"Hatch! 』

On the other side, Aina, who was waiting for someone by the street, sneezed fiercely, her pointed ears twitched up and down, and her white face turned red and looked a little extra cute.

"Brother, are you alright, do you have a cold? 』

Waiting with Aina was Xiaoli, her younger sister. Her brother's sneeze caused her to worry. She tilted her head and stretched out her hand to measure the temperature on Aina's forehead. It's like a cold.

"How could an elves catch a cold so easily, and I didn't catch a cold.Maybe someone was talking about me behind my back, maybe Phil was complaining. 』

Aina touched her nose and recalled the feeling just now. Her heart seemed to be in touch with someone just now, which made Aina's heart feel a little itchy, even her nose. Finally, she couldn't help sneezing.

Today, due to the requirements of the alliance, Aina is here waiting for the idol who has not yet met. Not only does she have to accompany this popular idol to perform on stage, she is also responsible for the safety of the other party and the obligation to lead her to play in the city.

Don't worry, Phil, who is alone with Aina, has proposed to go with a stranger more than once, but it's not that Aina refuses to agree. It's just that the alliance soon released a new mission to Phil, and the content of the mission is quite urgent. , Phil can't be refused, and Phil can't carry out this special escort mission with Aina.

There is a high probability that Aina sneezed suddenly because Phil complained during the mission. Although some people remembered or scolded that it was superstition that he would sneeze, this did not prevent Aina from thinking of this lily beast.

"Is that so?It's getting late and I can't accompany you anymore. Brother, don't push yourself too hard. If you really have any problems with your body, you must go to the hospital. Don't be brave when you are in danger. 』

"I understand, you have to be careful, Xiaoli. 』

"Well, see you later. 』

"See you. 』

Aina waved her hand and watched Xiaoli leave her side. Although Xiaoli herself had the most responsibility for this punishment, she had many obligations to deal with because of the strength of the B-level ceiling, so Xiaoli also Cannot accompany Aina as a bodyguard.In addition, Qin Shi also has her own newspaper to deal with. She has been a pigeon for so long as a boss, and she still has to show her face properly. Because of this, Aina has been alone for a long time to perform the task of being a hero.

"But...Idols, I feel a little nervous. 』

Aina slowly raised her head, her blue eyes stared at the blue sky, full of anticipation and a little nervous.Affected by the subtle influence of the people around, Aina also has an unattainable feeling for the existence of idols, even if he has appearance and strength no less than idols.

"Try to see if we can become friends. 』

Recalling that when I went shopping with Miss Witch, I realized through the packaging of the shampoo that Aina is a very cute girl, holding the creed that as long as the other party is kind-hearted, they will try to be friends with each other. Namo clenched his fists tightly.

If Aina is a normal man, then his idea will definitely be considered by others to be interested in the girl, and then immediately be beaten by the idol's fans.But it is a pity that Aina is a very cute boy, so cute that it is impossible to distinguish the authenticity from the fake. Even if the fans of this popular idol really know his thoughts, they will only show a relieved smile. Watching the lily-like relationship between the "girl" and the girl.

Just when Aina was thinking about how to make a good impression on the other party, a black car was driving at full speed in the distance. A new type of car with a suspension system rushed over, and the pedestrians on the road hurriedly avoided. , Facing this rampant black steel beast, he was very frightened, and each and everyone shouted in the direction of the black car.

The car finally stopped in front of Aina, but Aina, who was standing on the side of the road too fast, was affected by the wind, and her light beige hair fluttered in the wind. Send it to slap the cheek.

Before Aina could react to what happened, the back seat door of the car opened, and a man wearing a hat and a scarf around his neck and a large padded jacket walked out of the car. The pink hair with the hat scattered on the shoulders is a female owner.

There were quite a few irritable old men who were very uncomfortable with the violent driving of this black car, and they all chased after them to ask for an explanation, but when they saw the girl in front of them who dressed like a Michelin tire man, they were angry. The words were stuck in his throat and he didn't know what to say. He could only stand there silently as if he saw a weirdo. Some people even started to flinch and didn't want to deal with such a weirdo.

The decoration of the person in front of him is undoubtedly very eye-catching. Although the weather has gradually turned to winter, it is far from the time to wear such thick clothes. Such an out of place dress naturally attracts the attention of many individuals.But the other party didn't seem to care about this. Although it was getting hot, he kept pulling the collar gradually, trying to let the cold air into the body to cool down the body temperature gradually, the other party still kept a calm look and walked towards Aina.

