other party wanted to do, but the next second Aina felt the middle of her neck and shoulders. There was a sting, and it seemed that something sharp had pierced his neck.

"Ha ha. 』

"what have you done! 』

Aina slammed away the man who was trying to lean behind him. The strength that should have been able to slap the other side with a slap now only knocked the other side back a few steps, and the clear brain quickly became confused, making him dizzy Aina didn't even have the strength to stand still, and it looked like she was going to faint in the next second. Aina tried to avoid losing consciousness and stared at the man in front of her with a gnashing expression. It was obvious that the other party Definitely injecting something weird into myself.

44. It is a girl's dream to be a hero to save beauty

Aina has a physique of motion sickness, and if she stays in a moving car for too long, Aina will feel sick and slightly dizzy.And now Aina feels like she has magnified the state of motion sickness infinitely. The things in her stomach are boiling, and the things in front of her are distorted. The most disgusting thing for Aina is that he actually looks at the man in front of him. A little handsome, obviously this is also because of the effect of drugs.

"do not come! 』

Aina gritted her teeth and insisted, stepping back step by step, but the man who pretended to be his fan followed up step by step, looking at the person in front of him with a twisted mind, causing Aina to have a feeling. This kind of squirming that can never be produced, even if I don't want to admit that Aina has an urge to simply push others down.

"Don't be so fierce, ma'am, we have to do some happy things later. Your attitude will make me even more excited. It will be bad if it is too intense and it will ruin you. 』

"It's too much!I.... warn you not to come, or I'll be rude. 』

Aina thought for a moment that the other party was kidnapped and brought back by her parents, but it turned out that Aina thought too well, and the other party came for her body from the beginning.Although he didn't really want to hurt ordinary people, Aina had to use his abilities here, but when he raised his right hand tremblingly, he found that he couldn't use the super power of the ribbon, the pink ribbon wrapped around his arm was like an ordinary Like a ribbon, it is beautiful and soft with a little girlish playfulness.

"Don't waste your efforts, ma'am, the story of you becoming a superhero or even about to be promoted to D-rank has already spread, do you think I will not prepare to prevent you from going wild? 』


The erosion of the drug made Aina unable to even raise her hand, and her trembling body would fall to the ground with a slight push.

"Why do you do such a thing?This is a crime!And my current identity is not just a deacon of a coffee shop, since you know that I am a superhero, you should understand what happens when you attack a superhero like you? ! 』

In order to protect the rights and interests of superheroes, the act of attacking or framing superheroes is several times more serious than attacking the police. In front of high-level superheroes, when they perform heroic activities, they basically leave no room for life. After all, they are hostile to heroes. It can also be called an attack, which is a very unfair law.Although Aina is not as exaggerated as those high-level monsters, but according to the man's practice today, as long as Aina is a little bit more jealous and squeezes a few tears, the other party is properly executed.

"I know, of course I know, so madam, you should also understand how high my consciousness is, right?Don't worry, I didn't do this kind of thing with the consciousness of mortal death, I still have a chance to live, as long as you only need your wife, you are completely trained by me and become my slave, then it won't work. There is a possibility that someone will sue me! 』

After speaking, the man stretched out his hand and pushed Aina hard, and Aina, who couldn't bear the force at all, fell backwards. There was a close contact between the back of her head and the ground, and the pain caused Aina's tears to flow out.

"pain! 』

Before Aina tried to stand up, the man used his huge body to sit on Aina's belly. Unlike the girl, the heavy weight weighed on Aina a little bit, and Aina felt disgusting at first. I almost vomited.

"calm down!Don't you think what you're doing is wrong?And ah, although I look like this, but I'm actually a man, you don't want to drink a man to do this kind of thing, right? ! 』

Aina tried to persuade him to the last, but even if he brought out his real gender, the fat man in front of him did not waver at all. It would be better to say that his interest has become even higher?

