Not enough, and weird.

At the end of the morning practice, Aina frowned and looked at the ribbon sword in her hand. In the eyes of laymen, Aina's actions just now can be said to be perfect, but in the eyes of swordsmen, it is indeed not worth mentioning.At the same time, Aina felt very uncomfortable about the feel of the ribbon sword. Because of the lack of grudge, the young Aina could only swing the sword with brute force. He was already accustomed to the feel of the heavy sword, although the ribbon sword in his hand had It is no less sharp than a well-crafted long sword, but with the light and fluffy ribbon, it can’t even reach one ten thousandth of the weight of a long sword. degree of reduction.

"Looks like I need to get a real sword. 』

Aina touched her chin to get a sword. The idea of ​​getting a sword was implemented during the trip. Humans have a high-power lightsaber, but the weight of the lightsaber is not much different from the ribbon sword. An elf held the lightsaber and slashed. People also feel weird.Although Aina doesn't know how to fight with a lightsaber, but usually buy a lightsaber to play with if you are interested. After all, the light effect of the lightsaber waving looks very handsome. As a boy, Aina also imagines a certain black The man in the trench coat pulled the knife light once.

"As expected of my Aina, she looks so pretty even with her sword dancing. 』

"Eh, store manager? 』

Just when Aina was still immersed in the fantasy of broaching the knife, the store manager did not know when he got up and rushed over and hugged Aina from behind, feeling the warmth of the woman and the softness of the constant squeezing behind her, Aina. His face instantly turned red, and his body became stiff because of the tension.

"It's too much, Aina, why are you calling me the manager when this isn't the store?Why don't you just call my name? 』

"Well, I understand Liu Qinyu. 』

Aina reluctantly responded to the store manager behind him, Liu Qinyu. As the manager of the coffee shop, Liu Qinyu has always been Aina's benefactor and Aina's earliest friend. As a store clerk, the ghost knows what strange jobs Aina is doing now.

But to be honest, Aina felt that Liu Qinyu seemed to be hiding something from him, because when Aina asked her where she came from, Liu Qinyu always changed the subject and said that he was a runaway child from a single-parent family.The authenticity of Aina cannot be verified, but judging from Liu Qinyu's villa-like house, she is definitely not a child of an ordinary family, maybe a child of a wealthy family, but Liu Qinyu has never explained this aspect. This makes Aina a little sad.But Aina also understands that people don't want to reveal everything.

"Don't hold it so tightly, I just finished exercising and I was sweaty and dirty. 』

"It's not dirty, Aina's things aren't dirty, it's better to say that all these fragrant sweat exudes your body fragrance, Aina, I really want people to taste it. 』

"ah!Don't lick it. 』

Liu Qinyu stretched out his tongue and licked Aina's neck. The elf's collarbone and neck are naturally sensitive areas. When a beautiful girl like Liu Qinyu licked it, Aina couldn't help but make a strange sound.

"What a cute reaction, Aina, how can you be so cute? 』

Aina pouted and was obviously a little angry, she pulled down Liu Qinyu who was hanging on her body like a koala bear, stretched out her fingers and tapped Liu Qinyu's forehead fiercely, seeing Aina really angry Liu Qinyu stuck out his tongue to express his apology.

"Since you're up, Qinyu, then I'll go get breakfast, and after breakfast, I'll have to go out and do some errands. 』

"Did Aina make breakfast?Great! 』

Hearing that Aina was going to make breakfast in person, Liu Qinyu jumped up with joy. You must know that the food made by Aina in the Wife Attribute Report is very delicious. Liu Qinyu, who has been fortunate enough to taste it a few times, has long been satisfied with these tastes. Addicted, I go to pester Aina to do it whenever I have time.

11. Take the initiative to resist being harassed

After having breakfast and messing around with Liu Qinyu, Aina finally walked out of the house, and spent two hours walking to the gate of the N City Superhero League branch.Aina lowered his body and rubbed his sore calves. The two-hour walk was too tiring for the slightly weaker Aina. You asked Aina why he didn't take a car or subway?I can only say that with Aina's pretty face, in such a crowded public transportation, there will be 100% people who will stretch out their hands to harass her.

After a night of thinking, Aina finally decided to become a superhero. It is not a lofty ideal but a simple lack of money. The superhero profession is quite profitable.Aina felt that it was impossible for her to live in Liu Qinyu's house for the rest of her life. Although others were happy to live there, her little self-esteem as a man did not allow Aina to eat and live for nothing.

So in order to find a place where he can live, Aina must save money to buy a house, and the salary of a cafe waiter cannot make Aina start a house in a short time, so becoming a hero is Aina's first choice.

But in fact, it's just that Aina himself doesn't want to admit that the real reason he wants to be a hero is because of his stubbornness. After gaining strength, he wants to prove that he is not a waste.

Aina entered the building of the Superhero League. It was still very shocking to see the spacious high-tech building from the inside. It felt like returning to the time when he first entered the city. Aina, who lived in the inner palace of the World Tree, saw human beings. The high excitement of a different kind of building.

