[Volume Name] Talk in the future

1. Little Soul

In an unfamiliar environment, there is a newly born soul wandering aimlessly. He has no consciousness or any purpose of his own, but just keeps shuttle in this bright space like the stars.As if something was calling it, his path was always heading somewhere.

I don't know how long it took, this little soul was wrapped in a ray of light.This light is very warm, like the embrace in the mother's stomach, which makes the little soul without self-awareness feel the feeling of peace of mind for the first time.

The endless shuttle makes the little soul feel very tired, although it does not understand what it means to be tired.Encountered such a warm and warm space, it did not do any resistance, and fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

I don't know how long it took this little soul to "wake up". It sensed the surroundings in a daze. During the time it didn't know, there was a force that was constantly recasting its body, even his original body. The spirit, which should have no consciousness, now has a rudimentary emotion.

As it is now, it observes the surrounding scenery with less than a tenth of its body that has just been recast.It is now in a huge white palace, and it seems to be suspended in the air. Looking at such a scene, he has an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but it can't tell how familiar it is.

Soon it gradually saw a figure, it was a very beautiful person, for the little soul who saw a person for the first time in theory, the person in front of him gave it a kind of feeling that everyone in this world was inferior to him. Beautiful feeling.

Is that a woman with shiny silver hair?Although I really wanted to say this, the little soul was inexplicably sure that the other party should be a boy just like myself.

The beautiful silver-haired figure is different from the beauty he showed, and his behavior can be said to be very masculine, and even a little bit like an old man, which makes him more real as a man.

But people are beautiful enough that even their farts are considered fragrant. This beautiful silver-haired figure looks so beautiful even if she scratches her feet and scratches her little butt, and it also gives people a very kind and approachable illusion.

The little soul spends almost the whole day looking at this beautiful silver-haired figure. He is still immature, and he understands that this beautiful person in front of him seems a little boring?I stayed alone in the huge palace all day without anyone to accompany or talk to. I only occasionally took out something similar to a game console to play games. In addition, I only used sleep to pass the time.

Even the little soul as a bystander gradually got tired of such a constant day. Instead of staring at the beautiful figure in a daze, he increased his sleep time, because he felt that his body seemed to have completed a part. , the recasting progress of the entire body has entered halfway, and needs to rest to adapt to various new changes.


Another period of time has passed, and the little soul that was in a dormant state was suddenly awakened by several loud noises. He opened his eyes that had just been repaired in horror, and found the beautiful silver-haired figure on the ground. Doing things that have never been done before.

The silver-haired figure was holding a rifle of unknown model and was doing target training against the target. The loud noise was the sound of muzzle firing.

The silver-haired figure's movements are very proficient, and he is very familiar with the mastery of firearms, and his shooting accuracy is almost a hundred shots.The eyes are hard and the movements are not sloppy at all, and the heroic appearance shows a different kind of charm.

There are many more memories in the little soul's mind, most of which are related to common sense.But now the silver-haired figure is obviously a god, and what he does is completely different from the traditional gods. If he insists, the silver-haired figure is more like a skilled veteran, and every move reveals a sophisticated atmosphere. .

Shooting training seems to be a kind of entertainment used by the silver-haired gods. It is too boring to be alone, so I can only find this kind of entertainment that is not entertainment to pass my time.

Gradually, the little soul became familiar with the sound of firearms firing. In such a noisy environment, he fell asleep again, searching for everything about himself in the white dreamland.

"Hey, wake up, you've slept long enough, wake up and see how your health is now? 』

This time, Little Soul felt that he hadn't slept for a long time, because the silver-haired god came over not long after closing his eyes, and slapped Little Soul's face with his hands.


The little soul realized that he had a mouth. He opened his mouth but did not make any sound. It seemed that he just repaired the mouth. As for the throat and other sound organs, he did not have a single one.

"Well~ the body is completely repaired, but the organs that run the body haven't been fixed yet.As expected of me, after so many years, I haven't forgotten the technology of biological refining, but now it seems that it will take a while for you to be able to talk to me. 』

While talking, the silver-haired god shoved something like candy into the mouth of the little soul. He said it was candy but there was no trace of sweetness, and eating it only made the consciousness of the little soul more and more sober.

