No one blamed Aina for taking too much action on a child. It was the same sentence that the citizens of City N generally trusted Aina.A child who can make Aina so angry and take such a heavy hand must be a bear child who will make big mistakes.

When they got here, passersby began to think about what the cute little girl who entered the alley with Aina had done, so that Aina could ruthlessly destroy the flowers, and the sound of spanking was endless.

I have to say that the masses have a lot of brain holes. Just under the spanking and Xiao Leina's cries of admitting their mistakes, passersby made up a very rich story in their brains.

Since that day, an urban legend has been circulating in the streets. There is a silver doll with beautiful skin and hair. Because of his cute and playful appearance, he bullies the local residents everywhere. The little goblin was staring at him, all kinds of mischief fell on the poor man, and he wanted to punish the hateful puppet girl angrily, but when others raised their arms, the silver-haired puppet showed a lovely expression again , to make the poor victim soft-hearted, and was accidentally run away by the girl for a prank.

And just when people and gods were outraged, the guardian of N city, known as the hero of Mrs. Ribbon, appeared. The gentle and kind-hearted woman did not hesitate to damage her own reputation. He slapped the silver-haired girl's little ass fiercely, and used words to influence her evil heart, and finally purified it into a fairy who likes to help others.

This rumor can be said to be too fake, but the impression that Aina gave others is really good, subconsciously let others believe it, plus the assistance of Aina's fan group, many people believe it because of this This legend, even if you don't believe it, will smile knowingly, as a compliment to Aina.

However, this is simply black history for Xiao Leina many years later, and it has always been talked about after dinner by other sisters, which makes Xiao Leina want to travel back and strangle her former self.

regret, regret.

Covering her aching little ass, Xiao Leina walked out with a face full of remorse, thinking that she will never do such detrimental things again in the future.

In short, after this spanking punishment, Xiao Leina has become much more honest. The reason why she is so naughty is just to attract Aina's attention, but now it seems that the attention attracted is too much. Aina's inner anger was attracted.

The angle of view returned to Aina, who had knocked over the quilt and clothes and was wet. She was still lying on the sofa in the same posture as being pushed down. Qiuya held Aina's wrist while covering her nose with a nosebleed, her eyes widened. 's simply could not be removed from Aina's chest.

"Qiuya, are you alright? !You have a nosebleed! 』

The bright red liquid flowing from Qiuya’s nose can frighten Aina, worried that Qiuya’s Aina wanted to use the ribbon in her right hand to help Qiuya block her nose, but Qiuya avoided it.

"I'm fine, it's just that the weather is too hot today, I'll go out for a run to dissipate the heat and I'll be fine. 』

"Qiuya? !Wait a minute... ah out. 』

Aina looked at Qiuya with a puzzled look, the weather was not hot, it was just that the room was warmer, so Aina was wearing such thin clothes, and even the heat was not enough to make the elf have nosebleeds.And it's really because the body is hot, why do you want to run? Isn't that the more you run, the hotter you are?Aina just wanted to ask Qiuya, but Qiuya got up from Aina's body and ran away. Aina could only capture the afterimage of Qiuya, and then heard a "bang", Qiuya slammed the door and ran away .

96. Beware of hot tea

When his clothes were soaked, Aina took a shower and changed into his clothes. He took off his clothes in the bathroom, and the wet shirt was peeled off from his body. The tender white skin that became a little red from the scald looked unexpectedly attractive.

"What a strange spirit. 』

Aina, who filled the bathtub with water and tried the temperature of the water with her slender right leg, muttered to herself, her white jade toes touched the warm liquid, and her sensitive skin made Aina retract like she was electrocuted. With bare feet, Aina kept blowing against the bathtub in order to cool down the water temperature, looking silly and naive.

At first, Aina didn't recognize Qiuya. After a few days, Aina remembered that she had met each other when she was a child. Qiuya in the past was as arrogant as now, and looked down on Aina.But recently, Aina has been feeling very strange, sometimes arrogant and sometimes shy, and looking at her eyes without understanding, it always feels a little strange.

"Qiuya doesn't like me too, does she?How could it be, just simply afraid of me. 』

Aina smiled and denied her inner guess. Aina is a half-elf who grew up in the forest of elves since childhood. No one understands the arrogance of pure-blooded elves and the contempt for half-elves better than him.The reason why Qiuya's attitude towards Aina has changed for the better is simply because Xiaoleina manipulated the strength shown by Aina, which temporarily convinced Qiuya, and her shyness towards herself was just her acting skills.

"Wow~ It's really comfortable, taking a bath is much more comfortable than taking a bath in a lake. 』

After sinking the whole body into the bathtub, and drying it for a while, the water temperature was just right, so that Aina's whole body was almost melted in comfort.


"Hey hey! 』

Aina is lying beside the bathtub. If Aina has stock on her chest, it will be a very tempting picture, but it is a pity that Aina, who is a boy, will not have a little soft flesh on her chest.Aina smirked and pinched the little yellow duck floating on the water. The stupid little yellow duck made a stupid noise. This childish but cute toy was still popular with people both before and now.

