Aina, who was let go of the pigeon, couldn't help but feel bad. When she was in a bad mood, it was easy to think about those sad things.It's like the current Aina suddenly thinks that he is about to leave here. The reason why his father arranged this task for him is to observe Aina's current strength, and secondly, his ant-sized humanization is given to Aina. The last experience of , the first and last mission as a D-class hero.

"I'm so sorry, Nana, it's not true that I'm saving money to get married. After all, I'm going to join the royal family of that country. With their financial resources, I don't need to make any money at all. I don't want to spend money. satisfy my own mood. 』

Aina understands that after this mission is over, her sister will come and take him away. After all, no matter what the good person is doing, it will be solved immediately. If you say that she has no time to come and take him back, say Aina I don't believe it myself.

As soon as she thought of leaving, Aina had to think of Miss Witch. With Miss Witch's magic, there was no problem at all in wanting to know what happened to her, and Miss Witch was very kind to Aina. When she learned that she kept promising After being able to protect Aina but being slapped in the face immediately, she would definitely blame herself, and Aina wanted to comfort her.

"By the way, please remind the witch to wear more clothes, and don't always wear her robe that exposes the outside of her thighs. 』

Aina said to herself, but it was not hard to hear that her voice was a little sad, and her eyes were dull. He was really reluctant to leave N city and return to the home that was a place of sadness for him. .

Call ~

Another strong wind blew, and Aina's pale beige hair flew again, this time the silver flying against the light was accompanied by a brilliant red.

"It's you? 』

The red-haired girl who appeared beside Aina the day before yesterday stood in front of Aina again. She was holding the book that Aina had signed, standing there and looking up at Aina. She was wearing a white dress with a pure and lovely appearance. It looks out of place in this cold early winter.

"Estreia Hillina... my lord. 』

The young girl's young voice called out Aina's name in a very authentic and clear Elvish language, her eyes as bright as the blue sea shone with light, and her face was full of joy when she talked to Aina.

The next moment, Aina stretched out her hands to hold the girl in her arms, and pressed the girl's head to her chest. A sudden sadness poured out of her heart, and warm and sad tears flowed from her eyes.

"Lord.... Lord? ! 』

The girl was taken aback by Aina's sudden action. She was a little stiff and simple in her arms, but judging from her surprised tone, she wasn't disgusted, rather she felt a little bit of joy.

"Aren't you afraid of catching a cold by wearing so little on such a cold day?It's not enough if you don't take good care of your body at a young age. 』

Aina's motherly voice sounded in the girl's ears, and soon Aina let go of the girl, took off his jacket and put it on the girl, while he stood shivering in the wind wearing only the guaranteed shirt. .

"Clothes... Lord, you need it more... I don't need it... I'm not cold. 』

Seeing Aina like this, the girl couldn't bear it. She wanted to return the jacket to Aina, but she really couldn't feel the cold, and the temperature didn't stop her from shivering against the cold wind.

"Don't be arrogant, children. 』

However, with the girl's appearance, no one would believe that she was not cold. Aina reached out to stop the girl from trying to return the jacket to herself, but instead reached out to help the girl put it on.For girls, some oversized coats are more like eccentric dresses, and the hem reaches the thighs when they are worn on their bodies.

"Don't... always treat me like... a child. 』

Being treated by Aina as a child, it is obvious that she has some complaints, but instead of taking off her clothes rebelliously, she shrank her body as much as possible to feel the warmth of Aina's coat, and smelled Aina's smell from the clothes. The smell reassured the girl.

"And he said he wasn't a child. 』

The action of the girl shrinking her body was regarded by Aina as a warm action. She reached out her hand and rubbed the other person's small head in annoyance. The girl also narrowed her eyes like a kitten and took the initiative to rub her head against Aina's palm. This scene made Aina's inner sense of familiarity even stronger.

On the surface, Aina showed concern for others, especially children, as usual, but in fact, Aina's heart was panicking at this time.He didn't know what the wind was in his mind just now to suddenly hug a girl. Judging from the appearance of the other party, most of them were not adults.Fortunately, the girl is very close to her. If she accidentally yelled that Aina did something bad, Aina would not be able to tell even if she went to the Yellow River for winter swimming.

goo goo~~

Aina, who didn't eat breakfast in the morning, waited for Nana to eat with her, and her stomach rang involuntarily. In the center of the commercial street, she couldn't help but feel greedy when she smelled the food emanating from the surrounding shops. Looking at the warm storefront, she wanted to rush in directly.

"are you hungry? 』

But the first thing Aina thought about was not herself, but the girl on the side. The girl wearing a dress in this weather gave Aina a kind of stupid and cute influence. Aina subconsciously felt that the girl was walking around without food. , so subconsciously ask if the other party is hungry.