Gradually, the little soul began to recognize the person in front of him. This beautiful silver-haired boy was the creator of the world, the creator of the world, and this white palace was also the palace of the creator.

The little soul began to think hard about his identity, but no matter how much he thought about it, he didn't know who he was. Although he could recognize cars, houses, men and women, he had no memory of himself.

"Don't force yourself, cognition is not so easy to get back, you have a good rest, it won't take long for you to recall your own things. 』

The God of Creation patted the little soul's head. His hand made the little soul feel a warm feeling of being touched by his mother. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep again in this warm feeling.

This time, the God of Creation did not go to shoot to make noise, but touched the face of the little soul and said to the sleeping little soul with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry my child, it's all my fault.Back then, I wasn't mature enough to create such a high-level creature as a god, so I created such an immature you, and I'm sorry you have gone through so many painful things.Now you have to recall your soul to remake, don’t worry, it won’t be long before you can live the life you want, I promise that your brand new body will not be eroded by darkness, you are the son of light, you don’t should be excluded from the bright world. 』

After finishing speaking, the God of Creation put down the hand that touched the little soul. He was also very tired after consuming his divine power to perform various operations, and needed a long rest to recover his physical strength.

2. Empress in power

Four full years have passed since Aina committed suicide in the Forbidden Forest. This time period coincides with the time when Aina escaped from her hometown and came to live in the city to become a superhero. At that time, Aina was alone. lived for four years.

Four years can be long or short, but it is enough to make many people forget a lot of things. For example, Aina, who was well-known back then, is rarely mentioned now.

However, for N City, Aina has always been a representative figure. It can be seen from the mayor's unwillingness to dismantle the statue of Aina in the square even after he learned that Aina might encounter unexpected news. He is trying to make people remember this dead savior.

N City has indeed developed a lot because of Aina, and it was originally just a small city with a high degree of development, because Aina has been directly renovated and rebuilt in the past four years into a scale comparable to that of a first-tier city. It attracts many people to come here and settle here.

Most places in N City have undergone earth-shaking changes, but there is one place that has hardly changed in the past four years, and that is the commercial street that Aina took.

Because of the celebrity effect, the street itself has become a historical and cultural site. In addition, the geographical location of this commercial street is too remote. Even if it is renovated, no one will go there. At most, it is nearby. Neighbors just communicate with each other.

Today, old Chen Zheng from a meat stall is lying on a lazy chair in the shop with a limited face, leaning on another stool with his legs crossed, picking up a newspaper in both hands and wearing a pair of presbyopic glasses to read leisurely. on.

"Let me see the headlines... The Queen of the Elf Kingdom Freya abdicates and her daughter Freyna will become the new queen?Subhumans are subhumans, and their education level is really not high. What age is it that they still have the throne? 』

Looking at the headlines of the Queen's abdication, Lao Chen snorted disdainfully, and reached out to button his calloused feet.As an ordinary citizen, Lao Chen, like most ordinary people, has little interest in things that do not happen to him.

"But the Elf Kingdom seems to be the wife's hometown, right?Such a big thing, he should go back and have a look, right?There has been no information for so many years, where has he been hiding this time? 』

Lao Chen picked his teeth with the toothpick next to him and said to himself that he was one of the few people who thought that Aina was not dead, and it was not because he believed that Aina was strong enough that no one could hurt him.It's just that the simple old Chen thinks that Aina just ran away from home like before, and will come back after hiding for a while, although Lao Chen doesn't know why Aina has to hide.

"However, I really miss it. Such a beautiful child is very eye-catching every day I see it, but unfortunately I don't know where to go now. 』

Old Chen shook his head and said with some nostalgia that Aina had just arrived in the city at the beginning. After receiving the first salary, he walked in the commercial street in confusion, shaking his head and didn't know what to buy. He looked helpless and confused. Feeling confused can easily be tricked into going home.

At that time, Lao Chen saw Aina like this at a glance, and thought that a business opportunity came. He immediately brought Aina back to his shop with his superb business words, and almost used his three-inch tongue. Let Aina buy ten kilograms of pork. Unfortunately, Lao Chen's wife came out at this time. Aunt Chen stopped Lao Chen's profiteer behavior and prevented Aina from spending money to buy a lesson.