It looks solid, what would happen if I slashed at it?

Aina shook his head and threw his strange thoughts out of his brain. He didn't understand why he had the urge to chop things. Maybe it was because he was playing with Liu Qinyu too late last night and didn't get enough sleep. .

As soon as he entered the building, Aina felt that all the eyes around him were focused on himself. Aina didn't care about the effects of his appearance as an elf. It would be better to say that Aina focused on other things. on the person.

Humans have signed a contract of peaceful coexistence with other races a long time ago. As an organization that maintains peace in the world, the Super Hero League is naturally open to all races. Aina can see a lot of people other than himself here. Demihumans, such as half-orcs and half-demon races, make Aina very intimate.

Some of these demihumans are newcomers like Aina who want to become heroes, but most of them are seniors who have already set foot in the hero industry. They all have one thing in common, that is, they are demihumans like Aina. , but not as attractive as Aina.

"Hey, this is too pretty, isn't it?Even if it is an airport, it's too foul to look like this. 』

"I really don't know if he will be so good in bed hehehe. 』

Not far away, there were a few men who looked very bad. They didn't care about Aina's feelings and said very rude words in front of them. Aina frowned and felt a little uncomfortable, but life here is different. The familiar self has no backer, and Aina does not intend to trouble the other party.

But even if Aina doesn't intend to trouble others, it doesn't mean that others don't want to trouble Aina.

Just when Aina was thinking about the procedure to become a hero, the fierce men not far away came over, and they blatantly surrounded Aina and refused to let him. run away.

"What do you want to do? 』

Aina's tone became tense when he noticed that he was not good. He understood that others came here because of his appearance. He just didn't understand that the alliance, where a large number of heroes were stationed, was supposed to be the safest and most just place in the world. , At this moment, someone came to flirt with the girl in an upright manner. Fortunately, if he is a man, if he is really an unarmed woman, he will be taken advantage of by others.

However, this does not mean that Aina will let others touch her body casually. Half of the blood of the elves flows in Aina's body. As a noble elves, they do not allow others to touch her for lewd purposes. Yes, even if the feeling of being a half-elf will be weakened by half, but Aina, who is a male, is completely unwilling to be touched by some ugly males who mistake him for a woman.

"Of course I want my little sister to play some games with us, don't worry, we will treat you very gently. 』

One of the bald men with scars on his face spoke without concealing his nasty expression. The standard gangster lines on his mouth made Aina very speechless. He felt that he could guess what these men were going to say. To be honest, this kind of bridge passage of being accosted is still very strange for a big man like him.

"What if I say no? 』

"Then we have to ask our boss if the D-class hero Bloody Butcher would agree. 』

Saying that, the bald man stepped aside, and a man who looked even more vicious stood in front of Aina. His tall body was two heads taller than Aina. Aina had to look up to see the other's face. That's right, to others, Aina looks like a weak girl who was left alone by the Great Khan.

"Tsk. 』

Aina smashed her tongue unhappily. When the other party reported the name of the hero, Aina's mood can be said to be particularly bad. The hero who was originally saving the world now uses his identity to viciously strike up a conversation. Reminds Aina of her father, the man who stood at the top of the superhero association, and there is such a nasty hero under that strict man. I have to say that Aina has already produced a man who no longer wants to be a hero. idea.

"Are D-class heroes great?Can you bully people in one day? 』

Aina said angrily, the ribbon on her right hand has long been ready to move, as long as the other party has something wrong, Aina promises to fight to the death with these people in front of you, this is the dignity of an elf.

At the same time, Aina looked at the crowd around through the gap. There were many heroes present, but they just didn't plan to play a hero, and a few people even watched the show with the attitude of watching the show. Chill Aina.

"D-level is amazing. Not only does it have an exclusive hero title, but many permissions are also open to D-level.It seems that you also want to become a hero, so as long as you follow me, I will guarantee you all the way to D rank, but you have to pay some small price, such as your body or something. 』

"You dream..."

"When is it the turn of the D-rank trash fish to clamor?I see that you are impatient. 』

Aina turned her face at the thought of saying something handsome, but she was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice as soon as she said it, and the man who was originally fierce in front of him shrank like a kitten with a vicious dog. Not as arrogant as before.

12. Sometimes I get help from well-meaning people

A young girl wearing a dark red shawl appeared behind the hero named Bloody Butcher, holding a huge dagger in her hand. The sharp point of the knife pointed directly at the Bloody Butcher's neck. As long as the other party made a slight movement, the Bloody Butcher's A big hole will be pricked in the thick neck.No one would doubt whether this girl dared to attack. From her cold eyes, it could be seen that this sweet-looking girl had countless lives on her hands. This was an unreal murderous look. And Aina has only seen three people with this kind of look in her life. Two of them are the two strong men whose parents stand at the top of the world, and the third is the girl in front of her.

"Shadow thorn, you should know that you are only one level higher than me, are you sure you want to turn against me? 』

"You should also know how big the gap between D-rank and C-rank is?Don't think your scare tricks will work for me, I'm not as easy to bully as the one next to me. 』

The girl glanced at Aina and there was an unnatural trembling in her hand. Aina and the others didn't notice it, but Aina did not deny her impression of being bullied. .