"Hungry... very hungry. 』

The girl was a little confused, looking like she was drunk by the smell of Aina.It's just that in Aina's eyes, the girl is sleepy. After all, when the body warms up in this weather, it will subconsciously become sleepy.

"Then what do you want to eat?Brother take you to eat. 』

Aina felt very strange after saying this, as if she was conspiring to kidnap children.

"I...want to eat you, my lord? ~Eat all the leftovers and wipe them clean. 』

"what? 』

The girl's blue eyes turned black, and her originally dazed appearance revealed a very aggressive smile. The curved crescent-like smile looked mysterious and charming. The girl who stuck out her tongue and licked her lips looked like Alluring.

The sharp contrast made Aina unable to react. She felt that she was seeing it wrong. Aina closed her eyes and shook her head. When he opened her eyes, the girl's eyes changed back to the original blue, confused expression. Not at all what it looked like before.

"Lord...I want to eat...I will eat..."

Afterwards, the girl spoke in her milky voice. Although Aina still had some doubts, she couldn't have any doubts in the face of the girl's confused appearance. She could only take what she saw just now as her hallucination. .

(2019, Happy New Year!)

80. Sweets have a strange magic

It's not time for lunch yet, so Aina doesn't want to go for greasy meals. Besides, there is a small child next to her. After thinking about it, Aina still takes the girl to a dessert shop. After all, children are all I don't like eating very much. If it's dessert, it's another matter.

"Two chocolate cakes and drinks, please. Thank you. 』

"Ok, no problem. 』

Aina took the girl to make the order in the shop skillfully. Aina asked the girl what flavor she likes to eat, but all she got was a perfunctory answer. There was no way for Aina to order more. Got a copy like myself.

"Is it really good to eat something like this in the morning? 』

Aina still has doubts about eating cake for breakfast. After all, in his impression, it is better to eat light breakfast, and cakes are very calorie-heavy and easy to gain weight.But Aina thought about it carefully and then let it go. After all, the nobles of some countries often eat cakes as breakfast, and I have not seen any problems with them. At most, some nobles look too fat, no matter what. Men and women are the same.

While waiting for the cake, Aina thought about how to make the cake. What Aina likes most is to eat and think about the recipe so that she can restore it when she goes back. The family is all girls except herself, because Aina has also been working on it recently. Learning the practice of various desserts can enrich the dishes in the coffee shop while satisfying the mouths of the girls at home.

Aina is easily absorbed in thinking about one thing, and accidentally forgets about the girl next to her, but fortunately, the girl does not like to be noisy like other children. Staring at Aina with eager eyes, as if looking forward to a delicious cake.

However, in her eyes, there is no meaning to look forward to the cake at all. For her, the sweet cake is not as delicious as Aina's. Just staring at Aina's face has already made her somewhat full.

"Ah... I'm sorry, it's boring to wait like this, right?Want to chat for a while? 』

Aina quickly realized that he was still carrying a child. He didn't want the cute child in front of him to feel left out. Aina still likes children, of course only for girls, boys too Too lively, even Aina can't stand it.


The girl still answered in a daze, seemingly indifferent to everyone, and the only one who could arouse her interest was Aina.

"Then let's start with the name first, you already know my name brother, I don't know your name yet. 』

Aina first talked about the topic of names. He had already met the girl for the second time. It would be too strange if he didn't even know his name.

"Silfrena Dessicali. 』

The girl said lightly, but Aina was stunned for a moment.Because the language used by the girl is ancient language, the name is also the pronunciation of ancient language, this language is basically unknown except for the old men in various countries, and Aina himself just ran to the book next to the World Tree when he was a child. I have seen it in the museum, and I have a little understanding of the content. If I really let Aina say that I really can’t say it, at most I recognize that this is an ancient language, just like the name of a girl, I really let Aina analyze what her name represents. Meaning, Aina cannot analyze.

If Aina's biological mother, the elf queen, were to come, she might be able to recognize it, after all, she is a monster that has lived for more than 1000 years.

"You are such a wonderful child.However, your name is very nice, but it sounds a little awkward. How about brother, I will call you Xiaoleina for short? 』

A girl who looks so petite has mastered the Elvish and ancient languages ​​proficiently, which is a big shock to Aina, which makes Aina very curious about the girl's life experience. What kind of parent would ask such a child to speak such a useless language.

"Well, as long as... the Lord is happy. 』

This time, Xiao Leina's answer was as dull as before. Her blushing face was a little excited. It seemed that she was very happy to receive a nickname from Aina.

"So, does Reina often come out to play by herself? 』

"Well, recently... I come out often, but not for fun... but for the sake of the Lord..."

Little Leina said shyly, her shy expression was very cute and charming, and even Aina couldn't help being shy when she saw it, but he didn't take it seriously, after all, children tend to get close to people who treat her well. Very common and does not need to be taken seriously.