"Ma'am, do you hate me so much?Lie to me with this ridiculous lie, how can there be a man as beautiful as you in the world?Besides, even if it's a man, I can't do it. 』

"you! 』

Aina is desperate. He also understands for the first time why others say that he has a bad face. His appearance is really easy to attract criminals, because he is a man and does not pay much attention to these things. He still holds that these things happen to women. Yes, after today, Aina will realize that cute boys are dangerous too!

"Ah~ this smell is really good, as expected, the body of the beautiful girl exudes a mesmerizing body fragrance, unlike me, there is only a disgusting smell of sweat. 』

The man lowered his body and put his hands on both sides of Aina's head, his fat face was in front of Aina, and he continued to smell Aina's body with his round nose.Aina could clearly see the ugly black pimples on the other's face. The fat body that was heated up by excitement shed sweat like fat, dripping on Aina's face because of gravity, which made Aina sick. Almost fainted with both eyes closed.The disgusting fat breath that keeps spraying on himself makes Aina very scared. At this moment, Aina is no longer a rookie hero with a fast-growing future and a promising future, but an ordinary girl who is just as powerless as a weak girl. people.

The man's lips kept moving closer to Aina, and the slightly open mouth allowed Aina to see the remnants of dinner in the other's teeth. The smell of having not brushed his teeth for an unknown period of time came to his face, and even the tongue inside was bigger than the tongue in the world. Terrifying tentacles and disgusting.Her virginity was threatened, and Aina's brain immediately thought of someone. Although she had done similar things to herself, she would come out to save her every time at a critical time, so Aina, who was now in crisis and felt hopeless, couldn't help shouting. know that person's name

"Phil! ! ! 』

"Stop screaming, ma'am, no one will save you even if you call your throat, there is no one living in this area, and there is no such thing in this world as a broken throat... r..."

Aina's last struggle completely aroused the other party's **, holding Aina's face with both hands and said that she wanted to kiss, but before the words were finished, the man could no longer make a sound, and Aina was stunned. Looking at the man who was pressing on him motionless, he subconsciously pushed the other party slightly, but the strength that could not even push the slightly heavier cup pushed the other party aside, and the glass that was still facing His talking head also lost its connection with his neck and rolled to the side. Seeing this, Aina immediately crawled over to avoid the blood spraying on his body, although some clothes were still stained.

"Sorry, I just broke my throat. 』

Phil slowly showed his body like a savior, and his handsome smile while fiddling with the dagger in his hand was enough to capture the mind and body of a girl who was also a girl.As before, she always appears when Aina is entangled by bad people and covets her body by ill-intentioned people to rescue Aina from the dire straits.At this moment when both body and spirit are oppressed, Phil's appearance can be said to turn into a sunbeam to illuminate Aina's body and mind. This is a very classic heroic way of saving beauty. Even if Aina is a man, it cannot stop her heart. The budding fell in love with each other.

That's how it should have been.

"Why did you kill Phil? ! 』

"Eh? 』

Phil, who was waiting for Aina's praise with a proud chest and belly, received not an excited thank you but a cold question. This huge gap was completely different from what he thought in his heart, which made Phil show a very wonderful expression. For a while, I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there dumbfounded.


Aina ignored Phil and just dragged her drowsy body to the side of the dead man, holding the other's head on the neck of the corpse as if she refused to accept the fact, but it was like a child playing assemble. The toy-like behavior is obviously completely useless.

"Eh. 』

Aina could only sigh helplessly, and looked at Phil with a duty-like look. Being stared at Phil by such eyes felt a sense of grievance in her heart, and she ran over to save Aina. Aina not only Without thanking him, he showed a guilty expression, which made Phil feel very unbalanced.

"What do you mean by that expression?Could it be that you really have feelings for this man?Think I'm here to spoil your good deeds? 』

"How can you say that...how could I possibly have feelings for a man.I just... feel bad about you killing people. 』

"Uncomfortable with killing?Aina, do you not only have the attributes of a wife but also the attributes of the Virgin?This man just wanted to insult you!Are you talking for this man now? !what do you mean! 』

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