At the same time, the door of the front driver's seat of the black car was opened, and a sturdy man in a suit and a black lens top that could reflect sunlight walked down. His exploding muscles gave a very terrifying look. When those who were planning to settle accounts saw this scene, cold sweat broke out on their heads, and the thought of asking for a "mental loss fee" in their hearts disappeared without a trace. In the end, they went home and looked for their mothers. People want to be in trouble.


Aina was also very nervous at the moment. A thick Michelin tire man walked towards him with a bear-like bodyguard. It was hard not to be nervous!If the other party didn't seem to be looking for something to do with him, he would have to wait here for the mission target, and Aina would have pretended not to exist and left like everyone else.

"Are you Aina? 』

The other party's voice through the mask was a little weird, and the tone seemed a little unfriendly, as if he had a big prejudice against himself. Aina didn't understand when he made the weird person in front of him unhappy.

"For the time being...is that right? 』

Aina said ambiguously, the other party felt really bad for him.As I said before, Aina wants to make a good impression on the people they just met, so that they can make friends with each other, but this thick and eccentric person who can roll a ball in front of him, no matter how you look at it, the first impression is too bad. !Aina couldn't do it if she wanted to be treated normally.

"What is temporary?Yes, yes, no, no, can't the answer be more neat and tidy?Forget it, I don't care who you are anymore, just treat you as Aina.But I really didn't expect that according to the data, you should be a man, right?I originally thought that the people in the alliance wanted to engage in CP marketing, which made me sick for a long time and wanted to find a reason to refuse, but it turned out that it was just a woman who wanted to gain popularity. The unspoken rules try to reach the sky in one step. Let me tell you that the idol industry is not as simple as you think. If you treat it with this attitude, you will not get fans who really like you. 』

"Your words are very rude, can I ask you to take your words back, and I am indeed a male, but I just look a bit like a girl. 』

The elves have always been a race that values ​​etiquette. This attitude of the Michelin tire man in front of him made Aina very unhappy. He tentatively understood that the other party was the idol he wanted to protect, but the other party's attitude made Aina a little worried about the future. relationship.

"Oh roar?Really a man?It turns out that there really is a person like you who is neither male nor female. Well, it doesn't matter what kind of person you are. You can play your role as a tour guide now and bring this lady to a cool place. Come on, I'm dying of heat. 』

After speaking, without waiting for Aina to agree, the other party walked away on his own, and his attitude was still as irritating as before, but when Aina saw the other party in the appearance of a Michelin tire man, he swayed like a penguin step by step. When walking, Aina always felt that she couldn't get angry, so she could only helplessly shook her head and followed.

It's just that when Aina was about to turn around, the idol's bodyguard came to him.Aina's body much taller than Aina blocked the sunlight above Aina's head. Aina, who had to look up at the other party, clearly felt the oppression brought by the other party's burly body, which made Aina subconsciously enter the state of preparation. .

"sorry! 』

"Eh? ! 』

I originally thought that the other party was going to teach me a lesson in place of the idol, so that I could understand the cruelty of being an ordinary person.But as soon as the other party came up, he apologized to himself in a very respectful tone, which made Aina not knowing how to react for a while.

"Xiao Nana, she didn't mean to target you, don't look at her like this, she is actually a very kind person, she just became unwilling to trust her peers for some reason, like Miss... ah Mr. Bu, someone like you who seems to want to be in a relationship, she will subconsciously alienate you, but it is definitely not her intention, it's just that there are too many difficulties in this job..."

"Ah... oh. 』

The bodyguard's tone is very sincere. Facing such a sincere and friendly person, Aina still wants to listen to the other party's words, but the huge contrast between the other party's body shape and personality makes Aina somewhat unable to react.

"Although this is not your job scope, sir, but I sincerely hope that you can get along well with Xiao Nana, and at best, become friends with her, Xiao Nana has very few friends of the same age. 』

"Well, I get it, I'm just okay with making friends.Also, we are considered colleagues and there is no need to use honorifics to address me, just call me Aina. 』

70. A good relationship between girls (?)

"Then you can call me Xiao Hei, I don't have an accurate name, it's better to say that I don't even remember my original name, so let's get along well. 』

"kindness! 』

Xiao Hei stretched out a thick palm, and Aina extended her hand back without hesitation. In this brief exchange, Aina already understood that although the other party looked terrible, he actually cared about others very much in his heart, so kind. Aina is still very happy to befriend each other, and will not alienate herself because of the terrifying appearance of the other party.