Aina still enjoys the time of taking a bath, no one bothers or thinks about anything, just enjoy the comfort brought by the water temperature.But this tranquility could not last long, just as Aina happily hummed a little tune.A fat figure stuck his head out of the bathroom window, wearing a lot of heavy clothes and making himself as weird as a Michelin tire, and it seemed to hear Aina humming, and stretched out his right hand to Ai. Na gave a thumbs up.



Aina's hand wiping her arm stopped. He stared blankly at the Michelin tire man outside the window. It was not until the water on Aina's arm was dried by the wind that she felt the slightest coolness. Na reacted, and looked a little stiffly at the other party looking at his body.

"ah! ! ! ! ! 』

A dolphin sound no weaker than a girl's scream came from Aina's throat. This scream resounded directly throughout the house. Fortunately, Qiuya just went out for a run, and Phil hadn't come back. The manager also went to the store. Otherwise, Aina's scream will definitely attract people in the room.

"Don't, don't, don't shout!It's me, it's me Nana! 』

Aina panicked when she called out to the Michelin tire man, and hurriedly took off the scarf and hood that wrapped around her head. Under the tightly wrapped clothes, it turned out that there was no news of Nana.

"What... it's Nana, I thought she was a stalker and voyeur just as bad as Qin Shi or even worse. 』

Aina breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that it was Nana, but after thinking about it, she found something wrong, that is, Nana seemed to see herself lightly. His self-esteem still made him very shy.

"Don't stare at me all the time, and don't lie at the window, you go to the front door and I'll open the door for you to come in! 』

Aina angrily drew the curtains on the window. Aina, who did not expect to be peeked at by others, did not have the habit of closing the curtains, so Nana peeked at her body. Fortunately, Nana saw it. , If it were someone else with good intentions, then Aina might not be as simple as being peeked at, maybe the photos were taken, but it seems that Aina will not dare to pull the curtains in the future.

Because of Nana's sudden "attack", Aina lost interest in taking a bath, hurriedly wiped her body, put on her clothes, and walked out of the bathroom, trotting all the way to the gate, pulling the door handle and seeing the The mellow Nana stood at the door and looked around suspiciously.

"what are you doing......"

"Shh!Go ahead, it's hard to talk outside. 』

Without waiting for Aina to reply Nana, she got in all of a sudden, Aina raised her brows and closed the door, and took Nana behind the sofa in the living room into the kitchen to prepare tea for Nana.

"Is only black tea okay? 』

"Pfft... I would like to ask you to change the wording, let's just say it's black tea. 』

Nana, who smelled a stench from Aina's words, almost fell unsteadily. After stabilizing her figure, she began to take off her clothes. Of course, don't think about it. Nana did not want to be shy when she took off her clothes. The thing is that the clothes on the body are simply too hot, and it is too sultry in this warm place, and it is really unbearable to take it off.

Layer after layer, like dismantling a Russian nesting doll from big to small, finally the true face of the petite and lovely Nana is revealed.At this time, Aina also slowly stirred the tea leaves in the container.

"Wow!It was so suffocating that it almost melted away. 』

"If it's really so uncomfortable, don't dress up like this, learn from other stars, just wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses, how can you be so exaggerated? 』

Aina shook the teapot and said lightly. She wanted to laugh at Nana, the Michelin tire man, but today's events may give Aina a nightmare, the nightmare of the Michelin tire man invading the world.

"That's how naive you are!It's just that your popularity hasn't reached my level for the time being. If you're in my position, you'll realize how scary things are sometimes. I was too naive back then. I thought just like you that you only need to wear a hat. You can hide from others by wearing a piece of clothing that covers your figure with your sunglasses.But what I didn't expect was that these fans also have superpowers. He can smell my identity through the smell. It happens that this fan has some mental problems. He rushed over and took off my hat and sunglasses. He was severely beaten by Xiao Hei as an attacker, and it was still full of heartache. 』

Nana said in a calm tone, but it's not difficult to see that she still cares about this matter. At that time, she must have been entangled by recognized fans, and rumors that were harmful to her were everywhere. have it.

"It was really hard work. 』

Aina said sincerely, this kind of idol life is really not what Aina can imagine.

"It's very hard. After that time, I asked someone to get me clothes that can block various superpowers, but because one piece of clothing can only block one kind of superpower, in order to prevent all kinds of superpowers. The detective superpowers, I will surround myself like that, otherwise I would not dare to go out on the street at all. 』

Waving her hand, Nana said helplessly, not because of her brain disease, or she wouldn't have to suffer by wearing such thick clothes for no reason.

"The black tea is ready, please drink it. 』

While Aina and Nana were talking, the aroma of the tea leaves had completely diffused in the boiling water, and before Aina poured out the black tea, she could smell a strong tea fragrance.

"smell good!Is this really black tea? 』

"Aren't you talking nonsense?Could it be some kind of tea? 』

"Drowsy black tea. 』

"what? ! 』

"Nothing, nothing. 』

Aina squinted at Nana, who had a good face. She always felt that she was saying something strange, but Aina didn't know much about this, and Nana didn't want to say anything. , Aina had to give up.