After all, when Aina was an elf back then, even if she bought meat, she couldn't eat it.

Although the encounter was a bit messy and even funny, it was indeed a beautiful encounter between Aina and the middle-aged couple. Aina would always visit Lao Chen's store for a long time in the future, although he only bought a little bit each time. The meat is not necessarily eaten and played, but Aina still wants to take care of the business of this store.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately~"

Old Chen shook his head with a sad expression. He hadn't seen Aina for four years, and it was almost impossible to see him again.He himself is getting older and older, and maybe one day he will be unable to move in bed, let alone go out to find the Aina.

After sighing in his heart, Lao Chen continued to look at the newspaper in his hand. There was a subtitle next to the headline. The queen of the demons and the queen of the dragons both expressed their blessings to the new queen of the Elf Kingdom, and will increase their cooperation with the elves in the future. Kingdom exchanges, striving to become the closest confederate member.

"What the hell is this all about?How come all of your demihuman nations are queens?What are the men doing?Strange enough. 』

The more I look at Lao Chen, the more I feel that something is wrong. In this country, the queen is in the top position and there is no man. What happened to the man, can the man not be the leader of the country?Shivering cold, when can a man stand up?

However, apart from the fact that the Elf Kingdom Freinaya is going to be the queen, the Dragon Kingdom and the Demon Kingdom are very abrupt.Freyja had already prepared for her abdication many years ago, and it was a sure thing for Freyna to become the new queen.

Aina's death was not a big blow to Freya, and it was too late to abdicate until now.But not many people thought that Aina's death also stimulated the hearts of the two little princesses of the Demon Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom. Most of them felt that they were powerless and unable to help Aina, so they forced themselves to become stronger and take the throne ahead of schedule.

Of course, Lao Chen would not consider these things. He is just an ordinary citizen. Although he likes to stand up and give pointers on politics and other matters, he will only talk nonsense if he really asks him to say something.

"The national idol Xiao Jiajia only had three concerts last year. According to industry insiders, Xiao Jiajia herself has the idea of ​​​​retiring.Don't~ After my wife left, I have nothing to see, and if Xiao Jiajia also retires, I really have nothing to look at. 』

Seeing some news headlines that seemed to be rumors, Lao Chen let out a heartfelt wailing.As an old old man, his daily pleasure is to watch all kinds of beautiful superhero ladies or cute idols to pass the time. Now that Aina is gone, Xiao Jiajia also seems to want to retire.

If you really want this, Lao Chen really doesn't know what to watch to pass the time, should he watch his own wife?But don't, this is too tormenting for him, Aunt Chen has long been old, and she is not as good-looking as these young ladies and sisters.

"Old Chen! ! ! ! ! 』

"What what? !I didn't say you are old! ! ! 』

Just as Lao Chen was thinking about this, Aunt Chen in the store suddenly launched her own Hedong roar, and Lao Chen, who was so shocked, almost fell off the lazy chair.

3. Idols

"what?Good you old Chen, I thought you were just groping fish and not working hard, but in the end you actually think I'm old?Are you itchy ass, don't hit the roof tile for a day? 』

Aunt Chen obviously didn't have the ability to listen to other people's thoughts through her heart. Old Chen's panicked shout was just not asking himself.

"No, how is it possible, you are my good wife, beautiful as a fairy, beautiful as a flower, and beautiful, how could I despise you for being old? 』

He stood up from the ground, clutching the pained old waist, and the desire to survive made him hurriedly say that all the knowledge over the years was gathered in this sentence, but in the end, he could only pull out such a little idiom.

"Hmph, slick tongue, that's all you can say.Hurry up and give my mother a serious look at the store, just because of you, no customers come to your door! 』

Old Chen's compliment was very stiff, but Aunt Chen seemed to take it. Her voice, which was like a tigress, was now as gentle as a cat's. Although her mouth was still stubborn, her voice had become very soft.

"Yes, yes, I will try my best. 』

Uncle Chen lowered his head towards the back room, and at a glance, he knew that it was old bronchitis.However, when there was no movement in the back room, and after confirming that his wife had returned to the room, Old Chen's charming expression on the air instantly solidified, and immediately changed to a look of disgust.