"Then... Where do you live, Reina, and what do your parents do? 』

It's a simple question, but Aina always feels that something has changed. The other party is just a child. As an adult, asking this way always feels like a conspiracy.

"The father and I were sitting in the shop waiting for the food called cake. 』

"Ah... ah?Coincidence?Lena, your father is also in the store, can you point out to me who it is. 』

This is fishing law enforcement!Aina shouted loudly in a cold sweat, he was very nervous now, he was thinking that if Xiao Leina's father saw him dragging his daughter to eat cake casually, he would definitely be regarded as an abductor.Now Aina wants to do it first, and tell Xiaoleina's father that he is taking his daughter with him, so as to avoid bad misunderstandings.

However, Lena didn't look away, she pointed out her angry little finger and pointed at Aina, so scared that Aina turned around and found that there was a wall behind her, so angry that her muscular father didn't appear in his place. behind.

"Little Lena...what do you mean? 』

"nothing. 』

Little Leina's actions made Aina confused, not referring to the people behind her, nor could she be referring to herself. After all, Aina knew whether she had children or not, even if they did, it was impossible. There is so much.Aina can only think that Xiao Leina doesn't want to tell her about her parents to this stranger, or else something happened at home, her parents are no longer, and she is so gentle to Xiao Leina, Xiao Leina regards herself as him 's father.

"The cake you ordered is ready. 』

"Ah...thank you. 』

"Please take your time. 』

Aina still wanted to ask Xiao Leina something, but the waiter had already handed the cake to the two of them. Aina, who was really hungry, didn't care about it anymore, she picked up the knife and fork and ate it.The taste of chocolate and cream exploded in Aina's mouth, and Aina narrowed her eyes when she felt the taste of happiness.

Aina doesn’t really like sweets, but once in a while it’s still very delicious, but Aina won’t be able to eat it in a short period of time. If you come for the second time, Aina will feel very tired and it will take a long time. Can't eat sweet things for a while.What Aina couldn't understand was why the store manager and Phil were able to eat a pile of cakes and sweets without stopping.

"What's the matter, Reina, don't you like cakes? 』

When Aina opened her eyes, she saw Little Reina who was holding a fork and kept sticking to the surface of the cake.

"No... Lord... I don't really understand... what exactly is this kind of food... I question whether it can be eaten. 』

Xiao Leina's face was serious, as if she had seen food that she didn't know was poisonous or not. Aina's serious and old-fashioned tone made Aina feel a little funny, and at the same time she felt a little pitiful for the other party. Such a cute and well-behaved girl grew up so big. I haven't even seen the cake, it seems that something happened to the parents of the other party.

"Don't be afraid, little Lena, the cake is very sweet and delicious, and it won't be poisonous, so eat it with confidence.If it's poisonous or unpalatable, you can ask my brother to do anything, no matter what it is. 』

"Lord... but what you said... absolutely cannot go back! 』

"Don't go back, don't go back, don't worry. 』

Aina finally coaxed little Reina. When little Reina picked up the fork and put the cake into her mouth, Aina could see that little Reina's eyes widened and her beautiful sapphire pupils were shining. Ray, but after thinking that if she finds it unpalatable, she can ask Aina to do one thing, and she began to struggle again, wondering whether to take a second bite.

"It's really unpalatable... oh, I just fed Jushang Li to reluctantly go down, don't worry about it (I just reluctantly ate it for the sake of the Lord, don't get me wrong.)"

In the end, Lena couldn't hold back the temptation and ate it with a big mouthful. The whole cake was in her mouth, making Lena's face round and round, but thinking that this would not allow Aina to fulfill her wish, she deliberately Saying it's hard to eat and inarticulate almost makes Aina cute.

"Okay, I know, eat slowly, don't choke, if you don't eat enough, there's still more. 』

Facing such a cute little Lena, Aina showed her doting eyes, and silently bought a second cake for her, thinking that even this would be considered a loss, and it would be nothing to satisfy a child's wish. It's nothing more than wanting to eat something and buy some toys, or want to buy a beautiful little skirt. The attitude of generosity is completely different from the attitude of the iron cock yesterday. He is generous to the little loli, and he is very generous to himself.

"By the way, Lena, why do you always call me my lord?What does this mean, from my understanding, this is the master's meaning. 』

Seeing Xiao Leina eating so happily, Aina expressed her doubts in her heart. Although he understood that the master meant the master, the other party was someone who was proficient in ancient languages. the same?

"The Lord is the Lord, and the Lord is also the master of our generation. You, the Lord, saved my life and gave me the name and love of the food. The Lord is the person I will serve in my whole life. Everything I do is for the Lord.Even if you want me to sacrifice my body and life, for me, you are everything to me. 』

81. Don't go into alleys with strangers by the way

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