"Sister Qin? !No, this is just a metaphor, don't get me wrong. 』

Qin Shi spoke like a rogue with his hands in his pockets. When Li Ling noticed Qin Shi, his original intellectual temperament instantly disintegrated, and then he showed a trembling expression as if he had encountered a bad guy.

"Wow... What's the matter with Qin Shi's way of speaking?It's the first time I've heard it. 』

Qin Shi, who originally had a gentleman's temperament, suddenly became like the head of a certain gangster's eldest sister. This huge sense of contrast made Aina somewhat unacceptable for the time being.

"Ah, this, you don't know about Aina, right?As a hero, Qin Shi is also the founder of Shining Newspaper, and her hero title is called this for this reason.I had to go to the newspaper office with her when I had something to do, and that's when I saw the true face of this guy. She always treated her subordinates like this gangster's eldest sister. Only in front of you will she maintain a personable appearance. , is simply a living beast. 』

"oh oh. 』

"Hey, are you talking too much?Do you want to fight what a beast in clothes used to describe me or something? 』

Hearing Phil talking bad things about himself behind his back, Qin Shi gave up the act of questioning Li Ling, turned around and looked down at Phil, biting his lower lip, and felt like he would burst out at any moment "Ye Lu died. bitter" classic line.

"A fight is a fight, have I ever been afraid of you?Don't think that if you run fast, I won't be able to take you, and I won't lose to you, this little girl who is just a C-level hero.Besides, I didn't lie, look at the current expression, where is the temperament that a girl should have? 』

Facing Qin Shi's provocation, Phil still stubbornly went back, and the two of them felt that they would fight at any time.

"Don't make trouble with the two of you, I know you have a good relationship, but this is a public place, not a place for the two of you to flirt. 』

"Who is in a relationship with this guy? ! 』X2

Aina looked at the two living treasures in front of her speechless, and the answers were so synchronized that no one believed it if the relationship was not good.The frequent bickering between the two in front of them is also a sign of a good relationship. Otherwise, why would these two girls become surprisingly tacit in certain situations?

54. The unexpected is always surprising

"I'm really surprised, Li Ling and Qin Shi know something. 』

"Didn't Phil say that?Xiao Lizi is my subordinate, so it's not strange to know each other, right? 』

"That's why it's even weirder. 』

"what? 』

"After all, Li Ling is a very reliable man, but Qin Shi is a completely unreliable boss. 』

"Wow, Aina, you're going too far, saying I'm unreliable or something, how can I be unreliable? ! 』

People don't like to be said by others to be unreliable, especially from Aina's mouth. This is a big blow to Qin Shi, but Qin Shi's self-awareness has exposed Aina. With a very subtle expression, he spoke as if he was looking at his unsatisfactory child.

"What are you talking about, the whole person who followed other people's ass and filmed secretly?If I remember correctly you've been posting on the forums all night several times, right?Every time you go online, you can see that you are chatting with others.Are you some sort of boss?Is it really okay to do these nasty things all day long?How about you actually work? 』


It seems that Aina came up with the idea. Qin Shi couldn't think of a rebuttal for a while, and she was a little embarrassed and wanted to vent her emotions to Li Ling, but she didn't expect Aina to talk to Li Ling earlier.

"Mr. Li Ling, you too, if you have any problems at work, or if you have any problems in life, you can come to me. Although I can't help much, I am still very confident as a qualified listener. of.If Qin Shi has something to embarrass you at work, I will teach her a good lesson for you. 』

"Aina? ! 』

"Madam, you are really kind, it's enough that you have this heart, I haven't reached the point where I need to talk to others. 』

Different from Qin Shi's surprised expression, Li Ling was completely moved, and it seemed that he was usually oppressed by unscrupulous bosses.

"Why do you even call my wife.... Forget it, if one day I really can't do it anymore, the coffee shop I'm staying at is very welcome to you to work part-time. With your conditions, Li Ling, you might work a little harder. If you can get close to a rich woman, then you don't need to work hard. 』

"No, no, no, it's a bit too much to say. I don't have any dissatisfaction with working under Mrs. Qin. Rather, I would like to work under Mrs. Qin. This is also to repay my gratitude..."

"Oh?This is an interesting topic to discuss. 』

"Humph! 』

Li Ling's words completely aroused the curiosity of Aina and Phil. What is the reason for a shrewd and capable little handsome guy to work in the hands of an unscrupulous beautiful girl boss? This kind of thing is a little bit gossip. Everyone will be interested.At this point, Li Ling also pretended to pause and glanced at Qin Shi, as if asking the other party's opinion whether he could say it, Qin Shi did not say anything, it was a default.