Holding her palm by such a beautiful beauty, even if she knew that the other party was a male Xiao Hei, she couldn't help blushing shyly, Aina was really too beautiful, so beautiful that she could completely ignore her gender, and she didn't touch it much. The little black in the girl's hand couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart.

"Hey what are you two doing?I'm dying of heat! 』

The interaction between Aina and her bodyguard made Xiao Nana feel a little uncomfortable. She felt that she was easily abducted by others who had been with her companion for so long, but she could not restrict the communication of each other. People who take money to do things, as long as they don't interfere with the work of protecting Xiao Nana, what Xiao Hei wants to do is not up to her.

"Let's go. 』

Aina let go of her hand and waved at Xiao Hei and rushed back to Xiao Nana first. The moment he turned around, her light beige hair swept across the air in a beautiful arc, and the tip of her hair brushed the bridge of Xiao Hei's nose. , a faint floral fragrance made Xiao Hei fall into a trance.Elves are the daughters of nature, their beautiful figures have been deeply introduced into Xiao Hei's heart, like a first love flooding into his heart, Xiao Hei feels like he is in love.Looking at Aina who was actively chatting with Xiao Nana not far away, Xiao Hei had a determination in his heart to protect these two beautiful flowers even in death.

"Hey, I'm a little hungry, is there any cool shop around? 』

Xiao Nana didn't alienate Aina deliberately because it looked like she was going to be in a relationship. Although she had thought so, but Aina's calm and sincere smile made people feel uneasy. Even Xiao Nana herself didn't realize that she subconsciously had no defense against Aina.

"Hmm~ I think about it, don't you mind a high-calorie drink like milk tea? 』

"It's okay, I usually exercise a lot, even if you take me to a Western-style fast food restaurant, there is no problem. 』

"Fine. 』

Aina led Xiao Nana to a milk tea shop. The decoration of the shop used a lot of pink as decoration, and it looked very girlish.However, Xiao Nana didn't seem to be interested in these things, so she found a place that seemed to be more ventilated and sat down, and took off the clothes that surrounded her with the inner three circles and the outer three circles.

Hidden under the thick clothes was a lively and lovely girl, her lovely pink hair jumping out of her hat, her eyes like amethyst shone with light, and sweat ran across her seductive and green collarbone. She was dressed like a sailor. The attitude of the clothes exudes youthful vitality, and she is a girl who can be motivated just by looking at it.

"Haha!It really is about to heat me to death, and it is really tortured to go out. 』

He didn't care about Aina's gaze and pulled his collar. The looming chest made Aina look away, and even Xiao Hei on the side had a dark face. This popular idol was too unprepared.

"If it's too hot, don't wear so much in the first place, it'll be bad if you get sick. 』

Aina's eyelids twitched as she looked at the half-height clothes stacked beside her, and said in a worried tone, but what she got was a big white eye from Xiao Nana.

"You think I think so?I'm an idol, do you know how many fans I have?If I walk down the street like I usually do, I'll be blocked by fans very quickly, and if I don't cover my face, I'll never be able to go out! 』

Although Xiao Nana's words sounded a bit stinky, it was true.Her fame has almost reached the level of a household name, with a lovely appearance and strong strength, she is a super rookie and super idol that is no less than Aina or even more than Aina, and as long as Aina walks and turns her head, she can see through Through the glass in the milk tea shop, I saw that on the big screen outside the building, a clip of Xiao Nana's concert was playing.

"Xiao Hei, don't you do it?How tiring to sit. 』

"No, I'll just stand. I'm a bodyguard. If I sit, I can't protect Xiao Nana, and if I sit down, it will be too crowded. 』

In the face of Aina's kindness, Xiao Hei politely refused. It is indeed difficult to react when it is dangerous to sit down, and Xiao Hei has been standing beside him at a subtle angle, blocking the sight of the people in other seats, so that They couldn't see Xiao Nana's face clearly. Even if the bodyguard was very attractive, they couldn't see the situation here.