"Fuck hard, bah! 』

Spitting at the trash can, Lao Chen sat on the chair in front of the sales counter and crossed his legs again. His appearance was completely different from the docile look just now, but he only dared to see it in Aunt Chen. The place is so arrogant.

"Stinky bastard, it's like if I try hard enough, I will come to buy meat. There are no people in this street, and our place is mainly for supply. The mother-in-law is the mother-in-law who doesn't know how to do business at all. 』

Old Chen shook his shoulders and said, and he could still read the newspaper while sitting in front of the counter. Anyway, when a customer arrives, he can deal with it.

"The witches who have disappeared gathered again and reconnected with the elves who broke up many years ago. Now the witches live in the Elf Kingdom. If anyone needs it, please go to the New Culture Street of the Elf Kingdom to communicate. PS: If you need the so-called love potion Please also turn right to the police station, forcing people to like their own potion is taboo.What the hell is this?Is this ad too explicit? 』

Old Chen pouted and severely reprimanded the newspaper's blatant advertising, which made him angrily look at the newspaper's publishing house, Shining Daily.

"Good guy, it's that flash reporter's newspaper. 』

Old Chen pouted and understood the reason why the newspaper was so offline. The flash reporter who was also the boss of the newspaper and the agent of the idol was the poison sac of the industry.Everyone else is reporting hot facts, but her family's newspaper is only chasing after the beautiful superhero lady, which seems to be looking for new idols.

But the most irritating thing is that because the owner of the newspaper, Flash Reporter, was related to Aina at the beginning, which is equivalent to being directly related to the Super Hero League. Many major news or reports are published directly through this newspaper, which is highly authoritative. , which makes it difficult to abandon this newspaper.

"But I like it, hehe~"

For an old-fashioned old man like Lao Chen, such a newspaper is just right. He can find many good-looking superheroes and sisters, and they are eye-catching and interesting, so he will buy newspapers to read them.

"I remember that cat-eared assassin, he seems to have been kidnapped to become an idol, or was he pulled by that flash reporter, and he seems to be popular other than that?Sure enough, today's young people like beast ears? 』

Lao Chen touched his chin and thought about the scene when Phil first debuted, a ruthless man who dared to openly woo Aina in front of the public, but he was so ashamed when he put on an idol costume and stood on the stage. Not hiding behind Xiao Nana, such a contrast also makes people feel like they can't stop.

"Although people like me are not very cute beast ears, I still like to see the shy little girls.It's a pity that the cat-eared assassin will only appear when the cute little Nana is performing, but Xiao Nana has already retired, otherwise the title of national idol will not fall on Xiao Jiajia's head. 』

Lao Chen shook his head and recalled what happened four years ago. Because of Aina's departure, Xiao Nana, whose state declined, became less and less interested in pursuing an idol career, so she retired soon after.Then, in order to make up for the vacancy, the then little Nana and Qin Shi went to the younger generation, Xiao Jiajia, whom Aina was very optimistic about.

Originally wanted to say that it was just to make up for the gap, but the number of people who liked the pseudo-girl magical girl was much more than expected, and soon Xiao Jiajia became the new top idol.Linglong also debuted at the same time as him. That steely arrogant girl is not so popular anymore. After all, the arrogant attribute is not very popular now.

But there is one thing that everyone is looking forward to, that is, watching Xiao Jiajia and Linglong Tie Tie, the intimate interaction between the two will remind people of Aina and Xiao Nana in those days.

"I heard that Xiao Nana is now helping out at the coffee shop where Aina used to work. If I go for coffee, I should be able to see her again, right?Little Nana in a maid outfit, hey, just thinking about it makes me feel good, hehe~」

With a smile, Lao Chen thought how obscene and obscene he looked with his wrinkled face. Originally, several women who wanted to buy some meat back saw Lao Chen like this, and they all stopped and left. No, normal people would not dare to buy things in a store where such people stay.

"Hey~ I have nothing to see today. 』

Old Chen flipped through the newspaper and turned to the last side. There was no news on it that he was interested in. He simply folded the newspaper in his hand and threw it aside. He put his hands on the back of his head and whistled with his legs crossed.

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