"Come on, let's go! 』

Seeing that he was unable to fool the girl in front of him, the bloody butcher waved his hand and left with his little brother. With the departure of the people who surrounded Aina, Aina finally saw the appearance of the girl in front of her.

The girl wears a cat hood and shawl. She has a pair of arrogant ruby-like eyes under her short hair as blue as sea water. She has a slightly morbid skin and has a unique charm. Unlike her appearance, her bust is too plump, but she wears two triangles on her chest. The designed top, at a glance, you can see that the chest without a cover shows sexy side breasts. Aina is deeply immersed in it at a glance, with a slender waist and plump buttocks. The black leather pants that wrap the buttocks are wrapped under the wrap. The black cock with her tight thighs and the thick-soled black leather boots that raised her height, Aina felt that the girl in front of her was dressed so boldly that Aina didn't even know where her eyes should be placed.


However, when Aina saw the cat-eared hood on the girl's head, she laughed out loud, because in Aina's eyes, a girl whose eyes could scare away several sweaty girls, was like a normal girl. It's fun to have a little girly heart as well.

"Hey, I kindly help you drive away these stinky men, why are you laughing? 』

"Ah... I'm sorry, I just thought you were cute, I didn't mean to laugh at you. 』

"But... cute? ! 』

Aina didn't know that his unintentional words made the girl in front of him blushed. He was thinking about the identity of the girl in front of him, and he was able to drive away these ferocious rough men with just words.

"That...Thank you for helping me get rid of those people, my name is Estreya Hillina, just call me Aina. 』

In order to show her friendliness, Aina stretched out her hand, and the girl in front of her stared at Aina's boneless hand for a moment, and then she stretched out her hands to grab it.

"My name is Phil, I'm the current C-rank hero Shadowthorn, you look like a rookie who wants to become a hero, so I'm your senior. 』


Aina responded weakly. I don't know if it was her own illusion. From the beginning, Aina felt that the girl named Phil in front of her had been stroking her hand, probably because her skin was too tender. The reason is why Phil, who is a girl, is so fascinated by it.

"Ah yes, since it is my future junior, how about I, the senior, take you to sign up? 』

"Really?Thank you so much. I'm not familiar with this place, and I really don't know how to deal with this. 』

Aina felt a little happy to hear that Phil wanted to help him solve the problem of becoming a hero, and even forgot about the harassment by others just now.As an upright adolescent boy, I still hope to have a beautiful young lady to accompany me. Of course, it is not just a one-sided friend's company.

"Then... this way. 』

Phil walked holding Aina's hand, and felt the soft and warm touch in his hand. Aina's heart touched a little, but it quickly disappeared in the depths of her heart.

"Um... Phil, are you sure the place to apply is this side?Why do I feel so remote here? 』

Aina frowned and observed the surroundings. The traffic around her was obviously much less. The heroes in fancy clothes and tights were almost invisible. Instead, some staff in uniforms were replaced. Aina had a feeling that she was going The illusion of the dark room moving forward.

"That's right, it's just that few people who want to be heroes today can't see it. These are all staff who seem to have nothing to do. The boss is just occasionally acting as a handyman in order to prevent his employees from getting paid in vain. 』

When Phil finished saying this, one of the staff members who was holding several stacked boxes gave him a blank look, but the next second, Phil glared at him with a murderous look that frightened him. The staff almost fell, but this scene was not seen by Aina.

"By the way, Aina, are you from Maozi's side?The silver hair looks so beautiful, like a doll. 』

"Maozi?silver hair? ! 』

Hearing Phil's words, Aina subconsciously touched her light beige hair, and was stunned for a while before recalling her physique.

"It's a pity that I'm not the fighting race you said, and my hair is not strictly silver, it's just that it looks silver from a certain angle under direct light. 』

"Hey~ Where are you from, Aina? People in the eastern region don't have hair color like yours. 』

Phil tilted his head and changed the angle of his line of sight. Just like Aina said, the hair that was silver in Phil's eyes turned into the original light beige color.


"Well, that might be the characteristic of being a failed half-elf.My sister specializing in Dou Qi has silver hair, while my sister and mother specializing in magic power are blonde, and I, who are not good at anything, have only a soft ribbon with super powers and have light beige hair. 』

"Half-elf?Are you a half-elf? ! 』

Unlike Aina's somewhat helpless attitude, Phil was very surprised by the fact that Aina was a half-elf.

"That's right, what's wrong? 』

"It's too rare, isn't it? !You must know that the probability of elves and humans falling in love is small, and the probability of being able to give birth to a child is even smaller, and according to what you said, you even have a sister and a sister?The probability of winning three half-elfs is even more difficult than buying a lottery ticket! 』

"Well, that's what I said, but it's actually just two babies. Big sister is not a half-elf, but a pure-blooded elf on the contrary to my sister and me, a pure-blooded elf born in the most primitive way. 』

13. Well-meaning people may also be pretending

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