Besides, Xiao Nana chose a four-person seat, excluding Aina and Xiao Nana sitting face to face, one of the remaining two seats was filled with clothes that Xiao Nana used to disguise, and the only one was empty. The seat is only next to Aina, not to mention that Xiao Hei and Aina feel very shy when they sit together, just relying on Xiao Hei's mountain-like body to sit down, I am afraid that Aina will not be squeezed into patties.

"Well, let me introduce myself, my original name is Shui Na, you can just call me Nana. Seeing that we are about the same age, it is too strange to be called Xiao Nana by you. 』

Nana was ordering food on the screen while talking to Aina. Nana is only 17 years old this year. She is a veritable girl idol. Her appearance looks a bit immature and cute. She is indeed about the same age as Aina with a flat chest. look.However, Aina is a real 20-year-old adult, but because the elf's appearance does not change after reaching a certain stage, it looks similar to a teenage girl, and Aina can't say it.

"Well, little Nana.My full name is Estreya Hillina, and I can be called Aina for short. 』

Aina also answered while ordering, and after ordering her own, she looked at Xiao Hei and asked.

"What would you like to drink, little black? 』

"Aina, just help me by the way. 』

The biggest one here is Xiao Hei, who is in his 30s and is going to be 40 years old. People like him don’t know much about milk tea, which is a drink for young people on the surface, so he left the decision to Aina.Thinking that adults like Xiao Hei might not like sweet things very much, Aina ordered a cup of green tea for Xiao Hei.

"Ai what?Shihana?Your name is so strange and long, by the way, you seem to be a half-elf. Do you have the same name as your elves? 』

"It should be almost the same. After all, the pronunciation of the elves' language is not the same as here, but I heard that some human beings in other countries are similar to ours.And in my eyes, Nana, your name is also very special, shouldn't it be a foreigner? 』

"My name is a little bit different from ordinary people, but it's my mother's fault.However, elves are still half-elves, they are really rare, and they are as thin and tender as the rumored ones. 』

Nana held the large portion of Buffy just served by the waiter in both hands, biting the habit of it with some discomfort.I don't stay up all night and do daily maintenance every day. As an idol, I do my best to maintain my figure and appearance, but even this is not as delicate as Aina's skin. As a woman, I can't help but feel a little jealous.

"So sweet, so delicious! 』

However, this unhappy mood was quickly dissipated by the sweetness, and the mind was taken away by the delicious large portion of Buffy in front of him.

"Right, whether it's milk tea, desserts or snacks, this store is very delicious, but it took me a whole year to discover it. 』

Seeing the other party's expression of enjoyment, Aina smiled from the bottom of her heart, and subconsciously looked at Nana with a slightly doting smile. Nana, who accidentally met Aina's gaze, blushed for some reason, and felt her cheeks. Nana, whose temperature was a little off, hurriedly lowered her head to prevent Aina from seeing her face clearly.

Damn, why am I blushing?This damn man is so sweet.

After calming down, Nana carefully raised her head and glanced at Aina. Aina smiled on the front. Usually this pudding milk tea, the sweet feeling in his mouth made him show a very pleasant smile.

"Wow...how do I feel like going out with girls of the same age, you're not a fake boy. 』

"Eh?is that so?I don't think so, I've always been like this. 』

"Er... Forget it, I've never gone out with a real girl of the same age, maybe it's just my delusion. 』

Aina was stunned by the slightly desolate words Nana accidentally said, but after thinking about it, the other party has been carrying out idol activities and heroic activities. She is obviously of school age but has no time to go to school, so there is no place for school. It is also really difficult to make friends with girls of the same age.

"I'm really lucky to be able to eat with such a cute girl and a popular idol. 』

"Hmph, that's of course, you should be grateful that today is the best day in your life, after all, you have a beautiful girl idol like me to accompany you. 』

Nana usually hears pretty words like Aina, but I don't know why she said such praise-like words from Aina's mouth, but it made Nana feel the fluttering feeling she had never felt before.

"Ah, Xiao Nana looks very happy, she is really young. 』

Xiao Hei, who witnessed the interaction between Aina and Nana, squinted her eyes and showed a simple smile. She was very relieved that the person she had protected for a long time was able to make friends, although Nana herself may not admit that Aina is That's it for friends.

"This green tea is delicious. 』

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