Aina took out a cup for hospitality from the cabinet and poured a cup of black tea for Nana and herself. The brown-red liquid flowed into the cup along the spout, and the aroma that was originally blocked was not blocked at all. The aroma of tea wafted in the air, and even Nana, who wasn't very interested in black tea, couldn't help drooling at the moment.

"It's exaggerated to see that your saliva is almost drooling like this, and it's not like seeing delicious food. 』

Aina smiled and handed the cup to Nana, only to see Nana holding the cup in both hands and couldn't wait to take a sip.

"Be careful! 』

Aina reminded in time, but Nana still drank it regardless, and the hot black tea flowed down Nana's throat, but Nana did not respond, as if the black tea was not hot at all.

"So strong..."

Aina stared blankly at Nana, he didn't dare to drink like this.Aina is a genuine cat's tongue, and even slightly hot food can't be eaten, otherwise it's easy to burn the tongue.The same is true for hands. You can't touch hot things without gloves. Aina has been scalded many times when she first learned to cook.

Aina blew a few breaths of air into the teacup, which is very similar to blowing into the bathtub in the bathroom.He stretched out his pink tongue and tried frantically on the scalded edge of the teacup.

"Wow it's so hot! 』

The tip of the tongue touched the surface of the water lightly, and the stimulation from the high temperature scalded Aina's tongue, so that Aina's tongue shrank back in fright, squinting her eyes with tears in her eyes, it seemed that she was not lightly scalded.

"Aren't you exaggerating too much? 』

Nana, who is innately immune to scalding, looked at Aina with a puzzled face. She had never been scalded, and she didn't understand Aina's feelings at all. She felt that Aina's actions were too exaggerated.However, Aina's expression with her tongue out and her eyes squinting with tears in between is very cute, just like a frightened little white rabbit.

97. Don't be too inflated

"The taste of hometown is really nostalgic. 』

When the water temperature dropped to a suitable temperature, Aina took a sip, the strong tea fragrance burst out in her mouth, and the familiar fragrance made Aina very intoxicated. This was the taste from her hometown.

These tea leaves were brought by Qiuya from the forest of elves. It is said that the good leaves were selected by the queen of elves, but Aina just sneered at it. How could that arrogant queen be as concerned about her own children as she would choose condolences. Woolen cloth?No matter how you think about it, it's just a stratagem that the so-called elf civil servants came up with to make up for the relationship between the queen and Aina.

"As expected, the tea the beautiful girl brews is delicious. 』

Nana watched Aina taste the black tea in her hand with relish, just like sugar cubes in coffee, what made Nana feel that black tea is more delicious is Aina's beauty, just look at Aina's face and drink tea. It is very delicious, and the tea itself is a good tea, Nana can be said to enjoy it very much.

"It's going to be a joke. 』

Aina blushed a little when Nana said it, and even the beautiful girl didn't bother to complain. She took a cup and slowly tasted the black tea. Although she was very disdainful of her mother's diligent attitude, it did not prevent Aina from missing her. In his hometown, the thin family affection in his heart also touched him a little.

"But then again, Nana, what happened to you these days?Without even a single message, I almost went to find you. 』

"Don't talk about it, when I mention this, my brain hurts. Since the attack that happened when I met you, my economic man is so nervous, I am forbidden to go out, I am forbidden to go online, I am forbidden to communicate with strangers, what a king Don't be in a hurry, eunuch, I'm not so nervous as a fool, isn't it just a small attack?After all, I was a superhero before I became an idol, so what should I be afraid of? 』

Sitting on the sofa, Nana said angrily. She grabbed a cookie that Aina put on the table and bit it hard, chewing it bit by bit as if she was biting the agent's flesh and blood.

"That's really exaggerated. It's too much to not even limit the Internet access. So those posts were not sent by you, they should have been arranged by the broker?"Could it be that this agent is someone like your parents, or why would he care so much about you? 』

Aina wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. The behavior of the unknown agent scared Aina a little, and reminded Aina of the memory of being confined at home. He especially hates this kind of casual restriction of other people's lives. people.

"That disgusting guy isn't my parents. He was just lucky. He met the promising me in the early years. At that time, I was not as popular as I am now, so I had to sign a contract with him reluctantly.Now that I'm on fire, the bloated guy thinks that these are all his credits. I admit that a large part of the reason is inseparable from his efforts, but his attitude makes me very unhappy, and he always regards me as him s things.Anyway, I have enough funds now. As long as I finish this trip, I will cut off relations with him. I, a super idol like me, can still afford the liquidated damages! 』


Like drinking, Nana drank the black tea in her hand in one gulp. She looked very arrogant, but her pretending to be an adult was very cute in Aina's eyes.

"It sounds really hard, but I can't give you any advice on this kind of thing. 』

Aina squinted and drank the black tea in her hands. Nana's complaint sounded like a business dispute. This kind of thing is not something that a layman like Aina can mix.

"Listen to Aina, if someone wants to sign a contract with you in the future, you must choose someone you can trust, preferably your own friend, or you will face the same troubles as me in the future. 』

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