"In the beginning, it was because... Well, although I really wanted to go on like this, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that time has not allowed me to tell the story. I have to go to the backstage to help this topic. I will talk about it next time.Aina, you should be prepared first, if you take the stage with a half-hearted mood, it will always happen. 』

"Hey, this man is too much. He has already hooked other people's curiosity, and he stopped halfway.What's the difference between you and the kind of man who just says he can't get in, but doesn't get in in the end?The expectations of others were wasted. 』

Li Ling's half-hearted behavior somewhat irritated Phil, causing her favor towards this somewhat threatening man to drop by more than half in an instant, and the words that came out of her mouth were... not very polite.

"Phil, stop making dirty jokes here! 』

"I'm really sorry about that, I promise I'll say everything well next time I have time, but before that I have to do my job well.So let's take it as an atonement, and I'll reveal a little bit of news.Because of Aina's active performance, the Epee Storm, the first B-rank hero, will be sent to the headquarters of the Alliance to give a speech, which is unprecedented. 』

Li Ling said the surprising news with an apologetic face, and then left in front of the three people who couldn't react for a long time.

"Hey, this is a bit too much, the B-rank chief came to give a speech or something, Aina, your face is a little too big, isn't it? ! 』

Even Qin Shi, who is accustomed to big events, can't calm down the fluctuations in his heart after hearing this. B-level heroes themselves are very rare, and the first one is even rarer among the rarest, just for a person who has just been upgraded to D-level. It's a little scary for a newcomer to "come here" or something.

"Isn't it just a B grade, what's so great about it?I'm not today either..."

Facing this news, Phil seemed the calmest. He didn't know what to say when he was talking to himself. Apart from his disdain for the B-level hero, neither Aina nor Phil could hear what she said next.

"I'm surprised myself, even if I don't know much about it, I still know how powerful a B-class hero is. I really don't know why such a big man would come here because of my business. It's better to be excited. Said I was a little worried. 』

Aina's face was a little sad. Two months ago, the B-level hero was still unattainable. Even now, he is unreachable, but suddenly it is said that there is a B-level hero coming, which is really worrying. what.

"But then again... Epee Storm~ This name is a little handsome, it should be a rare sturdy guy, right? 』

Aina closed his eyes and folded his arms while thinking. In his mind, a tall man with exploding muscles on his back and a heavy sword appeared in his mind, and an uncle with smooth dark skin on his head and a bright smile on his face.

"I really want to discuss with him the experience of exercising muscles~"

Aina closed her eyes and sighed, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Phil and Qin Shi looking at him with a look of caring idiots, which made Aina a little confused about the situation.

"That Epee Storm is a girl. 』

"Eh? ! 』

"That's right, she is a petite and cute girl with blond hair, and she doesn't have any muscles. 』

"sorry! 』

"Why did you suddenly apologize? 』

Aina blushed and sincerely apologized to the air. He was just thinking that the other party is a hearty uncle. This is a very rude thing for a girl, after all, not many girls can I like being treated as an uncle by others, so Aina can only silently apologize to the child of the B-level hero chief who has not yet met.

"But if you think about it, people are more popular than dead people. Originally, Aina was considered very unreasonable, but this epee storm is even more extreme. 』

Hearing the epee storm Qin Shi had to sigh, her attitude as if she knew something even aroused the curiosity of Phil who had not heard the story as he wished.

"How do you say that? 』

"Epee Storm quickly climbed up with terrifying strength when she first registered as a hero. The time she took to upgrade to a D-level hero was not much longer than Aina's, and she used a non-stop momentum after that She abruptly rushed to the position of B-level chief, and I heard that she was promoted to A-level to enjoy the feeling of No.1, which means that she is very likely to have the strength of A-level heroes.The most frightening thing is that I heard that this epee storm is not very old, at least younger than the three of us. 』

"That's really scary. 』

Aina sighed a little, like he was just at the D-level at his age, even though he had just become a hero not long ago.But this Epee Storm was promoted to B rank at an earlier age than himself, and he was the first of B rank, which is really an incredible character.

"Maybe this is genius? 』

Aina said a little discouraged, he always has a kind of conceit for people with good talent, which he has always cultivated as a "trash" mentality.

"Epee...storm?Speaking of which, I heard something when I didn't know Aina. 』

Phil didn't notice Aina's abnormality. He lowered his head and thought about it carefully, and said what he remembered.

"This epee storm is a genuine little girl, if I remember correctly, about 1.6 meters tall?Carrying a large sword that is completely disproportionate to the body on his back, he uses a violent fighting style that can be called a monster-level fighting spirit to swing the sword energy at will.She doesn't seem to be human, she has pointy ears, beautiful blond hair... and a pretty face like a doll. It was still within my hunting range, but anyway, B-level heroes are still too difficult to kill. just give up.Um~...that's right!The other party is also a half-elf, you might know him, Aina! 』

Phil suddenly clapped his hands hard and looked at Aina excitedly, but unexpectedly, he didn't see Aina who was equally excited. Instead, at the moment, Aina's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were very empty, and his body was unintuitively. Trembling slightly, the whole person exudes a very ominous atmosphere. This state is somewhat similar to last night.

"Aina? !What’s wrong with you?I'm sorry I shouldn't be thinking about other women, don't scare me! 』

This state of Aina frightened Phil, and thought that he mentioned other women to make Aina angry. After all, the attributes of half-elf conflict with Aina, and people are talking about things related to themselves. very sensitive.

"Eh? !I just... um I'm fine, just thinking about something.But I'm really looking forward to seeing her as a half-elf like me. I really want to get to know her soon. 』

"Aina, you really scared me. I almost thought that Aina, who was going to be blackened, gave me a hatchet. 』

"So sorry. 』

Aina showed a wry smile and desperately tried to appease Phil, who was still afraid, but at the same time, he was not concerned with the matter at hand. For him, the word half-elf was too heavy. There was one Aina who didn't want it to be. Factual guesses emerged from his mind.

"Hope...it's just a coincidence, the person who came is...not her. 』

55. Some people don't like to play cards according to the routine

Phil is very worried about Aina, because Aina's current state is not without things no matter how you look at it, but there is no time for Phil to ask about Aina's status at this moment. After chatting for a long time, it is time to go to the conference It's time to start, Aina, who is the protagonist, must go to the back row to prepare. As for "unrelated" people like Qin Shi, they can only stand in the audience and be an audience, but surprisingly Phil also followed Ai. Na walked into the backstage.

Aina is in no mood to worry about why Phil came in with him.

"Hello everyone, welcome to take time out from your busy lives to participate in this upgrade conference, and thank you for your continued support of Super Hero League. 』

Li Ling, who was wearing a handsome black suit at the beginning, stepped onto the podium. His clean and neat appearance was very pleasing. Many little girls were fascinated by Li Ling just by seeing each other.

"This time, the scale may be smaller than before, and only one person has been promoted to D-rank, but I believe that everyone has already understood it, or else you would not be here today as an audience. 』

Li Ling was not nervous at all on the stage, and always maintained a calm and emotional tone.This made Aina on the side feel more and more that it was a waste for such a capable man to work under Qin Shi, who is sometimes a bit sloppy. Why should Li Ling work in Qin Shi's newspaper while still having to work? It was very strange for Aina to help the Alliance work. He also began to have great curiosity about Li Ling's story, and also began to complain that Li Ling did not tell half of it.

After that, Li Ling was like a leader in a meeting. He always had to talk about strange, cumbersome and meaningless things. Fortunately, Li Ling's eloquence was good enough and humorous enough, and the audience below did not have any complaints. Emotions, even Li Ling laughed out loud from time to time.

Maybe it was because of the scene at the scene, Aina's heart was not so nervous anymore, the original tangled emotions were relieved a lot, and there was still some anxiety, but now there is no expression that makes Phil very worried. .

"Calm down, Aina... that person is a cultivator, she can't be so boring to come here for a D-class hero. 』

As if comforting herself, Aina spoke to herself, while Phil watched quietly. She understood that when she didn't understand what was going on, even comforting people wouldn't be a big deal. Effective, after all, this is a temporary solution.

"...Before today's protagonist comes out, we still have a supporting role to appear. This supporting role should be unfamiliar to you, but her contribution to social peace and alliance is absolutely high.Without further ado, let's invite Miss Phil! 』

"Oh! ! ! ! 』

As soon as they heard that the other party was a woman, the men in the audience shouted excitedly, and just after Li Ling handed over Phil's name, Aina realized that Phil had been staying with him in the background. .

"Then... I'm going out first. 』

"Eh? ! 』

Phil waved at Aina and walked towards the stage, leaving Aina behind in surprise.Also surprised by Aina was Qin Shi. She didn't quite understand why Phil would have the opportunity to appear at Aina's promotion meeting.

"The heroic title of Miss Phil, Shadow Thorn, has been carrying out various secret tasks, and she is the leader of the usual huge crime syndicate, so a large part of everyone's peaceful life is because of this Phil. Oh, Miss Er's credit~"


Phil greeted the audience with a smile. I have to say that if you only look at the appearance and not the character, Phil is a very cute and a little sexy girl. People like this can easily get a lot of money when exposed to people. popularity.It's just that people in the know always feel a little strange to see Phil standing in front of everyone. Is it really good to expose an assassin hiding in the shadows like this?

『Cough everyone, please be quiet a little bit, because some time ago, Miss Phil and Aina solved a hidden criminal group team and helped the alliance get very important information. A lot of credit has been given, so today, Miss Phil has officially been upgraded from a C-level hero to a B-level hero. Let us applaud and congratulate her! 』

"what? ! ! ! ! 』

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